Walid Ben Aribi


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Age-Structured Modeling of COVID-19 Epidemic in the USA, UAE and Algeria 2020 Soufiane Bentout
Abdessamad Tridane
Salih Djilali
Tarik Mohammed Touaoula
+ Optimal Control of a Delayed SIRS Epidemic Model with Vaccination and Treatment 2015 Hassan Laarabi
Abdelhadi Abta
Khalid Hattaf
+ PDF Chat Projecting social contact matrices in 152 countries using contact surveys and demographic data 2017 Kiesha Prem
Alex R. Cook
Mark Jit
+ Reproduction numbers and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for compartmental models of disease transmission 2002 P. van den Driessche
James Watmough
+ Lyapunov functions and global stability for SIR, SIRS, and SIS epidemiological models 2002 Andrei Korobeinikov
G.C. Wake
+ Global Stability for a Virus Dynamics Model with Nonlinear Incidence of Infection and Removal 2006 Paul Georgescu
Ying‐Hen Hsieh
+ SEIR epidemiological model with varying infectivity and infinite delay 2008 Gergely Röst
Jian Wu
+ PDF Chat Epidemiological Models and Lyapunov Functions 2007 Ahmed Fall
Abderrahman Iggidr
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Estimation of the Hölder Constant 2013 Guillermo Henry
Daniela RodrĂ­guez
Mariela Sued
+ The continuous reactive tabu search: Blending combinatorial optimization and stochastic search for global optimization 1996 Roberto Battiti
Giampietro Tecchiolli
+ Global-stability problem for coupled systems of differential equations on networks 2009 Michael Y. Li
Zhisheng Shuai
+ Optimal control of treatments in a two-strain tuberculosis model 2002 Eunok Jung
Suzanne Lenhart
Zhilan Feng
+ Global stability for the SEIR model in epidemiology 1995 Michael Y. Li
James S. Muldowney
+ PDF Chat A graph-theoretic approach to the method of global Lyapunov functions 2008 Hongbin Guo
Michael Y. Li
Zhisheng Shuai
+ Global stability of multi-group epidemic models with distributed delays 2009 Michael Y. Li
Zhisheng Shuai
Chuncheng Wang
+ PDF Chat A branch and bound method for stochastic global optimization 1998 V. I. Norkin
Georg Ch. Pflug
Andrzej RuszczyƄski
+ Global stability of a delayed epidemic model with latent period and vaccination strategy 2011 Rui Xu
+ PDF Chat Global analysis on delay epidemiological dynamic models with nonlinear incidence 2010 Gang Huang
Yasuhiro Takeuchi
+ Global Properties of SIR and SEIR Epidemic Models with Multiple Parallel Infectious Stages 2008 Andrei Korobeinikov
+ Sveir epidemiological model with varying infectivity and distributed delays 2011 Jinliang Wang
Gang Huang
Yasuhiro Takeuchi
Shengqiang Liu
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov functions and global properties for SEIR and SEIS epidemic models 2004 Andrei Korobeinikov
+ Epidemiological models for heterogeneous populations: proportionate mixing, parameter estimation, and immunization programs 1987 Herbert W. Hethcote
James W. Van Ark
+ PDF Chat Social mixing patterns in rural and urban areas of southern China 2014 Jonathan M. Read
Justin Lessler
Steven Riley
Shuying Wang
Li Jiu Tan
Kin On Kwok
Yi Guan
Chao Qiang Jiang
Derek A. T. Cummings
+ PDF Chat Influenza Virus Transmission Is Dependent on Relative Humidity and Temperature 2007 Anice C. Lowen
Samira Mubareka
John Steel
Peter Palese
+ A Lyapunov function and global properties for SIR and SEIR epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence 2004 Philip K. Maini
Andrei Korobeinikov
+ PDF Chat Sample Average Approximation Method for Chance Constrained Programming: Theory and Applications 2009 Bernardo K. Pagnoncelli
Shabbir Ahmed
Alexander Shapiro
+ Nested Partitions Method for Global Optimization 2000 Leyuan Shi
Sigurđur Ólafsson
+ Modeling the hepatitis A epidemiological transition in Thailand 2015 Thierry Van Effelterre
Cinzia Marano
Kathryn H. Jacobsen
+ Modeling Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Social Contact Data 2012 Niel Hens
Ziv Shkedy
Marc Aerts
Christel Faes
Pierre Van Damme
Philippe Beutels
+ Modeling the Spread of Ebola with SEIR and Optimal Control 2016 Harout Boujakjian
+ Global Optimization of Multivariate Holderian Functions Using Overestimators 2017 Amine Yahyaoui
Hamadi Ammar
+ Global dynamics of a discrete age-structured SIR epidemic model with applications to measles vaccination strategies 2018 Linhua Zhou
Yan Wang
Yanyu Xiao
Michael Y. Li
+ A fractional order HIV/AIDS model based on the effect of screening of unaware infectives 2019 Afshin Babaei
Hossein Jafari
M. Ahmadi
+ PDF Chat Optimal control of an epidemic model with a saturated incidence rate 2012 Hassan Laarabi
El Houssine Labriji
Mostafa Rachik
Abdelilah Kaddar
+ Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case Data 2020 Natalie M. Linton
T. Kobayashi
Yichi Yang
Katsuma Hayashi
Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov
Sung-mok Jung
Baoyin Yuan
Ryo Kinoshita
Hiroshi Nishiura
+ PDF Chat Understanding Unreported Cases in the COVID-19 Epidemic Outbreak in Wuhan, China, and the Importance of Major Public Health Interventions 2020 Zhihua Liu
Pierre Magal
Ousmane Seydi
Glenn F. Webb
+ PDF Chat COVID-19 pandemic in west Africa 2020 Melisa Martínez-Álvarez
Alexander Jarde
Effua Usuf
Helen Brotherton
Mustapha Bittaye
Ahmadou Lamin Samateh
MartĂ­n Antonio
Joan Vives-Tomas
Umberto D’Alessandro
Anna Roca
+ Optimal Control applied to a SEIR model of 2019-nCoV with social distancing 2020 Abhishek Mallela
+ Africa in the Path of Covid-19 2020 Wafaa El‐Sadr
Jessica Justman
+ Temperature significantly changes COVID-19 transmission in (sub)tropical cities of Brazil 2020 David Nadler Prata
Waldecy Rodrigues
Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo
+ Limiting the spread of COVID-19 in Africa: one size mitigation strategies do not fit all countries 2020 Shaheen Mehtar
Wolfgang Preiser
NdĂšye AĂŻssatou Lakhe
Abdoulaye Bousso
Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfum
Oscar Kallay
Moussa Seydi
Alimuddin Zumla
Jean B. Nachega
+ Optimal quarantine strategies for COVID-19 control models 2020 Ellina Grigorieva
Evgenii Khailov
Andrei Korobeinikov
+ PDF Chat Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions to contain COVID-19 in China 2020 Shengjie Lai
Nick Ruktanonchai
Liangcai Zhou
Olivia Prosper
Wei Luo
Jessica Floyd
Amy Wesolowski
Mauricio Santillana
Chi Zhang
Xiangjun Du
+ Effect of temperature on the infectivity of COVID-19 2020 Mugen Ujiie
Shinya Tsuzuki
Norio Ohmagari
+ PDF Chat COVID-19 on the African continent 2020 Chad R. Wells
Jason Stearns
Pascal Lutumba
Alison P. Galvani
+ An Age and Space Structured SIR Model Describing the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020 Rinaldo M. Colombo
Mauro Garavello
Francesca Marcellini
Elena Rossi
+ PDF Chat Air pollution and temperature are associated with increased COVID-19 incidence: A time series study 2020 He Li
Xiao-Long Xu
Dawei Dai
Zhenyu Huang
Zhuang Ma
Yanjun Guan
+ PDF Chat Estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe 2020 Seth Flaxman
Swapnil Mishra
Axel Gandy
H. Juliette T. Unwin
Thomas A. Mellan
Helen Coupland
Charles Whittaker
Harrison Zhu
Tresnia Berah
Jeffrey W. Eaton
+ PDF Chat Age-dependent effects in the transmission and control of COVID-19 epidemics 2020 Nicholas G. Davies
Petra Klepac
Yang Liu
Kiesha Prem
Mark Jit
Carl A. B. Pearson
Billy J. Quilty
Adam J. Kucharski
Hamish Gibbs
Samuel Clifford
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Analysis of Black Race and Environmental Temperature on COVID-19 in the US 2020 Adam Y. Li
Theodore Hannah
John Durbin
Nickolas Dreher
Fiona M. McAuley
Naoum Fares Marayati
Zachary Spiera
Muhammad Ali
Alex Gometz
JT Kostman