Stephen Halperin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Rational homotopy via Sullivan models and enriched Lie algebras 2023 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Enriched Differential Lie Algebras in Topology 2022 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Enriched Lie algebras in topology, I 2021 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat The depth of a Riemann surface and of a right-angled Artin group 2019 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Aspherical completions and rationally inert elements 2019 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Sullivan completions 2019 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ A note on Gorenstein spaces 2019 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Aspherical completions and rationally inert elements 2019 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Sullivan completions 2019 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ The depth of a Riemann surface and of a right-angled Artin group 2018 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ The depth and LS category of a topological space 2018 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ A note on Gorenstein spaces 2018 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ The depth of a Riemann surface and of a right-angled Artin group 2018 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Rational homotopy theory via Sullivan models: a survey 2017 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat On The Growth of the Homology of a Free Loop Space II 2017 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Rational Homotopy Theory via Sullivan Models: A Survey 2017 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Rational homotopy theory via Sullivan models: a survey 2017 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Malcev completions, LS category, and depth 2016 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Rational Homotopy Theory II 2015 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The ranks of the homotopy groups of odd degree of a finite complex 2014 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Regularity in the growth of the loop space homology of a finite CW complex 2013 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat On the growth of the homology of a free loop space 2013 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat The Ranks of the Homotopy Groups of a Finite Dimensional Complex 2012 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat The structure of homotopy Lie algebras 2009 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Exponential growth and an asymptotic formula for the ranks of homotopy groups of a finite 1-connected complex 2009 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Exponential growth of Lie algebras of finite global dimension 2007 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ An asymptotic formula for the ranks of homotopy groups 2006 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The ranks of the homotopy groups of a space of finite LS category 2006 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The spectrum of a graded Lie algebra 2006 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The even homotopy groups of a space of finite LS category 2006 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Exponential growth of Lie algebras of finite global dimension 2005 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Graded Lie algebras with finite polydepth 2003 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Joseph C. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Torsion primes in loop space homology 2003 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J. C. Thomas
+ Graded Lie algebras with finite polydepth 2003 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J.-C. Thomas
+ Torsion primes in loop space homology 2003 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J.-C. Thomas
+ Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of skeleta 2002 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Growth and Lie brackets in the homotopy Lie algebra 2002 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat The Serre spectral sequence of a multiplicative fibration 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Commutative cochain algebras for spaces and simplicial sets 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Relative Sullivan algebras 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Graded (differential) algebra 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Fibrations, homotopy groups and Lie group actions 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Smooth Differential Forms 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Fibrations and topological monoids 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ p—local and rational spaces 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The loop space homology algebra 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ CW complexes, homotopy groups and cofibrations 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Adjunction spaces, homotopy groups and Whitehead products 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Lie models for topological spaces and CW complexes 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Lusternik-Schnirelmann category 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ (R, d)-modules and semifree resolutions 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Singular chains, homology and Eilenberg- MacLane spaces 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The dg Hopf algebra C*(ΩX) 2001 Yves Félix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The Quillen functors C* and ℒ 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The commutative cochain algebra, C*(L,dL) 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Grade and depth for fibres and loop spaces 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Growth of Rational Homotopy Groups 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Rational LS category and rational cone-length 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The homotopy Lie algebra and the holonomy representation 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Projective resolutions of graded modules 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Semifree chain models of a G—fibration 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Graded (differential) Lie algebras and Hopf algebras 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Chain Lie algebras and topological groups 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ LS category of Sullivan algebras 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Lie algebras of finite depth 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Spatial realization 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The cochain algebra C*(X; $$\Bbbk $$ ) 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Sullivan models 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Poincaré Duality 2001 Yves Félix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Semifree cochain models of a fibration 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 2000 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Rational homotopy theory for non-simply connected spaces 1999 Antonio Gómez‐Tato
Stephen Halperin
Daniel Tanré
+ The rational ls category of products and of Poincaré duality complexes 1998 Yves Félix
Stephen Halperin
Jean-Michel Lemaire
+ PDF Chat The fibre of a cell attachment 1995 Stephen Halperin
Jean-Michel Lemaire
+ Homotopy Theory and Models: Based on Lectures held at a DMV Seminar in Blaubeuren by H.J. Baues, S. Halperin and J.-M. Lemaire 1995 Marc Aubry
Hans Joachim Baues
Stephen Halperin
Jean-Michel Lemaire
+ Differential Graded Algebras in Topology 1995 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Hopf Algebras and a Counterexample to a Conjecture of Anick 1994 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J. C. Thomas
+ Universal enveloping algebras and loop space homology 1992 Stephen Halperin
+ The category of a map and the grade of a module 1992 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Adams’ cobar equivalence 1992 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Engel elements in the homotopy Lie algebra 1991 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Torsion gaps in the homotopy of finite complexes II 1991 Stephen Halperin
+ Elliptic Hopf Algebras 1991 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Lie Algebras of Polynomial Growth 1991 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Elliptic isometries, condition (C) and proper maps 1991 Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat The homology of a free loop space 1991 Stephen Halperin
Micheline Vigué-Poirrier
+ PDF Chat Elliptic spaces 1991 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Homotopie filtrée et fibres $C^{\infty}$ 1990 Stephen Halperin
Daniel Tanré
+ Loop space homology of spaces of LS category one and two 1990 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Primitive subspaces of Hopf algebras of finite depth 1990 Stephen Halperin
+ Hopf algebras of polynomial growth 1989 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Modp loop space homology 1989 Yves Fïżœlix
Stephen Halperin
Jean-Michel Lemaire
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Gorenstein spaces 1988 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ The Radical of the Homotopy Lie Algebra 1988 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Carl Jacobsson
Clas Löfwall
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Notions of category in differential algebra 1988 Stephen Halperin
Jean-Michel Lemaire
+ Torsion gaps in the homotopy of finite complexes 1988 Stephen Halperin
+ On the non-vanishing of cotangent cohomology 1987 Luchézar L. Avramov
Stephen Halperin
+ The non-vanishing of the deviations of a local ring 1987 Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Dupin hypersurfaces, group actions and the double mapping cylinder 1987 Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Le complexe de Koszul en algĂšbre et topologie 1987 Stephen Halperin
+ Through the looking glass: A dictionary between rational homotopy theory and local algebra 1986 Luchézar L. Avramov
Stephen Halperin
+ On a conjecture of roos 1986 Rikard B ogvad
Stephen Halperin
+ High skeleta of CW complexes 1986 Stephen Halperin
Gerson Levin
+ Descent and ascent of local properties along homomorphisms of finite flat dimension 1985 Luchézar L. Avramov
Hans‐Bjþrn Foxby
Stephen Halperin
+ Commutative rings, algebraic topology, graded lie algebras and the work of Jan-Erik Roos 1985 David J. Anick
Stephen Halperin
+ Rational homotopy and torus actions 1985 Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Sur l'homotopie des espaces de categorie 2. 1984 Yuri Felix
Stephen Halperin
J. -c. Thomas
+ [The Homotopy of Category-2 Spaces] 1984 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J. C. Thomas
+ Volume and bounded cohomology . The topological rationality of linear representations . Homotopy representations of finite groups . Contributions of rational homotopy theory to global problems in geometry . The homotopy Lie algebra for finite complexes 1983 Mikhael Gromov
Sylvain E. Cappell
Julius L. Shaneson
Tammo tom Dieck
Ted Petrie
Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
Yves FĂ©lix
J. C. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Contributions of rational homotopy theory to global problems in geometry 1982 Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat The homotopy lie algebra for finite complexes 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Rational L.-S. Category and Its Applications 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ Formal Spaces with Finite-Dimensional Rational Homotopy 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Rational Equivalence of Fibrations with Fibre <i>G/K</i> 1982 Stephen Halperin
Jean Claude Thomas
+ [Certain Lie-algebras of Derivations] 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
J. C. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Formal spaces with finite-dimensional rational homotopy 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Rational LS category and its applications 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Sur certaines algÚbres de Lie de dérivations 1982 Yves Félix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Distinct representatives, varieties and rational homotopy 1979 John Friedlander
Stephen Halperin
+ An arithmetic characterization of the rational homotopy groups of certain spaces 1979 John Friedlander
Stephen Halperin
+ Obstructions to homotopy equivalences 1979 Stephen Halperin
James Stasheff
+ PDF Chat Rational fibrations, minimal models, and fibrings of homogeneous spaces 1978 Stephen Halperin
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat The rational homotopy theory of certain path spaces with applications to geodesics 1978 Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
Micheline Vigué-Poirrier
+ PDF Chat Finiteness in the Minimal Models of Sullivan 1977 Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Finiteness in the minimal models of Sullivan 1977 Stephen Halperin
+ Connections, curvature and cohomology 1976 Werner Greub
Stephen Halperin
Ray Vanstone
+ Cohomology of principal bundles and homogeneous spaces 1976 Werner Greub
Stephen Halperin
Ray Vanstone
+ PDF Chat The Product Formula for Stiefel-Whitney Homology Classes 1975 Stephen Halperin
Domingo Toledo
+ An intrinsic definition of the Dirac operator 1975 Greub Werner Hildbert
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat The product formula for Stiefel-Whitney homology classes 1975 Stephen Halperin
Domingo Toledo
+ Lie groups, principal bundles, and characteristic classes 1973 Werner Greub
Stephen Halperin
Ray Vanstone
+ Stiefel-Whitney Homology Classes 1972 Stephen Halperin
Domingo Toledo
+ De Rham cohomology of manifolds and vector bundles 1972 Werner Greub
Stephen Halperin
Ray Vanstone
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal computations in topology 1977 Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Hopf Algebras 1965 John Milnor
John C. Moore
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 1969 Daniel Quillen
+ Rational L.-S. Category and Its Applications 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ The Radical of the Homotopy Lie Algebra 1988 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Carl Jacobsson
Clas Löfwall
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Rational LS category and its applications 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
+ On PL De Rham Theory and Rational Homotopy Type 1976 A. K. Bousfield
V. K. A. M. Gugenheim
+ PDF Chat Finiteness in the minimal models of Sullivan 1977 Stephen Halperin
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 2001 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat The homotopy lie algebra for finite complexes 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ On the chain algebra of a loop space 1956 J. F. Adams
P. J. Hilton
+ Hopf algebras of polynomial growth 1989 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ An arithmetic characterization of the rational homotopy groups of certain spaces 1979 John Friedlander
Stephen Halperin
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 2000 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Modp loop space homology 1989 Yves Fïżœlix
Stephen Halperin
Jean-Michel Lemaire
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Obstructions to homotopy equivalences 1979 Stephen Halperin
James Stasheff
+ Minimal models in homotopy theory 1977 Hans Joachim Baues
Jean-Michel Lemaire
+ PDF Chat Growth and Lie brackets in the homotopy Lie algebra 2002 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Connections, curvature and cohomology 1976 Werner Greub
Stephen Halperin
Ray Vanstone
+ Through the looking glass: A dictionary between rational homotopy theory and local algebra 1986 Luchézar L. Avramov
Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Rational fibrations, minimal models, and fibrings of homogeneous spaces 1978 Stephen Halperin
+ Gorenstein spaces 1988 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Homology and fibrations I Coalgebras, cotensor product and its derived functors 1965 Samuel Eilenberg
John C. Moore
+ Real homotopy theory of Kïżœhler manifolds 1975 Pierre Deligne
Phillip Griffiths
John Morgan
Dennis Sullivan
+ Homotopy Limits, Completions and Localizations 1972 A. K. Bousfield
Daniel M. Kan
+ On 𝑃𝐿 de Rham theory and rational homotopy type 1976 A. K. Bousfield
V. K. A. M. Gugenheim
+ Hopf Algebras and Multiplicative Fibrations II 1968 John C. Moore
Larry Smith
+ PDF Chat The homology theory of the closed geodesic problem 1976 Micheline Vigué-Poirrier
Dennis Sullivan
+ Hopf algebras with divided powers 1971 Michael André
+ RATIONAL HOMOTOPY THEORY (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 205) 2002 Kathryn Hess
+ Lie Algebras of Polynomial Growth 1991 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Hopf algebras and derivations 1980 Gunnar Sjödin
+ PDF Chat Finiteness in the Minimal Models of Sullivan 1977 Stephen Halperin
+ Non-commutative graded algebras and their Hilbert series 1982 David J. Anick
+ Hopf Algebras and Multiplicative Fibrations, I 1968 John C. Moore
Larry Smith
+ Universal enveloping algebras and loop space homology 1992 Stephen Halperin
+ PDF Chat Homology of Noetherian rings and local rings 1957 John Tate
+ A homological characterization of local complete intersections 1971 Tor H. Gulliksen
+ Homology of local rings 1969 Tor H. Gulliksen
Gerson Levin
+ PDF Chat AlgĂšbres Connexes et Homologie des Espaces de Lacets 1974 Jean-Michel Lemaire
+ Elliptic Hopf Algebras 1991 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ Relations between the Poincaré-Betti series of loop spaces and of local rings 1979 Jan-Erik Roos
+ The radius of convergence of Poincarïżœ series of loop spaces 1982 Yves FĂ©lix
J. C. Thomas
+ On the modp Betti numbers of loop spaces 1987 John McCleary
+ PDF Chat Sullivan's Minimal Models and Higher Order Whitehead Products 1978 Peter C. Andrews
Martin Arkowitz
+ Elements of Homotopy Theory 1978 George W. Whitehead
+ PDF Chat Graded Lie algebras with finite polydepth 2003 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Joseph C. Thomas
+ The ranks of the homotopy groups of a space of finite LS category 2006 Yves FĂ©lix
Stephen Halperin
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ On the theory and applications of differential torsion products 1974 V. K. A. M. Gugenheim
J. P. May
+ Analytic properties of Poincaré series of spaces 1998 Pascal Lambrechts