Grzegorz Świderski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On positive Jacobi matrices with compact inverses 2024 P. Šťovı́ček
Grzegorz Świderski
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case 2024 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Nevai's condition for measures with unbounded supports 2024 Grzegorz Świderski
+ Orthogonal Polynomials with Periodically Modulated Recurrence Coefficients in the Jordan Block Case II 2023 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials with Periodically Modulated Recurrence Coefficients in the Jordan Block Case II 2023 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Barrier nonsubordinacy and absolutely continuous spectrum of block Jacobi matrices 2023 Marcin Moszyński
Grzegorz Świderski
+ Asymptotic zeros' distribution of orthogonal polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients 2023 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Christoffel functions for multiple orthogonal polynomials 2022 Grzegorz Świderski
Walter Van Assche
+ PDF Chat About essential spectra of unbounded Jacobi matrices 2022 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Christoffel functions for multiple orthogonal polynomials 2022 Grzegorz Świderski
Walter Van Assche
+ Orthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case II 2021 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Asymptotic behavior of Christoffel–Darboux kernel via three-term recurrence relation II 2020 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behaviour of Christoffel–Darboux Kernel Via Three-Term Recurrence Relation I 2020 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of Some Complex Jacobi Matrices 2020 Grzegorz Świderski
+ Orthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case 2020 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with slowly oscillating recurrence coefficients 2019 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices III: The soft edge regime 2018 Grzegorz Świderski
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of Block Jacobi Matrices 2018 Grzegorz Świderski
+ PDF Chat Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices II: Formulas for density 2017 Grzegorz Świderski
+ Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices I: Asymptotics of generalized eigenvectors 2017 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ The measure for orthogonal polynomials in unbounded settings 2016 Grzegorz Świderski
+ Strong non-subordinacy of a class of unbounded Jacobi matrices 2016 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of Unbounded Jacobi Matrices with Almost Monotonic Weights 2015 Grzegorz Świderski
+ PDF Chat Kaczmarz algorithm with relaxation in Hilbert space 2013 Ryszard Szwarc
Grzegorz Świderski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Spectral Analysis of Selfadjoint Jacobi Matrices with Periodically Modulated Entries 2002 Jan Janas
Serguei Naboko
+ PDF Chat Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices II: Formulas for density 2017 Grzegorz Świderski
+ Multithreshold Spectral Phase Transitions for a Class of Jacobi Matrices 2001 Jan Janas
Serguei Naboko
+ Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices I: Asymptotics of generalized eigenvectors 2017 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Approximating the weight function for orthogonal polynomials on several intervals 1991 Jeffrey S. Geronimo
Walter Van Assche
+ Spectral Gaps Resulting from Periodic Pertubations of a Class of Jacobi Operators 2003 Shona Pedersen
Marcin Moszyński
+ Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices by asymptotic analysis 2003 Jan Janas
Marcin Moszyński
+ Orthogonal polynomials, spectral measures, and absolute continuity 1995 J. Dombrowski
Shona Pedersen
+ Eigenvalues and Spectral Gaps Related to Periodic Perturbations of Jacobi Matrices 2004 J. Dombrowski
+ Jacobi Matrices: Eigenvalues and Spectral Gaps 2008 J. Dombrowski
+ Asymptotic behaviour of some families of orthonormal polynomials and an associated Hilbert space 2016 Aleksandar Ignjatović
+ Spectral theory for a class of periodically perturbed unbounded Jacobi matrices: elementary methods 2004 Jan Janas
Serguei Naboko
Günter Stolz
+ A Spectral Analysis for Self-Adjoint Operators Generated by a Class of Second Order Difference Equations 1996 Stephen Clark
+ PDF Chat Spectral transition parameters for a class of Jacobi matrices 2002 J. Dombrowski
Steen Pedersen
+ Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with slowly oscillating recurrence coefficients 2019 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Absolute Continuity for Unbounded Jacobi Matrices with Constant Row Sums 2002 J. Dombrowski
Steen Pedersen
+ PDF Chat An Update on Local Universality Limits for Correlation Functions Generated by Unitary Ensembles 2016 D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Chat Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices III: The soft edge regime 2018 Grzegorz Świderski
+ PDF Chat Universality and fine zero spacing on general sets 2008 Вилмос Тотик
+ Spectral analysis of second order difference equations 1978 Don Hinton
Roger T. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Eigenvectors of Jacobi Matrices in the Critical (“Double Root”) Case 2009 Jan Janas
Serguei Naboko
E. Sheronova
+ Asymptotic behavior of Christoffel–Darboux kernel via three-term recurrence relation II 2020 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Spectra of some selfadjoint Jacobi operators in the double root case 2014 Wojciech Motyka
+ PDF Chat An Example of Spectral Phase Transition Phenomenon in a Class of Jacobi Matrices with Periodically Modulated Weights 2007 Sergey Simonov
+ A new approach to universality limits involving orthogonal polynomials 2009 D. S. Lubinsky
+ Absolute Continuity of Spectral Measure for Certain Unbounded Jacobi Matrices 2002 Ryszard Szwarc
+ Discrete spectrum in a critical coupling case of Jacobi matrices with spectral phase transitions by uniform asymptotic analysis 2008 Serguei Naboko
Irina Pchelintseva
Luis O. Silva
+ Unbounded Jacobi matrices at critical coupling 2006 David Damanik
Serguei Naboko
+ On the spectrum of periodic perturbations of certain unbounded Jacobi operators 2016 Jaouad Sahbani
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of Unbounded Jacobi Matrices with Almost Monotonic Weights 2015 Grzegorz Świderski
+ Spectral theory for slowly oscillating potentials I. Jacobi matrices 1994 Günter Stolz
+ PDF Chat About essential spectra of unbounded Jacobi matrices 2022 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of unbounded Jacobi operators with oscillating entries 2012 Jan Janas
Marcin Moszyński
+ Self-adjoint second-order difference equations with unbounded coefficients in the double root case 2013 Wojciech Motyka
+ PDF Chat Unbounded Jacobi Matrices with a Few Gaps in the Essential Spectrum: Constructive Examples 2011 Anne Boutet de Monvel
Jan Janas
Serguei Naboko
+ The Riemann–Hilbert approach to strong asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials on [−1,1] 2004 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
K. T-R McLaughlin
Walter Van Assche
M. Vanlessen
+ Spectral properties of selfadjoint Jacobi matrices coming from birth and death processes 2001 Jan Janas
Serguei Naboko
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behaviour of Christoffel–Darboux Kernel Via Three-Term Recurrence Relation I 2020 Grzegorz Świderski
Bartosz Trojan
+ Measures for orthogonal polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients 2016 Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev
Jeffrey S. Geronimo
+ Szegö's theorem and its descendants : spectral theory for L2 perturbations of orthogonal polynomials 2010 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat The Christoffel-Darboux kernel 2008 Barry Simon
+ Asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials. Singular critical case 2020 D. R. Yafaev
+ PDF Chat Titchmarsh–Weyl Formula for the Spectral Density of a Class of Jacobi Matrices in the Critical Case 2021 Serguei Naboko
Sergey Simonov
+ Universality for eigenvalue correlations from the unitary ensemble associated with a family of singular weights 2011 Shuai‐Xia Xu
Yu‐Qiu Zhao
Jian‐Rong Zhou
+ On an Asymptotic Equality for Reproducing Kernels and Sums of Squares of Orthonormal Polynomials 2017 Aleksandar Ignjatović
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Chat Universality Limits for Exponential Weights 2008 Eli Levin
D. S. Lubinsky
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of a class of hermitian Jacobi matrices in a critical (double root) hyperbolic case 2010 Serguei Naboko
Sergey Simonov
+ Spectral properties of some Jacobi matrices with double weights 2003 Marcin Moszyński
+ Perspectives in Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis and Applications 2008 Dorina Mitrea
Marius Mitrea
+ Strong and Weak Convergence of Orthogonal Polynomials 1987 Atilla Mate
Paul Nevai
Вилмос Тотик