Allan Wailoo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Does EQ-5D Tell the Whole Story? Statistical Methods for Comparing the Thematic Coverage of Clinical and Generic Outcome Measures, With Application to Breast Cancer 2023 MĂłnica HernĂĄndez Alava
Stephen Pudney
Allan Wailoo
+ PDF Chat Target Trial Emulation for Transparent and Robust Estimation of Treatment Effects for Health Technology Assessment Using Real-World Data: Opportunities and Challenges 2022 Manuel Gomes
Nicholas Latimer
Marta Soares
Sofia Dias
Gianluca Baio
Nick Freemantle
Dalia Dawoud
Allan Wailoo
Richard Grieve
+ Methods for estimating survival benefits in the presence of treatment crossover: A simulation study (2012) 2020 Nicholas Latimer
Paul C. Lambert
Michael J. Crowther
Keith R. Abrams
Allan Wailoo
Morden Jp
+ VP169 Grouping Treat-to-Target Studies In Systematic Reviews 2017 Marrissa Martyn‐St James
Emma Everson-Hock
Ruth Wong
Matt Stevenson
Allan Wailoo
+ PDF Chat Consensus Decision Models for Biologics in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis: Recommendations of a Multidisciplinary Working Party 2015 Jason Madan
A. E. Ades
Pelham Barton
Laura Bojke
Ernest Choy
Philip Helliwell
Paresh Jobanputra
Ken Stein
Andrew Stevens
Jonathan Tosh
+ Adjusting for treatment switching in randomised controlled trials – A simulation study and a simplified two-stage method 2014 Nicholas Latimer
Keith R. Abrams
Paul C. Lambert
Michael J. Crowther
Allan Wailoo
J.P. Morden
RL Akehurst
Michael J. Campbell
+ Cost-Effectiveness Modelling Using Patient-Level Simulation 2014 Sarah Davis
Matt Stevenson
Paul Tappenden
Allan Wailoo
+ Adjusting Survival Time Estimates to Account for Treatment Switching in Randomized Controlled Trials—an Economic Evaluation Context 2014 Nicholas Latimer
Keith R. Abrams
Paul C. Lambert
Michael J. Crowther
Allan Wailoo
James P. Morden
Ron Akehurst
Michael J. Campbell
+ Adjusting for Treatment Switching in Clinical Trials When Only Summary Data Are Available – An Evaluation of Potential Methods 2013 Rebecca H. Boucher
Keith R. Abrams
Michael J. Crowther
Paul C. Lambert
Allan Wailoo
Nicholas Latimer
+ PDF Chat The relationship between EQ-5D, HAQ and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 2013 MĂłnica HernĂĄndez Alava
Allan Wailoo
Fred Wolfe
Kaleb Michaud
+ Adjusting survival time estimates to account for treatment switching in randomised controlled trials – a simulation study 2013 Nicholas Latimer
Keith R. Abrams
Paul C. Lambert
Michael J. Crowther
Allan Wailoo
James P. Morden
Ron Akehurst
Michael J. Campbell
+ PDF Chat PRM13 Methods for Estimating Survival Benefits in the Presence of Treatment Crossover: A Simulation Study 2012 Nicholas Latimer
Paul C. Lambert
Michael J. Crowther
Keith R. Abrams
Allan Wailoo
James P. Morden
+ Mixed-treatment comparisons performed in specified measurement populations 2012 M Bond
G Rogers
J Peters
Richard Anderson
Martin Hoyle
A Miners
T Moxham
S. A. Davis
Praveen Thokala
Allan Wailoo
+ The relationship between EQ-5D, HAQ and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: further validation and development of the limited dependent variable, mixture model approach 2012 HernĂĄndez
Allan Wailoo
Fred Wolfe
Kaleb Michaud
+ PDF Chat Assessing methods for dealing with treatment switching in randomised controlled trials: a simulation study 2011 James P. Morden
Paul C. Lambert
Nicholas Latimer
Keith R. Abrams
Allan Wailoo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Uses and limitations of randomization-based efficacy estimators 2005 Ian R. White
+ Estimating a treatment effect in survival studies in which patients switch treatment 2002 Michael Branson
John Whitehead
+ Correcting for non-compliance in randomized trials using rank preserving structural failure time models 1991 James M. Robins
Anastasios A. Tsiatis
+ Analysis of clinical trials by treatment actually received: Is it really an option? 1991 Young Jack Lee
Jonas H. Ellenberg
Deborah G. Hirtz
Karin B. Nelson
+ Measuring health-related quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis: validity, responsiveness and reliability of EuroQol (EQ-5D) 1997 N P Hurst
Paul Kind
Danny Ruta
Mary M. Hunter
Alison Stubbings
+ Randomization-based methods for correcting for treatment changes: examples from the Concorde trial 1999 Ian R. White
A. G. A. G. Babiker
Sarah Walker
Janet Darbyshire
+ A method for the analysis of randomized trials with compliance information: An application to the multiple risk factor intervention trial 1993 Steven D. Mark
James M. Robins
+ Marginal Structural Models to Estimate the Joint Causal Effect of Nonrandomized Treatments 2001 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
Babette Brumback
James M. Robins
+ The design of simulation studies in medical statistics 2006 Andrea Burton
Douglas G. Altman
Patrick Royston
Roger Holder
+ PDF Chat strbee: Randomization-based Efficacy Estimator 2002 Ian R. White
Sarah Walker
Abdel Babiker
+ Correcting for Noncompliance and Dependent Censoring in an AIDS Clinical Trial with Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighted (IPCW) Log‐Rank Tests 2000 James M. Robins
Dianne M. Finkelstein
+ Using the health assessment questionnaire to estimate preference‐based single indices in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 2007 Nick Bansback
Carlo A. Marra
Aki Tsuchiya
Aslam H. Anis
Daphne Guh
Tony Hammond
John Brazier
+ PDF Chat Scale Characteristics and Mapping Accuracy of the US EQ-5D, UK EQ-5D, and SF-6D in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis 2010 Frederick Wolfe
Kaleb Michaud
Gene V. Wallenstein
+ Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research 2023 D. Collett
+ Statistical Models in Epidemiology, the Environment, and Clinical Trials 2000 M. Elizabeth Halloran
Donald A. Berry
+ PDF Chat Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional hazards models 2005 Ralf Bender
Thomas Augustin
Maria Blettner
+ PDF Chat Limitation of Inverse Probability-of-Censoring Weights in Estimating Survival in the Presence of Strong Selection Bias 2011 Chanelle J. Howe
Stephen R. Cole
Joan S. Chmiel
Álvaro Muùoz
+ PDF Chat Assessing methods for dealing with treatment switching in randomised controlled trials: a simulation study 2011 James P. Morden
Paul C. Lambert
Nicholas Latimer
Keith R. Abrams
Allan Wailoo
+ Instruments for Causal Inference 2006 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
James M. Robins
+ Adjusting for differential proportions of second‐line treatment in cancer clinical trials. Part I: Structural nested models and marginal structural models to test and estimate treatment arm effects 2004 Takuhiro Yamaguchi
Yasuo Ohashi
+ Economic consequences of the progression of rheumatoid arthritis in Sweden 1999 Gisela Kobelt
Kerstin Eberhardt
Linus J�nsson
B. J�nsson
+ Parametric randomization‐based methods for correcting for treatment changes in the assessment of the causal effect of treatment 2004 A. Sarah Walker
Ian R. White
Abdel G. Babiker
+ Covariate imbalance and random allocation in clinical trials 1989 Stephen Senn
+ Reducing parameter uncertainty for stochastic systems 2006 Szu Hui Ng
Stephen E. Chick
+ PDF Chat Adjusting overall survival for treatment switches: commonly used methods and practical application 2013 Claire Watkins
Xin Huang
Nicholas Latimer
Yiyun Tang
+ Comparison of Dynamic Treatment Regimes via Inverse Probability Weighting 2006 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
Émilie Lanoy
Dominique Costagliola
James M. Robins
+ Statistical inference for cancer trials with treatment switching 2005 Jun Shao
Mark Chang
Shein‐Chung Chow
+ Practical Properties of Some Structural Mean Analyses of the Effect of Compliance in Randomized Trials 1999 Krista Fischer-Lapp
Els Goetghebeur
+ Correcting for non-compliance in randomized trials using structural nested mean models 1994 James M. Robins
+ Pharmacoeconomic Analyses Using Discrete Event Simulation 2005 J. Jaime
+ Analysis as‐randomized and the problem of non‐adherence: An example from the veterans affairs randomized trial of coronary artery bypass surgery 1993 Peter Peduzzi
Janet Wittes
Katherine M. Detre
Theodore Holford
+ PDF Chat Data Resource Profile: Cardiovascular disease research using linked bespoke studies and electronic health records (CALIBER) 2012 Spiros Denaxas
Julie George
Emily Herrett
Anoop D Shah
D. Kalra
Aroon D. Hingorani
Mika Kivimäki
Adam Timmis
Liam Smeeth
Harry Hemingway
+ Incorporating prognostic factors into causal estimators: A comparison of methods for randomised controlled trials with a time‐to‐event outcome 2012 Lisa V. Hampson
Chris Metcalfe
+ PDF Chat Flexible parametric joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data 2012 Michael J. Crowther
Keith R. Abrams
Paul C. Lambert
+ PDF Chat Are head-to-head trials of biologics needed? The role of value of information methods in arthritis research 2011 Nicky J. Welton
Jason Madan
A. E. Ades
+ PDF Chat Survival Analysis Part II: Multivariate data analysis – an introduction to concepts and methods 2003 Mike Bradburn
Taane G. Clark
Sharon Love
Doug Altman
+ Model misspecification sensitivity analysis in estimating causal effects of interventions with non‐compliance 2002 Booil Jo
+ Adjusting treatment comparisons to account for non‐randomized interventions: an example from an angina trial 2003 Ian R. White
James R. Carpenter
Stuart J. Pocock
Robert Henderson
+ Letter to the Editor: Survival analysis of randomized clinical trials adjusted for patients who switch treatments by M. G. Law and J. M. Kaldor,Statistics in Medicine,15, 2069-2076 (1996) 1997 Ian R. White
+ Good Research Practices for Comparative Effectiveness Research: Approaches to Mitigate Bias and Confounding in the Design of Nonrandomized Studies of Treatment Effects Using Secondary Data Sources: The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Good Research Practices for Retrospective Database Analysis Task Force Report—Part II 2009 Emily R. Cox
Bradley C. Martin
Tjeerd van Staa
Edeltraut Garbe
Uwe Siebert
Michael L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Beyond Intention to Treat 2002 Els Goetghebeur
+ PDF Chat Simulating biologically plausible complex survival data 2013 Michael J. Crowther
Paul C. Lambert
+ A Causal Proportional Hazards Estimator for the Effect of Treatment Actually Received in a Randomized Trial with All‐or‐Nothing Compliance 2003 Tom Loeys
Els Goetghebeur
+ PDF Chat Principal Stratification in Causal Inference 2002 Constantine Frangakis
Donald B. Rubin
+ Good Research Practices for Comparative Effectiveness Research: Defining, Reporting and Interpreting Nonrandomized Studies of Treatment Effects Using Secondary Data Sources: The ISPOR Good Research Practices for Retrospective Database Analysis Task Force Report—Part I 2009 Marc L. Berger
Muhammad Mamdani
David C. Atkins
Michael L. Johnson
+ Probabilistic Analysis and Computationally Expensive Models: Necessary and Required? 2006 Susan Griffin
Karl Claxton
Neil Hawkins
Mark Sculpher
+ Modelling for Survival Data in Medical Research 1995 1
+ Performance of statistical methods for analysing survival data in the presence of non-random compliance 2010 Lang’o Odondi
Roseanne McNamee
+ PDF Chat Using Big Data to Emulate a Target Trial When a Randomized Trial Is Not Available: Table 1. 2016 Miguel A. HernĂĄn
James M. Robins
+ Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research. By D. Collett (Chapman & Hall, 1994) ÂŁ19.99 1995 Amy MacDonald