Arturo Argüelles


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Passenger Network Ridership Model Through a BRT System, the case of TransMilenio in Bogot\'a 2021 Arturo Argüelles
Juan D. García‐Arteaga
Gabriel Villalobos
+ Passenger Network Ridership Model Through a BRT System, the case of TransMilenio in Bogotá 2021 Arturo Argüelles
Juan D. García‐Arteaga
Gabriel Villalobos
+ PDF Chat Quench Dynamics of Neutral Atoms in Out-Equilibrium One-Dimensional Optical Lattices 2018 V. Leyton
Arturo Argüelles
Manuél Camargo
+ Retrieval of free-Majorana wavefunctions for the finite Kitaev chain using an appropriate momentum representation 2018 Karen Rodríguez
Angélica Alejandra Pérez-Losada
Arturo Argüelles
+ Retrieval of free-Majorana wavefunctions for the finite Kitaev chain using an appropriate momentum representation 2018 Karen Rodríguez
Angélica Alejandra Pérez-Losada
Arturo Argüelles
+ PDF Chat Elastic and inelastic transmission in guided atom lasers: A truncated Wigner approach 2015 Julien Dujardin
Arturo Argüelles
Peter Schlagheck
+ PDF Chat Coherent Backscattering in Fock Space: A Signature of Quantum Many-Body Interference in Interacting Bosonic Systems 2014 Thomas Engl
Julien Dujardin
Arturo Argüelles
Peter Schlagheck
Klaus Richter
Juan Diego Urbina
+ PDF Chat Repulsively bound exciton-biexciton states in high-spin fermions in optical lattices 2011 Arturo Argüelles
L. Santos
+ PDF Chat Field-Induced Phase Transitions of Repulsive Spin-1 Bosons in Optical Lattices 2011 Karen Rodríguez
Arturo Argüelles
A. K. Kolezhuk
L. Santos
T. Vekua
+ PDF Chat Mott-Insulator Phases of Spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>Fermions in the Presence of Quadratic Zeeman Coupling 2010 Karen Rodríguez
Arturo Argüelles
Maria Colomé‐Tatché
T. Vekua
L. Santos
+ Correlation dynamics of strongly-correlated bosons out of equilibrium induced by a lattice time-modulation 2009 Karen Rodríguez
Arturo Argüelles
L. Santos
+ Correlation dynamics of strongly-correlated bosons in time-dependent optical lattices 2009 Karen Rodríguez
Arturo Argüelles
L. Santos
+ PDF Chat Mott-insulator phases of nonlocally coupled one-dimensional dipolar Bose gases 2007 Arturo Argüelles
L. Santos
+ PDF Chat Wigner function for discrete phase space: Exorcising ghost images 2005 Arturo Argüelles
Thomas Dittrich
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Influence of Nearly Resonant Light on the Scattering Length in Low-Temperature Atomic Gases 1996 П. О. Федичев
Yu. Kagan
G. V. Shlyapnikov
J. T. M. Walraven
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Determination of Temperature in the Approach to Magnetic Order of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice 2010 Robert Jördens
Leticia Tarruell
Daniel Greif
Thomas Uehlinger
Niels Strohmaier
Henning Moritz
Tilman Esslinger
Lorenzo De Leo
Corinna Kollath
Antoine Georges
+ PDF Chat Metallic and Insulating Phases of Repulsively Interacting Fermions in a 3D Optical Lattice 2008 Ulrich Schneider
Lucia Hackermüller
Sebastian Will
T. Best
Immanuel Bloch
T. A. Costi
R. W. Helmes
David Rasch
Achim Rosch
+ PDF Chat Spinor Bose Condensates in Optical Traps 1998 Tin-Lun Ho
+ PDF Chat Matrix Product Density Operators: Simulation of Finite-Temperature and Dissipative Systems 2004 Frank Verstraete
Juan José García‐Ripoll
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a quenched ferromagnetic spinor Bose–Einstein condensate 2006 Lorraine Sadler
James Higbie
Sabrina Leslie
Mukund Vengalattore
Dan Stamper-Kurn
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Microwave-induced Fano-Feshbach resonances 2010 D. J. Papoular
G. V. Shlyapnikov
Jean Dalibard
+ PDF Chat A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice 2008 Robert Jördens
Niels Strohmaier
Kenneth Günter
Henning Moritz
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Quantum non-demolition detection of strongly correlated systems 2007 K. Eckert
Oriol Romero‐Isart
M. Rodríguez
Maciej Lewenstein
E. S. Polzik
Anna Sanpera
+ PDF Chat A quantum gas microscope for detecting single atoms in a Hubbard-regime optical lattice 2009 Waseem Bakr
Jonathon Gillen
Amy Peng
Simon Fölling
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Inelastic Multiple Scattering of Interacting Bosons in Weak Random Potentials 2012 Tobias Geiger
Thomas Wellens
Andreas Buchleitner
+ PDF Chat Competing Orders in One-Dimensional Spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>Fermionic Systems 2005 Congjun Wu
+ PDF Chat Single-atom-resolved fluorescence imaging of an atomic Mott insulator 2010 Jacob Sherson
Christof Weitenberg
Manuel Endres
Marc Cheneau
Immanuel Bloch
Stefan Kuhr
+ PDF Chat Color Superfluidity and “Baryon” Formation in Ultracold Fermions 2007 Ákos Rapp
Gergely Zaránd
Carsten Honerkamp
Walter Hofstetter
+ PDF Chat Spin 3/2 fermions with attractive interactions in a one-dimensional optical lattice: phase diagrams, entanglement entropy, and the effect of the trap 2008 Guillaume Roux
Sylvain Capponi
P. Lecheminant
P. Azaria
+ PDF Chat Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond 2007 Maciej Lewenstein
Anna Sanpera
V. Ahufinger
Bogdan Damski
Aditi Sen
Ujjwal Sen
+ PDF Chat Atomic Bose-Fermi Mixtures in an Optical Lattice 2004 Maciej Lewenstein
L. Santos
М. А. Баранов
H. Fehrmann
+ PDF Chat Density Matrix Renormalization Group and Periodic Boundary Conditions: A Quantum Information Perspective 2004 Frank Verstraete
Diego Porras
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Ultracold Fermions and the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>Hubbard Model 2004 Carsten Honerkamp
Walter Hofstetter
+ PDF Chat Confinement versus deconfinement of Cooper pairs in one-dimensional spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math>fermionic cold atoms 2007 Sylvain Capponi
Guillaume Roux
P. Azaria
E. Boulat
P. Lecheminant
+ PDF Chat Confinement and Superfluidity in One-Dimensional Degenerate Fermionic Cold Atoms 2005 P. Lecheminant
E. Boulat
P. Azaria
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>F</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math>Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates 2004 H. Schmaljohann
M. Erhard
Jochen Kronjäger
M. Kottke
S. van Staa
L. Cacciapuoti
J. Arlt
Kai Bongs
K. Sengstock
+ PDF Chat Quantum trajectories and open many-body quantum systems 2014 Andrew J. Daley
+ PDF Chat SU(4) spin-orbit critical state in one dimension 1998 Yasufumi Yamashita
Naokazu Shibata
Kazuo Ueda
+ PDF Chat Transition from a Strongly Interacting 1D Superfluid to a Mott Insulator 2004 Thilo Stöferle
Henning Moritz
C. Schori
Michael Köhl
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Non-standard Hubbard models in optical lattices: a review 2015 Omjyoti Dutta
Mariusz Gajda
Philipp Hauke
Maciej Lewenstein
Dirk-Sören Lühmann
Boris A. Malomed
Tomasz Sowiński
Jakub Zakrzewski
+ PDF Chat Pairing Without Superfluidity: The Ground State of an Imbalanced Fermi Mixture 2007 Christian H. Schunck
Yong-il Shin
André Schirotzek
Martin W. Zwierlein
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Relaxation and Prethermalization in an Isolated Quantum System 2012 Michael Gring
Maximilian Kuhnert
Tim Langen
Takuya Kitagawa
Bernhard Rauer
Matthias Schreitl
I. E. Mazets
David A. Smith
Eugene Demler
Jörg Schmiedmayer
+ PDF Chat Phase diagrams for spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice 2009 Ming-Chiang Chung
S.-K. Yip
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensation in Complex Networks 2001 Ginestra Bianconi
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser 2006 William Guerin
J.-F. Riou
John Gaebler
Vincent Josse
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Quantum dynamics in splitting a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by an optical lattice: Truncated Wigner approximation 2006 Lorenzo Isella
Janne Ruostekoski
+ Quantum fractals in boxes 1996 Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Universality of Entropy Scaling in One Dimensional Gapless Models 2004 V. E. Korepin
+ PDF Chat Spin domains in ground-state Bose–Einstein condensates 1998 J. Stenger
S. Inouye
Dan Stamper-Kurn
H.‐J. Miesner
A. P. Chikkatur
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Resonant control of spin dynamics in ultracold quantum gases by microwave dressing 2006 Fabrice Gerbier
Artur Widera
Simon Fölling
Olaf Mandel
Immanuel Bloch
+ Controlling and Detecting Spin Correlations of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices 2010 Stefan Trotzky
Yu-Ao Chen
U. Schnorrberger
Patrick Cheinet
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Unconventional Josephson Effect in Hybrid Superconductor-Topological Insulator Devices 2012 J. R. Williams
Andrew Bestwick
P. T. Gallagher
Seung Sae Hong
Yi Cui
Andrew S. Bleich
James G. Analytis
I. R. Fisher
David Goldhaber‐Gordon
+ PDF Chat Parametric Amplification of Vacuum Fluctuations in a Spinor Condensate 2010 Carsten Klempt
O. Topic
G. Gebreyesus
M. Scherer
T. Henninger
P. Hyllus
W. Ertmer
L. Santos
J. Arlt
+ PDF Chat Dimer State of Spin-1 Bosons in an Optical Lattice 2003 S.-K. Yip
+ PDF Chat Heisenberg Model and Supersymmetric<i>t</i>-<i>J</i>Model with Two-Band Structure in One Dimension 1995 Toshifumi Itakura
Norio Kawakami
+ PDF Chat Phase Diagram of Spin-1 Bosons on One-Dimensional Lattices 2005 Matteo Rizzi
Davide Rossini
Gabriele De Chiara
Simone Montangero
Rosario Fazio
+ PDF Chat Pairing in a three-component Fermi gas 2006 Tomi Paananen
J.-P. Martikainen
Päivi Törmä
+ PDF Chat A quasi-monomode guided atom laser from an all-optical Bose-Einstein condensate 2008 A. Couvert
M. Jeppesen
Tomasz Kawalec
G. Reinaudi
Renaud Mathevet
D. Guéry-Odelin
+ PDF Chat Dynamic generation of spin-squeezed states in bosonic Josephson junctions 2012 Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Tilman Zibold
Markus K. Oberthaler
M. Melé-Messeguer
J. Martorell
A. Polls
+ PDF Chat Exploring Classically Chaotic Potentials with a Matter Wave Quantum Probe 2011 G. L. Gattobigio
A. Couvert
Bertrand Georgeot
David Guéry-Odelin
+ PDF Chat Equation of state of a polarized Fermi gas in the Bose-Einstein-condensate limit 2010 Florent Alzetto
X. Leyronas
+ Transport and interaction blockade of cold bosonic atoms in a triple-well potential 2010 Peter Schlagheck
F. Malet
J. C. Cremon
S. M. Reimann
+ PDF Chat Quantum dimer phases in a frustrated spin ladder: Effective field theory approach and exact diagonalization 2006 T. Vekua
A. Honecker