R. K. Getoor


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Gauge Theorems for Stieltjes Exponentials 2019 R. K. Getoor
+ Duality theory for Markov processes: Part 1 2010 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat J. L. Doob: Foundations of stochastic processes and probabilistic potential theory 2009 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Potential Theory of Moderate Markov Dual Processes 2009 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Lévy Systems and Time Changes 2009 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous Random Measures and Strongly Supermedian Kernels of a Markov Process 2003 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Finely $\mu $-harmonic functions of a Markov process 2001 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat An Extended Generator and Schrödinger Equations 1999 R. K. Getoor
+ None 1999 R. K. Getoor
+ Smooth measures and continuous additive functionals of right Markov processes 1996 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Occupation time distributions for Lévy bridges and excursions 1995 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Measures not charging semipolars and equations of schr�dinger type 1995 R. K. Getoor
+ A weak quasi-Lindel�f property and quasi-fine supports of measures 1995 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Local times on rays for a class of planar Lévy processes 1994 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ On the arc-sine laws for Lévy processes 1994 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ On the arc-sine laws for Lévy processes 1994 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ Inverse Subordination of Excessive Functions 1994 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of the Hilbert Transform of the Local Time of a Symmetric Levy Process 1992 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Riesz decompositions and subtractivity for excessive measures 1992 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Some applications of quasi-boundedness for excessive measures 1992 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Limit theorems and variation properties for fractional derivatives of the local time of a stable process 1992 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ The Blumenthal-Getoor-McKean Theorem Revisited 1990 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ Exit Systems and Applications 1990 R. K. Getoor
+ Palm Measures and Capacity 1990 R. K. Getoor
+ Flows and Palm Measures 1990 R. K. Getoor
+ Correction to: Some Formulas for the Energy Functional of a Markov Process 1990 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Notation and Preliminaries 1990 R. K. Getoor
+ Homogeneous Random Measures 1990 R. K. Getoor
+ Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1988 1989 Erhan Çınlar
Kai Lai Chung
R. K. Getoor
Joseph Glover
+ PDF Chat Some Formulas for the Energy Functional of a Markov Process 1989 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ On the potential theory of symmetric Markov processes 1988 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Killing a Markov Process Under a Stationary Measure Involves Creation 1988 R. K. Getoor
+ More about Capacity and Excessive Measures 1988 R. K. Getoor
Jutta Steffens
+ Measures That Are Translation Invariant In One Coordinate 1987 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Capacity theory without duality 1986 R. K. Getoor
Jutta Steffens
+ Some Remarks on Measures Associated with Homogeneous Random Measures 1986 R. K. Getoor
+ Some Remarks on a Theorem of Dynkin 1986 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Riesz decompositions in Markov process theory 1984 R. K. Getoor
Joseph Glover
+ Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1982 1983 Kai Lai Chung
Erhan Çınlar
R. K. Getoor
+ Excursions of dual processes 1982 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ Two Results on Dual Excursions 1981 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Probabilities and potential 1980 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat The Brownian Escape Process 1979 R. K. Getoor
+ Some random time dilations of a Markov process 1979 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Excursions of a Markov Process 1979 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Splitting times and shift functionals 1979 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Excursions of Brownian motion and bessel processes 1979 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Another limit theorem for local time 1976 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Markov Processes: Ray Processes and Right Processes 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Comultiplicative functionals and the birthing of a Markov process 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ Ray resolvents and semigroups 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ Some topology and measure theory 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ Increasing sequences of supermartingales 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ U-spaces 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Balayage and multiplicative functionals 1974 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Last Exit Times and Additive Functionals 1973 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Approximation of Continuous Additive Functionals 1972 R. K. Getoor
+ Conformal martingales 1972 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ Some limit theorems for local time 1972 R. K. Getoor
P. W. Millar
+ PDF Chat Regularity of Excessive Functions II 1971 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative functionals of dual processes 1971 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Duality of L�vy systems 1971 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Duality of multiplicative functionals 1970 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on Continuous Additive Functionals 1967 R. K. Getoor
+ Continuous additive functionals of a Markov process with applications to processes with independent increments 1966 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Additive Functionals and Excessive Functions 1965 R. K. Getoor
+ Some asymptotic formulas involving capacity 1965 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Local times for Markov processes 1964 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative functionals of a Markov process 1964 R. K. Getoor
John W. Woll
+ PDF Chat Additive functionals of Markov processes in duality 1964 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic distribution of the number of zero-free intervals of a stable process 1963 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat The dimension of the set of zeros and the graph of a symmetric stable process 1962 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Infinitely divisible probabilities on the hyperbolic plane 1961 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat A dimension theorem for sample functions of stable processes 1960 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Some Theorems on Stable Processes 1960 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Some theorems on stable processes 1960 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues for a class of Markov operators 1959 Robert George Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat On characteristic functions of Banach space valued random variables 1957 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat On semi-groups of unbounded normal operators 1956 R. K. Getoor
+ Some Connections Between Operators In Hilbert Space And Random Functions Of Second Order. 1954 R. K. Getoor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Markov Processes: Ray Processes and Right Processes 1975 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous random measures and a weak order for the excessive measures of a Markov process 1987 P. J. Fitzsimmons
+ PDF Chat Excessive measures and Markov processes with random birth and death 1986 P. J. Fitzsimmons
B. Maisonneuve
+ PDF Chat Mesures associées aux fonctionnelles additives de Markov. I 1970 Daniel Revuz
+ PDF Chat Riesz decompositions in Markov process theory 1984 R. K. Getoor
Joseph Glover
+ Ensembles aléatoires markoviens homogènes (III) 2006 B. Maisonneuve
P. A. Meyer
+ PDF Chat Last Exit Times and Additive Functionals 1973 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ Smooth measures and continuous additive functionals of right Markov processes 1996 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Balayage and multiplicative functionals 1974 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Excursions of a Markov Process 1979 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Exit Systems 1975 B. Maisonneuve
+ Harmonic Analysis and the Theory of Probability 1955 Salomon Bochner
+ None 1999 R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat On Some Connections between Probability Theory and Differential and Integral Equations 1951 Mark Kac
+ Measures not charging semipolars and equations of schr�dinger type 1995 R. K. Getoor
+ <i>Harmonic Analysis and the Theory of Probability</i> 1956 Salomon Bochner
T. Teichmann
+ Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension of Brownian motion paths 1955 H. P. McKean
+ PDF Chat On discontinuous additive functionals and Lévy measures of a Markov process 1964 Shinzo Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Discontinuous additive functionals of dual processes 1972 M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues for a class of Markov operators 1959 Robert George Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on Continuous Additive Functionals 1967 R. K. Getoor
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 1994 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yôichi Ôshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ The perfection of multiplicative functionals 2006 John B. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Exact Multiplicative Functionals in Duality 1971 M. J. Sharpe
+ Measures charging no polar sets and additive functionals of Brownian motion 1992 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ More about Capacity and Excessive Measures 1988 R. K. Getoor
Jutta Steffens
+ Quelques applications des r�solvantes de Ray 1971 John B. Walsh
P. A. Meyer
+ Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths. 1996 PALE
Kiyosi Itô
H. P. McKean
+ Permanent sets of measures charging no exceptional sets and the Feynman-Kac Formula 1995 Kazuhiro Kuwae
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Markov processes and their functional in duality 1972 John B. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Stopping times and Γ-convergence 1987 J. R. Baxter
Gianni Dal Maso
U. Mosco
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 2010 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yōichi Ōshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ A weak quasi-Lindel�f property and quasi-fine supports of measures 1995 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ A Decomposition of Excessive Measures 1986 Robert Blumenthal
+ Dirichlet Forms and Markov Processes 1980 2
+ PDF Chat Additive functionals of Markov processes in duality 1964 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ Excursions of dual processes 1982 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous Random Measures and Strongly Supermedian Kernels of a Markov Process 2003 P. J. Fitzsimmons
R. K. Getoor
+ Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain 1934 N. Wiener
R. E. A. C. Paley
+ PDF Chat Excursions in Brownian motion 1976 Kai Lai Chung
+ Subsets of finite measure in analytic sets 1952 Roy O. Davies
+ PDF Chat Killing a Markov Process Under a Stationary Measure Involves Creation 1988 R. K. Getoor
+ Continuous additive functionals of a Markov process with applications to processes with independent increments 1966 R. K. Getoor
+ Dirichlet forms and generalized Schrödinger operators 2008 Sergio Alberio
Johannes F. Brasche
Michael Röckner
+ PDF Chat Quasi-bounded and singular functions 1974 Maynard G. Arsove
Heinz Leutwiler
+ On Two Results in the Potential Theory of Excessive Measures 1987 P. J. Fitzsimmons
+ The sweeping-out of additive functionals and processes on the boundary 1964 Mlnoru Motoo
+ Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1987 1988 Rudolf Grübel
+ Measures That Are Translation Invariant In One Coordinate 1987 R. K. Getoor