Olivier Sète


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Walsh’s Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains for Several Intervals 2025 Klaus Schiefermayr
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of polyanalytic polynomials 2024 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ On the zeros of polyanalytic polynomials 2024 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ PDF Chat Walsh's Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains for Several Intervals 2024 Klaus Schiefermayr
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat Walsh’s Conformal Map Onto Lemniscatic Domains for Polynomial Pre-images II 2023 Klaus Schiefermayr
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat Minimal degree rational open up mappings and related questions 2023 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat Computing the logarithmic capacity of compact sets having (infinitely) many components with the charge simulation method 2023 Jörg Liesen
Mohamed M. S. Nasser
Olivier Sète
+ Walsh's Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains for Polynomial Pre-images II 2023 Klaus Schiefermayr
Olivier Sète
+ Stochastic Galerkin method and port-Hamiltonian form for linear first-order ordinary differential equations 2023 Roland Pulch
Olivier Sète
+ The first five years of the AAA algorithm 2023 Yuji Nakatsukasa
Olivier Sète
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Rational Interpolation and Open-Up Mappings 2022 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat Walsh’s Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains for Polynomial Pre-images I 2022 Klaus Schiefermayr
Olivier Sète
+ Computing the logarithmic capacity of compact sets having (infinitely) many components with the Charge Simulation Method 2022 Jörg Liesen
Mohamed M. S. Nasser
Olivier Sète
+ The Helmholtz equation with uncertainties in the wavenumber 2022 Roland Pulch
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat Number and location of pre-images under harmonic mappings in the plane 2021 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ PDF Chat The transport of images method: computing all zeros of harmonic mappings by continuation 2021 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ The transport of images method: computing all zeros of harmonic mappings by continuation 2020 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ PDF Chat The index of singular zeros of harmonic mappings of anti-analytic degree one 2019 Robert Luce
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat A Newton method for harmonic mappings in the plane 2019 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ Construction of open up mappings with rational functions and related questions 2019 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ Minimal degree rational open up mappings and related questions 2019 Sergei Kalmykov
Béla Nagy
Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat The AAA Algorithm for Rational Approximation 2018 Yuji Nakatsukasa
Olivier Sète
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ PDF Chat Fast and Accurate Computation of the Logarithmic Capacity of Compact Sets 2017 Jörg Liesen
Olivier Sète
Mohamed M. S. Nasser
+ PDF Chat Properties and Examples of Faber–Walsh Polynomials 2016 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat Numerical Computation of the Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains 2016 Mohamed M. S. Nasser
Jörg Liesen
Olivier Sète
+ On interpolation and approximation problems in numerical linear algebra 2016 Olivier Sète
+ Computing the logarithmic capacity of compact sets via conformal mapping 2015 Jörg Liesen
Olivier Sète
Mohamed M. S. Nasser
+ PDF Chat Creating images by adding masses to gravitational point lenses 2015 Olivier Sète
Robert Luce
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Maximum Number of Zeros of $$r(z) - \overline{z}$$ r ( z ) - z ¯ 2015 Robert Luce
Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ Faber--Walsh polynomials and polynomial approximation problems on two disjoint intervals 2015 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ On conformal maps from lemniscatic domains onto multiply-connected domains 2015 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ On conformal maps from multiply connected domains onto lemniscatic domains 2015 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat Perturbing Rational Harmonic Functions by Poles 2014 Olivier Sète
Robert Luce
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat Sharp parameter bounds for certain maximal point lenses 2014 Robert Luce
Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ Some properties of Faber-Walsh polynomials 2013 Olivier Sète
+ PDF Chat On the nonreal eigenvalues of elliptic differential operators with indefinite weights on Lipschitz domains 2009 Jussi Behrndt
Olivier Sète
+ On the nonreal eigenvalues of elliptic operators with indefinite weights on Lipschitz domains 2009 Jussi Behrndt
Olivier Sète
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the conformal mapping of multiply connected regions 1956 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Numerical Computation of the Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains 2016 Mohamed M. S. Nasser
Jörg Liesen
Olivier Sète
+ A generalization of Faber's polynomials 1958 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat On canonical conformal maps of multiply connected domains 1961 H. J. Landau
+ PDF Chat On the number of zeros of certain rational harmonic functions 2005 Dmitry Khavinson
Genevra Neumann
+ From the fundamental theorem of algebra to astrophysics: A "Harmonious" path 2008 Dmitry Khavinson
Genevra Neumann
+ PDF Chat Sharp parameter bounds for certain maximal point lenses 2014 Robert Luce
Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat Perturbing Rational Harmonic Functions by Poles 2014 Olivier Sète
Robert Luce
Jörg Liesen
+ Phase Plots of Complex Functions: a Journey in Illustration 2011 Elías Wegert
Gunter Semmler
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds for the valence of certain harmonic polynomials 2007 Lukáš Geyer
+ Local behavior of harmonic mappings 2000 T. J. Suffridge
J. W. Thompson
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ The Argument Principle for Harmonic Functions 1996 Peter Duren
Walter Hengartner
Richard S. Laugesen
+ Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Domain 1935 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat The valence of harmonic polynomials 1998 A. Wilmshurst
+ PDF Chat Properties and Examples of Faber–Walsh Polynomials 2016 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ Logarithmic Potential Theory with Applications to Approximation Theory 2010 Edward B. Saff
+ On conformal maps from multiply connected domains onto lemniscatic domains 2015 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ Visual Complex Functions: An Introduction with Phase Portraits 2012 Elías Wegert
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Wilmshurst's theorem 2015 Seung‐Yeop Lee
Antonio Lerario
Erik Lundberg
+ Harmonic Mappings in the Plane 2004 Peter Duren
+ On the number of zeros of certain harmonic polynomials 2002 Dmitry Khavinson
Grzegorz Świątek
+ Faber Polynomials and the Faber Series 1971 J. H. Curtiss
+ Lectures on theory of functions in multiply connected domains 1978 Helmut Grunsky
+ The conformal ‘bratwurst’ mapsand associated Faber polynomials 2000 Tino Koch
Jörg Liesen
Paolo Novati
+ PDF Chat How Constant Shifts Affect the Zeros of Certain Rational Harmonic Functions 2018 Jörg Liesen
Jan Zur
+ PDF Chat On a canonical conformal mapping of J. L. Walsh 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Maximum Number of Zeros of $$r(z) - \overline{z}$$ r ( z ) - z ¯ 2015 Robert Luce
Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat Computation of Faber series with application to numerical polynomial approximation in the complex plane 1983 S. W. Ellacott
+ PDF Chat The Chang–Refsdal lens revisited 2006 J. An
N. W. Evans
+ n-point Gravitational Lenses with 5(n-1) Images 2003 Sun Hong Rhie
+ Complex Polynomials 2002 T. Sheil-Small
+ Harmonic Mappings in the Plane 2004 Peter Duren
+ A survey of Faber methods in numerical approximation 1986 S. W. Ellacott
+ Error Estimates and Evaluation of Matrix Functions via the Faber Transform 2009 Bernhard Beckermann
Lothar Reichel
+ An interpolatory approximation of the matrix exponential based on Faber polynomials 2001 Igor Moret
Paolo Novati
+ Characterization of polynomials by means of their stationary values 1984 G. K. Kristiansen
+ PDF Chat Counting Zeros of Harmonic Rational Functions and its Application to Gravitational Lensing 2013 Pavel Bleher
Youkow Homma
Lyndon L. Ji
Roland K. W. Roeder
+ Faber--Walsh polynomials and polynomial approximation problems on two disjoint intervals 2015 Olivier Sète
Jörg Liesen
+ PDF Chat A Newton method for harmonic mappings in the plane 2019 Olivier Sète
Jan Zur
+ A hybrid Arnoldi-Faber iterative method for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations 1993 Gerhard Starke
Richard S. Varga
+ The Critical Values of a Polynomial 2002 Beardon
+ A Survey on the Maximal Number of Solutions of Equations Related to Gravitational Lensing 2017 Catherine Bénéteau
Nicole Hudson
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Solutions of a Transcendental Equation Arising in the Theory of Gravitational Lensing 2010 Walter Bergweiler
Alexandre Erëmenko
+ Valence of complex-valued planar harmonic functions 2004 Genevra Neumann
+ The Capacity of some Sets in the Complex Plane 2003 Maurice Hasson
+ PDF Chat Local Properties of Light Harmonic Mappings 1992 Abdallah Lyzzaik
+ A Nystr�m method for boundary integral equations in domains with corners 1990 Rainer Kreß
+ Radial and circular slit maps of unbounded multiply connected circle domains 2008 Thomas K. DeLillo
Tobin A. Driscoll
Alan R. Elcrat
J. A. Pfaltzgraff