Youngchul Byun


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Large quantum superpositions of a levitated nanodiamond through spin-optomechanical coupling 2013 Zhang‐qi Yin
Tongcang Li
Xiang Zhang
Luming Duan
+ PDF Chat Enhancement of the zero phonon line emission from a single nitrogen vacancy center in a nanodiamond via coupling to a photonic crystal cavity 2010 Janik Wolters
Andreas W. Schell
GĂŒnter Kewes
Nils NĂŒsse
Max Schoengen
Henning Döscher
Thomas Hannappel
Bernd Löchel
Michael Barth
Oliver Benson
+ PDF Chat All-Optical Initialization, Readout, and Coherent Preparation of Single Silicon-Vacancy Spins in Diamond 2014 Lachlan J. Rogers
Kay D. Jahnke
Mathias H. Metsch
Alp Sipahigil
Jan Binder
Tokuyuki Teraji
Hitoshi Sumiya
Junichi Isoya
Mikhail D. Lukin
Philip Hemmer
+ PDF Chat Nanometre-scale thermometry in a living cell 2013 Georg Kucsko
Peter C. Maurer
Norman Y. Yao
M. K. Kubo
H.‐J. Noh
Pik Kwan Lo
Hongkun Park
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Scanning Nanospin Ensemble Microscope for Nanoscale Magnetic and Thermal Imaging 2015 Jean‐Philippe Tetienne
Alain H. Lombard
David Simpson
Cameron Ritchie
Jianing Lu
Paul Mulvaney
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
+ PDF Chat Imaging thermal conductivity with nanoscale resolution using a scanning spin probe 2015 Abdelghani Laraoui
Halley Aycock-Rizzo
Yang Gao
Xi Lu
Elisa Riedo
Carlos A. Meriles
+ Bright and photostable single-photon emitter in silicon carbide 2016 Benjamin Lienhard
Tim Schröder
Sara Mouradian
Florian Dolde
Toan Trong Tran
Igor Aharonovich
Dirk Englund
+ Optical levitation of high purity nanodiamonds in vacuum without heating 2016 A. C. Frangeskou
Soumen Mandal
P. F. Barker
Laia Ginés
Anisur Rahman
Oliver A. Williams
Gavin W. Morley
+ PDF Chat Quantum Nonlinear Optics with a Germanium-Vacancy Color Center in a Nanoscale Diamond Waveguide 2017 Mihir K. Bhaskar
Denis D. Sukachev
Alp Sipahigil
Ruffin E. Evans
Michael J. Burek
C. T. Nguyen
Lachlan J. Rogers
Petr Siyushev
Mathias H. Metsch
Hongkun Park
+ PDF Chat Impact of Surface Functionalization on the Quantum Coherence of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Nanodiamonds 2018 Robert G. Ryan
Alastair Stacey
Kane M. O’Donnell
Takeshi Ohshima
Brett C. Johnson
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Paul Mulvaney
David Simpson
+ PDF Chat Single-Crystal Diamond Nanobeam Waveguide Optomechanics 2015 Behzad Khanaliloo
Harishankar Jayakumar
Aaron C. Hryciw
David P. Lake
Hamidreza Kaviani
Paul E. Barclay
+ PDF Chat Two-Dimensional Nanoscale Imaging of Gadolinium Spins via Scanning Probe Relaxometry with a Single Spin in Diamond 2014 Matthew Pelliccione
Bryan Myers
Laëtitia Pascal
A. Das
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat Single <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>Si</mml:mi></mml:math> - <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>V</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math> Centers in Low-Strain Nanodiamonds with Bulklike Spectral Properties and Nanomanipulation Capabilities 2019 Lachlan J. Rogers
Ou Wang
Yan Liu
Lukas Antoniuk
Christian Osterkamp
V. A. Davydov
V. Agafonov
Andrea B. Filipovski
Fedor Jelezko
Alexander Kubanek
+ PDF Chat Electron–phonon processes of the silicon-vacancy centre in diamond 2015 Kay D. Jahnke
Alp Sipahigil
Jan Binder
Marcus W. Doherty
Mathias H. Metsch
Lachlan J. Rogers
Neil B. Manson
Mikhail D. Lukin
Fedor Jelezko
+ PDF Chat Observing bulk diamond spin coherence in high-purity nanodiamonds 2013 Helena S. Knowles
Dhiren M. Kara
Mete AtatĂŒre
+ PDF Chat Tunable cavity coupling of the zero phonon line of a nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond 2015 Steven L. Johnson
Philip R. Dolan
Thomas Grange
A. A. P. Trichet
Gaston Hornecker
Y.-C. Chen
Lin Weng
Gareth M. Hughes
Andrew A. R. Watt
Alexia AuffĂšves