C. Évain


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Topological Properties of Floquet Winding Bands in a Photonic Lattice 2023 Albert F. Adiyatullin
Lavi K. Upreti
Corentin Lechevalier
C. Évain
François Copie
Pierre Suret
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Delplace
A. Amo
+ PDF Chat Multi-topological Floquet metals in a photonic lattice 2022 Albert F. Adiyatullin
Lavi K. Upreti
Corentin Lechevalier
C. Évain
François Copie
Pierre Suret
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Delplace
A. Amo
+ PDF Chat Phase Diversity Electro-optic Sampling: A new approach to single-shot terahertz waveform recording 2022 Eléonore Roussel
C. Szwaj
C. Évain
B. Steffen
Ch. Gerth
Bahram Jalali
S. Bielawski
+ Single shot measurement of the photonic band structure in a Floquet-Bloch lattice realised with coupled fiber rings 2021 Corentin Lechevalier
C. Évain
Pierre Suret
François Copie
A. Amo
Stéphane Randoux
+ PDF Chat Topological Swing of Bloch Oscillations in Quantum Walks 2020 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Towards terahertz oscilloscopes using phase diversity electro-optic sampling 2020 Eléonore Roussel
C. Szwaj
B. Steffen
C. Évain
Christopher Gerth
Bahram Jalali
S. Bielawski
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ Floquet Winding Metals 2019 Lavi K. Upreti
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
A. Amo
Pierre Delplace
+ PDF Chat From self-organization in relativistic electron bunches to coherent synchrotron light: observation using a photonic time-stretch digitizer 2019 S. Bielawski
Edmund Blomley
Miriam Brosi
Erik Bründermann
Eva Burkard
C. Évain
Stefan Funkner
Nicole Hiller
Michael Nasse
Gudrun Niehues
+ PDF Chat Stable coherent terahertz synchrotron radiation from controlled relativistic electron bunches 2019 C. Évain
C. Szwaj
Eléonore Roussel
J. Rodriguez
Marc Le Parquier
M.-A. Tordeux
F. Ribeiro
M. Labat
Nicolas Hubert
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
+ PDF Chat Robustness of a plasma acceleration based free electron laser 2018 M. Labat
Alexandre Loulergue
Thomas André
I. A. Andriyash
Amin Ghaith
M. Khojoyan
F. Marteau
Mathieu Valléau
F. Briquez
C. Benabderrahmane
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Short Electron Bunches in Storage Rings 2017 C. Évain
Eléonore Roussel
Marc Le Parquier
C. Szwaj
M.-A. Tordeux
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
L. Manceron
P. Roy
S. Bielawski
+ PDF Chat Single-shot observation of optical rogue waves in integrable turbulence using time microscopy 2016 Pierre Suret
Rebecca El Koussaifi
Alexey Tikan
C. Évain
Stéphane Randoux
C. Szwaj
S. Bielawski
+ PDF Chat High sensitivity photonic time-stretch electro-optic sampling of terahertz pulses 2016 C. Szwaj
C. Évain
Marc Le Parquier
Pascale Le Roy
L. Manceron
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
M.-A. Tordeux
S. Bielawski
+ PDF Chat Observing microscopic structures of a relativistic object using a time-stretch strategy 2015 Eléonore Roussel
C. Évain
Marc Le Parquier
C. Szwaj
S. Bielawski
L. Manceron
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
M.-A. Tordeux
J. P. Ricaud
L. Cassinari
+ Unveiling the internal microstructures of relativistic electron bunches using a "time-stretch" strategy 2014 Eléonore Roussel
C. Évain
M. Le Parquier C. Szwaj
L. Manceron
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
M.-A. Tordeux
Jean-Paul Ricaud
L. Cassinari
M. Labat
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie
+ Analyzing ultra-high repetition rate light pulses from accelerator sources, using a photonic time-stretch strategy 2014 Eléonore Roussel
C. Évain
M. Le Parquier C. Szwaj
S. Bielawski
L. Manceron
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
M.-A. Tordeux
J. P. Ricaud
L. Cassinari
M. Labat
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Observing microscopic structures of a relativistic object using a time-stretch strategy 2015 Eléonore Roussel
C. Évain
Marc Le Parquier
C. Szwaj
S. Bielawski
L. Manceron
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
M.-A. Tordeux
J. P. Ricaud
L. Cassinari
+ PDF Chat High sensitivity photonic time-stretch electro-optic sampling of terahertz pulses 2016 C. Szwaj
C. Évain
Marc Le Parquier
Pascale Le Roy
L. Manceron
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
M.-A. Tordeux
S. Bielawski
+ PDF Chat High density terahertz frequency comb produced by coherent synchrotron radiation 2015 S. Tammaro
Olivier Pirali
Pascale Le Roy
J.‐F. Lampin
Guillaume Ducournau
Arnaud Cuisset
Francis Hindle
G. Mouret
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Short Electron Bunches in Storage Rings 2017 C. Évain
Eléonore Roussel
Marc Le Parquier
C. Szwaj
M.-A. Tordeux
Jean‐Blaise Brubach
L. Manceron
P. Roy
S. Bielawski
+ PDF Chat Experimental measurement of the Berry curvature from anomalous transport 2017 Martin Wimmer
Hannah M. Price
Iacopo Carusotto
U. Peschel
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Chern number of Hofstadter bands with ultracold bosonic atoms 2014 Monika Aidelsburger
Michael Lohse
C. Schweizer
Marcos Atala
Julio T. Barreiro
Sylvain Nascimbène
Nigel R. Cooper
Immanuel Bloch
Nathan Goldman
+ Optical Hardware Accelerators using Nonlinear Dispersion Modes for Energy Efficient Computing 2015 Bahram Jalali
Ata Mahjoubfar
+ PDF Chat Observation of photonic anomalous Floquet topological insulators 2017 Lukas J. Maczewsky
Julia M. Zeuner
Stefan Nolte
Alexander Szameit
+ PDF Chat Observation of Wakefields and Resonances in Coherent Synchrotron Radiation 2015 Brant Billinghurst
John C. Bergstrom
Cameron Baribeau
T. Batten
Les Dallin
Tim May
J. Vogt
Ward Wurtz
Robert Warnock
David Bizzozero
+ PDF Chat Traffic and related self-driven many-particle systems 2001 Dirk Helbing
+ PDF Chat High throughput data streaming of individual longitudinal electron bunch profiles 2019 Stefan Funkner
Edmund Blomley
Erik Bründermann
M. Caselle
Nicole Hiller
Michael Nasse
Gudrun Niehues
Lorenzo Rota
Patrik Schönfeldt
Sophie Walther
+ PDF Chat Topological characterization of periodically driven quantum systems 2010 Takuya Kitagawa
Erez Berg
Mark S. Rudner
Eugene Demler
+ PDF Chat Floquet semimetal with Floquet-band holonomy 2016 Longwen Zhou
Chong Chen
Jiangbin Gong
+ PDF Chat Tailoring Wideband Signals With a Photonic Hardware Accelerator 2015 Bahram Jalali
Ata Mahjoubfar
+ PDF Chat Parallelized Vlasov-Fokker-Planck solver for desktop personal computers 2017 Patrik Schönfeldt
Miriam Brosi
M. Schwarz
Johannes Steinmann
Anke-Susanne Müller
+ PDF Chat Phase rotation symmetry and the topology of oriented scattering networks 2017 Pierre Delplace
Michel Fruchart
Clément Tauber
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Edge States and the Bulk-Edge Correspondence for Periodically Driven Two-Dimensional Systems 2013 Mark S. Rudner
Netanel H. Lindner
Erez Berg
Michael Levin
+ PDF Chat Observation of Bloch oscillations in complex PT-symmetric photonic lattices 2015 Martin Wimmer
Mohammed-Ali Miri
Demetrios N. Christodoulides
U. Peschel
+ PDF Chat Experimental observation of anomalous topological edge modes in a slowly driven photonic lattice 2017 Sebabrata Mukherjee
Alexander Spracklen
Manuel Valiente
Erika Andersson
Patrik Öhberg
Nathan Goldman
Robert R. Thomson
+ PDF Chat Topological States and Adiabatic Pumping in Quasicrystals 2012 Yaacov E. Kraus
Yoav Lahini
Zohar Ringel
Mor Verbin
Oded Zilberberg
+ PDF Chat Observation of topologically protected bound states in photonic quantum walks 2012 Takuya Kitagawa
Matthew A. Broome
Alessandro Fedrizzi
Mark S. Rudner
Erez Berg
Ivan Kassal
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
Eugene Demler
A. G. White
+ PDF Chat Topological funneling of light 2020 Sebastian Weidemann
Mark Kremer
Tobias Helbig
Tobias Hofmann
Alexander Stegmaier
Martin Greiter
Ronny Thomale
Alexander Szameit
+ PDF Chat Direct measurement of the Zak phase in topological Bloch bands 2013 Marcos Atala
Monika Aidelsburger
Julio T. Barreiro
Dmitry A. Abanin
Takuya Kitagawa
Eugene Demler
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Optical Resonator Analog of a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator 2013 Guanquan Liang
Y. D. Chong
+ PDF Chat Observation of longitudinal and transverse self-injections in laser-plasma accelerators 2013 S. Corde
C. Thaury
A. Lifschitz
G. Lambert
K. Ta Phuoc
X. Davoine
Rémi Lehe
D. Douillet
A. Rousse
V. Malka
+ PDF Chat Berry phase effects on electronic properties 2010 Di Xiao
Ming-Che Chang
Qian Niu
+ PDF Chat Photonic Floquet topological insulators 2013 Mikael C. Rechtsman
Julia M. Zeuner
Yonatan Plotnik
Yaakov Lumer
Daniel K. Podolsky
Felix Dreisow
Stefan Nolte
Mordechai Segev
Alexander Szameit
+ PDF Chat Network models of photonic Floquet topological insulators 2014 Michael Pasek
Y. D. Chong
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Topological insulators 2010 M. Zahid Hasan
C. L. Kane
+ PDF Chat Edge-state-enhanced transport in a two-dimensional quantum walk 2015 János K. Asbóth
Jonathan M. Edge
+ PDF Chat Robustness of topologically protected edge states in quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms 2016 Thorsten Groh
Stefan Brakhane
Wolfgang Alt
Dieter Meschede
János K. Asbóth
Andrea Alberti
+ PDF Chat Cheon’s anholonomies in Floquet operators 2007 Manabu Miyamoto
Atushi Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Freak Waves in Random Oceanic Sea States 2001 M. Onorato
Alfred R. Osborne
M. Serio
Serena Bertone
+ PDF Chat Integrable turbulence and formation of rogue waves 2015 D. S. Agafontsev
В. Е. Захаров
+ PDF Chat Instabilities, breathers and rogue waves in optics 2014 John M. Dudley
Frédéric Dias
Miro Erkintalo
Goëry Genty
+ Quasienergy Anholonomy and its Application to Adiabatic Quantum State Manipulation 2007 Atushi Tanaka
Manabu Miyamoto
+ PDF Chat A spectral unaveraged algorithm for free electron laser simulations 2014 I. A. Andriyash
Rémi Lehe
V. Malka
+ PDF Chat Modulational Instability, Wave Breaking, and Formation of Large-Scale Dipoles in the Atmosphere 2013 Алессандро Яфрати
Alexander V. Babanin
M. Onorato
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear random optical waves: Integrable turbulence, rogue waves and intermittency 2016 Stéphane Randoux
Piotr Walczak
M. Onorato
Pierre Suret
+ PDF Chat Topological edge states in two-gap unitary systems: a transfer matrix approach 2015 Clément Tauber
Pierre Delplace
+ PDF Chat Non-Gaussian Statistics and Extreme Waves in a Nonlinear Optical Cavity 2009 A. Montina
U. Bortolozzo
S. Residori
F. T. Arecchi
+ PDF Chat Transport studies of LPA electron beam towards the FEL amplification at COXINEL 2016 M. Khojoyan
F. Briquez
M. Labat
Alexandre Loulergue
Olivier Marcouillé
F. Marteau
Geetanjali Sharma
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie
+ PDF Chat Optical Rogue Waves in Integrable Turbulence 2015 Piotr Walczak
Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
+ PDF Chat Experimental reconstruction of the Berry curvature in a Floquet Bloch band 2016 Nick Fläschner
Benno S. Rem
Matthias Tarnowski
Dominik Vogel
Dirk-Sören Lühmann
K. Sengstock
Christof Weitenberg
+ PDF Chat Tracking Breather Dynamics in Irregular Sea State Conditions 2016 Amin Chabchoub
+ PDF Chat Wannier-Stark states in double-periodic lattices. I. One-dimensional lattices 2015 Дмитрий Н. Максимов
Evgeny N. Bulgakov
Andrey R. Kolovsky
+ Identification of rogue waves from scattering transform analysis of periodized waveforms 2015 Stéphane Randoux
Pierre Suret
G. A. Él
+ Bloch state tomography using Wilson lines 2016 Tracy Li
Lucia Duca
Martin Reitter
Fabian Grusdt
Eugene Demler
Manuel Endres
Monika Schleier-Smith
Immanuel Bloch
Ulrich Schneider
+ PDF Chat Measuring topological invariants from generalized edge states in polaritonic quasicrystals 2017 F. Baboux
Eli Levy
A. Lemaı̂tre
Carmen Gómez
E. Galopin
L. Le Gratiet
I. Sagnes
A. Amo
J. Bloch
Éric Akkermans
+ PDF Chat Floquet topological insulators for sound 2016 Romain Fleury
Alexander B. Khanikaev
Andrea Alù