Pierpaolo Palestri


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A model for the current-voltage characteristic of membrane/electrolyte junctions 2024 Leandro Julian Mele
Muhammad A. Alam
Pierpaolo Palestri
+ PDF Chat A Fully Integrated 5-mW, 0.8-Gbps Energy-Efficient Chip-to-Chip Data Link for Ultralow-Power IoT End-Nodes in 65-nm CMOS 2021 Hayate Okuhara
Ahmed Elnaqib
Martino Dazzi
Pierpaolo Palestri
Simone Benatti
Luca Benini
Davide Rossi
+ PDF Chat An Energy-Efficient Low-Voltage Swing Transceiver for mW-Range IoT End-Nodes 2020 Hayate Okuhara
Ahmed Elnaqib
Davide Rossi
Alfio Di Mauro
Philipp Mayer
Pierpaolo Palestri
Luca Benini
+ An Energy-Efficient Low-Voltage Swing Transceiver for mW-Range IoT End-Nodes 2020 Hayate Okuhara
Ahmed Elnaqib
Davide Rossi
Alfio Di Mauro
Philipp Mayer
Pierpaolo Palestri
Luca Benini
+ PDF Chat Electromechanical Piezoresistive Sensing in Suspended Graphene Membranes 2013 A.D. Smith
Frank Niklaus
Alan Paussa
Sam Vaziri
Andreas Fischer
Mikael Sterner
Fredrik Forsberg
Anna Delin
David Esseni
Pierpaolo Palestri
+ PDF Chat Test beam results of 3D silicon pixel sensors for the ATLAS upgrade 2011 P. Grenier
G. Alimonti
M. Barbero
R. L. Bates
E. Bolle
M. Borri
M. Boscardin
C. M. Buttar
M. Capua
F. Šforza
+ The Monte Carlo method for the Boltzmann transport equation 2011 David Esseni
Pierpaolo Palestri
L. Selmi
+ Integrals and transformations over a finite area <i>A</i> 2011 David Esseni
Pierpaolo Palestri
L. Selmi
+ Mathematical definitions and properties 2011 David Esseni
Pierpaolo Palestri
L. Selmi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks 2018 Mark Sandler
Andrew Howard
Menglong Zhu
Andrey Zhmoginov
Liang-Chieh Chen
+ PDF Chat Tight-binding approach to uniaxial strain in graphene 2009 Vitor M. Pereira
A. H. Castro Neto
N. M. R. Peres
+ PDF Chat Ultrahigh electron mobility in suspended graphene 2008 Kirill I. Bolotin
Kenneth Sikes
Zhewei Jiang
Martin Klíma
Geoffrey Fudenberg
James Hone
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H. L. Störmer
+ PDF Chat A modular PC based silicon microstrip beam telescope with high speed data acquisition 2002 J. Treis
P. Fischer
H. Krüger
Lasse Klingbeil
T. Lari
N. Wermes
+ PDF Chat Growth and properties of few-layer graphene prepared by chemical vapor deposition 2009 Hye Jin Park
Jannik C. Meyer
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+ PDF Chat Giant Intrinsic Carrier Mobilities in Graphene and Its Bilayer 2008 С. В. Морозов
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John A. Jaszczak
A. K. Geǐm
+ Track fitting with ambiguities and noise: A study of elastic tracking and nonlinear filters 1999 R. Frühwirth
A. Strandlie
+ Application of Kalman filtering to track and vertex fitting 1987 R. Frühwirth
+ PDF Chat Impermeable Atomic Membranes from Graphene Sheets 2008 J. Scott Bunch
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Arend M. van der Zande
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+ PDF Chat Test Beam Characterization of 3-D Silicon Pixel Detectors 2008 Markus Mathés
M. Cristinziani
C. Da Vià
M. Garcia-Sciveres
K. Einsweiler
J. Hasi
C. Kenney
S. I. Parker
L. Reuen
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+ PDF Chat Ultrastrong adhesion of graphene membranes 2011 Steven P. Koenig
Narasimha Boddeti
Martin L. Dunn
J. Scott Bunch
+ PDF Chat An Energy-Efficient Low-Voltage Swing Transceiver for mW-Range IoT End-Nodes 2020 Hayate Okuhara
Ahmed Elnaqib
Davide Rossi
Alfio Di Mauro
Philipp Mayer
Pierpaolo Palestri
Luca Benini
+ PDF Chat A 0.5GHz 0.35mW LDO-Powered Constant-Slope Phase Interpolator With 0.22% INL 2020 Ahmed Elnaqib
Hayate Okuhara
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Davide Rossi
Luca Benini
+ PDF Chat Introducing Nonuniform Strain to Graphene Using Dielectric Nanopillars 2011 Hikari Tomori
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+ PDF Chat Development of 3D-DDTC pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrade 2010 G.‐F. Dalla Betta
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+ PDF Chat Manticore: A 4096-Core RISC-V Chiplet Architecture for Ultraefficient Floating-Point Computing 2020 Florian Zaruba
Fabian Schuiki
Luca Benini