François Digne


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
Eddy Godelle
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Braid groups and symplectic Steinberg groups 2023 Christian Kassel
François Digne
+ PDF Chat Formulae for two-variable Green functions 2022 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Ribbons in Garside monoids 2022 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Braid groups and symplectic Steinberg groups 2022 François Digne
Christian Kassel
+ Ribbons in Garside monoids 2022 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Commutation of Shintani descent and Jordan decomposition 2021 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Basic Results on Algebraic Groups 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Geometric Conjugacy and the Lusztig Series 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Structure Theorems for Reductive Groups 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ The Decomposition of Deligne–Lusztig Characters 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ The Duality Functor and the Steinberg Character 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Iwahori–Hecke Algebras 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ The Character Formula and Other Results on Deligne–Lusztig Induction 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Introduction to the Second Edition 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ From the Introduction to the First Edition 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Regular Elements; Gelfand–Graev Representations; Regular and Semi-Simple Characters 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat (B,N)-Pairs; Parabolic, Levi, and Reductive Subgroups; Centralisers of Semi-simple Elements 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ References 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ ℓ-Adic Cohomology 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Harish-Chandra Theory 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Deligne–Lusztig Induction: The Mackey Formula 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Index 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Rationality, the Frobenius Endomorphism, the Lang–Steinberg Theorem 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Green Functions 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type 2020 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Quasi-semisimple elements 2018 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Quasi-semisimple elements 2017 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Dual braid monoids, Mikado braids and positivity in Hecke algebras 2016 François Digne
Thomas Gobet
+ PDF Chat Complements on disconnected reductive groups 2015 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Dual braid monoids, Mikado braids and positivity in Hecke algebras 2015 François Digne
Thomas Gobet
+ Foundations of Garside theory (EMS Tracts in Mathematics 22) 2015 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ Foundations of Garside Theory 2015 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ Foundations of Garside Theory 2015 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ Présentation des groupes de tresses purs et de certaines de leurs extensions 2015 François Digne
+ Dual braid monoids, Mikado braids and positivity in Hecke algebras 2015 François Digne
Thomas Gobet
+ Addenda to "Foundations of Garside Theory" 2014 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ Parabolic Deligne–Lusztig varieties 2014 François Digne
Jean Michel
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat On character sheaves and characters of reductive groups at unipotent classes 2014 François Digne
G Lehrer
Jean Michel
+ Addenda to "Foundations of Garside Theory" 2014 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Garside Theory 2013 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Garside Theory 2013 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Eddy Godelle
Daan Krammer
Jean Michel
+ Garside families and Garside germs 2013 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Garside families and Garside germs 2013 Patrick Dehornoy
François Digne
Jean Michel
+ On character sheaves and characters of reductive groups at unipotent classes 2013 François Digne
G Lehrer
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat A Garside presentation for Artin-Tits groups of type \widetilde{C}_n 2012 François Digne
+ PDF Chat The center of pure complex braid groups 2011 François Digne
Iván Marín
Jean Michel
+ A Garside presentation for Artin-Tits groups of type $\tilde C_n$ 2010 François Digne
+ PDF Chat Garside and locally Garside categories 2007 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Garside and locally Garside categories 2007 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie des variétés de Deligne-Lusztig 2007 François Digne
Jean Michel
Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie des variétés de Deligne-Lusztig 2007 François Digne
Jean Michel
Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie des variétés de Deligne-Lusztig 2007 François Digne
Jean Michel
Raphaël Rouquier
+ Cohomologie des variétés de Deligne–Lusztig 2006 François Digne
Jean Michel
Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat Présentations duales des groupes de tresses de type affine $Ã$ 2006 François Digne
+ PDF Chat Endomorphisms of Deligne-Lusztig Varieties 2006 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Endomorphisms of Deligne-Lusztig varieties 2006 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Garside and locally Garside categories 2006 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Endomorphisms of Deligne-Lusztig varieties 2006 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Endomorphisms of Deligne-Lusztig varieties 2005 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Présentations duales des groupes de tresses de type affine $\tilde A$ 2004 François Digne
+ Cohomologie des variétés de Deligne-Lusztig 2004 François Digne
Jean Michel
Raphaël Rouquier
+ On the linearity of Artin braid groups 2003 François Digne
+ The space of unipotently supported class functions on a finite reductive group 2003 François Digne
G Lehrer
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Springer theory in braid groups and the Birman–Ko–Lee monoid 2002 David Bessis
François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Points fixes des automorphismes quasi-semi-simples 2002 François Digne
Jean Michel
François Digne
Jean Michel
+ The space of unipotently supported class functions on a finite reductive group 2002 François Digne
G Lehrer
Jean Michel
+ Presentation of pure braid groups 2001 François Digne
+ Springer theory in braid groups and the Birman-Ko-Lee monoid 2000 David Bessis
François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Descente de Shintani et Restriction des Scalaires 1999 François Digne
+ On Gel'fand-Graev characters of reductive groups with disconnected centre. 1997 Julien Michel
G Lehrer
François Digne
+ PDF Chat Groupes réductifs non connexes 1994 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ The characters of the group of rational points of a reductive group with non-connected centre. 1992 François Digne
G Lehrer
Julien Michel
+ The Bruhat decomposition; parabolic subgroups 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Rationality, Frobenius endomorphism 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Intersections of parabolic subgroups 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Regular elements; Gelfand-Graev representations 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ <i>l</i>-adic cohomology 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Harish-Chandra's theory 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Geometric conjugacy and Lusztig series 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Basic results on algebraic groups 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Deligne-Lusztig induction; the Mackay formula 1991 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Foncteurs de Lusztig et caractères des groupes linéaires et unitaires sur un corps fini 1987 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Shintani descent and ℒ functions on Deligne-Lusztig varieties 1987 François Digne
+ PDF Chat Fonctions $L$ des variétés de Deligne-Lusztig et descente de Shintani 1985 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Remarques sur la dualité de Curtis 1982 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Sections des fibrés vectoriels sur une courbe 1974 François Digne
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Regular elements of finite reflection groups 1974 T. A. Springer
+ Green Functions and Character Sheaves 1990 G. Lusztig
+ Representations of Reductive Groups Over Finite Fields 1976 Pierre Deligne
G. Lusztig
+ Character sheaves, V 1986 G. Lusztig
+ On the finiteness of the number of unipotent classes 1976 G. Lusztig
+ Intersection cohomology complexes on a reductive group 1984 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Representations of Finite Chevalley Groups 1979 Bhama Srinivasan
+ A unipotent support for irreducible representations 1992 George Lusztic
+ Coxeter orbits and eigenspaces of Frobenius 1976 G. Lusztig
+ The characters of the group of rational points of a reductive group with non-connected centre. 1992 François Digne
G Lehrer
Julien Michel
+ Truncation and duality in the character ring of a finite group of Lie type 1980 Charles W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat Seminar on Algebraic Groups and Related Finite Groups 1970 Armand Borel
Rayna J. Carter
C. W. Curtis
Nagayoshi Iwahori
T. A. Springer
Richard H. Steinberg
+ On Gel'fand-Graev characters of reductive groups with disconnected centre. 1997 Julien Michel
G Lehrer
François Digne
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1975 James E. Humphreys
+ FINITE GROUPS OF LIE TYPE Conjugacy classes and complex characters 1987 J. A. Green
+ Cohomologie des variétés de Deligne–Lusztig 2006 François Digne
Jean Michel
Raphaël Rouquier
+ Algebraic and Abstract Simple Groups 1964 Jacques Tits
+ Foncteurs de Lusztig et caractères des groupes linéaires et unitaires sur un corps fini 1987 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ Reflection subgroups of Coxeter systems 1990 Matthew Dyer
+ Duality for representations of a reductive group over a finite field, II 1983 Pierre Deligne
G. Lusztig
+ Irreducible representations of finite classical groups 1977 G. Lusztig
+ On the character values of finite Chevalley groups at unipotent elements 1986 G. Lusztig
+ Normalisateurs de tores I. Groupes de coxeter étendus 1966 Jacques Tits
+ Characters of Finite Coxeter Groups and Iwahori-Hecke Algebras 2000 Meinolf Geck
Götz Pfeiffer
+ PDF Chat Classes Unipotentes et Sous-groupes de Borel 1982 N. Spaltenstein
+ Remarques sur la dualité de Curtis 1982 François Digne
Jean Michel
+ PDF Chat Representations of Finite Classical Groups 1981 Andrey V. Zelevinsky
+ Lectures on Chevalley Groups 2016 Robert Steinberg
+ Characters of Reductive Groups over a Finite Field. (AM-107) 1984 G. Lusztig
+ Invariants of Finite Groups Generated by Reflections 1955 Claude Chevalley
+ PDF Chat Prime Power Representations Of Finite Linear Groups 1956 Robert Steinberg
+ Induced cuspidal representations and generalised Hecke rings 1980 Robert B. Howlett
G Lehrer
+ Proof of Springer’s hypothesis 1977 David Kazhdan
+ On the green polynomials of a chevalley group of type f<sub>4</sub> 1982 Toshiaki Shoji
+ Green functions of finite Chevalley groups of type En (n = 6, 7, 8) 1984 W. M. Beynon
N. Spaltenstein
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Isolated Elements in Reductive Groups 2005 Cédric Bonnafé
+ Actions of relative Weyl groups II 2005 Cédric Bonnafé
+ PDF Chat The Conjugate Classes of Unipotent Elements of the Chevalley Groups $E_7$ and $E_8$ 1980 Kenzo MIZUNO
+ The characters of the finite unitary groups 1977 G. Lusztig
Bhama Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat On the irreducibility of Deligne–Lusztig varieties 2006 Cédric Bonnafé
Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat On the degrees and rationality of certain characters of finite Chevalley groups 1972 Clark T. Benson
C. W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat The characters of the finite general linear groups 1955 J. A. Green
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1998 T. A. Springer
+ Fourier transforms of nilpotently supported invariant functions on a simple lie algebra over a finite field 1982 Noriaki Kawanaka
+ On the degrees of Steinberg characters of Chevalley groups 1974 Robert B. Howlett
+ On the Green polynomials of classical groups 1983 Toshiaki Shoji
+ Trigonometric sums, green functions of finite groups and representations of Weyl groups 1976 T. A. Springer
+ Fourier transforms and Frobenius eigenvalues for finite Coxeter groups 2003 Meinolf Geck
Gunter Malle
+ A note on subgroups generated by reflections in Coxeter groups 1989 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ PDF Chat The centralizer of a regular unipotent element in a semisimple algebraic group 1968 Betty Lou