Fredéric Diaz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the density of discriminants of cyclic extensions of prime degree 2002 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ Approche algorithmique du groupe des classes logarithmiques 1999 Fredéric Diaz
Florence Soriano
+ Tables of octic fields with a quartic subfield 1999 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ Subexponential Algorithms for Class Group and Unit Computations 1997 Haskell Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat Computing ray class groups, conductors and discriminants 1996 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ Imprimitive Ninth-Degree Number Fields with Small Discriminants 1995 Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ PDF Chat Imprimitive ninth-degree number fields with small discriminants 1995 Fredéric Diaz
M. Olivier
+ PDF Chat A table of quintic number fields 1994 Albert Schwarz
Michael Pohst
Fredéric Diaz
+ Calculs de nombres de classes et de régulateurs de corps quadratiques en temps sous-exponentiel 1993 Henri Cohen
Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ Supplement to A Table of Totally Real Quintic Number Fields 1991 Fredéric Diaz
+ A Table of Totally Real Quintic Number Fields 1991 Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat A table of totally real quintic number fields 1991 Fredéric Diaz
+ The minimum discriminant of totally real octic fields 1990 Michael Pohst
Jacques Martinet
Fredéric Diaz
+ Discriminant Minimal Et Petits Discriminants Des Corps De Nombres De Degre 7 Avec Cinq Places Reelles 1988 Fredéric Diaz
+ Cubic fields, a congruential criterion for Scholz's theorem and new real quadratic fields with 3-rank equal to 4 1988 Fredéric Diaz
Pascual Llorente
Jordi Quer
+ Petits discriminants des corps de nombres totalement imaginaires de degré 8 1987 Fredéric Diaz
+ Quadratic Fields With 3-Rank Equal to 4 1979 Fredéric Diaz
Daniel Shanks
H. C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Quadratic fields with 3-rank equal to 4 1979 Fredéric Diaz
Daniel Shanks
Hywel C Williams
+ On Some Families of Imaginary Quadratic Fields 1978 Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat On some families of imaginary quadratic fields 1978 Fredéric Diaz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory 1989 Michael Pohst
Hans Zassenhaus
+ A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 1993 Henri Cohen
+ On the computation of number fields of small discriminants including the minimum discriminants of sixth degree fields 1982 Michael Pohst
+ The transitive groups of degree up to eleven<sup>+</sup> 1983 Gregory Butler
John McKay
+ PDF Chat Euclidean fields having a large Lenstra constant 1985 Armin Leutbecher
+ The minimum discriminant of totally real octic fields 1990 Michael Pohst
Jacques Martinet
Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat On the 3-rank of quadratic fields and the Euler product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ New types of quadratic fields having three invariants divisible by 3 1972 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat The minimum discriminants of quintic fields 1957 J. A. H. Hunter
+ PDF Chat On the Computation of Totally Real Quartic Fields of Small Discriminant 1989 Johannes Buchmann
David Ford
+ PDF Chat Class groups of the quadratic fields found by F. Diaz y Diaz 1976 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: “Quadratic fields with four invariants divisible by 3” (Math. Comp. 27 (1973), 183–187) by Daniel Shanks and Richard Serafin 1973 Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Corps sextiques contenant un corps cubique (III) 1991 Michel Olivier
+ PDF Chat Quadratic fields with four invariants divisible by 3 1973 Daniel Shanks
Richard Serafin
+ The Trace of Totally Positive and Real Algebraic Integers 1945 Carl Ludwig Siegel
+ PDF Chat Corps sextiques contenant un corps quadratique (I) 1989 Madeline T. Olivier
+ PDF Chat On some families of imaginary quadratic fields 1978 Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat A table of totally real cubic fields 1976 I. O. Angell
+ Quadratic Fields with Four Invariants Divisible by 3 1973 Daniel Shanks
Richard Serafin
+ Enumeration of Quartic Fields of Small Discriminant 1993 Johannes Buchmann
David Ford
Michael Pohst
+ On the 3-Rank of Quadratic Fields and the Euler Product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ A Table of Totally Real Quintic Number Fields 1991 Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat A polynomial reduction algorithm 1991 Henri Cohen
Francisco Diaz y Diaz
+ The Computation of Sextic Fields with a Quadratic Subfield 1990 A.-M. Berge
J. Martinet
M. Olivier
+ Petits discriminants des corps de nombres totalement imaginaires de degré 8 1987 Fredéric Diaz
+ PDF Chat The computation of sextic fields with a quadratic subfield 1990 Anne-Marie Bergé
Jacques Martinet
Michel Olivier
+ Petits discriminants des corps de nombres 1982 Jacques Martinet
+ PDF Chat Corps sextiques contenant un corps quadratique (II) 1990 Michel Olivier
+ Über die Beziehung der Klassenzahlen quadratischer Körper zueinander. 1932 Arnold Scholz
+ PDF Chat On the computation of totally real quartic fields of small discriminant 1989 Johannes Buchmann
David Ford
+ Real Quartic Fields with Small Discriminant 1956 H. J. Godwin
+ PDF Chat The Totally Real A6 Extension of Degree 6 with Minimum Discriminant 1993 David Ford
Michael Pohst
+ On the computation of the maximal order in a dedekind domain. 1978 David Ford
+ Prehomogeneous vector spaces and field extensions 1992 D. J. Wright
Akihiko Yukie
+ Berechnung kleiner Diskriminanten total reeller algebraischer Zahlkörper. 1975 Michael Pohst
+ Imprimitive Ninth-Degree Number Fields with Small Discriminants 1995 Fredéric Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ PDF Chat Computing ray class groups, conductors and discriminants 1998 Henri Cohen
F. y Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ On cliques of exceptional units and Lenstra's construction of Euclidean fields 1989 Armin Leutbecher
Gerhard Niklasch
+ Counting Discriminants of Number Fields of Degree up to Four 2000 Henri Cohen
Francisco Diaz y Diaz
Michel Olivier
+ PDF Chat On the 2-Sylow subgroup of the Hilbert kernel of $K_{2}$ of number fields 1989 Alan Candiotti
Kenneth Kramer
+ On the equation ζk(s) = ζk′(s) 1977 Robert Perlis
+ The minimum discriminant of sixth degree totally complex algebraic number fields 1977 J. Liang
Hans Zassenhaus
+ Distribution of Discriminants of Abelian Extensions 1989 D. J. Wright
+ On the Density of Discriminants of Cubic Fields 1969 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ Computations with relative extensions of number fields with an application to the construction of Hilbert class fields 1995 Mario Daberkow
Michael Pohst
+ Lectures on the Theory of Algebraic Numbers 1981 E. Hecke
+ PDF Chat The density of abelian cubic fields 1954 Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat Zeta functions do not determine class numbers 1994 Bart de Smit
Robert Perlis
+ PDF Chat On the 3-Sylow subgroup of the class group of quadratic fields 1988 Pascual Llorente
Jordi Quer
+ PDF Chat On computing isomorphisms of equation orders 1987 Michael Pohst