Chérif Belacel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Extreme multiexciton emission from deterministically assembled single-emitter subwavelength plasmonic patch antennas 2020 Amit Raj Dhawan
Chérif Belacel
Juan U. Esparza-Villa
Michel Nasilowski
Zhiming Wang
Catherine Schwob
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
Laurent Coolen
Benoît Dubertret
P. Senellart
+ Extreme multiexciton emission from deterministically assembled single emitter subwavelength plasmonic patch antennas 2018 Amit Raj Dhawan
Chérif Belacel
Juan U. Esparza-Villa
Michel Nasilowski
Zhiming Wang
Catherine Schwob
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
Laurent Coolen
Benoît Dubertret
P. Senellart
+ Extreme multiexciton emission from deterministically assembled single emitter subwavelength plasmonic patch antennas 2018 Amit Raj Dhawan
Chérif Belacel
Juan U. Esparza-Villa
Michel Nasilowski
Zhiming Wang
Catherine Schwob
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
Laurent Coolen
Benoît Dubertret
P. Senellart
+ Optomechanical THz detection with a sub-wavelength resonator 2016 Chérif Belacel
Yanko Todorov
S. Barbieri
Djamal Gacemi
Iván Favero
Carlo Sirtori
+ PDF Chat Optical characterization of active photon cages 2014 Rémy Artinyan
Aziz Benamrouche
Chérif Belacel
M. Kozubova
Alice Berthelot
A.-M. Jurdyc
Guillaume Beaudin
Vincent Aimez
P. Rojo-Romeo
Jean‐Louis Leclercq
+ PDF Chat Controlling Spontaneous Emission with Plasmonic Optical Patch Antennas 2013 Chérif Belacel
B. Habert
Florian Bigourdan
François Marquier
J.-P. Hugonin
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
X. Lafosse
Laurent Coolen
Catherine Schwob
C. Javaux
+ PDF Chat Critical optical coupling between a GaAs disk and a nanowaveguide suspended on the chip 2011 Christopher G. Baker
Chérif Belacel
A. Andronico
P. Senellart
A. Lemaı̂tre
E. Galopin
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
Iván Favero
+ PDF Chat Ultralow loss single-mode silica tapers manufactured by a microheater 2010 Lu Ding
Chérif Belacel
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
I. Favero
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Controlled Light-Matter Coupling for a Single Quantum Dot Embedded in a Pillar Microcavity Using Far-Field Optical Lithography 2008 Adrien Dousse
L. Lanco
J. Suffczyński
Elizaveta Semenova
A. Miard
A. Lemaı̂tre
I. Sagnes
Christophe Roblin
J. Bloch
P. Senellart
+ PDF Chat Quantum plasmonics 2013 Mark Tame
K. R. McEnery
Şahin Kaya Özdemir
J. Lee
Stefan A. Maier
M. S. Kim
+ PDF Chat Excitation Enhancement of a Quantum Dot Coupled to a Plasmonic Antenna 2012 Esteban Bermúdez‐Ureña
Mark P. Kreuzer
Stella Itzhakov
Hervé Rigneault
Romain Quidant
Dan Oron
Jérôme Wenger
+ PDF Chat Controlling Spontaneous Emission with Plasmonic Optical Patch Antennas 2013 Chérif Belacel
B. Habert
Florian Bigourdan
François Marquier
J.-P. Hugonin
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
X. Lafosse
Laurent Coolen
Catherine Schwob
C. Javaux
+ PDF Chat Near-to-Far Field Transformations for Radiative and Guided Waves 2016 Jianji Yang
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
Philippe Lalanne
+ PDF Chat Propagation of surface plasmons in ordered and disordered chains of metal nanospheres 2007 Vadim A. Markel
Andrey K. Sarychev
+ PDF Chat Plasmonic Antennas Hybridized with Dielectric Waveguides 2012 Felipe Bernal Arango
Andrej Kwadrin
A. Femius Koenderink
+ PDF Chat Highly indistinguishable photons from deterministic quantum-dot microlenses utilizing three-dimensional in situ electron-beam lithography 2015 Manuel Gschrey
Alexander Thoma
Peter Schnauber
M. Seifried
Rainer Schmidt
Benjamin Wohlfeil
L. Krüger
J.-H. Schulze
Tobias Heindel
Sven Burger
+ PDF Chat Near-optimal single-photon sources in the solid state 2016 N. Somaschi
Valérian Giesz
Lorenzo De Santis
J. C. Loredo
M. P. Almeida
Gaston Hornecker
Simone Luca Portalupi
T. Grange
C. Antón
Justin Demory
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of Highly Efficient Broadband Coupling of Single Quantum Dots to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2008 Toke Lund-Hansen
Søren Stobbe
Brian Julsgaard
Henri Thyrrestrup
T. Sünner
M. Kamp
A. Forchel
Peter Lodahl
+ PDF Chat Photon Antibunching in the Photoluminescence Spectra of a Single Carbon Nanotube 2008 Alexander Högele
Christophe Galland
Martin Winger
Ataç İmamoğlu
+ Fluctuating nanomechanical system in a high finesse optical microcavity 2009 Iván Favero
Sebastian Stapfner
David Hunger
Philipp Paulitschke
Jakob Reichel
H. Lorenz
Eva M. Weig
K. Karraï
+ PDF Chat Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling Regime with Polariton Dots 2010 Yanko Todorov
A. M. Andrews
R. Colombelli
Simone De Liberato
Cristiano Ciuti
P. Klang
G. Strasser
Carlo Sirtori
+ PDF Chat High Frequency GaAs Nano-Optomechanical Disk Resonator 2010 Lu Ding
Christopher G. Baker
P. Senellart
A. Lemaı̂tre
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
Iván Favero
+ PDF Chat Actuation of micro-optomechanical systems via cavity-enhanced optical dipole forces 2007 Matt Eichenfield
Christopher P. Michael
Raviv Perahia
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Optical-fiber-based measurement of an ultrasmall volume high-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>photonic crystal microcavity 2004 Kartik Srinivasan
Paul E. Barclay
Matthew Borselli
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Ultrastrong Coupling of the Cyclotron Transition of a 2D Electron Gas to a THz Metamaterial 2012 Giacomo Scalari
Curdin Maissen
Dana Turčinková
David Hagenmüller
Simone De Liberato
Cristiano Ciuti
Christian Reichl
D. Schuh
W. Wegscheider
Mattias Beck
+ PDF Chat Improved optomechanical disk resonator sitting on a pedestal mechanical shield 2015 Dac Trung Nguyen
William Hease
Christopher G. Baker
Eduardo Gil-Santos
P. Senellart
A. Lemaı̂tre
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
Iván Favero
+ PDF Chat Efficient Source of Single Photons: A Single Quantum Dot in a Micropost Microcavity 2002 Matthew Pelton
Charles Santori
Jelena Vučković
Bing Zhang
Glenn S. Solomon
Jocelyn Plant
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Nonresonant enhancement of spontaneous emission in metal-dielectric-metal plasmon waveguide structures 2008 Young Chul Jun
Rohan D. Kekatpure
Justin S. White
Mark L. Brongersma
+ PDF Chat Graphene field-effect transistors as room-temperature terahertz detectors 2012 Leonardo Vicarelli
Miriam S. Vitiello
D. Coquillat
Antonio Lombardo
Andrea C. Ferrari
W. Knap
Marco Polini
V. Pellegrini
Alessandro Tredicucci
+ PDF Chat Ultralow loss single-mode silica tapers manufactured by a microheater 2010 Lu Ding
Chérif Belacel
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
I. Favero
+ PDF Chat Controlling the Spontaneous Emission Rate of Single Quantum Dots in a Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal 2005 Dirk Englund
David Fattal
Edo Waks
Glenn S. Solomon
Bing Zhang
Toshihiro Nakaoka
Yasuhiko Arakawa
Y. Yamamoto
Jelena Vučković
+ PDF Chat Wavelength- and material-dependent absorption in GaAs and AlGaAs microcavities 2007 C. P. Michael
Kartik Srinivasan
Thomas J. Johnson
Oskar Painter
K. H. Lee
K. Hennessy
Honggyu Kim
Evelyn L. Hu
+ PDF Chat Wavelength-sized GaAs optomechanical resonators with gigahertz frequency 2011 Lu Ding
Christopher G. Baker
P. Senellart
A. Lemaı̂tre
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
Iván Favero
+ PDF Chat Plasmonic nanoantennas: enhancing light-matter interactions at the nanoscale 2015 Shobhit K. Patel
Christos Argyropoulos
+ PDF Chat GaAs micro-nanodisks probed by a looped fiber taper for optomechanics applications 2010 Lu Ding
P. Senellart
A. Lemaı̂tre
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
Iván Favero
+ PDF Chat A picogram- and nanometre-scale photonic-crystal optomechanical cavity 2009 Matt Eichenfield
Ryan M. Camacho
Jasper Fuk‐Woo Chan
Kerry J. Vahala
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Carrier multiplication yields of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>CdSe</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>CdTe</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>nanocrystals by transient photoluminescence spectroscopy 2007 Gautham Nair
Moungi G. Bawendi
+ PDF Chat Quantum optomechanics—throwing a glance [Invited] 2010 Markus Aspelmeyer
Simon Gröblacher
Klemens Hammerer
Nikolai Kiesel
+ PDF Chat Self-Induced Oscillations in an Optomechanical System Driven by Bolometric Backaction 2008 Constanze Metzger
Max Ludwig
Clemens Neuenhahn
Alexander Ortlieb
Iván Favero
K. Karraï
Florian Marquardt
+ PDF Chat Directional control of light by a nano-optical Yagi–Uda antenna 2010 Terukazu Kosako
Yutaka Kadoya
Holger F. Hofmann
+ Transmittance and near-field characterization of sub-wavelength tapered optical fibers 2007 Fedja Oručević
Valérie Lefèvre-Seguin
J. Hare
+ An optical fiber-taper probe for wafer-scale microphotonic device characterization 2007 C. P. Michael
Matthew Borselli
Thomas J. Johnson
C. Chrystal
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Enhancement of Single-Molecule Fluorescence Using a Gold Nanoparticle as an Optical Nanoantenna 2006 Sergei Kühn
Ulf Håkanson
L. Rogobete
Vahid Sandoghdar
+ PDF Chat Exciton-Photon Strong-Coupling Regime for a Single Quantum Dot Embedded in a Microcavity 2005 Emmanuelle Peter
P. Senellart
D. Martrou
A. Lemaı̂tre
J. Hours
Jean‐Michel Gérard
J. Bloch
+ PDF Chat A planar dielectric antenna for directional single-photon emission and near-unity collection efficiency 2011 K. G. Lee
Xuewen Chen
Hadi Eghlidi
Philipp Kukura
R. Lettow
Alois Renn
Vahid Sandoghdar
Stephan Götzinger