Simi Bajaj


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Improving Computer-Aided Detection Using<?Pub _newline?>Convolutional Neural Networks and Random View Aggregation 2015 Holger R. Roth
Le LĆ¼
Jiamin Liu
Jianhua Yao
Ari Seff
Kevin M. Cherry
Lauren Kim
Ronald M. Summers
+ Detection of emerging space-time clusters 2005 Daniel B. Neill
Andrew Moore
Maheshkumar Sabhnani
Kenny Daniel
+ PDF Chat Comments on ā€˜A critical look at prospective surveillance using a scan statisticā€™ by T. Correa, M. Costa, and R. AssunĆ§Ć£o 2015 Martin Kulldorff
Ken Kleinman
+ PDF Chat A flexibly shaped spatial scan statistic for detecting clusters 2005 Toshiro Tango
Kunihiko Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Retrospective spaceā€“time analysis methods to support West Nile virus surveillance activities 2014 Paolo Mulatti
Matteo Mazzucato
Fabrizio Montarsi
Silvia Ciocchetta
Gioia Capelli
Lebana Bonfanti
Stefano Marangon
+ PDF Chat Online platform for applying spaceā€“time scan statistics for prospectively detecting emerging hot spots of dengue fever 2016 Chienā€Chou Chen
Yung-Chu Teng
Boā€Cheng Lin
I-Chun Fan
Taā€Chien Chan
+ Detecting and classifying lesions in mammograms with Deep Learning 2017 Dezső Ribli
Anna HorvƔth
Zsuzsa Unger
PĆ©ter Pollner
IstvƔn Csabai
+ Rapid surveillance of COVID-19 in the United States using a prospective space-time scan statistic: Detecting and evaluating emerging clusters 2020 Michael R. Desjardins
Alexander Hohl
Eric Delmelle
+ Determining the spatial effects of COVID-19 using the spatial panel data model 2020 Hasraddin Guliyev
+ GIS-based spatial modeling of COVID-19 incidence rate in the continental United States 2020 Abolfazl Mollalo
Behzad Vahedi
Kiara M. Rivera
+ Spatial analysis of COVID-19 clusters and contextual factors in New York City 2020 Jack Cordes
MƔrcia C. Castro
+ Daily surveillance of COVID-19 using the prospective space-time scan statistic in the United States 2020 Alexander Hohl
Eric Delmelle
Michael R. Desjardins
Yu Lan
+ A Syndromic Surveillance Tool to Detect Anomalous Clusters of COVID-19 Symptoms in the United States 2020 Amparo GĆ¼emes
Soumyajit Ray
Khaled Aboumerhi
Michael R. Desjardins
Anton Kvit
Anne E. Corrigan
Brendan Fries
Timothy Shields
Robert D. Stevens
Frank C. Curriero
+ PDF Chat Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification 2018 Kamyar Nazeri
Azad Aminpour
Mehran Ebrahimi