Tiago E.C. Magalhães


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An Introduction to Error Analysis 1982 John R. Taylor
+ PDF Chat PyCUDA and PyOpenCL: A scripting-based approach to GPU run-time code generation 2011 Andreas Klöckner
Nicolas Pinto
Yunsup Lee
Bryan Catanzaro
Paul Ivanov
Ahmed R. Fasih
+ On the inverse problem of source reconstruction from coherence measurements 2018 Andre Beckus
Alexandru Tamasan
Aristide Dogariu
Ayman F. Abouraddy
George K. Atia
+ Coherence measurements of scattered incoherent light for lensless identification of an object’s location and size 2017 H. Esat Kondakci
Andre Beckus
Ahmed El Halawany
Nafiseh Mohammadian
George K. Atia
Ayman F. Abouraddy
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of digital micromirror devices for use in space-based multiobject spectrometer application 2017 Anton Travinsky
Dmitry Vorobiev
Zoran Ninkov
A. Raisanen
Manuel A. Quijada
Stephen A. Smee
Jonathan A. Pellish
Tim Schwartz
Massimo Robberto
Sara R. Heap
+ PDF Chat X-ray coherent diffraction interpreted through the fractional Fourier transform 2011 D. Le Bolloc’h
Jean‐François Sadoc
+ Incoherent lensless imaging via coherency back-propagation 2017 Ahmed El-Halawany
Andre Beckus
H. Esat Kondakci
Morgan Monroe
Nafiseh Mohammadian
George K. Atia
Ayman F. Abouraddy
+ On the inverse problem of source reconstruction from coherence measurements 2018 Andre Beckus
Alexandru Tamasan
Aristide Dogariu
Ayman F. Abouraddy
George K. Atia
+ Communication in the Presence of Noise 1949 Claude E. Shannon