Eberhard Lanckau


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Complex Integral Operators in Mathematical Physics 1997 Eberhard Lanckau
+ On pseudoparabolic equations and their approximation by parabolic equations 1992 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Lagerstrom, P. A., Matched Asymptotic Expansions. Ideas and Techniques. New York etc., Springer‐Verlag 1988. XII, 250 pp., 9 figs., DM 78,00. ISBN 3–540–96811–3 (Applied Mathematical Sciences 76) 1990 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Sod, G. A., Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Initial and Initial Boundary‐Value Problems. Cambridge etc., Cambridge University Press 1985. X, 445 S., £ 30.00 B/C H/c. US $ 44.50. ISBN 0 521 25924 X 1987 Eberhard Lanckau
+ PDF Chat Bergman-Vekua Operators and "Generalized Axially Symmetric Potential Theory" 1986 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Protter, M. H./Weinberger, H. F., Maximum Principles in Differential Equations. New York‐Berlin‐Heidelberg‐Tokyo, Springer‐Verlag 1984. X, 261 S., 56 Abb., DM 79,—. ISBN 3‐540‐96068‐6 1986 Eberhard Lanckau
+ 15. Solving of linear partial differential equations by using complex integral transforms 1983 Eberhard Lanckau
+ PDF Chat Bergmansche Integraloperatoren fĂŒr instationĂ€re Prozesse in der Ebene 1983 Eberhard Lanckau
+ PDF Chat On the representation of Bergman–Vekua-operators for three-dimensional equations 1983 Eberhard Lanckau
+ General vekua operators 1980 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Zur Integration der Differentialgleichungen ebener kompressibler Unterschallströmungen 1976 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Integralgleichungen und Randwertprobleme fĂŒr partielle Differentialgleichungen von elliptischem Typ <i>Dem 25. Jahrestag der DDR gewidmet</i> 1974 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Integral equations and boundary value problems for eliptic partial differential equations 1974 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Zur Lösung gewisser partieller Differentialgleichungen mittels parameterabhÀngiger Bergman-Operatoren 1971 Eberhard Lanckau
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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Constructive Methods for Elliptic Equations 1974 Robert P. Gilbert
+ Partial differential equations in the complex domain 1976 David Colton
+ New methods for solving elliptic equations 1967 I. Vekua
David E. Brown
A. B. Tayler
+ Integral Operators in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1961 Stefan Bergman
+ General vekua operators 1980 Eberhard Lanckau
+ Solution of boundary value problems by the method of integral operators 1978 David Colton
+ Zur Lösung gewisser partieller Differentialgleichungen mittels parameterabhÀngiger Bergman-Operatoren 1971 Eberhard Lanckau
+ PDF Chat Function Theoretic Methods in Partial Differential Equations 1969 Robert P. Gilbert
+ The Approximation of Certain Parabolic Equations Backward in Time by Sobolev Equations 1975 Richard E. Ewing
+ The numerical solution of some elliptic boundary value problems by integral operator methods 1974 Robert P. Gilbert
Peter Linz
+ PDF Chat Table errata: Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables (Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D.C., 1964) edited by M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun 1969 Van E. Wood
+ Numerical solution of Boundary-Value problems by the method of integral operators 1965 Stefan Bergman
John G. Herriot
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ Zur Numerischen Behandlung der Randwertaufgaben fĂŒr Elliptische Systeme 1968 Wolfgang L. Wendland