Lisa M. Jonkman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Canonical finger-numeral configurations facilitate the processing of Arabic numerals in adults: An Event-Related Potential study 2022 Fabian C. G. van den Berg
Peter De Weerd
Lisa M. Jonkman
+ PDF Chat Electrophysiological evidence for internalized representations of canonical finger-number gestures and their facilitating effects on adults’ math verification performance 2021 Fabian C. G. van den Berg
Peter De Weerd
Lisa M. Jonkman
+ Facilitation By Canonical Finger-Number Configurations 2020 Fabian C. G. van den Berg
Peter De Weerd
Lisa M. Jonkman
+ PDF Chat Number-related Brain Potentials Are Differentially Affected by Mapping Novel Symbols on Small versus Large Quantities in a Number Learning Task 2020 Fabian C. G. van den Berg
Peter De Weerd
Lisa M. Jonkman
+ PDF Chat Cognitive predictors of children's development in mathematics achievement: A latent growth modeling approach 2018 Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
Johannes E. H. Van Luit
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Ilona Friso‐van den Bos
Lisa M. Jonkman
M. van der Schoot
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
+ PDF Chat Pathways of Number Line Development in Children 2015 Ilona Friso‐van den Bos
Johannes E. H. Van Luit
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
M. van der Schoot
Lisa M. Jonkman
+ Longitudinal development of number line estimation and mathematics performance in primary school children 2015 Ilona Friso‐van den Bos
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Johannes E. H. Van Luit
Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
Lisa M. Jonkman
M. van der Schoot
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
+ Predicting individual growth rates in children's general math achievement 2015 Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
Hans van Luit
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Ilona Friso‐van den Bos
Lisa M. Jonkman
M. van der Schoot
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
+ The influence of neuropeptides and methylphenidate on evoked potentials in autistic and hyperkinetic children 1998 HermĂĄn van Engeland
Marinus N. Verbaten
Lisa M. Jonkman
Chantal Kemner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Symbol Grounding Problem Revisited: A Thorough Evaluation of the ANS Mapping Account and the Proposal of an Alternative Account Based on Symbol–Symbol Associations 2016 Bert Reynvoet
Delphine Sasanguie
+ PDF Chat One, two, three, four, nothing more: An investigation of the conceptual sources of the verbal counting principles 2007 Mathieu Le Corre
Susan Carey
+ Children's understanding of counting 1990 Karen Wynn
+ The Organization of Brain Activations in Number Comparison: Event-Related Potentials and the Additive-Factors Method 1996 Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat Ontogenetic Origins of Human Integer Representations 2019 Susan Carey
David Barner
+ Electrophysiological evidence for differential processing of numerical quantity and order in humans 2004 Eva Turconi
Boutheina Jemel
Bruno Rossion
Xavier Seron
+ Children’s Counting and Concepts of Number 1988 Karen C. Fuson
+ Children's acquisition of the number words and the counting system 1992 Karen Wynn
+ PDF Chat Modulation of Parietal Activation by Semantic Distance in a Number Comparison Task 2001 Philippe Pinel
Stanislas Dehaene
Denis Rivière
D. LeBihan
+ Finger–digit compatibility in Arabic numeral processing 2005 Samuel Di Luca
Alessia GranĂ 
Carlo Semenza
Xavier Seron
Mauro Pesenti
+ PDF Chat Mathematics and Learning Disabilities 2004 David C. Geary
+ ERP differences in processing canonical and noncanonical finger-numeral configurations 2019 FÄąrat Soylu
B. Rivera
Mona Anchan
Nathaniel Shannon
+ Common and segregated neural pathways for the processing of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude: An fMRI study 2009 Ian D. Holloway
Gavin R. Price
Daniel Ansari
+ Response–effect compatibility of finger–numeral configurations in arithmetical context 2009 Arnaud Badets
Mauro Pesenti
Etienne Olivier
+ PDF Chat Number-related Brain Potentials Are Differentially Affected by Mapping Novel Symbols on Small versus Large Quantities in a Number Learning Task 2020 Fabian C. G. van den Berg
Peter De Weerd
Lisa M. Jonkman
+ Finger-counting observation interferes with number processing 2019 Alice Mado Proverbio
Manuel Carminati
+ PDF Chat Effects of Finger Counting on Numerical Development ? The Opposing Views of Neurocognition and Mathematics Education 2011 Korbinian Moeller
Laura Martignon
Silvia Wessolowski
Joachim Engel
Hans‐Christoph Nuerk
+ PDF Chat Differential Contributions of the Left and Right Inferior Parietal Lobules to Number Processing 1999 F Chochon
Laurent Cohen
Pierre‐François Van de Moortele
Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat A Supramodal Number Representation in Human Intraparietal Cortex 2003 Evelyn Eger
Philipp Sterzer
Michael O. Russ
Anne‐Lise Giraud
Andreas Kleinschmidt
+ Masked priming effect with canonical finger numeral configurations 2007 Samuel Di Luca
Mauro Pesenti
+ Gesture as a window onto children’s number knowledge 2015 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Elizabet Spaepen
Dominic J. Gibson
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Susan C. Levine
+ Core systems of number 2004 Lisa Feigenson
Stanislas Dehaene
Elizabeth S. Spelke
+ Place and summation coding for canonical and non-canonical finger numeral representations 2010 Samuel Di Luca
Nathalie Lefèvre
Mauro Pesenti
+ PDF Chat Mathematics at Your Fingertips: Testing a Finger Training Intervention to Improve Quantitative Skills 2017 Tim Jay
Julie Betenson
+ PDF Chat Children’s number-line estimation shows development of measurement skills (not number representations). 2014 Dale J. Cohen
Barbara W. Sarnecka
+ PrĂŠcis of The Number Sense 2001 Stanislas Dehaene
+ The symbol-grounding problem in numerical cognition: A review of theory, evidence, and outstanding questions. 2016 Tali Leibovich
Daniel Ansari
+ PDF Chat Electrophysiological evidence for notation independence in numerical processing. 2007 Melissa E. Libertus
Marty G. Woldorff
Elizabeth M. Brannon
+ Finger Counting and (2D:4D) Digit Ratio in Spatial-Numerical Association 2015 Marco Fabbri
Vincenzo Natale
+ PDF Chat Children's cognitive representation of the mathematical number line 2014 Jeffrey N. Rouder
David C. Geary
+ Mind the gap between both hands: Evidence for internal finger-based number representations in children's mental calculation 2007 Frank Domahs
Helga Krinzinger
Klaus Willmes
+ Neurocognitive start-up tools for symbolic number representations 2010 Manuela Piazza
+ Finger counting habits modulate spatial-numerical associations 2007 Martin H. Fischer
+ Playing linear number board games—but not circular ones—improves low-income preschoolers’ numerical understanding. 2009 Robert S. Siegler
Geetha B. Ramani
+ Individual differences in non-verbal number acuity correlate with maths achievement 2008 Justin Halberda
Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
Lisa Feigenson
+ The development of executive functions and early mathematics: A dynamic relationship 2011 Sanne H.G. van der Ven
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Jan Boom
Paul Leseman
+ PDF Chat The Influence of Implicit Hand-Based Representations on Mental Arithmetic 2011 Elise Klein
Korbinian Moeller
Klaus Willmes
Hans‐Christoph Nuerk
Frank Domahs
+ Finger gnosia: a predictor of numerical abilities in children? 2005 Marie‐Pascale Noël
+ Preverbal and verbal counting and computation 1992 C. R. Gallistel
Rochel Gelman
+ PDF Chat Individual differences in kindergarten math achievement: The integrative roles of approximation skills and working memory 2013 Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
Bert De Smedt
M. van der Schoot
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
+ The Development of Numerical Estimation 2003 Robert S. Siegler
John E. Opfer
+ PDF Chat Working Memory in Nonsymbolic Approximate Arithmetic Processing: A Dual‐Task Study With Preschoolers 2013 Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
M. van der Schoot
+ PDF Chat Brain mechanisms of quantity are similar in 5-year-old children and adults 1998 Elise Temple
Michael I. Posner
+ PDF Chat Cognitive predictors of achievement growth in mathematics: A 5-year longitudinal study. 2011 David C. Geary
+ Working memory and mathematics in primary school children: A meta-analysis 2013 Ilona Friso‐van den Bos
Sanne H.G. van der Ven
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Johannes E. H. Van Luit
+ Early numerical development and the role of non-symbolic and symbolic skills 2013 Meijke E. Kolkman
Evelyn H. Kroesbergen
Paul Leseman
+ Large number discrimination in 6-month-old infants 2000 Fei Xu
Elizabeth S. Spelke
+ Does finger training increase young children's numerical performance? 2008 MarĂ­a Gracia-Bafalluy
Marie‐Pascale Noël
+ PDF Chat Working memory and number line representations in single-digit addition: Approximate versus exact, nonsymbolic versus symbolic 2014 Iro Xenidou‐Dervou
M. van der Schoot
E.C.D.M. van Lieshout
+ PDF Chat Effects of symbol type and numerical distance on the human event-related potential 2009 Ting Jiang
Sibing Qiao
Jin Li
Zhongyu Cao
Xuefei Gao
Yan Song
Gui Xue
Qi Dong
Chuansheng Chen