Gabija Kiršanskė


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Carrier-mediated optomechanical forces in semiconductor nanomembranes with coupled quantum wells 2018 Andreas Barg
Leonardo Midolo
Gabija Kiršanskė
Petru Tighineanu
Tommaso Pregnolato
Ataç İmamoğlu
Peter Lodahl
Albert Schließer
Søren Stobbe
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Quantum Optics with Near-Lifetime-Limited Quantum-Dot Transitions in a Nanophotonic Waveguide 2018 Henri Thyrrestrup
Gabija Kiršanskė
Hanna Le Jeannic
Tommaso Pregnolato
Liang Zhai
Laust Raahauge
Leonardo Midolo
Nir Rotenberg
Alisa Javadi
Rüdiger Schott
+ PDF Chat Indistinguishable and efficient single photons from a quantum dot in a planar nanobeam waveguide 2017 Gabija Kiršanskė
Henri Thyrrestrup
Raphaël S. Daveau
Chris Dreeßen
Tommaso Pregnolato
Leonardo Midolo
Petru Tighineanu
Alisa Javadi
Søren Stobbe
Rüdiger Schott
+ PDF Chat Two mechanisms of disorder-induced localization in photonic-crystal waveguides 2017 P. D. García
Gabija Kiršanskė
Alisa Javadi
Søren Stobbe
Peter Lodahl
+ PDF Chat Observation of the exciton Mott transition in the photoluminescence of coupled quantum wells 2016 Gabija Kiršanskė
Petru Tighineanu
Raphaël S. Daveau
Javier Miguel‐Sánchez
Peter Lodahl
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Soft-mask fabrication of gallium arsenide nanomembranes for integrated quantum photonics 2015 Leonardo Midolo
Tommaso Pregnolato
Gabija Kiršanskė
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Single-photon non-linear optics with a quantum dot in a waveguide 2015 Alisa Javadi
Immo Söllner
M. Arcari
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Leonardo Midolo
Sahand Mahmoodian
Gabija Kiršanskė
Tommaso Pregnolato
Eun Hye Lee
Jin Dong Song
+ PDF Chat Deterministic photon–emitter coupling in chiral photonic circuits 2015 Immo Söllner
Sahand Mahmoodian
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Leonardo Midolo
Alisa Javadi
Gabija Kiršanskė
Tommaso Pregnolato
Haitham A. R. El-Ella
Eun Hye Lee
Jin Dong Song
+ Soft-mask fabrication of gallium arsenide nanomembranes for integrated quantum photonics 2015 Leonardo Midolo
Tommaso Pregnolato
Gabija Kiršanskė
Søren Stobbe
+ Soft-mask fabrication of gallium arsenide nanomembranes for integrated quantum photonics 2015 Leonardo Midolo
Tommaso Pregnolato
Gabija Kiršanskė
Søren Stobbe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Interfacing single photons and single quantum dots with photonic nanostructures 2015 Peter Lodahl
Sahand Mahmoodian
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Near-Unity Coupling Efficiency of a Quantum Emitter to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2014 M. Arcari
Immo Söllner
Alisa Javadi
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Sahand Mahmoodian
J. Liu
Henri Thyrrestrup
Eun Hye Lee
J. D. Song
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Charge noise and spin noise in a semiconductor quantum device 2013 Andreas V. Kuhlmann
Julien Houel
Arne Ludwig
Lukas Greuter
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
Martino Poggio
Richard J. Warburton
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of Highly Efficient Broadband Coupling of Single Quantum Dots to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2008 Toke Lund-Hansen
Søren Stobbe
Brian Julsgaard
Henri Thyrrestrup
T. Sünner
M. Kamp
A. Forchel
Peter Lodahl
+ PDF Chat Soft-mask fabrication of gallium arsenide nanomembranes for integrated quantum photonics 2015 Leonardo Midolo
Tommaso Pregnolato
Gabija Kiršanskė
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Transform-limited single photons from a single quantum dot 2015 Andreas V. Kuhlmann
Jonathan H. Prechtel
Julien Houel
Arne Ludwig
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
Richard J. Warburton
+ PDF Chat Atom–light interactions in photonic crystals 2014 Akihisa Goban
Chen-Lung Hung
Su‐Peng Yu
Jonathan D. Hood
Juan A. Muniz
Jae Hoon Lee
Michael J. Martin
Andrew McClung
K. S. Choi
Darrick E. Chang
+ PDF Chat Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Anderson-Localized Modes 2010 Luca Sapienza
Henri Thyrrestrup
Søren Stobbe
P. D. García
Stephan Smolka
Peter Lodahl
+ PDF Chat Giant optical nonlinearity induced by a single two-level system interacting with a cavity in the Purcell regime 2007 Alexia Auffèves
Christoph Simon
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Dephasing in Quantum Dots: Quadratic Coupling to Acoustic Phonons 2004 E. A. Muljarov
R. Zimmermann
+ PDF Chat Generation of Nonclassical Microwave States Using an Artificial Atom in 1D Open Space 2012 I.-C. Hoi
Tauno Palomaki
Joel Lindkvist
Göran Johansson
Per Delsing
C. M. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Nanophotonic quantum phase switch with a single atom 2014 T. G. Tiecke
Jeff D. Thompson
Nathalie P. de Leon
Lee R. Liu
Vladan Vuletić
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Exploring Dephasing of a Solid-State Quantum Emitter via Time- and Temperature-Dependent Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiments 2016 Alexander Thoma
Peter Schnauber
Manuel Gschrey
M. Seifried
Janik Wolters
J.-H. Schulze
A. Strittmatter
Sven Rodt
Alexander Carmele
Andreas Knorr
+ PDF Chat A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons 2007 Darrick E. Chang
Anders S. Sørensen
Eugene Demler
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Photon Sorting, Efficient Bell Measurements, and a Deterministic Controlled-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi></mml:math>Gate Using a Passive Two-Level Nonlinearity 2015 Timothy C. Ralph
Immo Söllner
Sahand Mahmoodian
A. G. White
Peter Lodahl
+ PDF Chat The quantum internet 2008 H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Photon blockade in an optical cavity with one trapped atom 2005 Kevin Birnbaum
A. Boca
Ryan Miller
A. D. Boozer
Tracy E. Northup
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat On-Demand Single Photons with High Extraction Efficiency and Near-Unity Indistinguishability from a Resonantly Driven Quantum Dot in a Micropillar 2016 Xing Ding
Yu He
Z.-C. Duan
Niels Gregersen
M.-C. Chen
Sebastian Unsleber
Stefan A. Maier
Christian Schneider
M. Kamp
Sven Höfling
+ PDF Chat Direct and indirect excitons in semiconductor coupled quantum wells in an applied electric field 2012 Kanchana Sivalertporn
Leonidas Mouchliadis
A. L. Ivanov
Roger Philp
E. A. Muljarov
+ Optical refrigeration with coupled quantum wells 2015 Raphaël S. Daveau
Petru Tighineanu
Peter Lodahl
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Scalable Photonic Quantum Computation through Cavity-Assisted Interactions 2004 Luming Duan
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability 2013 Yuming He
Yu He
Yu-Jia Wei
Dian Wu
Mete Atatüre
Christian Schneider
Sven Höfling
M. Kamp
Chao‐Yang Lu
Jian-Wei Pan
+ PDF Chat Single-photon non-linear optics with a quantum dot in a waveguide 2015 Alisa Javadi
Immo Söllner
M. Arcari
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Leonardo Midolo
Sahand Mahmoodian
Gabija Kiršanskė
Tommaso Pregnolato
Eun Hye Lee
Jin Dong Song
+ PDF Chat Quantum-dot based photonic quantum networks 2017 Peter Lodahl
+ PDF Chat Voltage-Controlled Optics of a Quantum Dot 2004 Alexander Högele
Stefan Seidl
Martin Kroner
K. Karraï
Richard J. Warburton
Brian D. Gerardot
Pierre M. Petroff
+ PDF Chat A carrier relaxation bottleneck probed in single InGaAs quantum dots using integrated superconducting single photon detectors 2014 G. Reithmaier
Fabian Flassig
Peter Hasch
S. Lichtmannecker
Kai Müller
Jelena Vučković
Rudolf Groß
M. Kaniber
Jonathan J. Finley
+ PDF Chat An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities 2012 Stephan Ritter
Christian Nölleke
Carolin Hahn
Andreas Reiserer
Andreas Neuzner
Manuel Uphoff
Martin Mücke
Eden Figueroa
J. Bochmann
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Coupling of a Single Silicon-Vacancy Color Center to a Photonic Crystal Cavity in Diamond 2014 Janine Riedrich‐Möller
Carsten Arend
Christoph Pauly
Frank Mücklich
Martin C. Fischer
S. Gsell
M. Schreck
Christoph Becher
+ PDF Chat Quantum Spin Dimers from Chiral Dissipation in Cold-Atom Chains 2014 Tomás Ramos
Hannes Pichler
Andrew J. Daley
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Quantum teleportation on a photonic chip 2014 Benjamin J. Metcalf
Justin B. Spring
Peter C. Humphreys
Nicholas Thomas-Peter
Marco Barbieri
W. Steven Kolthammer
Xian‐Min Jin
Nathan K. Langford
Dmytro Kundys
James C. Gates
+ PDF Chat Cavity-based quantum networks with single atoms and optical photons 2015 Andreas Reiserer
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the exciton-exciton interaction in semiconductor quantum wells 2008 Christoph Schindler
R. Zimmermann
+ PDF Chat Input-output formalism for few-photon transport in one-dimensional nanophotonic waveguides coupled to a qubit 2010 Shanhui Fan
Şükrü Ekin Kocabaş
Jung‐Tsung Shen
+ PDF Chat Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of a strongly coupled microdisk–quantum dot system 2007 Kartik Srinivasan
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Universal Conductance Distributions in the Crossover between Diffusive and Localization Regimes 2001 Antonio García‐Martín
J. J. Sáenz
+ PDF Chat Optical detection of radio waves through a nanomechanical transducer 2014 T. Bagci
Anders Simonsen
Silvan Schmid
Luis Guillermo Villanueva
Emil Zeuthen
J. Appel
Jacob M. Taylor
Anders S. Sørensen
Koji Usami
Albert Schließer
+ PDF Chat Exciton condensation in quantum wells. Exciton hydrodynamics. The effect of localized states 2014 V. I. Sugakov
+ PDF Chat Interfacing Spins in an InGaAs Quantum Dot to a Semiconductor Waveguide Circuit Using Emitted Photons 2013 I. J. Luxmoore
Nicholas Andrew Wasley
A. J. Ramsay
A. C. T. Thijssen
Ruth Oulton
Maxime Hugues
Sachin Kasture
Venu Gopal Achanta
A. M. Fox
M. S. Skolnick
+ PDF Chat Polariton path to fully resonant dispersive coupling in optomechanical resonators 2014 G. Rozas
A. Bruchhausen
A. Fainstein
B. Jusserand
A. Lemaı̂tre
+ PDF Chat Strongly Correlated Two-Photon Transport in a One-Dimensional Waveguide Coupled to a Two-Level System 2007 Jung‐Tsung Shen
Shanhui Fan
+ PDF Chat Lasing from active optomechanical resonators 2014 Thomas Czerniuk
Christian Brüggemann
Jan Tepper
Sebastian Brodbeck
Christian Schneider
M. Kamp
Sven Höfling
B. A. Glavin
D. R. Yakovlev
А. В. Акимов
+ PDF Chat Resonance Fluorescence from a Coherently Driven Semiconductor Quantum Dot in a Cavity 2007 Andreas Müller
Edward B. Flagg
Pablo Bianucci
X. Y. Wang
D.G. Deppe
Wenquan Ma
J. Zhang
Gregory J. Salamo
Min Xiao
Chih‐Kang Shih
+ Photoelastic coupling in gallium arsenide optomechanical disk resonators 2014 Christopher G. Baker
William Hease
Dac-Trung Nguyen
A. Andronico
S. Ducci
Giuseppe Leo
Iván Favero
+ PDF Chat Strongly correlated photons on a chip 2011 Andreas Reinhard
Thomas Volz
Martin Winger
A. Badolato
K. Hennessy
Evelyn L. Hu
Ataç İmamoğlu
+ PDF Chat Coherent versus incoherent light scattering from a quantum dot 2012 Kumarasiri Konthasinghe
J. Walker
M. Peiris
Chih‐Kang Shih
Yanmei Yu
M. F. Li
Jianting He
Ling‐Jun Wang
H. Q. Ni
Zhichuan Niu
+ Broadband terahertz study of excitonic resonances in the high-density regime in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>GaAs</mml:mi><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>Al</mml:mi><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>Ga</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mi>As</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>quantum wells 2005 R. Huber
Robert A. Kaindl
B. A. Schmid
Daniel S. Chemla
+ Efficient maximum likelihood estimator fitting of histograms 2010 Ted A. Laurence
Brett A. Chromy
+ PDF Chat Waveguide superconducting single-photon detectors for integrated quantum photonic circuits 2011 J. P. Sprengers
A. Gaggero
D. Şahin
S. Jahanmirinejad
G. Frucci
F. Mattioli
R. Leoni
Johannes Beetz
M. Lermer
M. Kamp
+ PDF Chat Bidirectional and efficient conversion between microwave and optical light 2014 Reed W. Andrews
R. W. Peterson
Thomas Purdy
Katarina Cicak
R. W. Simmonds
C. A. Regal
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat Photonic quantum technologies 2009 Jeremy L. O’Brien
Akira Furusawa
Jelena Vučković