Pei Yuan Wu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Compressions and direct sums 2023 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Extremality of bounds for numerical radii of Foguel operators 2023 Hwa-Long Gau
Chi-Kwong Li
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of Operators and Matrices 2023 Pei Yuan Wu
Hwa-Long Gau
+ PDF Chat Which set is the numerical range of an operator? 2022 Pei Yuan Wu
Hwa-Long Gau
+ Numerical ranges of Hankel matrices 2022 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical range of the Foguel–Halmos operator 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of Hilbert Space Operators 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Algebraic and Essential Numerical Ranges 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of Special Operators 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Convex Set 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Introduction: Preliminaries in Operator Theory 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Generalized Numerical Ranges 2021 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of Foguel operators 2020 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Products of two normal operators 2020 Man-Duen Choi
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Equality of numerical ranges of matrix powers 2019 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Constant norms and numerical radii of matrix powers 2019 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Equality of three numerical radius inequalities 2018 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Scalar approximants of quadratic operators with applications 2018 Amer Abu-Omar
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of products of two positive contractions 2017 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for the numerical radius 2017 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Operators with real parts at least 2016 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of row stochastic matrices 2016 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical radius of Hadamard product of matrices 2016 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Extremality of numerical radii of matrix products 2016 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Zero-dilation Index of S_n-matrix and Companion Matrix 2016 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Crawford numbers of companion matrices 2016 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Circular numerical ranges of partial isometries 2015 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Power partial isometry index and ascent of a finite matrix 2014 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Sums of orthogonal projections 2014 Man-Duen Choi
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Upper and Lower Bounds for Numerical Radii of Block Shifts 2014 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Zero-dilation Indices of KMS Matrices 2014 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Power partial isometry index and ascent of a finite 2014 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Numerical ranges of KMS matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Structures and numerical ranges of power partial isometries 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Zero-dilation index of a finite matrix 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Power Partial Isometry Index and Ascent of a Finite Matrix 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Structures and Numerical Ranges of Power Partial Isometries 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Numerical radii for tensor products of matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Radii for Tensor Products of Operators 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of KMS Matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Zero-dilation Index of a Finite Matrix 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of KMS Matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Higher-rank numerical ranges and Kippenhahn polynomials 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Numerical ranges and compressions of S_n-matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Power Partial Isometry Index and Ascent of a 2013 Finite Matrix
Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of KMS Matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Structures and Numerical Ranges of Power Partial Isometries 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Zero-dilation Index of a Finite Matrix 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Power Partial Isometry Index and Ascent of a Finite Matrix 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges and Geršgorin discs 2012 Chi-Tung Chang
Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Diagonals and numerical ranges of weighted shift matrices 2012 Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Noncircular elliptic discs as numerical ranges of nilpotent operators 2011 Hwa Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges as circular discs 2011 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of weighted shifts 2011 Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of weighted shift matrices 2011 Ming Cheng Tsai
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Higher-rank numerical ranges and dilations 2010 Hwa-Long Gau
Chi-Kwong Li
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Crawford numbers of powers of a matrix 2010 Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
Hwa-Long Gau
+ Unitary part of a contraction 2010 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Defect indices of powers of a contraction 2010 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Ranges of Radial Toeplitz Operators on Bergman Space 2009 Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical radius inequality for C0 contractions 2009 Pei Yuan Wu
Hwa-Long Gau
Ming Cheng Tsai
+ Inner functions of numerical contractions 2008 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of nilpotent operators 2008 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Numerical Radius Inequalities for Square-zero and Idempotent Operators 2008 Hwa-Long Gau
Chin-Ying Huang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ On the Reflexivity of $C_0(N)$ Contractions 2008 Pei Yuan Wu
Yuan Pei
+ Linear and Multilinear Algebra 2008 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Line segments and elliptic arcs on the boundary of a numerical range 2007 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Fredholmness of Linear Combinations of Two Idempotents 2007 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Anderson’s theorem for compact operators 2006 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges of companion matrices 2006 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Polar Decompositions of C0(N) Contractions 2006 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Finite-rank perturbations of positive operators and isometries 2006 Man-Duen Choi
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical range of a normal compression II 2004 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical Range of a Normal Compression 2004 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Companion matrices: reducibility, numerical ranges and similarity to contractions 2004 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical range circumscribed by two polygons 2004 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
Shu-Hsien Tso
Pei Yuan Wu
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Finite Blaschke products of contractions 2003 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Condition for the numerical range to contain an elliptic disc 2003 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Direct sums of irreducible operators 2003 Jun Shen Fang
Chunlan Jiang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical range of Aluthge transform of operator 2002 Pei Yuan Wu
+ The numerical range of a nonnegative matrix 2002 Chi-Kwong Li
Bit-Shun Tam
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Polygons and Numerical Ranges 2000 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Polygons and Numerical Ranges 2000 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Dilation to Unilateral Shifts 2000 Pei Yuan Wu
Katsutoshi Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Matricial Ranges of Quadratic Operators 1999 Shu-Hsien Tso
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Singular unitary dilations 1999 Pei Yuan Wu
Katsutoshi Takahashi
+ Lucas' theorem refined<sup>∗</sup> 1999 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Dilation to inflations of s(φ) 1998 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical range of<i>s</i>(φ) 1998 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Dilation to the unilateral shifts 1998 Katsutoshi Takahashi
Pei Yuan Wu
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Band-diagonal operators 1996 Che Kao Fong
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Sums and Products of Cyclic Operators 1994 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Difference and similarity models of two idempotent operators 1994 Jin-Hsien Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Sums and products of cyclic operators 1994 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Additive combinations of special operators 1994 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Which linear transformations have isomorphic hyperinvariant subspace lattices? 1992 Pei Yuan Wu
+ All (?) About Quasinormal Operators 1992 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Products of unipotent matrices of index 2 1991 Jin-Hsien Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Sums of square-zero operators 1991 Jin-Hsien Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Sums of idempotent matrices 1990 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Convex combinations of projections 1990 Man-Duen Choi
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Sums of ldempotent Matrices 1990 Pei Yuan Wu
Richard A. Brualdi
+ The operator factorization problems 1989 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Approximation by invertible and noninvertible operators 1989 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Factorization of Matrices into Partial Isometries 1989 Kung-Hwang Kuo
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Factorization of matrices into partial isometries 1989 Kung Hwang Kuo
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Products of positive semidefinite matrices 1988 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Products of Normal Operators 1988 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Products of nilpotent matrices 1987 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Approximation by partial isometries 1986 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Hyponormal Operators Quasisimilar to an Isometry 1985 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Hyponormal operators quasisimilar to an isometry 1985 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Contractions with a unilateral shift summand are reflexive 1984 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Contractions with Constant Characteristic Function are Reflexive 1984 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Multiplicities of isometries 1984 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat The Structure of Quasinormal Operators and the Double Commutant Property 1982 John B. Conway
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat The structure of quasinormal operators and the double commutant property 1982 John B. Conway
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat On the quasi-similarity of hyponormal contractions 1981 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat 𝐶₁₁ contractions are reflexive. II 1981 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat On the reflexivity of $C\sb{0}(N)$ contractions 1980 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Hyperinvariant Subspaces of C 11 Contractions 1979 Pei Yuan Wu
+ 𝐶₁₁ contractions are reflexive 1979 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Hyperinvariant subspaces of 𝐶₁₁ contractions 1979 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Conditions for completely nonunitary contractions to be spectral 1979 Pei Yuan Wu
+ The Hyperinvariant Subspace Lattice of a Contraction of Class C. 0 1978 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Similarity of Weak Contractions 1978 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Quasi-similarity of weak contractions 1978 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat The hyperinvariant subspace lattice of a contraction of class 𝐶.₀ 1978 Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat On contractions satisfying 𝐴𝑙𝑔𝑇={𝑇}’ 1977 Pei Yuan Wu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982 Paul R. Halmos
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 1970 Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
Hari Bercovici
László Kérchy
+ Numerical range of<i>s</i>(φ) 1998 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Matricial Ranges of Quadratic Operators 1999 Shu-Hsien Tso
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Generalized interpolation in 𝐻^{∞} 1967 Donald Sarason
+ Lucas' theorem refined<sup>∗</sup> 1999 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat The numerical radius of a nilpotent operator on a Hilbert space 1992 Uffe Haagerup
Pierre de la Harpe
+ Operator Theory and Arithmetic in 𝐻^{∞} 1988 Hari Bercovici
+ On matrices whose numerical ranges have circular or weak circular symmetry 1999 Bit-Shun Tam
Shangjun Yang
+ Condition for the numerical range to contain an elliptic disc 2003 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ The numerical range of 3 × 3 matrices 1997 Dennis S. Keeler
Leiba Rodman
Ilya M. Spitkovsky
+ The numerical range of a nonnegative matrix 2002 Chi-Kwong Li
Bit-Shun Tam
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Numerical ranges and Poncelet curves 1998 Boris Mirman
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional representations of uniform algebras 1995 Takahiko Nakazi
Katsutoshi Takahashi
+ PDF Chat A Course in Functional Analysis. 1986 T. W. Gamelin
John B. Conway
+ PDF Chat Perron–Frobenius type results on the numerical range 2002 John Maroulas
Panayiotis Psarrakos
Michael J. Tsatsomeros
+ Companion matrices: reducibility, numerical ranges and similarity to contractions 2004 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Generalized Interpolation in H ∞ 1967 Donald Sarason
+ A numerical range characterization of jordan blocks 1998 Pei Yuanwu
+ On the numerical range of a matrix 2007 Paul F. Zachlin
Michiel E. Hochstenbach
+ Dilation to inflations of s(φ) 1998 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat The numerical range of an operator 1970 Mary R. Embry
+ Canonical forms, higher rank numerical ranges, totally isotropic subspaces, and matrix equations 2008 Chi-Kwong Li
Nung-Sing Sze
+ UB-matrices and conditions for Poncelet polygon to be closed 2002 Boris Mirman
+ On the Numerical Radius of a Linear Operator 1967 J. P. Williams
Thomas R. Crimmins
+ PDF Chat Products of self-adjoint operators. 1969 Heydar Radjavi
J. P. Williams
+ PDF Chat Invariant subspaces and unstarred operator algebras 1966 Donald Sarason
+ Numerical ranges of nilpotent operators 2008 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Complex Algebraic Curves 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat A Course in Functional Analysis 1985 John B. Conway
+ Numerical ranges, Poncelet curves, invariant measures 2001 Boris Mirman
V. A. Borovikov
Lev Ladyzhensky
Robert E. Vinograd
+ Numerical ranges as circular discs 2011 Pei Yuan Wu
+ Approximation of Hilbert space operators 1984 Domingo A. Herrero
+ PDF Chat Every isometry is reflexive 1971 James A. Deddens
+ Numerical radius inequality for C0 contractions 2009 Pei Yuan Wu
Hwa-Long Gau
Ming Cheng Tsai
+ Model theory and linear extreme points in the numerical radius unit ball 1997 Michael A. Dritschel
Hugo J. Woerdeman
+ Higher-rank numerical ranges and compression problems 2006 Man-Duen Choi
David W. Kribs
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Numerical radii for tensor products of matrices 2013 Hwa-Long Gau
Kuo-Zhong Wang
Pei Yuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Trace class perturbations of isometries and unitary dilations 1974 Richard Carey
+ PDF Chat Das algebraische Analogon zu einem Satze von Fej�r 1918 Otto Toeplitz
+ When is a matrix a difference of two idempotents 1990 Robert E. Hartwig
Mohan S. Putcha
+ Numerical ranges of companion matrices 2006 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Polygons and Numerical Ranges 2000 Pei Yuan Wu
+ On sums of projections 1969 Peter Fillmore
+ On the essential numerical range, the essential spectrum, and a problem of Halmos 1972 Peter Fillmore
Joseph G. Stampfli
J. P. Williams
+ Numerical ranges of reducible companion matrices 2009 Hwa-Long Gau
+ PDF Chat The numerical radius of a commuting product. 1988 Veronika Müller
+ Numerical Range of a Normal Compression 2004 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu
+ Line segments and elliptic arcs on the boundary of a numerical range 2007 Hwa-Long Gau
Pei Yuan Wu