Lixin Cheng


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On localization of Reich's strong convergence fixed point theorem 2024 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Changchi Huang
Wen Zhang
+ On the stability preserving of L1 scheme to nonlinear time-fractional Schrödinger delay equations 2024 Zichen Yao
Zhanwen Yang
Lixin Cheng
+ On Halmos’ third problem on Banach spaces 2024 Lixin Cheng
Junsheng Fang
Chunlan Jiang
+ Representation of commutators on Schatten $p$-classes 2023 Lixin Cheng
Zhizheng Yu
+ On a Cauchy Problem in Banach Spaces 2023 Lixin Cheng
Wen Zhang
+ On nullity and fullness of measures of noncompactness 2023 Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
Wuyi He
+ On distal flows and common fixed point theorems in Banach spaces 2023 Lixin Cheng
Changchi Huang
+ PDF Chat Representation of measures of noncompactness and its applications related to an initial value problem in Banach spaces 2022 Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
+ A localization of the Artstein-Avidan-Milman theorem 2022 Lixin Cheng
Sijie Luo
+ 𝐾(ℓ_{𝑝},ℓ_{𝑞}) is a Lipschitz retract of 𝐵(ℓ_{𝑝},ℓ_{𝑞}) 2022 Lixin Cheng
Wuyi He
Sijie Luo
+ A set-valued extension of the Mazur–Ulam theorem 2021 Lixin Cheng
Zhe-Ming Zheng
+ PDF Chat On order-preserving and order-reversing mappings defined on cones of convex functions 2021 Lixin Cheng
Sijie Luo
+ PDF Chat On countable determination of the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness 2021 Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
+ On Stability and Weak-Star Stability of $$\varepsilon $$-Isometries 2021 Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
Wen Zhang
+ Pełczyński’s property V for spaces of compact operators 2021 Lixin Cheng
Wuyi He
+ A convex set-valued version of the Mazur-Ulam theorem on Asplund spaces 2021 Lixin Cheng
Zhe-Ming Zheng
+ On countable determination of the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness 2021 Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
+ Representation of measures of noncompactness and its applications related to an initial-value problem in Banach spaces 2021 Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
+ 5. A survey of ball-covering property of Banach spaces 2020 Lixin Cheng
Wen Zhang
Mikio Kato
+ A note on the stability of nonsurjective 𝜖-isometries of Banach spaces 2020 Lixin Cheng
Yunbai Dong
+ Corrigendum to “A universal theorem for stability of ε-isometries of Banach spaces” [J. Funct. Anal. 269 (2015) 199–214] 2020 Lixin Cheng
Yunbai Dong
+ On measure of noncompactness and application to global attractors of operator semigroups 2019 Ehmet Ablet
Xiaoling Chen
Lixin Cheng
Quanqing Fang
Zhe-Ming Zheng
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: Every Banach space admits a homogenous measure of non-compactness not equivalent to the Hausdorff measure 2019 Ehmet Ablet
Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Wen Zhang
+ On the Symmetrizations of ε-Isometries on Banach Spaces 2019 Lixin Cheng
Longfa Sun
+ Every Banach space admits a homogenous measure of non-compactness not equivalent to the Hausdorff measure 2018 Ehmet Ablet
Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Wen Zhang
+ On non-surjective coarse isometries between Banach spaces 2018 Lixin Cheng
Quanqing Fang
Sijie Luo
Longfa Sun
+ Yet on linear structures of norm-attaining functionals on Asplund spaces 2017 Lixin Cheng
Sijie Luo
+ A new approach to measures of noncompactness of Banach spaces 2017 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Qinrui Shen
Kun Tu
Wen Zhang
+ On order preserving and order reversing mappings defined on cones of convex functions 2017 Lixin Cheng
Sijie Luo
+ More on stability of almost surjective ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2016 Lixin Cheng
QinRui Shen
Wen Zhang
Yu Zhou
+ On weak stability of ε-isometries on wedges and its applications 2015 Lixin Cheng
Kun Tu
Wen Zhang
+ A universal theorem for stability of ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2015 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Kun Tu
Jichao Zhang
+ On super fixed point property and super weak compactness of convex subsets in Banach spaces 2015 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Jichao Zhang
+ On perturbed metric-preserved mappings and their stability characterizations 2014 Lixin Cheng
Yu Zhou
+ Universal stability of Banach spaces for ε-isometries 2014 Lixin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
Yunbai Dong
Yu Zhou
+ On statistical measure theory 2013 Lingxin Bao
Lixin Cheng
+ On universally-left-stability of Banach spaces for $\varepsilon$-isometries 2013 Lixin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
Qingjin Cheng
Lingxin Bao
+ On universal left-stability of $ε$-isometries 2013 Lingxin Bao
Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
+ $\eps$-isometry, isometry and linear isometry 2013 Lixin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
Yunbai Dong
Yu Zhou
+ Universal stability of Banach spaces for $\varepsilon$-isometries 2013 Lixin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
Yunbai Dong
Yu Zhou
+ PDF Chat A sharp operator version of the Bishop-Phelps theorem for operators from $\ell _1$ to CL-spaces 2012 Lixin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
Yunbai Dong
+ On stability of nonlinear non-surjective ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2012 Lixin Cheng
Yunbai Dong
Wen Zhang
+ Analytic characterizations of Mazurʼs intersection property via convex functions 2012 Lizhen Chen
Lixin Cheng
+ On Approximation by Delta-Convex Polyhedron Support Functions and the Dual of cc(X) and wcc(X) 2012 Lixin Cheng
Yu Zhou
+ PDF Chat On Super Weakly Compact Convex Sets and Representation of the Dual of the Normed Semigroup They Generate 2011 Lixin Cheng
Zheng-Hua Luo
Yu Zhou
+ Erratum to: Ball-covering property of Banach spaces 2011 Lixin Cheng
+ A Functional View of Lebesgue Integration 2011 Lixin Cheng
+ Some geometric and topological properties of Banach spaces via ball coverings 2010 Lixin Cheng
Bo Wang
Wen Zhang
Yu Zhou
+ On a generalized Mazur–Ulam question: Extension of isometries between unit spheres of Banach spaces 2010 Lixin Cheng
Yunbai Dong
+ A functional characterization of measures and the Banach–Ulam problem 2010 Lixin Cheng
Huihua Shi
+ More on convexity and smoothness of operators 2010 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
+ A note on ball-covering property of Banach spaces 2010 Lixin Cheng
Vladimir Kadets
Bo Wang
Wen Zhang
+ PDF Chat On super-weakly compact sets and uniformly convexifiable sets 2010 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Bo Wang
Wen Zhang
+ PDF Chat On some new characterizations of weakly compact sets in Banach spaces 2010 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Zheng-Hua Luo
+ Every Banach space with a w *-separable dual has a 1+ɛ-equivalent norm with the ball covering property 2009 Lixin Cheng
Huihua Shi
Wen Zhang
+ On real-valued measures of statistical type and their applications to statistical convergence 2009 Lixin Cheng
Guo-chen LIN
Huihua Shi
+ PDF Chat Minimal ball-coverings in Banach spaces and their application 2009 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Huihua Shi
+ Measure theory of statistical convergence 2008 Lixin Cheng
Guo-chen LIN
Yong-Yi Lan
Hui Liu
+ PDF Chat Extreme points, exposed points, differentiability points in CL-spaces 2008 Lixin Cheng
Min Li
+ A note on non-support points, negligible sets, Gâteaux differentiability and Lipschitz embeddings 2007 Lixin Cheng
Wen Zhang
+ Ball-covering property of Banach spaces that is not preserved under linear isomorphisms 2007 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Xiaoyan Liu
+ Ball-covering property of Banach spaces 2006 Lixin Cheng
Yanmei Teng
Lixin Cheng
+ A One Perturbation Variational Principle and Applications 2004 Jonathan M. Borwein
Lixin Cheng
Marián Fabian
J. P. Revalski
+ A Strong Optimization Theorem in Locally Convex Spaces 2003 Lixin Cheng
Yanmei Teng
+ Approximation of Convex Functions on the Dual of Banach Spaces 2002 Lixin Cheng
Yingbin Ruan
Yanmei Teng
+ PDF Chat The product of a Gâteaux differentiability space and a separable space is a Gâteaux differentiability space 2001 Lixin Cheng
Marián Fabian
+ On the p-Asplund Space of a Banach Space 2001 Lixin Cheng
+ Generic Fréchet Differentiability of Convex Functions Dominated by a Lower Semicontinuous Convex Function 1998 Lixin Cheng
Shi Shuzhong
Bingwu Wang
E.S Lee
+ Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces which are actually on Asplund spaces 1997 Lixin Cheng
Shi Shuzhong
+ Generic Fréchet Differentiability of Convex Functions on Non-Asplund Spaces 1997 Lixin Cheng
Shi Shuzhong
E.S. Lee
+ Notes on Riesz's theorem on fuzzy measure space 1997 Minghu Ha
Lixin Cheng
Xizhao Wang
+ On the Asplund Property of Locally Convex Spaces 1996 Congxin Wu
Xiaomin Wang
Lixin Cheng
E.S. Lee
+ Convexification of nonconvex functions and application to minimum and maximum principles for nonconvex sets 1996 Congxin Wu
Lixin Cheng
Minghu Ha
E.S. Lee
+ PDF Chat Danes’ Drop Theorem in locally convex spaces 1996 Lixin Cheng
Zhou Yunchi
Zhang Fong
Feng Zhang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1999 Yoav Benyamini
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ On non linear perturbations of isometries 1995 Matjaž Omladič
Peter Šemrl
+ Smoothness and renormings in Banach spaces 1993 Robert Deville
Gilles Godefroy
Václav Zizler
+ PDF Chat Stability of isometries on Banach spaces 1983 Julian Gevirtz
+ Nonsurjective nearisometries of Banach spaces 2003 Peter Šemrl
Jussi Väısälä
+ PDF Chat On approximate isometries 1945 D. H. Hyers
Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ On stability of nonlinear non-surjective ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2012 Lixin Cheng
Yunbai Dong
Wen Zhang
+ PDF Chat Stability of isometries 1978 Peter M. Gruber
+ PDF Chat Sur les espaces complets 1930 Casimir Kuratowski
+ Measures of Noncompactness and Condensing Operators 1992 R. R. Akhmerov
Mikhail A. Kamenskii
А. С. Потапов
Alexandra Rodkina
B. N. Sadovskii
+ PDF Chat On super-weakly compact sets and uniformly convexifiable sets 2010 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Bo Wang
Wen Zhang
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz-free Banach spaces 2003 Gilles Godefroy
N. J. Kalton
+ A universal theorem for stability of ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2015 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Kun Tu
Jichao Zhang
+ Gâteaux differentiability of convex functions and topology : weak asplund spaces 1997 Marián Fabián
+ Approximate Isometries on Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces 1999 S. J. Dilworth
+ PDF Chat A note on the differentiability of convex functions 1994 Cong Xin Wu
Li Cheng
+ Isometric embeddings of compact spaces into Banach spaces 2008 Yves Dutrieux
Gilles Lancien
+ A new approach to measures of noncompactness of Banach spaces 2017 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Qinrui Shen
Kun Tu
Wen Zhang
+ PDF Chat A proof that every Banach space is subreflexive 1961 Errett Bishop
R. R. Phelps
+ PDF Chat Fréchet differentiability of convex functions 1968 Edgar Asplund
+ Banach spaces which are Asplund spaces 1975 I. Namioka
R. R. Phelps
+ Geometric Functional Analysis and its Applications 1975 Richard B. Holmes
+ Stability of Surjectivity 2000 Jacek Tabor
+ Classical Banach Spaces I 1977 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Stability of almost surjective ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2015 Igor A. Vestfrid
+ On perturbed metric-preserved mappings and their stability characterizations 2014 Lixin Cheng
Yu Zhou
+ Universal stability of Banach spaces for ε-isometries 2014 Lixin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
Yunbai Dong
Yu Zhou
+ Generic Fréchet Differentiability of Convex Functions on Non-Asplund Spaces 1997 Lixin Cheng
Shi Shuzhong
E.S. Lee
+ Every Banach space admits a homogenous measure of non-compactness not equivalent to the Hausdorff measure 2018 Ehmet Ablet
Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Wen Zhang
+ PDF Chat On universally left-stability of ɛ-isometry 2013 Ling Bao
Li Xin Cheng
Qing Jin Cheng
Duanxu Dai
+ Convex analysis with application in the differentiation of convex functions 1982 J Giles
+ Approximate Isometries of the Space of Continuous Functions 1947 D. H. Hyers
Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ Ball-covering property of Banach spaces 2006 Lixin Cheng
+ Banach spaces which can be given an equivalent uniformly convex norm 1972 Per Enflo
+ PDF Chat Inequivalent measures of noncompactness 2010 John Mallet‐Paret
Roger D. Nussbaum
+ Approximately isometric and multiplicative transformations on continuous function rings 1949 D. G. Bourgin
+ PDF Chat Almost surjective ε-isometries of Banach spaces 2004 Igor A. Vestfrid
+ PDF Chat Approximate isometries on finite dimensional Banach spaces 1975 Richard D. Bourgin
+ PDF Chat Approximate isometries 1946 D. G. Bourgin
+ On Fréchet differentiability of convex functions on Banach spaces 1995 Wee-Kee Tang
+ Approximate Isometries on Euclidean Spaces 1997 Rajendra Bhatia
Peter Šemrl
+ A Fixed Point Theorem for Mappings which do not Increase Distances 1965 W. A. Kirk
+ PDF Chat Geometric Aspects of Convex Sets with the Radon-Nikodým Property 1983 Richard D. Bourgin
+ On super fixed point property and super weak compactness of convex subsets in Banach spaces 2015 Lixin Cheng
Qingjin Cheng
Jichao Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Super Weakly Compact Convex Sets and Representation of the Dual of the Normed Semigroup They Generate 2011 Lixin Cheng
Zheng-Hua Luo
Yu Zhou
+ Multivalued perturbations ofm-accretive differential inclusions 1998 Dieter Bothe
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional 𝜖-isometries 1978 D. G. Bourgin