K. L. Duggal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A New Class of Contact Pseudo Framed Manifolds with Applications 2021 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Pseudo Cauchy Riemann and Framed Manifolds with Physical Applications 2020 K. L. Duggal
+ Almost Ricci Solitons and Physical Applications 2017 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat A New Class of Almost Ricci Solitons and Their Physical Interpretation 2016 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Osserman Lightlike Hypersurfaces on a Foliated Class of Lorentzian Manifolds 2016 Cyriaque Atindogbé
K. L. Duggal
+ Lorentzian Geometry and CR-Submanifolds 2016 K. L. Duggal
+ Maximum Principle for Totally Umbilical Null Hypersurfaces and Time-dependent Null Horizons 2015 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat A Review on Unique Existence Theorems in Lightlike Geometry 2014 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Time-Dependent Evolving Null Horizons of a Dynamical Spacetime 2014 K. L. Duggal
+ Foliations of lightlike hypersurfaces and their physical interpretation 2012 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat A Review on Metric Symmetries Used in Geometry and Physics 2012 K. L. Duggal
+ A classification of Einstein lightlike hypersurfaces of a Lorentzian space form 2010 K. L. Duggal
Dae Ho Jin
+ PDF Chat Differential Geometry of Lightlike Submanifolds 2010 K. L. Duggal
Bayram Şahin
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Jacobi operators and Osserman lightlike hypersurfaces 2009 Cyriaque Atindogbé
K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Indefinite Extrinsic Spheres 2008 Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Generalized Cauchy-Riemann lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds 2008 K. L. Duggal
Bayram Şahin
+ Null Curves and Hypersurfaces of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds 2007 K. L. Duggal
Dae Ho Jin
+ On canonical screen for lightlike submanifolds of codimension two 2007 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: Screen Cauchy-Riemann lightlike submanifolds 2007 K. L. Duggal
Bayram Şahin
+ Review of orbifold theory 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Levi foliations of CR submanifolds in 𝐶𝑃^{𝑁} 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Tangentially CR foliations 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Transverse Beltrami equations 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Pseudo-differential operators on orbifolds 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Cauchy-Riemann Orbifolds 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Foliated CR manifolds 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ 𝒢-Lie foliations 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Levi foliations 2007 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ A Report on Canonical Null Curves and Screen Distributions for Lightlike Geometry 2007 K. L. Duggal
+ Indefinite locally conformal Kähler manifolds 2006 Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ On scalar curvature in lightlike geometry 2006 K. L. Duggal
+ Lightlike foliations of semi-Riemannian manifolds 2006 Elisabetta Barletta
Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ Indefinite locally conformal Kaehler manifolds 2006 Sorin Dragomir
K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Global lightlike manifolds and harmonicity 2005 Cornelia-Livia Bejan
K. L. Duggal
+ Lightlike hypersurfaces of Lorentzian manifolds with distinguished screen 2005 K. L. Duggal
Ángel Giménez
+ PDF Chat Screen conformal half‐lightlike submanifolds 2004 K. L. Duggal
Bayram Şahin
+ Recent Advances in Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometries 2003 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Recent advances in Riemannian and Lorentzian geometries : AMS Special Session Recent Advances in Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometries, January 15-18, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland 2003 Lorentzian Geometries
K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Constant scalar curvature and warped product globally null manifolds 2002 K. L. Duggal
+ Comment 2002 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ None 2001 K. L. Duggal
Stere Ianuş
Anna Maria Pastore
+ Killing and Affine Killing Vector Fields 1999 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Connection and Curvature Symmetries 1999 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Semi-Riemannian Manifolds and Hypersurfaces 1999 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Symmetries of Some Geometric Structures 1999 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Lie Derivatives and Symmetry Groups 1999 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Lightlike Submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds and Applications 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Lightlike Submanifolds Of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Differential-Geometric Structures On Manifolds 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Lightlike Hypersurfaces of Lorentz Framed Manifolds 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Lightlike Hypersurfaces And Electromagnetism 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Algebraic Preliminaries 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Lightlike Hypersurfaces of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Geometry of Null Curves in Lorentz Manifolds 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ CR Lightlike Submanifolds of Indefinite Kaehler Manifolds 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Lightlike Hypersurfaces and General Relativity 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Lightlike submanifolds of semi-Riemannian manifolds 1995 Aurel Bejancu
K. L. Duggal
+ Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics 1994 John K. Beem
K. L. Duggal
+ Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics 1994 John K. Beem
K. L. Duggal
+ Ricci curvature inheriting symmetries of semi-Riemannian manifolds 1994 Ramesh Sharma
K. L. Duggal
+ Differential geometry and mathematical physics : AMS-CMS Special Session on Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, August 15-19, 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 1994 John K. Beem
K. L. Duggal
+ Light-like CR hypersurfaces of indefinite K�hler manifolds 1993 K. L. Duggal
Aurelian Bejancu
+ Real hypersurfaces of indefinite Kaehler manifolds 1992 Aurelian Bejancu
K. L. Duggal
+ Affine conformal vector fields in semi-Riemannian manifolds 1991 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Hypersurfaces in a conformally flat space with curvature collineation 1990 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ PDF Chat Space time manifolds and contact structures 1990 K. L. Duggal
+ Lorentzian geometry of CR submanifolds 1989 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Mixed foliateCR-submanifolds of indefinite complex space-forms 1987 Ramesh Sharma
K. L. Duggal
+ CR-structures and Lorentzian geometry 1986 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Totally umbilical<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" alttext="${\mathrm{CR}}$" id="E1"><mml:mtext>CR</mml:mtext></mml:math>-submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian Kaehler manifolds 1986 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ Lorentzian framed structures in general relativity 1986 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ On the geometry of electromagnetic fields of second class. 1983 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Geometry developed by the electromagnetic tensor field 1979 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat On Almost Contingent Manifolds of Second Class with Applications in Relativity 1978 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat On the Spheres Carrying an Almost Contingent Structure 1975 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Singular Riemannian Structures Compatible with π-Structures 1969 K. L. Duggal
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Lightlike Submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds and Applications 1996 K. L. Duggal
Aurel Bejancu
+ Global Lorentzian Geometry 2017 John K. Beem
Paul E. Ehrlich
Kevin L. Easley
+ SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY With Applications to Relativity 1984 M. A. H. MacCallum
+ CR Submanifolds of Kaehlerian and Sasakian Manifolds 1983 Kentaro Yano
Masahiro Kon
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ PDF Chat On some methods of construction of invariant normalizations of lightlike hypersurfaces 2000 Maks A. Akivis
Vladislav V. Goldberg
+ Null Curves and Hypersurfaces of Semi-Riemannian Manifolds 2007 K. L. Duggal
Dae Ho Jin
+ Singular Semi-Riemannian Geometry 1996 Demir N. Küpeli
+ Lorentzian framed structures in general relativity 1986 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ On scalar curvature in lightlike geometry 2006 K. L. Duggal
+ Geometry of CR-Submanifolds 1986 Aurel Bejancu
+ PDF Chat Contact Manifolds in Riemannian Geometry 1976 David E. Blair
+ Indefinite K�hler manifolds 1982 Manuel Barros
Alfonso Romero
+ CR-structures and Lorentzian geometry 1986 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Maximum Principles for Null Hypersurfaces and Null Splitting Theorems 2000 Gregory J. Galloway
+ Geometry of submanifolds 1973 Bang‐Yen Chen
+ PDF Chat Space time manifolds and contact structures 1990 K. L. Duggal
+ Über eine bemerkenswerte Hermitesche Metrik 1933 Erich Kähler
+ PDF Chat Differential Geometry of Lightlike Submanifolds 2010 K. L. Duggal
Bayram Şahin
+ Lightlike hypersurfaces of Lorentzian manifolds with distinguished screen 2005 K. L. Duggal
Ángel Giménez
+ A Report on Canonical Null Curves and Screen Distributions for Lightlike Geometry 2007 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat Geometry of manifolds with structural group ${\cal U}(n)\times {\cal O}(s)$ 1970 David E. Blair
+ PDF Chat A 3+1 perspective on null hypersurfaces and isolated horizons 2005 Éric Gourgoulhon
José Luis Jaramillo
+ Complex Analytic Coordinates in Almost Complex Manifolds 1957 August Newlander
Louis Nirenberg
+ On null hypersurfaces of a Lorentzian manifold 1972 Radu Roșca
+ PDF Chat On Almost Contingent Manifolds of Second Class with Applications in Relativity 1978 K. L. Duggal
+ Hypersurfaces of A Space of Constant Curvature 1938 Aaron Fialkow
+ Constant scalar curvature and warped product globally null manifolds 2002 K. L. Duggal
+ Lorentzian geometry of CR submanifolds 1989 K. L. Duggal
+ CR Manifolds and the Tangential Cauchy–Riemann Complex 2017 Albert Boggess
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Geometry During the Second Half of the Twentieth Century 1999 Marcel Berger
+ Lightlike submanifolds of codimension two 1992 Aurelian Bejancu
+ PDF Chat Physical space-time and nonrealizable 𝐶𝑅-structures 1983 Roger Penrose
+ Symmetric Tensors of the Second Order Whose Covariant Derivatives Vanish 1925 Harry L. Levy
+ PDF Chat Dynamical horizons and their properties 2003 Abhay Ashtekar
B. Krishnan
+ CR submanifolds of Kaehlerian and Sasakian manifolds 1983 健太郎 矢野
正博 昆
+ On the Cartan Curvatures of a Null Curve in Minkowski Spacetime 2005 A. Ceylan Çöken
Ünver Çiftçi
+ PDF Chat On the Spheres Carrying an Almost Contingent Structure 1975 K. L. Duggal
+ PDF Chat On the General Theory of Differentiable Manifolds with Almost Tangent Structure 1965 Hermes A. Eliopoulos
+ PDF Chat Totally umbilical<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" alttext="${\mathrm{CR}}$" id="E1"><mml:mtext>CR</mml:mtext></mml:math>-submanifolds of Semi-Riemannian Kaehler manifolds 1986 K. L. Duggal
Ramesh Sharma
+ On conformal collineations. 1960 Yoshihiro Tashiro
+ PDF Chat Shape operators of Einstein hypersurfaces in indefinite space forms 1982 Martin A. Magid
+ PDF Chat Liouville and geodesic Ricci solitons 2009 Mircea Crâşmăreanu
+ PDF Chat Republication of: The dynamics of general relativity 2008 R. Arnowitt
S. Deser
Charles W. Misner
+ PDF Chat On curves and submanifolds in an indefinite-Riemannian manifold 1985 Toshihiko Ikawa
+ PDF Chat Compact almost Ricci solitons with constant scalar curvature are gradient 2013 A. Barros
R. Batista
E. Ribeiro
+ On the geometry of affine immersions 1987 Katsumi Nomizu
Ulrich Pinkall
+ Foliations of lightlike hypersurfaces and their physical interpretation 2012 K. L. Duggal