Andreas Ruffing


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Discovery of the relativistic Schrödinger equation 2021 Kamal Barley
José Vega-Guzmán
Andreas Ruffing
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat Discovery of the relativistic Schrödinger equation 2021 Kamal Barley
José Vega-Guzmán
Andreas Ruffing
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ Discovery of the Relativistic Schr\"odinger Equation 2020 Kamal Barley
José Vega-Guzmán
Andreas Ruffing
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ Discovery of the Relativistic Schrödinger Equation 2020 Kamal Barley
José Vega-Guzmán
Andreas Ruffing
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat Oscillatory difference equations and moment problems 2014 J.M. Ferreira
Sandra Pinelas
Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat Difference-differential operators for basic adaptive discretizations and their central function systems 2012 Lucia Birk
Sophia Roßkopf
Andreas Ruffing
+ New potentials in discrete Schrödinger theory 2012 Lucia Birk
Sophia Roßkopf
Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat Nonautonomous oscillators and coefficient evaluation for orthogonal function systems 2009 J.M. Ferreira
Sandra Pinelas
Andreas Ruffing
+ Some Basic Difference Equations of Schrödinger Boundary Value Problems 2009 Andreas Ruffing
Maria Meiler
Andrea Bruder
+ Analytic aspects of<i>q</i>-delayed exponentials: minimal growth, negative zeros and basic ghost states 2008 Andreas Ruffing
Moritz Simon
+ Numerical Results for Some Schr¨ odinger Difference Equations 2008 Lynn Erbe
Allan Peterson
Andreas Ruffing
Andreas Suhrer
+ Heim-Lorek Supermodels 2007 Nicole Garbers
Andreas Ruffing
+ Proceedings of the International Conference Difference Equations, special functions and orthogonal polynomials, Munich, Germany, 25-30 July 2005 2007 Saber Elaydi
J. M. Cushing
Rupert Lasser
V. Papageorgiou
Andreas Ruffing
Walter Van Assche
+ Method of separation of the variables for basic analogs of equations of mathematical physics 2006 Kristine Ey
Andreas Ruffing
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat Some Cubic Birth and Death Processes and their Related Orthogonal Polynomials 2005 Jacek Gilewicz
Elie Léopold
Andreas Ruffing
Galliano Valent
+ Power series techniques for a special Schrödinger operator and related difference equations 2005 Moritz Simon
Andreas Ruffing
+ Corresponding Banach spaces on time scales 2004 Andreas Ruffing
Moritz Simon
+ On Some Difference Equations in the Context of q-Fourier Analysis 2004 Moritz Simon
Andreas Ruffing
+ Difference ladder operators for a harmonic Schrödinger oscillator using unitary linear lattices 2003 Andreas Ruffing
Julian Lorenz
Konstantin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Basic Analogs of Schrödinger's Equation 2003 Kristine Ey
Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat Analytic Properties of a Special<i>q</i>-Exponential Function 2003 Andreas Ruffing
Moritz Simon
Andreas Ruffing
+ Generalized q-Hermite Polynomials 2001 Christian Berg
Andreas Ruffing
+ None 2000 Andreas Ruffing
+ On q-Deformations and Dunkl-Deformations of Harmonic Oscillators 2000 Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat Discretized representations of harmonic variables by bilateral Jacobi operators 2000 Andreas Ruffing
+ None 2000 Andreas Ruffing
+ None 1999 Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat A q-deformation of the harmonic oscillator 1997 A. Lorek
Andreas Ruffing
J. Wess
+ None 1997 Andreas Ruffing
Myriam Witt
+ The First Moment of delta g(x) -- a Comparative Study 1997 Bodo Lampe
Andreas Ruffing
+ A q-Deformation of the Harmonic Oscillator 1996 A. Lorek
Andreas Ruffing
J. Wess
+ PDF Chat String branchings on complex tori and algebraic representations of generalized Krichever-Novikov algebras 1992 Andreas Ruffing
Thomas Deck
Martin Schlichenmaier
+ String branchings and complex tori and algebraic representations of generalized Krichever-Novikov algebras 1992 Andreas Ruffing
Thomas Deck
Martin Schlichenmaier
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Classical Moment Problem as a Self-Adjoint Finite Difference Operator 1998 Barry Simon
+ None 1997 Andreas Ruffing
Myriam Witt
+ Generalized q-Hermite Polynomials 2001 Christian Berg
Andreas Ruffing
+ Difference ladder operators for a harmonic Schrödinger oscillator using unitary linear lattices 2003 Andreas Ruffing
Julian Lorenz
Konstantin Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Theq-harmonic oscillator and the Al-Salam and Carlitz polynomials 1993 Richard Askey
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat A q-deformation of the harmonic oscillator 1997 A. Lorek
Andreas Ruffing
J. Wess
+ Basic Hypergeometric Series 2004 George Gasper
Mizan Rahman
+ Representations of aq-deformed Heisenberg algebra 1994 Arthur Hebecker
S. Schreckenberg
Johannes Schwenk
Wolfgang Weich
J. Wess
+ The Askey-scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and its q-analogue 1996 Roelof Koekoek
René F. Swarttouw
+ PDF Chat Maths-type q-deformed coherent states for q&gt;1 2003 C. Quesne
K. A. Penson
V. M. Tkachuk
+ PDF Chat New<i>q</i>-deformed coherent states with an explicitly known resolution of unity 2002 C. Quesne
+ Theq-Laguerre Polynomials and Related Moment Problems 1998 Mourad E. H. Ismail
Mizan Rahman
+ Dynamic Equations on Time Scales: An Introduction with Applications 2001 Martin Böhner
Allan Peterson
+ On some indeterminate moment problems for measures on a geometric progression 1998 Christian Berg
+ An Introduction to Basic Fourier Series 2003 Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat Basic analog of Fourier series on a $q$-quadratic grid 1998 J. Bustoz
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ Generalized Eigenvalue Problem and a New Family of Rational Functions Biorthogonal on Elliptic Grids 2001 V. P. Spiridonov
Alexei Zhedanov
+ PDF Chat Covariant differential calculus on the quantum hyperplane 1991 Julius Wess
Bruno Zumino
+ On q-analogues of the quantum harmonic oscillator and the quantum group SU(2)<sub>q</sub> 1989 Alan Macfarlane
+ PDF Chat Completeness of photon-added squeezed vacuum and one-photon states and of photon-added coherent states on a circle 2001 C. Quesne
+ None 1999 Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric quantum mechanics based on higher excited states 1997 Marko Robnik
+ Supersymmetric quantum mechanics based on higher excited states II: a few examples of isospectral partner potentials 1997 Marko Robnik
Junxian Liu
+ Hilbert spaces of analytic functions and generalized coherent states 1976 M. Arık
D. D. Coon
+ PDF Chat $q$ -deformed Hermite polynomials in $q$ -quantum mechanics 1999 R. Hinterding
J. Wess
+ PDF Chat Generalized Hermite Polynomials and the Heat Equation for Dunkl Operators 1998 Margit Rösler
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces 2007 Martin Schlichenmaier
+ Allgemeine Funktionentheorie und elliptische Funktionen 1923 W. Wirtinger
+ PDF Chat Comment on: “Maths-type q-deformed coherent states for q&gt;1” 2004 C. Quesne
K. A. Penson
V. M. Tkachuk
+ PDF Chat Dynamical symmetries inq-deformed quantum mechanics 1995 A. Lorek
J. Wess
+ Dynamic Equations on Time Scales 2001 Martin Böhner
Allan Peterson
+ Power series techniques for a special Schrödinger operator and related difference equations 2005 Moritz Simon
Andreas Ruffing
+ PDF Chat On 𝑞-analogues of the Fourier and Hankel transforms 1992 Tom H. Koornwinder
René F. Swarttouw
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 2
+ Schrödinger's route to wave mechanics 1979 Linda Wessels
+ Classical Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable 1991 Arnold F. Nikiforov
Vasilii B. Uvarov
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat Nonautonomous oscillators and coefficient evaluation for orthogonal function systems 2009 J.M. Ferreira
Sandra Pinelas
Andreas Ruffing
+ An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules 1926 Erwin Schrödinger
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Square integrability of Gaussian bells on time scales 2005 Lynn Erbe
Allan Peterson
Moritz Simon
+ PDF Chat <i>q</i>-deformed vibron model for diatomic molecules 1994 R. N. Alvarez
Dennis Bonatsos
Yu.F. Smirnov
+ Spectral Theory of Jacobi Matrices in $l^2 (\mathbb{Z})$ and the $su(1,1)$ Lie Algebra 1991 David R. Masson
Joe Repka
+ PDF Chat Even and odd q-deformed charge coherent states and their nonclassical properties 2003 Xiaolin Liu
C. Quesne
+ Analysis on Measure Chains — A Unified Approach to Continuous and Discrete Calculus 1990 Stefan Hilger
+ Orthogonal Polynomials in Connection with Quantum Groups 1990 Tom H. Koornwinder
+ PDF Chat Analytic Properties of a Special<i>q</i>-Exponential Function 2003 Andreas Ruffing
Moritz Simon
+ q-deformed phase space and its lattice structure 1996 M. Fichtmüller
A. Lorek
J. Wess
+ Unbounded Operator Algebras and Representation Theory 1990 Konrad Schmüdgen
+ PDF Chat The q-harmonic oscillator and an analogue of the Charlier polynomials 1993 Richard Askey
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ PDF Chat <i>q</i>-Hermite Polynomials and Classical Orthogonal Polynomials 1996 Christian Berg
Mourad E. H. Ismail