Marie-Françoise Roy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Aspects of the gender gap in mathematics 2024 Sophie Dabo‐Niang
María J. Esteban
Colette Guillopé
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Algebraic Winding Numbers 2023 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Polynomials on Algebraic Numbers and Application to Curve Topology 2022 Daouda Niang Diatta
Sény Diatta
Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Michael Sagraloff
+ International Initiatives for Women Mathematicians 2022 Marie-Françoise Roy
Caroline Series
+ European Women in Mathematics and the European Mathematical Society’s Women in Mathematics Committee 2022 Marie-Françoise Roy
Caroline Series
+ PDF Chat Quantitative curve selection lemma 2021 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Élimination des quantificateurs versus dix-septième problème de Hilbert 2021 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Verification and Constructive Algebra (Dagstuhl Seminar 03021) 2021 Thierry Coquand
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Foreword 2020 Saugata Basu
Cordian Riener
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat A new general formula for the Cauchy index on an interval with subresultants 2020 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ An Elementary Recursive Bound for Effective Positivstellensatz and Hilbert’s 17th problem 2020 Henri Lombardi
Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Quantitative Result on the Deviation of a Real Algebraic Curve from Its Vertical Tangents 2020 Daouda Niang Diatta
Sény Diatta
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Quantitative fundamental theorem of algebra 2019 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Sylvester double sums, subresultants and symmetric multivariate Hermite interpolation 2019 Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ PDF Chat A Data Analysis of Women’s Trails Among ICM Speakers 2019 Helena Mihaljević
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A data analysis of women's trails among ICM speakers 2019 Helena Mihaljević
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A new general formula to compute the Cauchy Index with Subresultants in an interval 2018 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A new general formula for the Cauchy Index on an interval with Subresultants 2018 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Quantitative Curve Selection Lemma 2018 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A new general formula for the Cauchy Index on an interval with Subresultants 2018 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Quantitative Curve Selection Lemma 2018 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Quantitative Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 2018 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Bounds for polynomials on algebraic numbers and application to curve topology 2018 Daouda Niang Diatta
Sény Diatta
Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Michael Sagraloff
+ Elementary recursive quantifier elimination based on Thom encoding and sign determination 2017 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Dynamical method in algebra: Effective Nullstellens\"atze 2017 Michel Coste
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Dynamical method in algebra: Effective Nullstellensätze 2017 Michel Coste
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Elementary recursive quantifier elimination based on Thom encoding and sign determination 2016 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Elementary recursive quantifier elimination based on Thom encoding and sign determination 2016 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat A Baby Step–Giant Step Roadmap Algorithm for General Algebraic Sets 2014 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ PDF Chat Divide and Conquer Roadmap for Algebraic Sets 2014 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ An elementary recursive bound for effective Positivstellensatz and Hilbert 17-th problem 2014 Henri Lombardi
Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Real algebraic geometry 2014 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Zero-nonzero and real-nonreal sign determination 2013 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Zero-nonzero and real-nonreal sign determination 2013 Daniel Perrucci
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Complexity of deciding connectivity in real algebraic sets 2012 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A baby step-giant step roadmap algorithm for general algebraic sets 2012 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ A baby step-giant step roadmap algorithm for general algebraic sets 2012 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
Éric Schost
+ Sylvester double sums and subresultants 2010 Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ Bounding the radii of balls meeting every connected component of semi-algebraic sets 2010 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Bounding the Betti numbers and computing the Euler–Poincaré characteristic of semi-algebraic sets defined by partly quadratic systems of polynomials 2010 Saugata Basu
Dmitrii V. Ṗasechnik
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Bounding the Betti numbers and computing the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of semi-algebraic sets defined by partly quadratic systems of polynomials 2010 Saugata Basu
Dmitrii V. Ṗasechnik
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat An asymptotically tight bound on the number of semi-algebraically connected components of realizable sign conditions 2009 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A bound on the minimum of a real positive polynomial over the standard simplex 2009 Saugata Basu
Richard Leroy
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Bounding the radii of balls meeting every connected component of semi-algebraic sets 2009 Saugata Basu
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing the Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets defined by partly quadratic systems of polynomials 2008 Saugata Basu
Dmitrii V. Ṗasechnik
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets defined by partly quadratic systems of polynomials 2007 Saugata Basu
Dmitrii V. Ṗasechnik
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Bounding the Betti numbers and computing the Euler-Poincar\'e characteristic of semi-algebraic sets defined by partly quadratic systems of polynomials 2007 Saugata Basu
Dmitrii V. Ṗasechnik
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing the First Betti Number of a Semi-Algebraic Set 2007 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Betti Number Bounds, Applications and Algorithms 2007 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing the dimension of a semi-algebraic set 2006 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ An asymptotically tight bound on the number of connected components of realizable sign conditions 2006 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ An asymptotically tight bound on the number of semi-algebraically connected components of realizable sign conditions 2006 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing the First Betti Numberand Describing the Connected Components of Semi-algebraic Sets 2006 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Subdiscriminant of symmetric matrices are sums of squares 2006 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ An asymptotically tight bound on the number of semi-algebraically connected components of realizable sign conditions 2006 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing the first Betti number and the connected components of semi-algebraic sets 2005 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Generalized Budan–Fourier theorem and virtual roots 2005 Michel Coste
Tomás Lajous-Loaeza
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Subdiscriminant of symmetric matrices are sums of squares. 2005 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ An elementary characterisation of Krull dimension. 2005 Thierry Coquand
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ On the Betti numbers of sign conditions 2004 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Elements of Topology 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Some Recent Quantitative and Algorithmic Results in Real Algebraic Geometry 2003 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Cauchy Index and Applications 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Polynomial System Solving 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Real Closed Fields 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Algebraically Closed Fields 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Existential Theory of the Reals 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Semi-Algebraic Sets 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Algebra 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Decomposition of Semi-Algebraic Sets 2003 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Dynamical method in algebra: effective Nullstellensätze 2001 Michel Coste
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Sylvester–Habicht Sequences and Fast Cauchy Index Computation 2001 Thomas Lickteig
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Three Problems in Real Algebraic Geometry and Their Descendants 2001 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Finding at Least One Point in Each Connected Component of a Real Algebraic Set Defined by a Single Equation 2000 Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
+ New Structure Theorem for Subresultants 2000 Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
Mohab Safey El Din
+ Géométrie Algébrique Réelle 2000 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing roadmaps of semi-algebraic sets on a variety 1999 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Symbolic Recipes for Polynomial System Solving 1999 Laureano González-Vega
Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Symbolic Recipes for Real Solutions 1999 Laureano González-Vega
Fabrice Rouillier
Marie-Françoise Roy
Guadalupe Trujillo
+ Polynomial or Regular Mappings with Values in Spheres 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Sturm—Habicht Sequences, Determinants and Real Roots of Univariate Polynomials 1998 Laureano González-Vega
Tomás Recio
Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Ordered Fields, Real Closed Fields 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Witt Rings in Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ The Tarski-Seidenberg Principle as a Transfer Tool 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Real Algebra 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Algebraic Vector Bundles 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Hilbert’s 17th Problem. Quadratic Forms in Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Algebraic Models of C ∞ Manifolds 1998 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Semi-algebraic Complexity of Quotients and Sign Determination of Remainders 1996 Thomas Lickteig
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Cauchy index computation 1996 Thomas Lickteig
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ On the number of cells defined by a family of polynomials on a variety 1996 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollak
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Zeros, multiplicities, and idempotents for zero-dimensional systems 1996 María Emilia Alonso García
Eberhard Becker
Marie-Françoise Roy
Thorsten Wörmann
+ Computing a set of points meeting every cell defined by a family of polynomials on a variety 1995 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Examples of automatic theorem proving a real geometry 1994 Ahmed Guergueb
Jean Mainguené
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Description of the connected components of a semialgebraic set in single exponential time 1994 Joos Heintz
Marie-Françoise Roy
Pablo Solernó
+ Counting real zeros in the multivariate case 1993 Paul Pedersen
Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ Elementary constructive theory of ordered fields 1991 Henri Lombardi
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Introduction à la géométrie algébrique réelle 1991 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Sign determination on zero dimensional sets 1991 Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ A theorem on random polynomials and some consequences in average complexity 1990 Felipe Cucker
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Sur la complexité du principe de Tarski-Seidenberg 1990 Joos Heintz
Marie-Françoise Roy
Pablo Solernó
+ Complexity of the computation of cylindrical decomposition and topology of real algebraic curves using Thom's lemma 1990 Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ PDF Chat Spécialisation de la suite de Sturm et sous-résultants (I) 1990 Laureano González-Vega
Henri Lombardi
Tomás Recio
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ On the computation of the local and global analytic branches of a real algebraic curve 1989 Felipe Cucker
Luis Miguel Pardo
Mario Di Raimondo
Tomás Recio
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Sur la complexité du principe de Tarski-Seidenberg 1989 Joos Heintz
Marie-Françoise Roy
Pablo Solernó
+ Spécialisation de la suite de Sturm et sous-résultants 1989 Laureano Gonzalez
Henri Lombardi
Tomás Recio
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ On the Complexity of Semialgebraic Sets. 1989 Joos Heintz
Pablo Solernó
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Logique Et Géométrie Algébrique Réelle 1987 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Logique et géométrie algébrique réelle. 1985 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Les mathématiques et les femmes 1983 Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Faisceau structural sur le spectre réel et fonctions de Nash 1982 Marie-Françoise Roy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Betti numbers of real varieties 1964 John Milnor
+ On the computational complexity and geometry of the first-order theory of the reals. Part III: Quantifier elimination 1992 James Renegar
+ Sur L'Homologie des Varietes Algebriques Réelles 1965 René Thom
+ Géométrie algébrique réelle 1987 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
M-F Roy
+ PDF Chat On Bounding the Betti Numbers and Computing the Euler Characteristic of Semi-Algebraic Sets 1999 Saugata Basu
+ PDF Chat Counting connected components of a semialgebraic set in subexponential time 1992 D. Yu. Grigor'ev
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ A New Decision Method for Elementary Algebra 1954 A. Seidenberg
+ Semi-Algebraic Local-Triviality in Semi-Algebraic Mappings 1980 Robert Hardt
+ Computing roadmaps of semi-algebraic sets on a variety 1999 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Generalized Polynomial Remainder Sequences 1982 Rüdiger Loos
+ On the Betti numbers of sign conditions 2004 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollack
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Complexity of computation on real algebraic numbers 1990 Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ Real algebraic geometry 2014 Jacek Bochnak
Michel Coste
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ On the number of cells defined by a family of polynomials on a variety 1996 Saugata Basu
Richard Pollak
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ A nullstellensatz and a positivstellensatz in semialgebraic geometry 1974 Gilbert Stengle
+ A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra and Geometry 1951 Alfred Tarski
J. C. C. McKinsey
+ PDF Chat Sur la complexité du principe de Tarski-Seidenberg 1990 Joos Heintz
Marie-Françoise Roy
Pablo Solernó
+ Complexity of deciding Tarski algebra 1988 D. Yu. Grigor'ev
+ PDF Chat XVIII. On a theory of the syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions, comprising an application to the theory of Sturm’s functions, and that of the greatest algebraical common measure 1853 J.J. Sylvester
+ PDF Chat Spécialisation de la suite de Sturm et sous-résultants (I) 1990 Laureano González-Vega
Henri Lombardi
Tomás Recio
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Description of the connected components of a semialgebraic set in single exponential time 1994 Joos Heintz
Marie-Françoise Roy
Pablo Solernó
+ PDF Chat Betti Numbers of Semialgebraic Sets Defined by Quantifier-Free Formulae 2004 Andrei Gabrielov
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ Solving Zero-Dimensional Systems Through the Rational Univariate Representation 1999 Fabrice Rouillier
+ PDF Chat Subresultants and Reduced Polynomial Remainder Sequences 1967 George E. Collins
+ Real Algebraic Geometry 1998 Frédéric Mangolte
Jean-Philippe Rolin
Kurdyka Krzysztof
Saugata Basu
Victoria Powers
+ Cauchy index computation 1996 Thomas Lickteig
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ Computing the first few Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets in single exponential time 2006 Saugata Basu
+ Lower bounds for approximation by nonlinear manifolds 1968 Hugh E. Warren
+ On the Topology of Real Algebraic Surfaces* 2023 O A Oleĭnik
+ Über die Zerlegung definiter Funktionen in Quadrate 1927 Emil Artin
+ PDF Chat On Euclid's Algorithm and the Computation of Polynomial Greatest Common Divisors 1971 Warren S. Brown
+ PDF Chat Homology theory for locally compact spaces. 1960 Armand Borel
John C. Moore
+ Quantifier Elimination and Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition 1998 B. F. Caviness
Jeremy Johnson
+ PDF Chat There are asymptotically far fewer polytopes than we thought 1986 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Finding connected components of a semialgebraic set in subexponential time 1992 John Canny
D. Yu. Grigor'ev
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ Tools from higher algebra 1996 Noga Alon
+ On the number of zero-patterns of a sequence of polynomials 2001 Lajos Rónyai
László Babai
Murali K. Ganapathy
+ B. Segre, Some Properties of Differentiable Varieties and Transformations with special Reference to the Analytical and Algebraic Cases. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Neue Folge, Heft 13). 183 S. Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1967. Springer‐Verlag. Preis 36,‐ DM 1958 M. Hasse
+ Relecture constructive de la théorie d'Artin-Schreier 1998 Henri Lombardi
+ Spécialisation de la suite de Sturm et sous-résultants 1989 Laureano Gonzalez
Henri Lombardi
Tomás Recio
Marie-Françoise Roy
+ PDF Chat Feasibility testing for systems of real quadratic equations 1993 Alexander Barvinok
+ PDF Chat A Sharper Estimate on the Betti Numbers of Sets Defined by Quadratic Inequalities 2007 Saugata Basu
Michael Kettner
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for configurations and polytopes inR d 1986 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic semi-algebraic geometry and topology—recent progress and open problems 2008 Saugata Basu
+ PDF Chat A polynomial-time algorithm for the topological type of a real algebraic curve 1988 Dennis S. Arnon
Scott McCallum
+ Counting real zeros in the multivariate case 1993 Paul Pedersen
Marie-Françoise Roy
Aviva Szpirglas
+ Decision procedures for real and <i>p</i>‐adic fields 1969 Paul J. Cohen
+ PDF Chat A nullstellensatz for ordered fields 1970 Diane Dubois
+ Topology of quadratic maps and hessians of smooth maps 1990 Andrei Agrachev
+ PDF Chat A Vietoris mapping theorem for homotopy 1957 Stephen T. Smale