Tao Qu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast dynamics of wavelength-sensitive magnons in unconventional compensated semiconducting antiferromagnet 2024 Hanshen Huang
Tao Qu
Yang Cheng
Lixuan Tai
Chris Eckberg
Quanjun Pan
Abdullah Alrasheed
Su Kong Chong
Bingqian Dai
Y. X. Li
+ PDF Chat Oscillations and confluence in three-magnon scattering of ferromagnetic resonance 2023 Tao Qu
Alex Hamill
R. H. Victora
P. A. Crowell
+ Structural tuning magnetism and topology in a magnetic topological insulator 2023 Chris Eckberg
Gang Qiu
Tao Qu
Sohee Kwon
Yuhang Liu
Lixuan Tai
David Graf
Su Kong Chong
Peng Zhang
Kin.-Lu. Wong
+ Giant Hall Switching by Surface-State-Mediated Spin-Orbit Torque in a Hard Ferromagnetic Topological Insulator 2023 Lixuan Tai
Haoran He
Su Kong Chong
Huairuo Zhang
Gang Qiu
Y. X. Li
Hung‐Yu Yang
Ting-Hsun Yang
Xiang Dong
Yuxing Ren
+ Oscillations and confluence in three-magnon scattering of ferromagnetic resonance 2022 Tao Qu
Alex Hamill
R. H. Victora
P. A. Crowell
+ PDF Chat Interplay of large two-magnon ferromagnetic resonance linewidths and low Gilbert damping in Heusler thin films 2020 W. K. Peria
T. A. Peterson
Anthony McFadden
Tao Qu
Changjiang Liu
C. J. Palmstrøm
P. A. Crowell
+ Ultra-high frequency magnetic resonance through strain-spin coupling in perpendicular magnetic multi-layers 2019 Delin Zhang
Jie Zhu
Tao Qu
Dustin M. Lattery
R. H. Victora
Xiaojia Wang
Jian‐Ping Wang
+ Direct evidence of rigidity loss and self-organisation in silicate glasses 2004 Yann Vaills
Tao Qu
M. Micoulaut
F. Chaimbault
P. Boolchand
+ Reversibility Window, Aging, and Nanoscale Phase Separation in GexAsxS1-2x Bulk Alloy Glasses 2003 Tao Qu
P. Boolchand
+ The Intermediate Phase in Ternary GexAsxSe1-2x Glasses 2003 Tao Qu
Daniel G. Georgiev
P. Boolchand
M. Micoulaut
+ PDF Chat The Intermediate Phase in Ternary Ge<sub>x</sub>As<sub>x</sub>Se<sub>1–2x</sub> Glasses 2002 Tao Qu
Daniel G. Georgiev
P. Boolchand
M. Micoulaut
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Excitation of spin waves in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As layers by picosecond strain pulses 2012 M. Bombeck
A. S. Salasyuk
B. A. Glavin
A. V. Scherbakov
Christian Brüggemann
D. R. Yakovlev
V. F. Sapega
X. Liu
J. K. Furdyna
А. В. Акимов
+ PDF Chat New Concept for Magnetization Switching by Ultrafast Acoustic Pulses 2013 Oleksandr Kovalenko
Thomas Pézeril
Vasily V. Temnov
+ PDF Chat Femtosecond nonlinear ultrasonics in gold probed with ultrashort surface plasmons 2013 Vasily V. Temnov
Christoph Klieber
Keith A. Nelson
Tim Thomay
Vanessa Knittel
Alfred Leitenstorfer
Denys Makarov
M. Albrecht
Rudolf Bratschitsch
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast Magnetoacoustics in Nickel Films 2012 Ji-Wan Kim
M. Vomir
J.‐Y. Bigot
+ PDF Chat Effect of picosecond strain pulses on thin layers of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)(As,P) 2010 L. Thevenard
Emmanuel Péronne
C. Gourdon
C. Testelin
M. Cubukcu
Éric Charron
Serge Vincent
A. Lemaı̂tre
B. Perrin
+ PDF Chat Rings and rigidity transitions in network glasses 2003 M. Micoulaut
J. C. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Universal Intermediate Phases of Dilute Electronic and Molecular Glasses 2002 J. Craig Phillips
+ PDF Chat Identification of the Dominant Precession-Damping Mechanism in Fe, Co, and Ni by First-Principles Calculations 2007 Keith Gilmore
Y. U. Idzerda
M. D. Stiles
+ PDF Chat Surface-acoustic-wave-driven ferromagnetic resonance in (Ga,Mn)(As,P) epilayers 2014 L. Thevenard
C. Gourdon
J.‐Y. Prieur
H. J. von Bardeleben
Serge Vincent
Loïc Becerra
Ludovic Largeau
J.-Y. Duquesne
+ PDF Chat Surface acoustic wave driven ferromagnetic resonance in nickel thin films: Theory and experiment 2012 L. Dreher
Mathias Weiler
Matthias Pernpeintner
Hans Huebl
Rudolf Groß
Martin S. Brandt
Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein
+ PDF Chat Observation of the Magnon Hall Effect 2010 Y. Onose
Toshiya Ideue
Hosho Katsura
Yuki Shiomi
Naoto Nagaosa
Y. Tokura
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast acousto-magneto-plasmonics 2012 Vasily V. Temnov
+ Spin transfer torques 2008 D. C. Ralph
M. D. Stiles
+ PDF Chat Coherent Magnetization Precession in Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As Induced by Picosecond Acoustic Pulses 2010 A. V. Scherbakov
A. S. Salasyuk
А. В. Акимов
X. Liu
M. Bombeck
Christian Brüggemann
D. R. Yakovlev
V. F. Sapega
J. K. Furdyna
M. Bayer
+ PDF Chat Ultra-low magnetic damping of a metallic ferromagnet 2016 Martin Schoen
Danny Thonig
Michael L. Schneider
T. J. Silva
Hans T. Nembach
Olle Eriksson
Olof Karis
Justin M. Shaw
+ PDF Chat Determination of intrinsic damping of perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin films from time-resolved precessional magnetization measurements 2015 Amir Capua
See‐Hun Yang
Timothy Phung
S. Parkin
+ PDF Chat Laser-Induced Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Magnetic Films 2015 Ka Shen
G. Bauer
+ PDF Chat Radiative damping in waveguide-based ferromagnetic resonance measured via analysis of perpendicular standing spin waves in sputtered permalloy films 2015 Martin Schoen
Justin M. Shaw
Hans T. Nembach
Mathias Weiler
T. J. Silva
+ PDF Chat First-principles calculation of the Gilbert damping parameter via the linear response formalism with application to magnetic transition metals and alloys 2013 S. Mankovsky
D. Ködderitzsch
Georg Woltersdorf
H. Ebert
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast magnetoelastic probing of surface acoustic transients 2016 J. Janušonis
Chia‐Lin Chang
T. Jansma
A. Gatilova
В. С. Власов
Alexey M. Lomonosov
Vasily V. Temnov
R. I. Tobey
+ PDF Chat Parametric frequency mixing in a magnetoelastically driven linear ferromagnetic-resonance oscillator 2017 Chia‐Lin Chang
Alexey M. Lomonosov
J. Janušonis
В. С. Власов
Vasily V. Temnov
R. I. Tobey
+ PDF Chat Spatiotemporal Coherent Control of Thermal Excitations in Solids 2017 M. Sander
Marc Herzog
J.‐E. Pudell
Matias Bargheer
N. Weinkauf
Martin Nors Pedersen
Gemma Newby
J. Sellmann
Jutta Schwarzkopf
Valentin Besse
+ PDF Chat Temperature-dependent Gilbert damping of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>Co</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mi>FeAl</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> thin films with different degree of atomic order 2017 Ankit Kumar
Fan Pan
Sajid Husain
Serkan Akansel
Rimantas Bručas
Lars Bergqvist
Sujeet Chaudhary
Peter Svedlindh
+ PDF Chat Phase control in a spin-triplet SQUID 2018 Joseph Glick
Victor Aguilar
Adel B. Gougam
Bethany Niedzielski
Eric C. Gingrich
R. Loloee
W. P. Pratt
Norman O. Birge
+ PDF Chat Excitation of Whispering Gallery Magnons in a Magnetic Vortex 2019 Katrin Schultheiß
Roman Verba
F. Wehrmann
Kai Wagner
Lukas Körber
Tobias Hula
Toni Hache
Attila Kákay
Ahmad A. Awad
V. S. Tiberkevich
+ PDF Chat Picosecond acoustic-excitation-driven ultrafast magnetization dynamics in dielectric Bi-substituted yttrium iron garnet 2018 Marwan Deb
E. Popova
M. Hehn
N. Keller
S. Mangin
G. Malinowski
+ PDF Chat Dissecting spin-phonon equilibration in ferrimagnetic insulators by ultrafast lattice excitation 2018 Sebastian F. Maehrlein
Ilie Radu
Pablo Maldonado
Alexander Paarmann
Michael Gensch
A. M. Kalashnikova
R. V. Pisarev
Martin Wolf
Peter M. Oppeneer
Joseph Barker
+ PDF Chat Giant Anisotropy of Gilbert Damping in Epitaxial CoFe Films 2019 Yi Li
Fanlong Zeng
Steven S.-L. Zhang
Hyeondeok Shin
Hilal Saglam
Vedat Karakaş
O. Ozatay
John E. Pearson
Olle Heinonen
Yizheng Wu
+ PDF Chat Magnon-phonon interactions in magnetic insulators 2019 Simon Streib
N. Vidal-Silva
Ka Shen
G. Bauer
+ Ultralow Magnetic Damping in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Co</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mi>Mn</mml:mi></mml:math> -Based Heusler Compounds: Promising Materials for Spintronics 2019 Charles Guillemard
S. Petit
L. Pasquier
Daniel Pierre
Jaâfar Ghanbaja
J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez
A. M. Bataille
Julien Rault
Patrick Le Fèvre
F. Bertran
+ PDF Chat Resonant driving of magnetization precession in a ferromagnetic layer by coherent monochromatic phonons 2015 J. V. Jäger
A. V. Scherbakov
B. A. Glavin
A. S. Salasyuk
R. P. Campion
A. W. Rushforth
D. R. Yakovlev
А. В. Акимов
M. Bayer
+ PDF Chat Generation of exchange magnons in thin ferromagnetic films by ultrashort acoustic pulses 2020 Valentin Besse
Anton V. Golov
В. С. Власов
Alexandr Alekhin
Dmitry A. Kuzmin
Igor V. Bychkov
Л. Н. Котов
Vasily V. Temnov
+ A magnon scattering platform 2021 Tony Zhou
Joris J. Carmiggelt
Lisa Maria Gächter
Ilya Esterlis
Dries Sels
Rainer Stöhr
Chunhui Du
D. Fernández
Joaquin F. Rodriguez-Nieva
Felix Büttner
+ PDF Chat Theory of three-magnon interaction in a vortex-state magnetic nanodot 2021 Roman Verba
Lukas Körber
Katrin Schultheiß
Helmut Schultheiß
Vasil Tiberkevich
A. N. Slavin
+ PDF Chat Rigidity transitions and constraint counting in amorphous networks: Beyond the mean-field approach 2002 M. Micoulaut
+ PDF Chat Revealing the Origins of 3D Anisotropic Thermal Conductivities of Black Phosphorus 2016 Jie Zhu
Haechan Park
Junyang Chen
Xiaokun Gu
Hu Zhang
Sreejith Karthikeyan
Nathaniel Wendel
Stephen A. Campbell
Matthew Dawber
Xu Du