Pyung Seong Kwon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Accelerating internal dimensions and nonzero positive cosmological constant 2023 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Accelerating Internal Dimensions and Nonzero Positive Cosmological Constant 2022 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ A torsion-free background solution of the string theory 2019 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat A torsion-free background solution of the string theory 2019 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ A torsion-free background solution of the string theory 2019 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ Accelerating internal dimensions and nonzero positive cosmological constant 2017 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Towards the core of the cosmological constant problem 2016 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ Towards the cosmological constant problem 2014 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Remark on Calabi-Yau vacua of the string theory and the cosmological constant problem 2013 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ Inflation driven by single geometric tachyon with D-brane orbiting around NS5-branes 2012 Pyung Seong Kwon
Gyeong Yun Jun
Kamal L. Panigrahi
M. Sami
+ PDF Chat Erratum: NS-branes in five-dimensional brane world models [Phys. Rev. D<b>82</b>, 046001 (2010)] 2010 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat NS-branes in 5d brane world models 2010 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat D-brane orbiting NS5-branes 2010 Gyeong Yun Jun
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat A comment on<i>p</i>-branes of (<i>p</i>+3)d string theory 2009 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat A self-tuning mechanism in (3 + p)d gravity-scalar theory 2007 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ A self-tuning mechanism in 6d string theory 2005 Eun Kyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Homotopy structure of 5d vacua 2004 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ Gauge equivalent universes in 5d Kaluza-Klein theory 2002 Gyeong Yun Jun
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Time evolution as a gauge transformation: x5-dependent cosmological solution in 5d Kaluza–Klein theory 2001 Gyeong Yun Jun
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Structure of the chiral scalar superfield in ten dimensions 1995 Pyung Seong Kwon
M. Villasante
+ Massive and Massless Representations of the Super - Algebra in 10 Dimensions and the Decomposition of the Scalar Superfield. 1988 Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Casimir operators for massless representations of the super-Poincaré algebra and the reduction of the ten-dimensional massless scalar superfield 1988 Pyung Seong Kwon
M. Villasante
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A comment on<i>p</i>-branes of (<i>p</i>+3)d string theory 2009 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat A brief review of `little string theories' 2000 Ofer Aharony
+ PDF Chat New theories in six dimensions and matrix description of M-theory on T5 and 1997 Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat D-branes in the background of NS fivebranes 2000 Shmuel Elitzur
Amit Giveon
Eliezer Rabinovici
Gor Sarkissian
David Kutasov
+ PDF Chat Little string theory at a TeV 2001 Ignatios Antoniadis
Savas Dimopoulos
Amit Giveon
+ PDF Chat Remark on Calabi-Yau vacua of the string theory and the cosmological constant problem 2013 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for a three-brane universe 1999 Raman Sundrum
+ The hierarchy problem and new dimensions at a millimeter 1998 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Savas Dimopoulos
G. Dvali
+ PDF Chat Matrix Description of M-theory on $T^5$ and $T^5/Z_2$ 1997 Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat A self-tuning mechanism in (3 + p)d gravity-scalar theory 2007 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat de Sitter vacua in string theory 2003 Shamit Kachru
Рената Каллош
Andrei Linde
Sandip P. Trivedi
+ PDF Chat Self-tuning flat domain walls in 5D gravity and string theory 2000 Shamit Kachru
Michael Schulz
Eva Silverstein
+ PDF Chat Large Mass Hierarchy from a Small Extra Dimension 1999 Lisa Randall
Raman Sundrum
+ PDF Chat Hierarchies from fluxes in string compactifications 2002 Steven B. Giddings
Shamit Kachru
Joseph Polchinski
+ Supersymmetry and F-theory realization of the deformed conifold with three-form flux 2000 Steven S. Gubser
+ PDF Chat Matrix description of M-theory on T4 and T5 1997 Micha Berkooz
Moshe Rozali
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat NS-branes in 5d brane world models 2010 Eunkyung Park
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat Brane world scenarios and the cosmological constant 2001 S. P. de Alwis
+ PDF Chat Metastable flux configurations and de Sitter spaces 2007 Katrin Becker
Yu-Chieh Chung
Guang‐Yu Guo
+ PDF Chat Scales and hierarchies in warped compactifications and brane worlds 2003 Oliver DeWolfe
Steven B. Giddings
+ PDF Chat An Alternative to Compactification 1999 Lisa Randall
Raman Sundrum
+ D-Brane Dynamics Near NS5-Branes 2004 David Kutasov
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative superpotentials in string theory 1996 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry Breaking and α′-Corrections to Flux Induced Potentials 2002 Katrin Becker
Melanie Becker
Michael Haack
Jan Louis
+ PDF Chat On the quantization constraints for a D3 brane in the geometry of NS5 branes 2000 Oskar Pelc
+ PDF Chat Moduli stabilization in type IIB orientifolds (II) 2007 Dieter Lüst
Susanne Reffert
Emanuel Scheidegger
Waldemar Schulgin
Stephan Stieberger
+ PDF Chat D-brane orbiting NS5-branes 2010 Gyeong Yun Jun
Pyung Seong Kwon
+ PDF Chat D3-brane potentials from fluxes in AdS/CFT 2010 Daniel Baumann
Anatoly Dymarsky
Shamit Kachru
Igor R. Klebanov
Liam McAllister
+ Linear dilatons, NS5-branes and holography 1998 Ofer Aharony
Micha Berkooz
Nathan Seiberg
David Kutasov
+ PDF Chat Stabilization of submillimeter dimensions: The new guise of the hierarchy problem 2001 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Savas Dimopoulos
John March-Russell
+ PDF Chat Compactification for a three-brane universe 1999 Raman Sundrum
+ PDF Chat Systematics of string loop corrections in type IIB Calabi-Yau flux compactifications 2008 Michele Cicoli
Joseph P. Conlon
Fernando Quevedo
+ PDF Chat D3-brane vacua in stabilized compactifications 2007 Oliver DeWolfe
Liam McAllister
Gary Shiu
Bret Underwood
+ PDF Chat Brane constructions, conifolds and M-theory 1999 Keshav Dasgupta
Sunil Mukhi
+ PDF Chat Universe as a domain wall 1999 André Lukas
Burt A. Ovrut
K.S. Stelle
Daniel Waldram
+ PDF Chat A small cosmological constant and backreaction of non-finetuned parameters 2003 Axel Krause
+ PDF Chat New dimensions at a millimeter to a fermi and superstrings at a TeV 1998 Ignatios Antoniadis
Nima Arkani–Hamed
Savas Dimopoulos
Gia Dvali
+ DYNAMICS OF DARK ENERGY 2006 Edmund J. Copeland
M. Sami
Shinji Tsujikawa
+ PDF Chat Exotic branes and non-perturbative seven branes 2000 Eduardo Eyras
Yolanda Lozano
+ PDF Chat Moduli stabilization,<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>F</mml:mi></mml:math>-term uplifting, and soft supersymmetry breaking terms 2007 Hiroyuki Abé
Tetsutaro Higaki
Tatsuo Kobayashi
Yuji Omura
+ PDF Chat Measurements of Ω and Λ from 42 High‐Redshift Supernovae 1999 S. Perlmutter
G. Aldering
G. Goldhaber
R. A. Knop
P. Nugent
P. G. Castro
Susana E. Deustua
S. Fabbro
A. Goobar
D. E. Groom
+ PDF Chat Towards inflation in string theory 2003 Shamit Kachru
Рената Каллош
Andrei Linde
Juan Maldacena
Liam McAllister
Sandip P. Trivedi
+ PDF Chat TeV scale superstring and extra dimensions 1998 Gary Shiu
S.-H. Henry Tye
+ PDF Chat Moduli stabilization and uplifting with dynamically generated F-terms 2007 Emilian Dudaş
Chloé Papineau
Stefan Pokorski
+ Lectures on Group Theory and Particle Theory 1979 Samitier Azparren J
+ PDF Chat Exact Standard Model structures from intersecting D5-branes 2003 Christos Kokorelis
+ The gauged nonlinear sigma model with Wess-Zumino term 1989 C.M. Hull
Bill Spence
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet Branes and Ramond-Ramond Charges 1995 Joseph Polchinski
+ PDF Chat D3-branes in NS5-brane backgrounds 2003 Sylvain Ribault
+ de Sitter vacua from matter superpotentials 2006 Oleg Lebedev
Hans Peter Nilles
Michael Ratz