Ken Nakamula


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Table for Pure Cubic Fields 2018 Ken Nakamula
+ Class number computation by cyclotomic or elliptic units 2011 Ken Nakamula
+ NZMATH 1.0 2010 Satoru Tanaka
Naoki Ogura
Ken Nakamula
Tetsushi Matsui
Shigenori Uchiyama
+ NZMATH 1.0 2010 Satoru Tanaka
Naoki Ogura
Ken Nakamula
Tetsushi Matsui
Shigenori Uchiyama
+ Constructing Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves Using Factorization of Cyclotomic Polynomials 2008 Satoru Tanaka
Ken Nakamula
+ More constructing pairing-friendly elliptic curves for cryptography 2007 Satoru Tanaka
Ken Nakamula
+ New polynomials producing absolute pseudoprimes with any number of prime factors 2007 Ken Nakamula
Hirofumi Tsumura
Hiroaki Komai
+ Erratum to “Some properties of nonstar steps in addition chains and new cases where the Scholz conjecture is true” 2003 Hatem M. Bahig
Ken Nakamula
+ Some Properties of Nonstar Steps in Addition Chains and New Cases Where the Scholz Conjecture Is True 2002 Hatem M. Bahig
Ken Nakamula
+ Some Results for Some Conjectures in Addition Chains 2001 Hatem M. Bahig
Mohamed H. El-Zahar
Ken Nakamula
+ Recent Developments of Computational Number Theory : A Survey on the Number Field Sieve (Number Theory and its Applications) 1998 Ken Nakamula
+ Certain Quartic Fields with Small Regulators 1996 Ken Nakamula
+ Elliptic units and the class numbers of non-galois fields 1989 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Calculation of the class numbers and fundamental units of abelian extensions over imaginary quadratic fields from approximate values of elliptic units 1985 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation of a quartic field from the elliptic unit 1985 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation of a sextic field from the elliptic unit 1985 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat A Construction of the Groups of Units of Some Number Fields from Certain Subgroups 1982 Ken Nakamula
+ On Elliptic Units and a Class Number Decomposition ($\mathbb{Z}_p$æ‹Ąć€§ăŠă‚ˆăłăăźé–ąé€Łç†è«–ăźç ”ç©¶) 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ Elliptic Unit and Class Number Calculation (P-Adic L-Functions and Algebraic Number Theory) 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation and elliptic unit, II. Quartic case 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation and elliptic unit, III. Sextic case 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation and elliptic unit, I. Cubic case 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat On the group of units of a non-Galois quartic or sextic number field 1980 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat An explicit formula for the fundamental units of a real pure sextic number field and its Galois closure 1979 Ken Nakamula
+ On a fundamental domain of $R_+ ^3$ for the action of the group of totally positive units of a cyclic cubic number field 1977 Ken Nakamula
Takuro Shintani
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Class number calculation of a cubic field from the elliptic unit. 1982 4
+ Die Klassenzahl der Teilkörper abelscher Erweiterungen imaginÀr-quadratischer Zahlkörper. II. 1977 3
+ PDF Chat On the group of units of a non-Galois quartic or sextic number field 1980 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat An explicit formula for the fundamental units of a real pure sextic number field and its Galois closure 1979 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat A Construction of the Groups of Units of Some Number Fields from Certain Subgroups 1982 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat On the group of units of an absolutely cyclic number field of prime degree 1969 Armand Brumer
+ PDF Chat Zur Arithmetik der Polynome 1922 Trygve Nagel
+ On the unit groups of certain sextic number fields 1980 Kiyoaki Iimura
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation and elliptic unit, II. Quartic case 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat A Taxonomy of Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves 2009 David Mandell Freeman
Michael Scott
Edlyn Teske
+ Die Klassenzahl der Teilkörper abelscher Erweiterungen imaginÀr-quadratischer Zahlkörper. I. 1977 2
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation of a sextic field from the elliptic unit 1985 Ken Nakamula
+ Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing 2003 Dan Boneh
Matthew Franklin
+ PDF Chat Calculation of the class numbers and fundamental units of abelian extensions over imaginary quadratic fields from approximate values of elliptic units 1985 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat A Computational Technique for Determining the Class Number of a Pure Cubic Field 1976 Pierre Barrucand
Hywel C Williams
L. Baniuk
+ Arithmetische Theorie der kubischen Zahlkïżœrper auf klassenkïżœrpertheoretischer Grundlage 1930 Helmut Hasse
+ PDF Chat A conjecture in addition chains related to Scholz’s conjecture 1993 Walter Aiello
M. V. Subbarao
+ PDF Chat Ordinary abelian varieties having small embedding degree 2007 Steven D. Galbraith⋆
James McKee
P. C. Valença
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation of a quartic field from the elliptic unit 1985 Ken Nakamula
+ PDF Chat Calcul du nombre de classes et des unitĂ©s des extensions abĂ©liennes rĂ©elles de <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>ℚ</mml:mi></mml:math> 1975 Georges Gras
Marie-Nicole Gras
+ PDF Chat Class number calculation and elliptic unit, I. Cubic case 1981 Ken Nakamula
+ Über die Einheitengruppe der reinen algebraischen Zahlkörper sechsten Grades. 1974 Hans-Joachim Stender
+ PDF Chat On compact submanifolds with nondegenerate parallel normal vector fields 1979 Vladimir Oliker
+ PDF Chat Two contradictory conjectures concerning Carmichael numbers 2001 Andrew Granville
Carl Pomerance
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Hayman concerning the derivative of a function of bounded characteristic 1979 Patrick Ahern
+ PDF Chat A new algorithm for constructing large Carmichael numbers 1996 GĂŒnter Löh
Wolfgang Niebuhr
+ PDF Chat An anti-open mapping theorem for Fréchet spaces 1979 Steven F. Bellenot
+ Some Applications of Kronecker's Limit Formulas 1964 K. Ramachandra
+ PDF Chat On Banach spaces having the property G.L 1979 Shlomo Reisner
+ Addition chains — an erratic sequence 1993 Edward G. Thurber
+ Über die Klassenzahl gewisser nicht galoisscher Körper 6-ten Grades 1974 Reinhard Schertz
+ PDF Chat The Determination of Units in Real Cyclic Sextic Fields 1980 Sirpa MĂ€ki
+ PDF Chat A Radon-NikodĂœm theorem for finitely additive bounded measures 1979 Hugh B. Maynard
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques questions dans la théorie des corps biquadratiques 1962 Par Trygve Nagell
+ PDF Chat Superharmonic interpolation in subspaces of<i>C</i><sub><i>c</i></sub>(<i>X</i>) 1979 Leonard Asimow
+ PDF Chat Hyperspaces of compact convex sets 1979 Sam B. Nadler
J. Quinn
Nick M. Stavrakas
+ PDF Chat Long walks in the plane with few collinear points 1979 Joseph L. Gerver
+ On the fundamental unit of real quadratic fields with norm 1 1970 Hideo Yokoi
+ Arithmetische Theorie der Normalkörper von 2-Potenzgrad mit Diedergruppe 1971 Franz Halter‐Koch
+ PDF Chat Some problems of ‘Partitio numerorum’; III: On the expression of a number as a sum of primes 1923 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Remarques sur les unités cyclotomiques et les unités elliptiques 1979 R. Gillard
+ PDF Chat Annihilation of ideals in commutative rings 1979 James A. Huckaba
James M. Keller
+ PDF Chat Continuously varying peaking functions 1979 John Erik FornĂŠss
Steven G. Krantz
+ PDF Chat A geometric inequality with applications to linear forms 1979 Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ UnitĂ©s et nombre de classes d’une extension Galoisienne diĂ©drale de Q 1979 Nicole Moser
+ Carmichael Numbers of the form (6m + 1)(12m + 1)(18m + 1) 2002 Harvey Dubner
+ Lösbare Gleichungen axn - byn = c und Grundeinheiten fĂŒr einige algebraische Zahlkörper vom Grade n = 3, 4, 6. 1977 Hans-Joachim Stender
+ Arithmetische Ausdeutung der Klassenzahlformel fĂŒr einfach reelle kubische Zahlkörper 1974 Reinhard Schertz
+ There are Infinitely Many Carmichael Numbers 1994 W. R. Alford
Andrew Granville
Carl Pomerance