Francisco de la Hoz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Numerical approximation of Caputo-type advection-diffusion equations via Sylvester equations 2025 Francisco de la Hoz
Peru Muniain
+ PDF Chat A non-recursive Schur-Decomposition Algorithm for $N$-Dimensional Matrix Equations 2024 Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
+ Numerical approximation of Riesz-Feller operators on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e807" altimg="si26.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:math> 2024 Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
Ivan Girona
+ PDF Chat A study of the reconnection of antiparallel vortices in the infinitely thin case and in the finite thickness case 2024 Francisco de la Hoz
S. A. Iakunin
+ PDF Chat A quaternion-based obtention of the angle between adjacent sides in the evolution of regular polygons of $M$ sides under the vortex filament equation 2024 Fernando Chamizo
Francisco de la Hoz
+ Numerical Approximation of Riesz-Feller Operators on $\mathbb R$ 2024 Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
Ivan Girona
+ PDF Chat Numerical computation of the half Laplacian by means of a fast convolution algorithm 2024 Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
Ivan Girona
+ Numerical computation of the half Laplacian by means of a fast convolution algorithm 2023 Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
Ivan Girona
+ A fast convolution method for the fractional Laplacian in $\mathbb{R}$ 2022 Jorge Cayama
Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
Carlos J. Garcı́a-Cervera
+ PDF Chat A pseudospectral method for the one-dimensional fractional Laplacian on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si49.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:math> 2020 Jorge Cayama
Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
+ PDF Chat Numerical approximation of the fractional Laplacian on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:math> using orthogonal families 2020 Jorge Cayama
Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
+ Numerical Approximation of the Fractional Laplacian on $\mathbb R$ Using Orthogonal Families 2020 Jorge Cayama
Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
+ PDF Chat On the Evolution of the Vortex Filament Equation for Regular $M$-Polygons with Nonzero Torsion 2020 Francisco de la Hoz
Sandeep Kumar
Luis Vega
+ Vortex Filament Equation for a regular polygon in the hyperbolic plane 2020 Francisco de la Hoz
Sandeep Kumar
Luis Vega
+ On the Evolution of the Vortex Filament Equation for regular $M$-polygons with nonzero torsion 2019 Francisco de la Hoz
Sandeep Kumar
Luis Vega
+ A Pseudospectral Method for the One-Dimensional Fractional Laplacian on $\mathbb R$ 2019 Jorge Cayama
Carlota M. Cuesta
Francisco de la Hoz
+ On the Evolution of the Vortex Filament Equation for regular $M$-polygons with nonzero torsion 2019 Francisco de la Hoz
Sandeep Kumar
Luis Vega
+ PDF Chat On the Relationship Between the One-Corner Problem and the M-Corner Problem for the Vortex Filament Equation 2018 Francisco de la Hoz
Luis Vega
+ PDF Chat Doubly Connected V-States for the Generalized Surface Quasi-geostrophic Equations 2017 Francisco de la Hoz
Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
+ PDF Chat An analytical and numerical study of steady patches in the disc 2016 Francisco de la Hoz
Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
Joan Mateu
+ PDF Chat A pseudo-spectral method for a non-local KdV–Burgers equation posed on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:math> 2016 Francisco de la Hoz
Carlota M. Cuesta
+ PDF Chat Doubly Connected V-States for the Generalized Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equations 2016 Francisco de la Hoz
Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
+ PDF Chat Doubly Connected $V$-States for the Planar Euler Equations 2016 Francisco de la Hoz
Taoufik Hmidi
Joan Mateu
Joan Verdera
+ An analytical and numerical study of steady patches in the disc 2015 Francisco de la Hoz
Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
Joan Mateu
+ Persistence-time estimation for some stochastic SIS epidemic models 2015 Francisco de la Hoz
Anna Doubova
Fernando Vadillo
+ An analytical and numerical study of steady patches in the disc 2015 Francisco de la Hoz
Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
Joan Mateu
+ PDF Chat Vortex filament equation for a regular polygon 2014 Francisco de la Hoz
Luis Vega
+ Numerical simulations of time-dependent partial differential equations 2014 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ Doubly connected V-states for the planar Euler equations 2014 Taoufik Hmidi
Francisco de la Hoz
Joan Mateu
Joan Verdera
+ PDF Chat The Vortex Filament Equation as a Pseudorandom Generator 2014 Francisco de la Hoz
Luis Vega
+ Doubly connected V-states for the generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equations 2014 Francisco de la Hoz
Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
+ Doubly connected V-states for the planar Euler equations 2014 Taoufik Hmidi
Francisco de la Hoz
Joan Mateu
Joan Verdera
+ The solution of two-dimensional advection–diffusion equations via operational matrices 2013 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ A Sylvester-Based IMEX Method via Differentiation Matrices for Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Equations 2013 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ A mean extinction-time estimate for a stochastic Lotka–Volterra predator–prey model 2012 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ PDF Chat A matrix-based numerical method for the simulation of the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation, 2012 Francisco de la Hoz
+ Numerical simulation of the N-dimensional sine-Gordon equation via operational matrices 2011 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ An integrating factor for nonlinear Dirac equations 2010 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ Numerical Study of a Flow of Regular Planar Curves That Develop Singularities at Finite Time 2009 Francisco de la Hoz
+ A numerical simulation for the blow-up of semi-linear diffusion equations 2008 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ An exponential time differencing method for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2008 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ The structure of singularities in nonlocal transport equations 2008 Francisco de la Hoz
Marco A. Fontelos
+ A numerical study of the self-similar solutions of the Schroedinger Map 2008 Francisco de la Hoz
Carlos J. Garcı́a-Cervera
Luis Vega
+ Numerical study of a flow of regular planar curves that develop singularities at finite time 2008 Francisco de la Hoz
+ Self-similar solutions for the 1-D Schrödinger map on the hyperbolic plane 2007 Francisco de la Hoz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods 1977 David Gottlieb
Steven A. Orszag
+ A Practical Guide to Pseudospectral Methods 1996 Bengt Fornberg
+ The optimization of convergence for chebyshev polynomial methods in an unbounded domain 1982 John P. Boyd
+ PDF Chat The orthogonal rational functions of Higgins and Christov and algebraically mapped Chebyshev polynomials 1990 John P. Boyd
+ PDF Chat A MATLAB differentiation matrix suite 2000 J. A. C. Weideman
S C Reddy
+ Bifurcation from simple eigenvalues 1971 Michael G. Crandall
Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat Global regularity for vortex patches 1993 Andrea L. Bertozzi
Peter Constantin
+ Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps 1992 Christian Pommerenke
+ PDF Chat Boundary Regularity of Rotating Vortex Patches 2013 Taoufik Hmidi
Joan Mateu
Joan Verdera
+ Ten Equivalent Definitions of the Fractional Laplace Operator 2017 Mateusz Kwaśnicki
+ On rotating doubly connected vortices 2014 Taoufik Hmidi
Joan Mateu
Joan Verdera
+ PDF Chat Fourier spectral methods for fractional-in-space reaction-diffusion equations 2014 Alfonso Bueno‐Orovio
David Kay
Kevin Burrage
+ PDF Chat Fourth-Order Time-Stepping for Stiff PDEs 2005 Aly-Khan Kassam
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ PDF Chat The spectrum of singularities of Riemann's function 1996 Stéphane Jaffard
+ PDF Chat On the motion of a curve by its binormal curvature 2015 Robert L. Jerrard
Didier Smets
+ PDF Chat On the V-states for the Generalized Quasi-Geostrophic Equations 2015 Zineb Hassainia
Taoufik Hmidi
+ PDF Chat Talbot effect for the cubic non-linear Schröedinger equation on the torus 2013 M. Burak Erdoğan
Nikolaos Tzirakis
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier Extension of Nonperiodic Functions 2010 Daan Huybrechs
+ An integrating factor for nonlinear Dirac equations 2010 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ Steady-State Solutions of the Euler Equations in Two Dimensions II. Local Analysis of Limiting V-States 1986 Edward A. Overman
+ PDF Chat On the higher derivatives at the boundary in conformal mapping 1935 S. E. Warschawski
+ Comparison of three spectral methods for the Benjamin–Ono equation: Fourier pseudospectral, rational Christov functions and Gaussian radial basis functions 2011 John P. Boyd
Zhengjie Xu
+ PDF Chat On the trivial solutions for the rotating patch model 2015 Taoufik Hmidi
+ Higher order pseudospectral differentiation matrices 2004 Elsayed M.E. Elbarbary
Salah M. El‐Sayed
+ A Sylvester-Based IMEX Method via Differentiation Matrices for Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Equations 2013 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ Self-similar solutions for the 1-D Schrödinger map on the hyperbolic plane 2007 Francisco de la Hoz
+ Numerical simulation of the N-dimensional sine-Gordon equation via operational matrices 2011 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ Numerical methods for fractional partial differential equations with Riesz space fractional derivatives 2009 Qianqian Yang
Feng Liu
Ian Turner
+ PDF Chat The Influence of Fractional Diffusion in Fisher-KPP Equations 2013 Xavier Cabré
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
+ Exponential Time Differencing for Stiff Systems 2002 Stephen M. Cox
P. C. Matthews
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1972 Milton Abramowitz
I. A. Stegun
+ On the Stability of a Singular Vortex Dynamics 2008 Valeria Banica
Luis Vega
+ PDF Chat The initial value problem for the Binormal Flow with rough data 2015 Valeria Banica
Luis Vega
+ What Is the Fractional Laplacian? 2018 Anna Lischke
Guofei Pang
Mamikon Gulian
Fangying Song
Christian Glusa
Xiaoning Zheng
Zhiping Mao
Wei Cai
Mark M. Meerschaert
Mark Ainsworth
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Self-similar Dynamics of a Vortex Filament 2013 Valeria Banica
Luis Vega
+ The Fractional Laplacian 2018 C. Pozrikidis
+ Doubly connected V-states for the planar Euler equations 2014 Taoufik Hmidi
Francisco de la Hoz
Joan Mateu
Joan Verdera
+ A numerical simulation for the blow-up of semi-linear diffusion equations 2008 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ Formation of strong fronts in the 2-D quasigeostrophic thermal active scalar 1994 Peter Constantin
Andrew J. Majda
Esteban G. Tabak
+ Implicit-Explicit Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations 1995 Uri M. Ascher
Steven J. Ruuth
Brian Wetton
+ The solution of two-dimensional advection–diffusion equations via operational matrices 2013 Francisco de la Hoz
Fernando Vadillo
+ PDF Chat Scattering for 1D cubic NLS and singular vortex dynamics 2011 Valeria Banica
Luis Vega
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the Wiener rational basis functions on infinite intervals: Part I–derivation and properties 2010 Akil Narayan
Jan S. Hesthaven
+ PDF Chat Superfast front propagation in reactive systems with non-Gaussian diffusion 2002 R. Mancinelli
Davide Vergni
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat A pseudo-spectral method for a non-local KdV–Burgers equation posed on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:math> 2016 Francisco de la Hoz
Carlota M. Cuesta
+ Differentiability and Dimension of Some Fractal Fourier Series 1999 Fernando Chamizo
Antonio Cordóba
+ Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations 2006 Anatoly A. Kilbas
H. M. Srivastava
Juan J. Trujillo
+ Spectral methods using rational basis functions on an infinite interval 1987 John P. Boyd
+ Numerical Approximation of a Fractional-In-Space Diffusion Equation, I 2005 Miloš Ilić
Fawang Liu
Ian Turner
Vo Anh
+ Mathematical Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes 1995 В. Г. Данилов
V. P. Maslov
К. А. Волосов