Nicholas LaRacuente


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Graph Hörmander Systems 2024 Haojian Li
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Approximate Unitary $k$-Designs from Shallow, Low-Communication Circuits 2024 Nicholas LaRacuente
Felix Leditzky
+ Entropy Uncertainty Relations and Strong Sub-additivity of Quantum Channels 2023 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Information Fragility or Robustness Under Quantum Channels 2023 Nicholas LaRacuente
Graeme Smith
+ PDF Chat Stability of Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities Under a Noncommutative Change of Measure 2022 Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
Cambyse Rouzé
+ PDF Chat Quasi-factorization and multiplicative comparison of subalgebra-relative entropy 2022 Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Multivariate trace inequalities, p-fidelity, and universal recovery beyond tracial settings 2022 Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Modeling Short-Range Microwave Networks to Scale Superconducting Quantum Computation 2022 Nicholas LaRacuente
Kaitlin N. Smith
Poolad Imany
Kevin L. Silverman
Frederic T. Chong
+ Self-restricting Noise and Exponential Decay in Quantum Dynamics 2022 Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Relative entropy decay and complete positivity mixing time 2022 Gao Li
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
Haojian Li
+ PDF Chat Group Transference Techniques for the Estimation of the Decoherence Times and Capacities of Quantum Markov Semigroups 2021 Ivan Bardet
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
Cambyse Rouzé
Daniel Stilck França
+ Quantum Oracle Separations from Complex but Easily Specified States 2021 Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Fisher Information and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Matrix-Valued Functions 2020 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Universal recovery and P-Fidelity in von neumann algebras 2020 Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Relative entropy for von Neumann subalgebras 2020 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Graph Hörmander Systems 2020 Haojian Li
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Adjusted Subadditivity of Relative Entropy for Non-commuting Conditional Expectations 2019 Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Stability of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities under a noncommutative change of measure 2019 Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
Cambyse Rouzé
+ PDF Chat Capacity bounds via operator space methods 2018 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Capacity Estimates via Comparison with TRO Channels 2018 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Heralded channel Holevo superadditivity bounds from entanglement monogamy 2018 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Strong Subadditivity Inequality and Entropic Uncertainty Relations 2017 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Holevo Superadditivity Bounds for Heralded Channels. 2017 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Unifying Entanglement with Uncertainty via Symmetries of Observable Algebras 2017 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Capacity Estimates for TRO Channels 2016 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum Information Theory 2009 Mark M. Wilde
+ PDF Chat On quantum RĂ©nyi entropies: A new generalization and some properties 2013 Martin MĂŒller-Lennert
Frédéric Dupuis
Oleg Szehr
Serge Fehr
Marco Tomamichel
+ PDF Chat Hypercontractivity and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Non-primitive Quantum Markov Semigroups and Estimation of Decoherence Rates 2022 Ivan Bardet
Cambyse Rouzé
+ Gradient flow and entropy inequalities for quantum Markov semigroups with detailed balance 2017 Eric A. Carlen
Jan Maas
+ PDF Chat Strong Converse for the Classical Capacity of Entanglement-Breaking and Hadamard Channels via a Sandwiched RĂ©nyi Relative Entropy 2014 Mark M. Wilde
Andreas Winter
Dong Yang
+ PDF Chat Capacity Estimates via Comparison with TRO Channels 2018 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ Noncommutative vector valued $L_p$-spaces and completely $p$-summing maps 1993 Gilles Pisier
+ Estimating the decoherence time using non-commutative Functional Inequalities 2017 Ivan Bardet
+ PDF Chat Double Operator Integrals and Submajorization 2010 Denis Potapov
Fedor Sukochev
+ PDF Chat Extending Noether’s theorem by quantifying the asymmetry of quantum states 2014 Iman Marvian
Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for finite Markov chains 1996 Persi Diaconis
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras 2003 Vern I. Paulsen
+ PDF Chat Quantum logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and rapid mixing 2013 Michael J. Kastoryano
Kristan Temme
+ PDF Chat Multiplicativity of Completely Bounded p-Norms Implies a Strong Converse for Entanglement-Assisted Capacity 2014 Manish K. Gupta
Mark M. Wilde
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative Calculus, Optimal Transport and Functional Inequalities in Dissipative Quantum Systems 2019 Eric A. Carlen
Jan Maas
+ PDF Chat Tight Uniform Continuity Bounds for Quantum Entropies: Conditional Entropy, Relative Entropy Distance and Energy Constraints 2016 Andreas Winter
+ PDF Chat Fisher Information and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Matrix-Valued Functions 2020 Li Gao
Marius Junge
Nicholas LaRacuente
+ PDF Chat Operational Resource Theory of Coherence 2016 Andreas Winter
Dong Yang
+ PDF Chat Sufficient subalgebras and the relative entropy of states of a von Neumann algebra 1986 D. Petz
+ PDF Chat Reversible Framework for Quantum Resource Theories 2015 Fernando G. S. L. BrandĂŁo
Gilad Gour
+ PDF Chat “Squashed entanglement”: An additive entanglement measure 2004 Matthias Christandl
Andreas Winter
+ PDF Chat Multiplicativity of Completely Bounded p-Norms Implies a New Additivity Result 2006 Igor Devetak
Marius Junge
Christoper King
Mary Beth Ruskai
+ PDF Chat Unbounded number of channel uses may be required to detect quantum capacity 2015 Toby S. Cubitt
David Elkouss
William Matthews
Māris Ozols
David PĂ©rez-Garcı́a
Sergii Strelchuk
+ PDF Chat Simplifying additivity problems using direct sum constructions 2007 Motohisa Fukuda
Michael M. Wolf
+ PDF Chat Quantum conditional relative entropy and quasi-factorization of the relative entropy 2018 Ángela Capel
Ángelo Lucia
David PĂ©rez-Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Quantum coherence as a resource 2017 Alexander Streltsov
Gerardo Adesso
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Tradeoff between extractable mechanical work, accessible entanglement, and ability to act as a reference system, under arbitrary superselection rules 2008 J. A. Vaccaro
Fabio Anselmi
Howard M. Wiseman
Kurt Jacobs
+ PDF Chat Measuring the quality of a quantum reference frame: The relative entropy of frameness 2009 Gilad Gour
Iman Marvian
Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat Quantum Information Theory 2013 Mark M. Wilde
+ Mixed-norm Inequalities and Operator Space Lp Embedding Theory 2010 Marius Junge
Javier Parcet
+ PDF Chat The Private Classical Capacity and Quantum Capacity of a Quantum Channel 2005 Igor Devetak
+ PDF Chat The mother of all protocols: restructuring quantum information’s family tree 2009 Anura Abeyesinghe
Igor Devetak
Patrick Hayden
Andreas Winter
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative martingale deviation and Poincaré type inequalities with applications 2014 Marius Junge
Qiang Zeng
+ Generalization of an Inequality by Talagrand and Links with the Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality 2000 FĂ©lix Otto
CĂ©dric Villani
Matthias Neufang
Zhong‐Jin Ruan
+ PDF Chat From Quasi-Entropy to Various Quantum Information Quantities 2012 Fumio Hiai
Dėnes Petz
+ PDF Chat Bulk locality and quantum error correction in AdS/CFT 2015 Ahmed Almheiri
Xi Dong
Daniel Harlow
+ PDF Chat An Analog of the 2-Wasserstein Metric in Non-Commutative Probability Under Which the Fermionic Fokker–Planck Equation is Gradient Flow for the Entropy 2014 Eric A. Carlen
Jan Maas
+ PDF Chat Degenerate Quantum Codes for Pauli Channels 2007 Graeme Smith
John A. Smolin
+ PDF Chat The capacity of the quantum channel with general signal states 1998 A. S. Holevo
+ PDF Chat Capacity of the noisy quantum channel 1997 Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Inner product modules over đ”*-algebras 1973 William L. Paschke
+ On injectivity and nuclearity for operator spaces 2001 Edward G. Effros
Narutaka Ozawa
Zhong‐Jin Ruan
+ PDF Chat Private Capacity of Quantum Channels is Not Additive 2009 Ke Li
Andreas Winter
Xu‐Bo Zou
Guang‐Can Guo
+ Applications of the complex interpolation method to a von Neumann algebra: Non-commutative Lp-spaces 1984 Hideki Kosaki
+ PDF Chat A 1-cohomology characterization of property (T) in von Neumann algebras 2009 Jesse Peterson
+ Coercive inequalities for Hörmander type generators in infinite dimensions 2007 Piotr Ɓugiewicz
BogusƂaw ZegarliƄski
+ PDF Chat Capacities of Quantum Erasure Channels 1997 Charles H. Bennett
David P. DiVincenzo
John A. Smolin
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and stochastic Ising models 1987 Richard A. Holley
Daniel W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat Hypercontractivity of quasi-free quantum semigroups 2014 Kristan Temme
Fernando Pastawski
Michael J. Kastoryano