Norbert Ortner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the completeness of the space $\mathcal{O}_C$ 2024 Michael Kunzinger
Norbert Ortner
+ Quasinormable Fréchet spaces and M. W. Wong’s inequality 2024 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ PDF Chat Quasinormable Fr\'echet spaces and M. W. Wong's inequality 2024 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ PDF Chat On some general integral formulae 2024 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ A distributional version of Frullani's integral 2023 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ PDF Chat Projective descriptions of spaces of functions and distributions 2023 Christian Bargetz
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ The distributional solutions of Kummer's differential equation 2022 Norbert Ortner
Péter Wagner
+ PDF Chat On the Green function of an orthotropic clamped plate in a half-plane 2021 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Projective descriptions of spaces of functions and distributions 2021 Christian Bargetz
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ PDF Chat A simpler description of the κ‐topologies on the spaces DLp,Lp,M1 2020 Christian Bargetz
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ PDF Chat On the Weyl transform for rotationally invariant symbols 2019 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Laplace transformation of vector-valued distributions and applications to Cauchy-Dirichlet problems 2019 Michael Kunzinger
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier transform of rotationally invariant distributions 2018 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Laplace transformation of vector-valued distributions and applications to Cauchy-Dirichlet problems 2018 Michael Kunzinger
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ Calculation of the propagator of Schrödinger’s equation on (0, ∞) with the potential <i>kx</i>−2 + <i>ω</i>2<i>x</i>2 by Laplace’s method 2018 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Laplace transformation of vector-valued distributions and applications to Cauchy-Dirichlet problems 2018 Michael Kunzinger
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ Applications of ‐invariant distributions 2017 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ PDF Chat Kernel identities and vectorial regularisation 2017 Christian Bargetz
Norbert Ortner
+ PDF Chat Convolvability and regularization of distributions 2017 Christian Bargetz
Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ The space $$\dot{\mathcal {B}}'$$ B ˙ ′ of distributions vanishing at infinity: duals of tensor products 2017 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ Fourier transformation of O(p,q)-invariant distributions. Fundamental solutions of ultra-hyperbolic operators 2016 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ A survey on duals of topological tensor products 2016 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ The space $\dot{\mathcal{B}}'$ of distributions vanishing at infinity - duals of tensor products 2016 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ A survey on duals of topological tensor products 2016 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ The space $\dot{\mathcal{B}}'$ of distributions vanishing at infinity - duals of tensor products 2016 Eduard A. Nigsch
Norbert Ortner
+ Fundamental Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Operators: Theory and Practice 2015 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Distributions and Fundamental Solutions 2015 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Fundamental Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Operators 2015 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Quasihyperbolic Systems 2015 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Solution to the Cauchy problem for quasi-hyperbolic systems by vector-valued convolution 2014 Christian Bargetz
Norbert Ortner
+ On the spaces<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">O</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>m</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:math>of John Horváth 2014 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Characterization of L. Schwartz’ convolutor and multiplier spaces $$\mathcal O _{C}'$$ O C ′ and $$\mathcal O _{M}$$ O M by the short-time Fourier transform 2013 Christian Bargetz
Norbert Ortner
+ Explicit representations of L. Schwartz’ spaces<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">D</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow… 2013 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ PDF Chat Convolution of vector-valued distributions: A survey and comparison 2013 Christian Bargetz
Norbert Ortner
+ Fourier transforms in the “classical sense”, Schur spaces and a new formula for the Fourier transforms of slowly increasing,<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>q</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>-invariant functions 2012 Norbert Ortner
+ The Fourier exchange theorem for kernels 2010 Norbert Ortner
+ M. Rieszʼ kernels as boundary values of conjugate Poisson kernels 2010 Martha Guzmán–Partida
Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ On convolvability conditions for distributions 2009 Norbert Ortner
+ On Conical Refraction in Hexagonal and Cubic Media 2009 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ The fundamental matrix of the system of linear elastodynamics in hexagonal media. Solution to the problem of conical refraction 2007 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ On some contributions of John Horváth to the theory of distributions 2004 Norbert Ortner
+ Fundamental matrices of homogeneous hyperbolic systems. Applications to crystal optics, elastodynamics, and piezoelectromagnetism 2004 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Deduction of L. Hörmander's extension of Ásgeirsson's mean value theorem 2003 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Functional-Analytic And Complex Methods, Their Interactions, And Applications To Partial Differential Equations 2001 H. Florian
Wolfgang Tutschke
Norbert Ortner
Franz Schnitzer
+ Functional-analytic and complex methods, their interactions, and applications to partial differential equations : proceedings of the International Graz Workshop : Graz, Austria 12-16 February 2001 2001 H. Florian
Norbert Ortner
Franz Schnitzer
Wolgang Tutschke
+ None 1997 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ A Series of Bessel Functions (Norbert Ortner and Peter Wagner) 1996 Robin Chapman
Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Series, the Convergence of which Should be Interpreted in the Sense of L. Schwartz’s Distributions 1995 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ A Series of Bessel Functions 1995 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Comments on the Solution of the Cauchy-Neumann Problem for the Diffusion Operator in an Infinite Strip 1995 Norbert Ortner
+ Fundamental solution of hyperbolic differential operators and the poisson summation formula 1993 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ On the fundamental solution of the operator of dynamic linear thermoelasticity 1992 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Some new fundamental solutions 1990 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Die Fundamentallösung des Timoshenko‐ und des Boussinesq‐Operators 1988 Norbert Ortner
+ Analytic continuation and convolution of hypersingular higher Hilbert-Riesz kernels 1987 J. Horváth
Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Methods of Construction of Fundamental Solutions of Decomposable Linear Differential Operators (Invited contribution) 1987 Norbert Ortner
+ Fundamentallösungen und Existenz von schwachen Lösungen linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen mit konstanten Koeffizienten 1979 Norbert Ortner
+ The Value of a Definite Integral 1978 Norbert Ortner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Théorie des distributions à valeurs vectorielles. I 1957 Laurent Schwartz
+ Topological vector spaces and distributions 1966 Juan Horváth
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ Lectures on mixed problems in partial differential equations and representations of semi-groups 1957 Laurent Schwartz
+ Espaces de fonctions différentiables a valeurs vectorielles 1954 Laurent Schwartz
+ Produits Tensoriels Topologiques Et Espaces Nucleaires 1966 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ PDF Chat Théorie des distributions à valeurs vectorielles. II 1958 Laurent Schwartz
+ Introduction to the theory of distributions 1982 F. G. Friedlander
+ PDF Chat Locally Convex Spaces 1981 Hans Jarchow
+ On convolvability conditions for distributions 2009 Norbert Ortner
+ Fundamental Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Operators 2015 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Linear Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 1994 Alexander Komech
+ On partial summability and convolutions in the theory of vector-valued distributions 1960 Yukio Hirata
Risai Shiraishi
+ Basic Linear Partial Differential Equations 1975 François Trèves
+ Linear Partial Differential Operators 1963 Lars Hörmander
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Introduction to the Theory of Distributions 1997 J. Campos Ferreira
Joaquim Sousa Pinto
R.F. Hoskins
+ <i>Integrals and Series</i> 1988 A. P. Prudnikov
Yu. A. Brychkov
O. I. Marichev
Robert H. Romer
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I: Distribution Theory and Fourier Analysis 1983 Lars Hörmander
Lars Hörmander
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ PDF Chat Lacunas for hyperbolic differential operators with constant coefficients I 1970 Michael Atiyah
R. Bott
Lars Gårding
+ PDF Chat On the division of distributions by polynomials 1958 Lars Hörmander
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Generalized functions and partial differential equations 1968 Georgiĭ Evgenʹevich Shilov
Bernard D. Seckler
+ Linear Partial Differential Operators 1969 Lars Hörmander
+ Completing the Valdivia–Vogt tables of sequence-space representations of spaces of smooth functions and distributions 2014 Christian Bargetz
+ Vorlesungen über die Mechanik der Kontinua 1985 Gustav Herglotz
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 5
+ PDF Chat Transformation de Fourier des distributions homogènes 1961 Lars Gårding
+ On the fundamental solutions of a class of elliptic quartic operators in dimension 3 2002 Peter Wagner
+ Tables of Bessel Transforms 1972 Fritz Oberhettinger
+ Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 1949 Gerald B. Folland
+ Composition of hypersingular integral operators 1978 J. I. Horváth
+ PDF Chat Multiplications and convolutions in L. Schwartz' spaces of test functions and distributions and their continuity 2013 Julian Larcher
+ PDF Chat Topological properties of the dual pair ⟨ℬ(Ω)<sup>′</sup><i>,</i>ℬ(Ω)<sup>′′</sup>⟩ 1983 Peter Dierolf
Susanne Dierolf
+ A representation of the space $$\mathcal{O}_M $$ 1981 Manuel Valdivia
+ Some new fundamental solutions 1990 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ On the Exchange Formula for Distributions 1958 Yukio Hirata
Hayao Ogata
+ PDF Chat Produits tensoriels topologiques et espaces nucléaires 1955 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Distributions and convolution equations 1992 Семен Григорьевич Гиндикин
L. R. Volevich
+ PDF Chat Local and global properties of fundamental solutions 1957 Lars Hörmander
+ On the fundamental solution of the operator of dynamic linear thermoelasticity 1992 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Fourier transformation of O(p,q)-invariant distributions. Fundamental solutions of ultra-hyperbolic operators 2016 Norbert Ortner
Peter Wagner
+ Distributions, analyse de Fourier, opérateurs aux dérivées partielles 1972 Khac Khoan Vo
+ 1. Espaces vectoriels topologiques 2023 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II: Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients 1983 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Convolution of vector-valued distributions: A survey and comparison 2013 Christian Bargetz
Norbert Ortner
+ The Cauchy Problem 1991 Simon Gindikin
L. R. Volevich
+ PDF Chat A projective description of weighted inductive limits 1982 Klaus-D. Bierstedt
Reinhold Meise
W. H. Summers
+ PDF Chat The fundamental solution of the time-dependent system of crystal optics 2006 Robert Burridge