А. А. Кытманов


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Series of Components of the Moduli Space of Semistable Reflexive Rank 2 Sheaves on $ {𝕇}^{3} $ 2025 А. А. Кытманов
Н. Н. Осипов
С. А. Тихомиров
+ Asymptotics of solutions of special second-order linear recurrencies with polynomial coefficients and boundary effects of polynomial filters 2024 А. А. Кытманов
S. P. Tsarëv
+ Discrete orthogonal polynomials: anomalies of time series and boundary effects of polynomial filters 2024 А. А. Кытманов
S. P. Tsarëv
+ Two Series of Components of the Moduli Space of Semistable Reflexive Rank 2 Sheaves on the Projective Space 2024 А. А. Кытманов
Н. Н. Осипов
С. А. Тихомиров
+ Symbolic Algorithm for Finding Zeros of a System of Holomorphic Functions 2023 V. I. Kuzovatov
А. А. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ On the Number of Irreducible Components of the Moduli Space of Semistable Reflexive Rank 2 Sheaves on the Projective Space 2023 А. А. Кытманов
Н. Н. Осипов
С. А. Тихомиров
+ On Computing the Resultant of a Polynomial and an Entire Function 2022 V. I. Kuzovatov
А. А. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ An Algorithm for Solving a Family of Fourth-Degree Diophantine Equations that Satisfy Runge’s Condition 2021 Н. Н. Осипов
А. А. Кытманов
+ A Study of Anomalies in GPS Time Series via Polynomial Filtering 2020 Winfried Auzinger
А. А. Кытманов
S. P. Tsarëv
+ PDF Chat Algorithm for Constructing an Analogue of the Binet Formula 2020 V. I. Kuzovatov
А. А. Кытманов
О. И. Кузоватова
+ Discrete orthogonal polynomials as a tool for detection of small anomalies of time series: a case study of GPS final orbits 2020 S. P. Tsarëv
А. А. Кытманов
+ Student-at-risk detection by current learning performance indicators using Bayesian networks 2020 Tatiana A. Kustitskaya
А. А. Кытманов
М. В. Носков
+ E-learning courses in mathematics in higher education 2019 Tatyana V. Zykova
Victoria A. Shershneva
Ю. В. Вайнштейн
Анатолій Степанович Даниленко
А. А. Кытманов
+ PDF Chat On computing residue integrals for a class of nonlinear transcendental systems 2019 А. А. Кытманов
А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ PDF Chat Series of rational moduli components of stable rank two vector bundles on $$\pmb {\mathbb {P}}^3$$ P 3 2019 А. А. Кытманов
А. С. Тихомиров
С. А. Тихомиров
+ The Variety of Nilpotent Tortkara Algebras 2019 А. А. Кытманов
Ilya Gorshkov
Иван Борисович Кайгородов
С. Мохамед
+ PDF Chat Residue integrals and Waring’s formulas for algebraic or even transcendental systems 2018 А. А. Кытманов
А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ Residue Integrals and Waring's Formulas for a Class of Systems of Transcendental Equations in $\mathbb{C}^n$ 2017 А. А. Кытманов
А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ Series of rational moduli components of stable rank 2 vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^3$ 2017 А. А. Кытманов
А. С. Тихомиров
С. А. Тихомиров
+ PDF Chat Evaluating the rational generating function for the solution of the Cauchy problem for a two-dimensional difference equation with constant coefficients 2017 А. А. Кытманов
A. P. Lyapin
Timur Sadykov
+ Series of rational moduli components of stable rank 2 vector bundles on $\mathbb{P}^3$ 2017 А. А. Кытманов
Alexander A. Tikhomirov
Sergey Tikhomirov
+ Residue Integrals and Waring's Formulas for a Class of Systems of Transcendental Equations in $\mathbb{C}^n$ 2017 А. А. Кытманов
А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ PDF Chat Competency-based Learning in Higher Mathematics Education as a Cluster of Efficient Approaches 2016 А. А. Кытманов
М. В. Носков
К. В. Сафонов
Marina Savelyeva
Victoria A. Shershneva
+ PDF Chat Algorithm for construction of volume forms on toric varieties starting from a convex integer polytope 2016 А. А. Кытманов
Alexey Shchuplev
Tatyana V. Zykova
+ PDF Chat Finding ein components in the moduli spaces of stable rank 2 bundles on the projective 3-space 2016 А. А. Кытманов
Н. Н. Осипов
С. А. Тихомиров
+ Algorithmic computation of polynomial amoebas 2016 D. V. Bogdanov
А. А. Кытманов
Timur Sadykov
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic Computation of Polynomial Amoebas 2016 D. V. Bogdanov
А. А. Кытманов
Timur Sadykov
+ On the Zeta-Function of Zeros of Some Class of Entire Functions 2014 V. I. Kuzovatov
А. А. Кытманов
+ Finding residue integrals for systems of non-algebraic equations in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2014 А. А. Кытманов
А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ An algorithm for constructing toric compactifications 2013 А. А. Кытманов
Alexey Shchuplev
+ Algorithm for constructing an integral representation from the fan of a toric variety 2012 А. А. Кытманов
+ Description of an algorithm of construction of an integral representation given toric variety fan 2010 А. А. Кытманов
+ An algorithm for calculating power sums of roots for a class of systems of nonlinear equations 2010 А. А. Кытманов
+ Description of an algorithm of construction of an integral representation given toric variety fan 2010 А. А. Кытманов
+ Analogs of recurrent Newton formulas 2009 А. А. Кытманов
+ Averaging of the Cauchy kernels and integral realization of the local residue 2008 А. А. Кытманов
A. Yu. Semusheva
+ Integral Representations and Volume Forms on Hirzebruch Surfaces 2008 А. А. Кытманов
+ PDF Chat Power sums of roots of a nonlinear system 2006 А. А. Кытманов
S. G. Myslivets
Николай Тарханов
+ Integral representations and holomorphic extension on toric varieties 2005 А. А. Кытманов
+ PDF Chat Elliptic problems for the Dolbeault complex 2004 А. А. Кытманов
S. G. Myslivets
B.‐W. Schulze
Николай Тарханов
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Lefschetz formula for manifolds with boundary 2004 А. А. Кытманов
S. G. Myslivets
Николай Тарханов
+ None 2003 А. А. Кытманов
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Multidimensional Residues and Their Applications 1992 A. K. Tsikh
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Analogs of recurrent Newton formulas 2009 А. А. Кытманов
+ The Bochner-Martinelli Integral and Its Applications 1995 А. М. Кытманов
+ Stable reflexive sheaves 1980 Robin Hartshorne
+ PDF Chat Finding ein components in the moduli spaces of stable rank 2 bundles on the projective 3-space 2016 А. А. Кытманов
Н. Н. Осипов
С. А. Тихомиров
+ An algorithm for calculating power sums of roots for a class of systems of nonlinear equations 2010 А. А. Кытманов
+ The Topology of Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds 1991 Michèle Audin
+ Power sums of nonlinear systems of equations 2007 В. И. Быков
А. М. Кытманов
S. G. Myslivets
+ Stable rank 2 bundles on IP3 withc 1=0,c 2=4, and ?=1 1983 Mei-Chu Chang
+ Finding residue integrals for systems of non-algebraic equations in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">C</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2014 А. А. Кытманов
А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ PDF Chat Construction of Stable Rank 2 Bundles on ℙ3 Via Symplectic Bundles 2019 А. С. Тихомиров
С. А. Тихомиров
D. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Generalized null correlation bundles 1988 Lawrence Ein
+ None 2003 А. А. Кытманов
+ Greobner Bases : an algorithmic method in polynomial ideal theory 1985 Bruno Buchberger
+ Classical Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable 1991 Arnold F. Nikiforov
Vasilii B. Uvarov
Sergeĭ K. Suslov
+ Algebraicity of solutions to the Mellin system and its monodromy 2007 Alicia Dickenstein
Timur Sadykov
+ Irreducibility of the space of mathematical instanton bundles with rank 2 andc 2=4 1981 Wolf Barth
+ On a multidimensional system of hypergeometric differential equations 1998 Timur Sadykov
+ Residual kernels with singularities on coordinate planes 2006 Alexey Shchuplev
A. K. Tsikh
A. Yger
+ Recent developments in toric geometry 1997 David A. Cox
+ PDF Chat Moduli of mathematical instanton vector bundles with odd $ c_2$ on projective space 2012 Александр Сергеевич Тихомиров
+ Stable vector bundles of rank 2 onP 3 1978 Robin Hartshorne
+ Toric Residues 1994 David A. Cox
+ PDF Chat Spectra and monads of stable bundles 1991 Robin Hartshorne
A. P. Rao
+ On the zeta-function of systems of nonlinear equations 2007 А. М. Кытманов
S. G. Myslivets
+ PDF Chat Bases in the solution space of the Mellin system 2007 Alicia Dickenstein
Timur Sadykov
+ Stable rank-2 vector bundles on ?3 withc 1=0 andc 2=3 1981 Geir Ellingsrud
Stein Arild Str�mme
+ Approximation of discrete functions and Chebyshev polynomials orthogonal on the uniform grid 2000 И. И. Шарапудинов
+ Power Series of Roots of Systems of Entire Functions of Finite Growth Order 2016 А. М. Кытманов
Е. К. Myshkina
+ PDF Chat Residue Calculus and Applications 2007 Mohamed Elkadi
Alain Yger
+ None 2003 Jinho Baik
Thomas Kriecherbauer
K. T-R McLaughlin
Peter D. Miller
+ Value distribution of holomorphic maps 1970 Wilhelm Stoll
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Universal families of extensions 1983 Herbert Lange
+ Quantum Cohomology Rings of Toric Manifolds 1993 Victor V. Batyrev
+ Averaging of the Cauchy kernels and integral realization of the local residue 2008 А. А. Кытманов
A. Yu. Semusheva
+ Nonconfluent hypergeometric functions in several variables and their singularities 2000 Mikael Passare
A. K. Tsikh
Timur Sadykov
+ A note on cohomology modules of rank two bundles 1984 Prabhakar Rao
+ A characterization ofA-discriminantal hypersurfaces in terms of the logarithmic Gauss map 1991 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Stable rank 2 vector bundles on P3 with c1 = - 1, c2 = 2. 1981 Robin Hartshorne
Ignacio Sols
+ Laurent Determinants and Arrangements of Hyperplane Amoebas 2000 Mikael Forsberg
Mikael Passare
August Tsikh
+ Variation der globalen Ext in Deformationen kompakter komplexer Räume 1980 Constantin Bănică
Mihai Putinar
Georg Schumacher
+ PDF Chat A Nullstellensatz for amoebas 2008 Kevin Purbhoo
+ Entire Functions of Several Complex Variables 1986 Pierre Lelong
Lawrence Gruman
+ Stratification des espaces de polynômes de Laurent et la structure de leurs amibes 2000 Hans Rullgård
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Complex Analysis Part II. Functions of Several Variables 1992 B. Shabat
+ PDF Chat Boundary problems for pseudo-differential operators 1971 L. Boutet de Monvel