J. M. Lennon


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Giant optical Faraday rotation induced by a single-electron spin in a quantum dot: Applications to entangling remote spins via a single photon 2008 C. Y. Hu
A. B. Young
Jeremy L. O’Brien
William J. Munro
John Rarity
+ PDF Chat Near-optimal single-photon sources in the solid state 2016 N. Somaschi
Valérian Giesz
Lorenzo De Santis
J. C. Loredo
M. P. Almeida
Gaston Hornecker
Simone Luca Portalupi
T. Grange
C. AntĂłn
Justin Demory
+ PDF Chat On-Demand Single Photons with High Extraction Efficiency and Near-Unity Indistinguishability from a Resonantly Driven Quantum Dot in a Micropillar 2016 Xing Ding
Yu He
Z.-C. Duan
Niels Gregersen
M.-C. Chen
Sebastian Unsleber
Stefan A. Maier
Christian Schneider
M. Kamp
Sven Höfling
+ PDF Chat CNOT and Bell-state analysis in the weak-coupling cavity QED regime 2010 Cristian Bonato
Florian Haupt
S. S. R. Oemrawsingh
Jan Gudat
Dapeng Ding
M. P. van Exter
Dirk Bouwmeester
+ PDF Chat Charged quantum dot micropillar system for deterministic light-matter interactions 2016 Petros Androvitsaneas
A. B. Young
C. Schneider
Stefan A. Maier
M. Kamp
Sven Höfling
Sebastian Knauer
Edmund Harbord
C. Y. Hu
J. G. Rarity
+ PDF Chat Dipole Induced Transparency in Drop-Filter Cavity-Waveguide Systems 2006 Edo Waks
Jelena Vučković
+ PDF Chat A Waveguide-Coupled On-Chip Single-Photon Source 2012 Arne Laucht
Stefan Putz
T. GĂŒnthner
N. Hauke
Rebecca Saive
S. Frédérick
M. Bichler
Markus‐Christian Amann
Alexander W. Holleitner
M. Kaniber
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Conditional Phase Shifts for Quantum Logic 1995 Q. A. Turchette
C. J. Hood
W. Lange
Hideo Mabuchi
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Deterministic optical quantum computer using photonic modules 2008 Ashley M. Stephens
Zachary W. E. Evans
Simon J. Devitt
Andrew D. Greentree
Austin G. Fowler
William J. Munro
Jeremy L. O’Brien
Kae Nemoto
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
+ PDF Chat Giant optical nonlinearity induced by a single two-level system interacting with a cavity in the Purcell regime 2007 Alexia AuffĂšves
Christoph Simon
Jean‐Michel GĂ©rard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Loss-resistant state teleportation and entanglement swapping using a quantum-dot spin in an optical microcavity 2011 C. Y. Hu
J. G. Rarity
+ PDF Chat Near-Unity Coupling Efficiency of a Quantum Emitter to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2014 M. Arcari
Immo Söllner
Alisa Javadi
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Sahand Mahmoodian
J. Liu
Henri Thyrrestrup
Eun Hye Lee
J. D. Song
SĂžren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Nondestructive Detection of an Optical Photon 2013 Andreas Reiserer
Stephan Ritter
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat A quantum gate between a flying optical photon and a single trapped atom 2014 Andreas Reiserer
Norbert Kalb
Gerhard Rempe
Stephan Ritter
+ PDF Chat Optimized phase switching using a single-atom nonlinearity 2003 Holger F. Hofmann
Kunihiro Kojima
Shigeki Takeuchi
Keiji Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Proposal for Pulsed On-Demand Sources of Photonic Cluster State Strings 2009 Netanel H. Lindner
Terry Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Nanophotonic quantum phase switch with a single atom 2014 T. G. Tiecke
Jeff D. Thompson
Nathalie P. de Leon
Lee R. Liu
Vladan Vuletić
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Optical characterization and selective addressing of the resonant modes of a micropillar cavity with a white light beam 2010 Georgios Ctistis
Alex Hartsuiker
Edwin van der Pol
Julien Claudon
Willem L. Vos
Jean‐Michel GĂ©rard
+ PDF Chat Fiber-Optical Switch Controlled by a Single Atom 2013 Danny O’Shea
Christian Junge
JĂŒrgen Volz
Arno Rauschenbeutel
+ PDF Chat An artificial Rb atom in a semiconductor with lifetime-limited linewidth 2015 Jan-Philipp Jahn
Mathieu Munsch
Lucas BĂ©guin
Andreas V. Kuhlmann
Martina Renggli
Yong-Heng Huo
Fei Ding
Rinaldo Trotta
Marcus Reindl
Oliver G. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat A quantum phase switch between a single solid-state spin and a photon 2016 Shuo Sun
Hyochul Kim
Glenn S. Solomon
Edo Waks
+ PDF Chat Purification of a single-photon nonlinearity 2016 Henk Snijders
J. A. Frey
Justin Norman
Morten P. Bakker
Eric C. Langman
A. C. Gossard
John E. Bowers
M. P. van Exter
Dirk Bouwmeester
W. Löffler
+ PDF Chat A solid-state single-photon filter 2017 Lorenzo De Santis
C. AntĂłn
B. Reznychenko
N. Somaschi
G. Coppola
Jean SĂ©nellart
Carmen GĂłmez
A. Lemaı̂tre
I. Sagnes
A. G. White
+ Efficient fiber-coupled single-photon source based on quantum dots in a photonic-crystal waveguide 2017 Raphaël S. Daveau
Krishna C. Balram
Tommaso Pregnolato
Jin Liu
Eun H. Lee
Jin Dong Song
Varun B. Verma
Richard P. Mirin
Sae Woo Nam
Leonardo Midolo
+ PDF Chat Single-photon non-linear optics with a quantum dot in a waveguide 2015 Alisa Javadi
Immo Söllner
M. Arcari
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Leonardo Midolo
Sahand Mahmoodian
Gabija Kirơanskė
Tommaso Pregnolato
Eun Hye Lee
Jin Dong Song
+ PDF Chat Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory 2015 Morten P. Bakker
Thomas Ruytenberg
W. Löffler
Ajit V. Barve
L.A. Coldren
M. P. van Exter
Dirk Bouwmeester
+ PDF Chat Quantum Optics with Near-Lifetime-Limited Quantum-Dot Transitions in a Nanophotonic Waveguide 2018 Henri Thyrrestrup
Gabija Kirơanskė
Hanna Le Jeannic
Tommaso Pregnolato
Liang Zhai
Laust Raahauge
Leonardo Midolo
Nir Rotenberg
Alisa Javadi
RĂŒdiger Schott
+ PDF Chat Transform-limited single photons from a single quantum dot 2015 Andreas V. Kuhlmann
Jonathan H. Prechtel
Julien Houel
Arne Ludwig
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
Richard J. Warburton
+ Highly indistinguishable on-demand resonance fluorescence photons from a deterministic quantum dot micropillar device with 74% extraction efficiency 2016 Sebastian Unsleber
Yuming He
Stefan Gerhardt
Sebastian Maier
Chao‐Yang Lu
Jian-Wei Pan
Niels Gregersen
M. Kamp
Christian Schneider
Sven Höfling
+ PDF Chat Deterministic photon entangler using a charged quantum dot inside a microcavity 2008 C. Y. Hu
William J. Munro
John Rarity
+ PDF Chat Cavity-enhanced coherent light scattering from a quantum dot 2016 A. J. Bennett
James P. Lee
David Ellis
Thomas Meany
Eoin Murray
Frederik F. Floether
J. Griffths
I. Farrer
D. A. Ritchie
A. J. Shields
+ PDF Chat Generating entanglement with low-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>-factor microcavities 2013 A. B. Young
C. Y. Hu
J. G. Rarity
+ PDF Chat Quantum-dot-induced phase shift in a pillar microcavity 2011 A. B. Young
Rupert F. Oulton
C. Y. Hu
A. C. T. Thijssen
Christian Schneider
Stephan Reitzenstein
M. Kamp
Sven Höfling
L. Worschech
A. Forchel
+ PDF Chat Scalable Photonic Quantum Computation through Cavity-Assisted Interactions 2004 Luming Duan
H. J. Kimble