Viswanath Ramakrishna


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Algorithms for the Polar Decomposition in Certain Groups and the Quaternion Tensor Square 2020 Francis Adjei
Marcus Cisneros
Deep Desai
Samreen Khan
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Brandon Whiteley
+ Identification of linear dynamical systems and machine learning 2020 Alain Bensoussan
Fatih Gelir
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Minh-Binh Tran
+ Inversion of the Indefinite Double Covering Map 2020 Francis Adjei
Mieczysław K. Dąbkowski
Samreen Khan
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Identification of linear dynamical systems and machine learning 2020 Alain Bensoussan
Fatih Gelir
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Minh-Binh Tran
+ Inversion of the Indefinite Double Covering Map 2020 Francis Adjei
Mieczysław K. Dąbkowski
Samreen Gul Khan
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Algorithms for the Polar Decomposition in Certain Groups and the Quaternions 2018 Francis Adjei
Marcus Cisneros
Deep Desai
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Brandon Whiteley
+ Algorithms for the Polar Decomposition in Certain Groups and the Quaternions 2018 Francis Adjei
Marcus Cisneros
Deep Desai
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Brandon Whiteley
+ PDF Chat An Elementary, First Principles Approach to the Indefinite Spin Groups 2016 Emily Herzig
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ An Elementary, First Principles Approach to the Indefinite Spin Groups 2015 Emily Herzig
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ An Elementary, First Principles Approach to the Indefinite Spin Groups 2015 Emily Herzig
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Note on Reversion, Rotation and Exponentiation in Dimensions Five and Six 2014 Emily Herzig
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Mieczysław K. Dąbkowski
+ PDF Chat Note on Reversion, Rotation and Exponentiation in Dimensions Five and Six 2014 Emily Herzig
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Mieczysław K. Dąbkowski
+ Quantum Dots, Squids, Cavity QED - A unified approach vie Lie theory 2012 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ PDF Chat The Minimal Polynomial of Some Matrices Via Quaternions 2011 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Yassmin Ansari
Fred M. Costa
+ Minimal Polynomials of Some Matrices Via Quaternions 2010 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Yassmin Ansari
Fred M. Costa
+ The noncompact portion of<i>Sp</i>(4,<i>R</i>) via quaternions 2008 Yassmin Ansari
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ On a Quaternionic Representation for Sp(4, R) 2008 Yassmin Ansari
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ PDF Chat On the exponential of matrices in<i>su</i>(4) 2006 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Hong Zhou
+ Dilation Theoretic Parametrizations of Positive Matrices with Applications to Quantum Information 2006 Ming-Cheng Tseng
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Parametrizations of Positive Matrices With Applications 2006 Ming-Cheng Tseng
Hong Zhou
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ PDF Chat On the exponentials of some structured matrices 2004 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Fred M. Costa
+ PDF Chat Parametrizing Quantum States and Channels 2003 T. Constantinescu
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Parametrization of Quantum States and Channels 2003 T. Constantinescu
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Controlled invariant singular foliations-additional results 2002 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Composition and division theorems and controlled decomposition 2002 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ PDF Chat Constructive control of quantum systems using factorization of unitary operators 2002 S. G. Schirmer
Andrew D. Greentree
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Herschel Rabitz
+ PDF Chat Control of a coupled two-spin system without hard pulses 2002 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Raimund J. Ober
Kathryn L. Flores
Herschel Rabitz
+ Note on purifications of a qubit 2002 T. Constantinescu
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Quantum control using sequences of simple control pulses 2001 S. G. Schirmer
Andrew D. Greentree
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Herschel Rabitz
+ Comments on "Quantum Control by Decompositions of SU(2)" 2001 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Control of Switched Networks via Quantum Methods 2001 Kathryn L. Flores
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Note on the Controllability of Molecular Systems 2001 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Control of a Coupled Two Spin System Without Hard Pulses 2000 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Raimund J. Ober
Kathryn L. Flores
Herschel Rabitz
+ On degenerate Monge-Ampère equations 1998 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ Local Solvability of Degenerate, Overdetermined First-Order Partial-Differential Equations - A Control Theoretic Perspective 1995 Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ The Partial Differential Equations of Controlled Invariance 1993 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Hamilton and Jacobi Meet Again: Quaternions and the Eigenvalue Problem 1995 Niloufer Mackey
+ Jacobi’s Method for Skew-Symmetric Matrices 1993 Derek Hacon
+ Structure preserving algorithms for perplectic eigenproblems 2005 D. Steven Mackey
Niloufer Mackey
Daniel Dunlavy
+ Hamilton and Jacobi come full circle: Jacobi algorithms for structured Hamiltonian eigenproblems 2001 Heike Faßbender
D. Steven Mackey
Niloufer Mackey
+ PDF Chat On the exponential of matrices in<i>su</i>(4) 2006 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Hong Zhou
+ Linear transformations on that preserve the Ky Fan<i>k</i>-norm and a remarkable special case when (<i>n</i><i>k</i>) = (4, 2) 1988 Charles R. Johnson
Thomas J. Laffey
Chi-Kwong Li
+ Clifford Algebras and Spinors 2001 Pertti Lounesto
+ PDF Chat On the exponentials of some structured matrices 2004 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Fred M. Costa
+ PDF Chat Nineteen Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix, Twenty-Five Years Later 2003 C Moler
Charles Van Loan
+ Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups 1995 Ian R. Porteous
+ PDF Chat Matrix Exponential via Clifford Algebras 1998 Rafał Abłamowicz
+ PDF Chat The Minimal Polynomial of Some Matrices Via Quaternions 2011 Viswanath Ramakrishna
Yassmin Ansari
Fred M. Costa
+ PDF Chat The real symplectic groups in quantum mechanics and optics 1995 Arvind Arvind
Biswajit Dutta
N. Mukunda
Richard Simon
+ Global $(f,g)$-Invariance of Nonlinear Systems 1988 W.P. Dayawansa
Daizhan Cheng
William M. Boothby
T.J. Tarn
+ The unitary and rotation groups 1962 F. D. Murnaghan
+ Nonlinear Control Systems 1989 Alberto Isidori
+ A Note on Quantum Cloning in $d$ dimensions 1998 Paolo Zanardi
+ PDF Chat Note on Reversion, Rotation and Exponentiation in Dimensions Five and Six 2014 Emily Herzig
Viswanath Ramakrishna
Mieczysław K. Dąbkowski
+ An analysis of completely-positive trace-preserving maps on M2 2002 Mary Beth Ruskai
Stanisław J. Szarek
Elisabeth M. Werner
+ <i>Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Some of Their Applications</i> 1974 Robert Gilmore
Róbert Hermann
+ Computation of the Euler Angles of a Symmetric $3 \times 3$ Matrix 1991 Adam W. Bojańczyk
Adam Lutoborski
+ PDF Chat Separability of mixed states: necessary and sufficient conditions 1996 Michał Horodecki
Paweł Horodecki
Ryszard Horodecki
+ PDF Chat Orbits of families of vector fields and integrability of distributions 1973 Héctor J. Sussmann
+ The noncompact portion of<i>Sp</i>(4,<i>R</i>) via quaternions 2008 Yassmin Ansari
Viswanath Ramakrishna
+ PDF Chat Structured Factorizations in Scalar Product Spaces 2005 D. Steven Mackey
Niloufer Mackey
Françoise Tisseur
+ Displacement Structure: Theory and Applications 1995 T. Kailath
Ali H. Sayed
+ Completely positive linear maps on complex matrices 1975 Man-Duen Choi
+ PDF Chat Robust procedures for converting among Lindblad, Kraus and matrix representations of quantum dynamical semigroups 2003 Timothy F. Havel
+ Completely bounded maps and dilations 1987 Vern I. Paulsen
+ PDF Chat Separability Criterion for Density Matrices 1996 Asher Peres
+ PDF Chat Matrix representations of octonions and their applications 2000 Yongge Tian
+ PDF Chat Positive functions on 𝐶*-algebras 1955 W. Forrest Stinespring
+ PDF Chat Quantum feedback control and classical control theory 2000 Andrew C. Doherty
Salman Habib
Kurt Jacobs
Hideo Mabuchi
Sze M. Tan
+ Symplectic Methods for the Symplectic Eigenproblem 2002 Heike Faßbender
+ Symplectic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics 1987 Paulette Libermann
Charles-Michel Marle
+ Displacement Structure and Completion Problems 1995 T. Constantinescu
Ali H. Sayed
T. Kailath
+ PDF Chat Minimal entropy of states emerging from noisy quantum channels 2001 Christopher King
Mary Beth Ruskai
+ PDF Chat The exponential map for the conformal group O(2,4) 1994 A. O. Barut
J R Zeni
A Laufer
+ PDF Chat Four-level and two-qubit systems, subalgebras, and unitary integration 2005 A. Rau
G. Selvaraj
D. B. Uskov
+ PDF Chat Two-bit gates are universal for quantum computation 1995 David P. DiVincenzo
+ Time-optimal control of finite quantum systems 2000 Nik Weaver
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of conditional gate operation using superconducting charge qubits 2003 Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
Yu. A. Pashkin
O. Astafiev
Yasunobu Nakamura
J. S. Tsai
+ Simultaneous diagonalization of rectangular complex matrices 1974 Peter M. Gibson
+ PDF Chat Real analytic desingularization and subanalytic sets: an elementary approach 1990 H.J. Sussmann
+ Linearization of analytic vector fields in the transitive case 1977 J.L. Sedwick
David L. Elliott
+ Matrix representations of Clifford algebras 1990 Gerald N. Hile
Pertti Lounesto
+ PDF Chat Applications of lie groups to differential equations 1990 Peter J. Olver
+ On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator 1954 Wilhelm Magnus
+ PDF Chat Complete controllability of quantum systems 2001 S. G. Schirmer
Hongyan Fu
A. I. Solomon
+ Formal and convergent solutions of singular partial differential equations 1996 R Gérard
Hidetoshi Tahara