William Spottiswoode


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On Quadric Transformation 1884 William Spottiswoode
+ II. Note on Mr. Russell’s paper ‘On certain geometrical theorems. No. 2.' 1883 William Spottiswoode
+ I. Note on Mr. Russell’s paper, ‘On certain definite integrals. No. 10.’ 1882 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat Note on Quartic Curves in Space 1882 William Spottiswoode
+ I. On the 48 co-ordinates of a cubic curve in space 1881 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat VI. On the forty-eight coordinates of a cubic curve in space 1881 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat On the Polar Planes of Four Quadrics 1881 William Spottiswoode
+ On the 48 Co-Ordinates of a Cubic Curve in Space. [Abstract] 1880 William Spottiswoode
+ I. On hyperjacobian surfaces and curves 1878 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat On the Twenty-one Coordinates of a Conic in Space 1878 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat On Clifford's Graphs 1878 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat X. On hyperjacobian surfaces and curves 1877 William Spottiswoode
+ On Hyperjacobian Surfaces and Curves. [Abstract] 1877 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat On Determinants of Alternate Numbers 1875 William Spottiswoode
+ On the Contact of Quadrics with other Surfaces 1873 William Spottiswoode
+ Remarks on some Recent Generalizations of Algebra 1871 William Spottiswoode
+ XVI. On the contact of conics with surfaces 1870 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat IV. On the contact of conics with surfaces 1870 William Spottiswoode
+ On the Contact of Conics with Surfaces. [Abstract] 1869 William Spottiswoode
+ XIV. On the sextactic points of a plane curve 1865 William Spottiswoode
+ On the Sextactic Points of a Plane Curve. [Abstract] 1865 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat VI. On the calculus of symbols 1862 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat XIII. On the calculus of functions 1862 William Spottiswoode
+ II. On an extended form of the index symbol in the calculus of operations 1860 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat Art. VII.—Note on the supposed Discovery of the Principle of the Differential Calculus by an Indian Astronomer 1860 William Spottiswoode
+ On the Calculus of Functions. [Abstract] 1860 William Spottiswoode
+ On Internal and External Division in the Calculus of Symbols. [Abstract] 1860 William Spottiswoode
+ II. Researches on the theory of invariants 1856 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat Two lettres of the Geometrical correspondance between M. Donkin and M. Spottiswoode. 1854 W. F. Donkin
William Spottiswoode
+ L. <i>On a problem in combinatorial analysis</i> 1852 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat Mémoire sur les points singuliers d'une courbe à double courbure. 1851 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat X. <i>On the geometrical interpretation of quaternions</i> 1850 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat XLVI. <i>On the quaternion expressions of coplanarity and homoconicism</i> 1850 William Spottiswoode
+ PDF Chat XVIII. <i>On the equation</i> Q=<i>q</i>(<i>w, x, y, z</i>)=<i>w+ix+jy+kz</i> 1850 William Spottiswoode
Common Coauthors
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W. F. Donkin 1
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