Alexandre Bône


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Guiding the classification of hepatocellular carcinoma on 3D CT-scans using deep and handcrafted radiological features 2025 Emma Sarfati
Alexandre Bône
Marc-Michel Rohé
Christophe Aubé
Maxime Ronot
Pietro Gori
Isabelle Bloch
+ PDF Chat Learning to Diagnose Cirrhosis from Radiological and Histological Labels with Joint Self and Weakly-Supervised Pretraining Strategies 2023 Emma Sarfati
Alexandre Bône
Marc-Michel Rohé
Pietro Gori
Isabelle Bloch
+ Learning to diagnose cirrhosis from radiological and histological labels with joint self and weakly-supervised pretraining strategies 2023 Emma Sarfati
Alexandre Bône
Marc-Michel Rohé
Pietro Gori
Isabelle Bloch
+ Weakly-supervised positional contrastive learning: application to cirrhosis classification 2023 Emma Sarfati
Alexandre Bône
Marc-Michel Rohé
Pietro Gori
Isabelle Bloch
+ Non-Redundant Combination of Hand-Crafted and Deep Learning Radiomics: Application to the Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer 2023 Rebeca Vétil
Clément Abi-Nader
Alexandre Bône
Marie‐Pierre Vullierme
Marc-Michel Rohé
Pietro Gori
Isabelle Bloch
+ Learning Shape Distributions from Large Databases of Healthy Organs: Applications to Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Abnormal Pancreas Detection 2022 Rebeca Vétil
Clément Abi-Nader
Alexandre Bône
Marie‐Pierre Vullierme
Marc-Michel Rohé
Pietro Gori
Isabelle Bloch
+ CoRe: An Automated Pipeline for The Prediction of Liver Resection Complexity from Preoperative CT Scans 2022 Omar Ali
Alexandre Bône
Caterina Accardo
Omar Belkouchi
Marc-Michel Rohé
Éric Vibert
Irène Vignon-Clémentel
+ PDF Chat CoRe: An Automated Pipeline for the Prediction of Liver Resection Complexity from Preoperative CT Scans 2022 Omar Ali
Alexandre Bône
Caterina Accardo
Omar Belkouchi
Marc-Michel Rohé
Éric Vibert
Irène Vignon-Clémentel
+ Benchmarking off-the-shelf statistical shape modeling tools in clinical applications 2021 Anupama Goparaju
Krithika Iyer
Alexandre Bône
Nan Hu
Heath B. Henninger
Andrew E. Anderson
Stanley Durrleman
Matthijs Jacxsens
Alan Morris
Ibolya Csécs
+ Benchmarking off-the-shelf statistical shape modeling tools in clinical applications 2020 Anupama Goparaju
Alexandre Bône
Nan Hu
Heath B. Henninger
Andrew E. Anderson
Stanley Durrleman
Matthijs Jacxsens
Alan Morris
Ibolya Csécs
Nassir Marrouche
+ PDF Chat Learning the spatiotemporal variability in longitudinal shape data sets 2020 Alexandre Bône
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Learning adapted coordinate systems for the statistical analysis of anatomical shapes. Application to Alzheimer's disease progression modeling 2020 Alexandre Bône
+ PDF Chat Learning adapted coordinate systems for the statistical analysis of anatomical shapes. Applications to Alzheimer’s disease progression modeling. 2020 Alexandre Bône
+ Benchmarking off-the-shelf statistical shape modeling tools in clinical applications 2020 Anupama Goparaju
Alexandre Bône
Nan Hu
Heath B. Henninger
Andrew E. Anderson
Stanley Durrleman
Matthijs Jacxsens
Alan Morris
Ibolya Csécs
Nassir Marrouche
+ PDF Chat Learning the spatio-temporal variability of longitudinal shape data sets: application to Alzheimer's disease progression modeling 2019 Alexandre Bône
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Learning Low-Dimensional Representations of Shape Data Sets with Diffeomorphic Autoencoders 2019 Alexandre Bône
Maxime Louis
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Clustering of Longitudinal Shape Data Sets Using Mixture of Separate or Branching Trajectories 2019 Vianney Debavelaere
Alexandre Bône
Stanley Durrleman
Stéphanie Allassonnière
+ PDF Chat Learning Distributions of Shape Trajectories from Longitudinal Datasets: A Hierarchical Model on a Manifold of Diffeomorphisms 2018 Alexandre Bône
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ Learning distributions of shape trajectories from longitudinal datasets: a hierarchical model on a manifold of diffeomorphisms 2018 Alexandre Bône
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Deformetrica 4: An Open-Source Software for Statistical Shape Analysis 2018 Alexandre Bône
Maxime Louis
Benoît Martin
Stanley Durrleman
+ Learning distributions of shape trajectories from longitudinal datasets: a hierarchical model on a manifold of diffeomorphisms 2018 Alexandre Bône
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Parallel transport in shape analysis : a scalable numerical scheme 2017 Maxime Louis
Alexandre Bône
Benjamin Charlier
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Prediction of the progression of subcortical brain structures in Alzheimer's disease from baseline 2017 Alexandre Bône
Maxime Louis
Alexandre Routier
Jorge Boshell Samper
Michael Bacci
Benjamin Charlier
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Parallel Transport in Shape Analysis: A Scalable Numerical Scheme 2017 Maxime Louis
Alexandre Bône
Benjamin Charlier
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Prediction of the Progression of Subcortical Brain Structures in Alzheimer’s Disease from Baseline 2017 Alexandre Bône
Maxime Louis
Alexandre Routier
Jorge Boshell Samper
Michael Bacci
Benjamin Charlier
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian framework for joint morphometry of surface and curve meshes in multi-object complexes 2016 Pietro Gori
Olivier Colliot
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem
Yulia Worbe
Cyril Poupon
Andreas Hartmann
Nicholas Ayache
Stanley Durrleman
+ Geodesic Shooting for Computational Anatomy 2006 Michael I. Miller
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younès
+ PDF Chat Morphometry of anatomical shape complexes with dense deformations and sparse parameters 2014 Stanley Durrleman
Marcel Prastawa
Nicolas Charon
Julie R. Korenberg
Sarang Joshi
Guido Gerig
Alain Trouvé
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements 2006 Xavier Pennec
+ Bayesian Estimation of Regularization and Atlas Building in Diffeomorphic Image Registration 2013 Miaomiao Zhang
Nikhil Singh
P. Thomas Fletcher
+ Geodesic Regression and the Theory of Least Squares on Riemannian Manifolds 2012 P. Thomas Fletcher
+ PDF Chat Geodesic regression of image and shape data for improved modeling of 4D trajectories 2014 James Fishbaugh
Marcel Prastawa
Guido Gerig
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Geodesic Models in Diffeomorphisms 2015 Nikhil Singh
Jacob Hinkle
Sarang Joshi
P. Thomas Fletcher
+ PDF Chat Learning spatio-temporal trajectories from manifold-valued longitudinal data 2015 Jean-Baptiste Schiratti
Stéphanie Allassonnière
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Parallel Transport in Shape Analysis: A Scalable Numerical Scheme 2017 Maxime Louis
Alexandre Bône
Benjamin Charlier
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Shape Manifolds, Procrustean Metrics, and Complex Projective Spaces 1984 David G. Kendall
+ An Adaptive Version for the Metropolis Adjusted Langevin Algorithm with a Truncated Drift 2006 Yves F. Atchadé
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Rate-Invariant Analysis of Trajectories on Riemannian Manifolds with Application in Visual Speech Recognition 2014 Jingyong Su
Anuj Srivastava
Fillipe D. M. de Souza
Sudeep Sarkar
+ PDF Chat Convergence of a stochastic approximation version of the EM algorithm 1999 Bernard Delyon
Marc Lavielle
Éric Moulines
+ PDF Chat A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing 2005 Xavier Pennec
Pierre Fillard
Nicholas Ayache
+ Statistics on the space of trajectories for longitudinal data analysis 2017 Rudrasis Chakraborty
Monami Banerjee
Baba C. Vemuri
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models: Analyzing Longitudinal Deformations in Neuroimaging 2017 Hyunwoo J. Kim
Nagesh Adluru
Heemanshu Suri
Baba C. Vemuri
Sterling C. Johnson
Vikas Singh
+ PDF Chat Sasaki metrics for analysis of longitudinal data on manifolds 2012 P. Muralidharan
P. Thomas Fletcher
+ PDF Chat Construction of Bayesian deformable models via a stochastic approximation algorithm: A convergence study 2010 Stéphanie Allassonnière
Estelle Kuhn
Alain Trouvé
+ Landmark matching via large deformation diffeomorphisms 2000 Sarang Joshi
Michael I. Miller
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Mixed Effect Atlas Estimation with a Diffeomorphic Deformation Model 2015 Stéphanie Allassonnière
Stanley Durrleman
Estelle Kuhn
+ PDF Chat The Varifold Representation of Nonoriented Shapes for Diffeomorphic Registration 2013 Nicolas Charon
Alain Trouvé
+ PDF Chat Learning Distributions of Shape Trajectories from Longitudinal Datasets: A Hierarchical Model on a Manifold of Diffeomorphisms 2018 Alexandre Bône
Olivier Colliot
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Shapes and Diffeomorphisms 2019 Laurent Younès
+ PDF Chat A Fanning Scheme for the Parallel Transport along Geodesics on Riemannian Manifolds 2018 Maxime Louis
Benjamin Charlier
Paul Jusselin
Susovan Pal
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat Toward a Comprehensive Framework for the Spatiotemporal Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Shape Data 2012 Stanley Durrleman
Xavier Pennec
Alain Trouvé
José Braga
Guido Gerig
Nicholas Ayache
+ Biostatistical Analysis (2nd ed.). 1986 Timothy J. Breen
Jerrold H. Zar
+ PDF Chat Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian Manifolds with Applications to Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Images 2014 Hyunwoo J. Kim
Nagesh Adluru
Maxwell D. Collins
Moo K. Chung
Barbara B. Bendin
Sterling C. Johnson
Richard J. Davidson
Vikas Singh
+ PDF Chat Shape analysis, a field in need of careful validation 2014 Yi Gao
Tammy Riklin Raviv
Sylvain Bouix
+ PDF Chat Shape analysis of the basioccipital bone in Pax7-deficient mice 2017 Joshua Cates
Lisa Nevell
Suresh I. Prajapati
Laura D. Nelon
Jerry Y. Chang
Matthew E. Randolph
Bernard Wood
Charles Keller
Ross T. Whitaker
+ PDF Chat On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization 1989 Cheng‐Di Dong
Jorge Nocedal
+ PDF Chat Entropy-based particle correspondence for shape populations 2015 İpek Oğuz
Joshua Cates
Manasi Datar
Beatriz Paniagua
Thomas Fletcher
Clement Vachet
Martin Styner
Ross T. Whitaker
+ 3D Statistical Shape Models Using Direct Optimisation of Description Length 2002 Rhodri Davies
Carole Twining
T.F. Cootes
John C. Waterton
Chris Taylor
+ The utility of osteon shape and circularity for differentiating human and non‐human Haversian bone 2012 Victoria M. Dominguez
C. M. D. Crowder
+ PDF Chat The potential of statistical shape modelling for geometric morphometric analysis of human teeth in archaeological research 2017 Christopher Woods
Christianne Fernée
Martin Browne
Sonia Zakrzewski
Alexander Dickinson
+ Shape Discrimination in the Hippocampus Using an MDL Model 2003 Rhodri Davies
Carole Twining
Philip D. Allen
T.F. Cootes
Chris Taylor
+ Generalized procrustes analysis 1975 J. C. Gower
+ Statistical shape analysis: clustering, learning, and testing 2005 Anuj Srivastava
S. K. Joshi
Washington Mio
Xiuwen Liu
+ Framework for the Statistical Shape Analysis of Brain Structures using SPHARM-PDM. 2006 Martin Styner
İpek Oğuz
Shun Xu
Christian Brechbühler
Dimitrios Pantazis
James J. Levitt
Martha E. Shenton
Guido Gerig
+ PDF Chat <scp>Morpho</scp>J: an integrated software package for geometric morphometrics 2010 Christian Peter Klingenberg
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Regression on Riemannian Manifolds 2012 Jacob Hinkle
Prasanna Muralidharan
P. Thomas Fletcher
Sarang Joshi
+ Quicksilver: Fast predictive image registration – A deep learning approach 2017 Xiao Yang
Roland Kwitt
Martin Styner
Marc Niethammer
+ Statistical shape and appearance models of bones 2013 Nazlı Sarkalkan
Harrie Weinans
Amir A. Zadpoor
+ An efficient method for finding the minimum of a function of several variables without calculating derivatives 1964 M. J. D. Powell
+ Posterior shape models 2013 Thomas Albrecht
Marcel Lüthi
Thomas M. Gerig
Thomas Vetter
+ PDF Chat Evaluating Shape Correspondence for Statistical Shape Analysis: A Benchmark Study 2008 Brent C. Munsell
Priyanka Dalal
Song Wang
+ PDF Chat Spatiotemporal Atlas Estimation for Developmental Delay Detection in Longitudinal Datasets 2009 Stanley Durrleman
Xavier Pennec
Alain Trouvé
Guido Gerig
Nicholas Ayache
+ Boundary and medial shape analysis of the hippocampus in schizophrenia 2004 Martin Styner
Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Dimitrios Pantazis
Guido Gerig
+ The statistical analysis of shape data 1989 Kanti V. Mardia
Ian L. Dryden