Guocai Cai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Existence and exponential growth of global classical solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions in 3D bounded domains 2023 Guocai Cai
Jing Li
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Stability of Solutions on the Outer Pressure Problem of Compressible Navier-Stokes System with Temperature-Dependent Heat Conductivity 2022 Guocai Cai
Canpei Chen
Yanfang Peng
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic behavior of the one-dimensional motion of the polytropic ideal gas with degenerate heat conductivity 2022 Guocai Cai
Yunkun Chen
Yanfang Peng
Yi Peng
+ Global Strong Solutions to Density-Dependent Viscosity Navier-Stokes Equations in 3D Exterior Domains 2022 Guocai Cai
Boqiang LĂź
Yi Peng
+ PDF Chat Global Classical Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Exterior Domains 2021 Guocai Cai
Jing Li
Boqiang LĂź
+ Nonlinearly stability of solutions on the outer Pressure Problem of Compressible Navier-Stokes System with Temperature-Dependent Heat Conductivity 2021 Guocai Cai
Canpei Chen
Yanfang Peng
+ PDF Chat On Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations Subject to Large Potential Forces with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Bounded Domains 2021 Guocai Cai
Bin Huang
Xiaoding Shi
+ Existence and Exponential Growth of Global Classical Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Bounded Domains 2021 Guocai Cai
Jing Li
+ On Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations Subject to Large Potential Forces with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Bounded Domains 2021 Guocai Cai
Bin Huang
Xiaoding Shi
+ Global Classical Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Exterior Domains 2021 Guocai Cai
Jing Li
Boqiang LĂź
+ PDF Chat A Note on Parabolic Liouville Theorems and Blow-Up Rates for a Higher-Order Semilinear Parabolic System 2011 Guocai Cai
Hongjing Pan
Ruixiang Xing
+ The Topological Linearization of Nonautonomous Systems 2009 Guocai Cai
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Solvability ?in the large? of a system of equations of the one-dimensional motion of an inhomogeneous viscous heat-conducting gas 1992 А. А. АПОсОв
Alexander Zlotnik
+ On the asymptotic behavior of the motion of a viscous, heat-conducting, one-dimensional real gas 1994 Song Jiang
+ Global existence of large solutions to initial boundary value problems for a viscous, heat-conducting, one-dimensional real gas 1985 Bernhard Kawohl
+ Global strong solution to compressible Navier–Stokes equations with density dependent viscosity and temperature dependent heat conductivity 2017 Ran Duan
Ai Guo
Changjiang Zhu
+ PDF Chat Global strong solutions to compressible Navier–Stokes system with degenerate heat conductivity and density-depending viscosity 2020 Bin Huang
Xiaoding Shi
Ying Sun
+ One-Dimensional Compressible Flow with Temperature Dependent Transport Coefficients 2010 Helge Kristian Jenssen
Trygve K. Karper
+ Global solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations for viscous compressible flows 2002 Dehua Wang
+ PDF Chat Global solutions to the initial value problem for the equations of one-dimensional motion of viscous polytropic gases 1981 Shuichi Kawashima
Takaaki Nishida
+ Unique global solution with respect to time of initial-boundary value problems for one-dimensional equations of a viscous gas 1977 A. V. Kazhikhov
V. V. Shelukhin
+ On the one-dimensional motion of the polytropic ideal gas non-fixed on the boundary 1986 Takeyuki Nagasawa
+ Equations of Motion of Compressible Viscous Fluids 1986 Takaaki Nishida
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the breakdown of smooth solutions for the 3-D Euler equations 1984 J. Thomas Beale
T. Kato
Andrew J. Majda
+ Some uniform estimates and blowup behavior of global strong solutions to the Stokes approximation equations for two-dimensional compressible flows 2005 Jing Li
Zhouping Xin
+ On Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 2011 Louis Nirenberg
+ Nonlinearly exponential stability of compressible Navier-Stokes system with degenerate heat-conductivity 2019 Bin Huang
Xiaoding Shi
+ PDF Chat On local strong and classical solutions to the three-dimensional barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with vacuum 2020 Xiangdi Huang
+ PDF Chat The initial value problem for the equations of motion of viscous and heat-conductive gases 1980 Akitaka Matsumura
Takaaki Nishida
+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic behavior of the one-dimensional motion of the polytropic ideal gas with stress-free condition 1988 Takeyuki Nagasawa
+ PDF Chat On the First Initial-Boundary Value Problem of Compressible Viscous Fluid Motion 1977 Atusi Tani
+ The Initial Value Problem for the Navier-Stokes Equations with General Slip Boundary Condition in HĂślder Spaces 2003 S. Itoh
N. Tanaka
Atsushi Tani
+ On Initial Boundary Value Problems for a Viscous, Heat-Conducting, One-Dimensional Real-Gas 1994 Song Jiang
+ On the uniqueness of compressible fluid motions 1959 James Serrin
+ PDF Chat Global well‐posedness of classical solutions with large oscillations and vacuum to the three‐dimensional isentropic compressible Navier‐Stokes equations 2011 Xiangdi Huang
Jing Li
Zhouping Xin
+ Estimating ∇<i>u</i> by div <i>u</i> and curl <i>u</i> 1992 Wolf von Wahl
+ Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Compressible Flow 2004 AntonĂ­n NovotnĂ˝
Ivan StraĹĄkraba
+ Uniform estimates and stabilization of symmetric solutions of a system of quasilinear equations 2000 Alexander Zlotnik
+ PDF Chat Compressible Navier-Stokes equations with temperature dependent heat conductivity 2014 Ronghua Pan
Weizhe Zhang
+ L^p theory for the div-curl system 2014 Junichi Aramaki
+ Lagrangean Structure and Propagation of Singularities in Multidimensional Compressible Flow 2008 David Hoff
Marcelo M. Santos
+ Convergence to equilibria and blowup behavior of global strong solutions to the Stokes approximation equations for two-dimensional compressible flows with large data☆☆Partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contracts 10471138, 10601059, and 10526039 (Tianyuan Jijin); NSFC–NSAF Grant No. 10676037; 973 project of China, Grant No. 2006CB805902; Zheng Ge Ru Funds, Grants from RGC of HKSAR CUHK4028/04P and CUHK4299/02P. 2006 Feimin Huang
Jing Li
Zhouping Xin
+ Strong convergence to global solutions for multidimensional flows of compressible, viscous fluids with polytropic equations of state and discontinuous initial data 1995 David Hoff
+ PDF Chat On the growing up problem for semilinear heat equations 1977 Kusuo Kobayashi
Tunekiti Sirao
Hiroshi Tanaka
+ The Role of Critical Exponents in Blow-Up Theorems: The Sequel 2000 Keng Deng
Howard A. Levine
+ PDF Chat On nonexistence of global solutions of some semilinear parabolic differential equations 1973 Kantaro Hayakawa
+ PDF Chat The problem Of blow-up in nonlinear parabolic equations 2002 Victor A. Galaktionov
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ PDF Chat The Role of Critical Exponents in Blowup Theorems 1990 Howard A. Levine
+ AnL p -theory for then-dimensional, stationary, compressible Navier-Stokes equations, and the incompressible limit for compressible fluids. The equilibrium solutions 1987 H. BeirĂŁo da Veiga
+ The blow-up rate for positive solutions of indefinite parabolic problems and related Liouville type theorems 2009 Ruixiang Xing
+ Existence Theorems for the Equations of Motion of a Compressible Viscous Fluid 1981 V. A. Solonnikov
A. V. Kazhikhov
+ Liouville Type Theorems and Complete Blow-up for Indefinite Superlinear Parabolic Equations 2006 Peter Poláčik
Pavol QuĂ­ttner
+ PDF Chat Some Uniform Estimates and Large-Time Behavior of Solutions to One-Dimensional Compressible Navier–Stokes System in Unbounded Domains with Large Data 2015 Jing Li
Zhilei Liang
+ Global Existence of Regular Solutions with Large Oscillations and Vacuum 2016 Jing Li
Zhouping Xin
+ Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequalities and non-inequalities: The full story 2017 Petru Mironescu
HaĹ̈m Brezis
+ Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition 2018 Paul Acevedo
ChĂŠrif Amrouche
Carlos Conca
Amrita Ghosh
+ Global Strong Solutions to Compressible Navier-Stokes System with Degenerate Heat Conductivity and Density-Depending Viscosity 2018 Bin Huang
Xiaoding Shi
Ying Sun
+ PDF Chat Serrin-Type Blowup Criterion for Viscous, Compressible, and Heat Conducting Navier-Stokes and Magnetohydrodynamic Flows 2013 Xiangdi Huang
Jing Li
+ Existence and Exponential Growth of Global Classical Solutions to the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Slip Boundary Conditions in 3D Bounded Domains 2021 Guocai Cai
Jing Li
+ An Introduction to Sobolev Spaces and Interpolation Spaces 2007 Luc Tartar
+ An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Steady-State Problems 2011 Giovanni P. Galdi