Brian White


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Translating annuli for mean curvature flow 2024 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat On the fundamental regularity theorem for mass-minimizing flat chains 2024 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Fattening in mean curvature flow 2024 Tom Ilmanen
Brian White
+ The avoidance principle for noncompact hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature flow 2024 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Annuloids and Δ-wings 2024 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Moving plane method for varifolds and applications 2023 Robert Haslhofer
Or Hershkovits
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Morse–Radó theory for minimal surfaces 2023 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Avoidance for set-theoretic solutions of mean-curvature-type flows 2023 Or Hershkovits
Brian White
+ Boundary singularities in mean curvature flow and total curvature of minimal surface boundaries 2022 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Scherk-like translators for mean curvature flow 2022 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Nguyen’s tridents and the classification of semigraphical translators for mean curvature flow 2022 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Ancient asymptotically cylindrical flows and applications 2022 Kyeongsu Choi
Robert Haslhofer
Or Hershkovits
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Notes on Translating Solitons for Mean Curvature Flow 2021 David Hoffman
Tom Ilmanen
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Limiting behavior of sequences of properly embedded minimal disks 2020 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ Stationary polyhedral varifolds minimize area 2019 Brian White
+ Nguyen's Tridents and the Classification of Semigraphical Translators for Mean Curvature Flow. 2019 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Nonfattening of Mean Curvature Flow at Singularities of Mean Convex Type 2019 Or Hershkovits
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Graphical translators for mean curvature flow 2019 David Hoffman
Tom Ilmanen
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Sharp entropy bounds for self-shrinkers in mean curvature flow 2019 Or Hershkovits
Brian White
+ Generic Transversality of Minimal Submanifolds 2019 Brian White
+ Mean Curvature Flow with Boundary 2019 Brian White
+ Mean Curvature Flow with Boundary 2019 Brian White
+ Generic Transversality of Minimal Submanifolds and Generic Regularity of Two-Dimensional Area-Minimizing Integral Currents 2019 Brian White
+ A local regularity theorem for mean curvature flow with triple edges 2018 Felix Schulze
Brian White
+ Graphical Translators for Mean Curvature Flow 2018 David Hoffman
Tom Ilmanen
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat On the compactness theorem for embedded minimal surfaces in $3$-manifolds with locally bounded area and genus 2018 Brian White
+ PDF Chat A local regularity theorem for mean curvature flow with triple edges 2017 Felix Schulze
Brian White
+ Limiting behavior of sequences of properly embedded minimal disks 2017 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ Non-fattening of mean curvature flow at singularities of mean convex type 2017 Or Hershkovits
Brian White
+ PDF Chat On the bumpy metrics theorem for minimal submanifolds 2017 Brian White
+ A local regularity theorem for mean curvature flow with triple edges 2016 Felix Schulze
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Controlling area blow-up in minimal or bounded mean curvature varieties 2016 Brian White
+ Helicoidal minimal surfaces of prescribed genus 2016 David Hoffman
Martin Traizet
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Curvatures of embedded minimal disks blow up on subsets of $C^1$ curves 2015 Brian White
+ On the Compactness Theorem for Embedded Minimal Surfaces in 3-manifolds with Locally Bounded Area and Genus 2015 Brian White
+ On the Bumpy Metrics Theorem for Minimal Submanifolds 2015 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Subsequent singularities in mean-convex mean curvature flow 2015 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Sharp lower bounds on density for area-minimizing cones 2015 Tom Ilmanen
Brian White
+ Properly embedded, area-minimizing surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space 2014 Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat The round sphere minimizes entropy among closed self-shrinkers 2013 Tobias Colding
Tom Ilmanen
William P. Minicozzi
Brian White
+ Helicoidal minimal surfaces of prescribed genus, II 2013 David Hoffman
Martin Traizet
Brian White
+ Properly embedded, area-minimizing surfaces in hyperbolic $3$-space 2013 Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ Lectures on Minimal Surface Theory 2013 Brian White
+ Helicoidal minimal surfaces of prescribed genus, I 2013 David Hoffman
Martin Traizet
Brian White
+ Controlling Area Blow-up in Sequences of Minimal or Bounded-Mean Curvature Varieties and an Extension of the Allard Regularity Theorem 2012 Brian White
+ Controlling Area Blow-up in Minimal or Bounded Mean Curvature Varieties 2012 Brian White
+ Controlling Area Blow-up in Minimal or Bounded Mean Curvature Varieties and Some Extensions of the Allard Regularity Theorems 2012 Brian White
+ The round sphere minimizes entropy among closed self-shrinkers 2012 Tobias Colding
Tom Ilmanen
William P. Minicozzi
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Topological change in mean convex mean curvature flow 2012 Brian White
+ Some questions of De Giorgi about mean curvature flow of triply-periodic surfaces 2012 Brian White
+ Change of Topology in Mean Convex Mean Curvature Flow 2011 Brian White
+ Curvatures of embedded minimal disks blow up on subsets of C^1 curves 2011 Brian White
+ Subsequent Singularities in Mean-Convex Mean Curvature Flow 2011 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Axial minimal surfaces in $S^2 x R$ are helicoidal 2011 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Sequences of embedded minimal disks whose curvatures blow up on a prescribed subset of a line 2011 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ Sharp Lower Bounds on Density of Area-Minimizing Cones 2010 Tom Ilmanen
Brian White
+ PDF Chat The maximum principle for minimal varieties of arbitrary codimension 2010 Brian White
+ PDF Chat The geometry of genus-one helicoids 2009 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ Axial minimal surfaces in S^2 x R are helicoidal 2009 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Which ambient spaces admit isoperimetric inequalities for submanifolds? 2009 Brian White
+ The Maximum Principle for Minimal Varieties of Arbitrary Codimension 2009 Brian White
+ Sequences of embedded minimal disks whose curvatures blow up on a prescribed subset of a line 2009 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Currents and flat chains associated to varifolds, with an application to mean curvature flow 2009 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Genus-one helicoids from a variational point of view 2008 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ Which Ambient Spaces Admit Isoperimetric Inequalities for Submanifolds 2008 Brian White
+ On the number of minimal surfaces with a given boundary 2008 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ The Geometry of Genus-One Helicoids 2007 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ Genus-One Helicoids from a Variational Point of View 2006 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ PDF Chat A local regularity theorem for mean curvature flow 2005 Brian White
+ Embeddedness of minimal surfaces with total boundary curvature at most 4\pi 2004 Tobias Ekholm
Brian White
Daniel Wienholtz
+ Embeddedness of minimal surfaces with total boundary curvature at most 4π 2004 Tobias Ekholm
Brian White
Daniel Wienholtz
+ The nature of singularities in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2002 Brian White
+ Evolution of curves and surfaces by mean curvature 2002 Brian White
+ Embeddedness of Minimal Surfaces with Total Boundary Curvature at Most 4p 2002 Tobias Ekholm
Brian White
Daniel Wienholtz
+ PDF Chat The size of the singular set in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2000 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Rectifiability of Flat Chains 1999 Brian White
+ Rectifiability of flat chains 1999 Brian White
+ PDF Chat The deformation theorem for flat chains 1999 Brian White
+ Rectiflability of ∞at chains 1999 Brian White
Frederick J. Almgren
+ The mathematics of F. J. Almgren, Jr. 1998 Brian White
+ Soap films bounded by non-closed curves 1998 Jordan A. Drachman
Brian White
+ PDF Chat A new proof of Federer’s structure theorem for $k$-dimensional subsets of $\mathbf {R}^N$ 1998 Brian White
+ Stratification of minimal surfaces, mean curvature flows, and harmonic maps. 1997 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Classical area minimizing surfaces with real-analytic boundaries 1997 Brian White
+ The Structure of Branch Points in Minimal Surfaces and in Pseudoholomorphic Curves 1995 Mario Micallef
Brian White
+ PDF Chat The topology of hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature 1995 Brian White
+ A strong minimax property of nondegenerate minimal submanifolds. 1994 Brian White
+ The bridge principle for stable minimal surfaces 1994 Brian White
+ PDF Chat The bridge principle for unstable and for singular minimal surfaces 1994 Brian White
+ None 1994 Brian White
+ PDF Chat The space of minimal annuli bounded by an extremal pair of planar curves 1993 William H. Meeks
Brian White
+ On the topological type of minimal submanifolds 1992 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Nonunique tangent maps at isolated singularities of harmonic maps 1992 Brian White
+ Nonunique tangent maps at isolated singularities of harmonic maps 1992 Brian White
+ Minimal surfaces bounded by convex curves in parallel planes 1991 William H. Meeks
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Existence of smooth embedded surfaces of prescribed genus that minimize parametric even elliptic functionals on 3-manifolds 1991 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Minimal surfaces bounded by a pair of convex planar curves 1991 William H. Meeks
Brian White
+ PDF Chat A rigidity theorem for properly embedded minimal surfaces in ${\bf R}\sp 3$ 1990 Hyeong In Choi
William H. Meeks
Brian White
+ A new proof of the compactness theorem for integral currents 1989 Brian White
+ Some recent developments in differential geometry 1989 Brian White
+ The rate of convergence of a harmonic map at a singular point 1989 Robert Gulliver
Brian White
+ PDF Chat New applications of mapping degrees to minimal surface theory 1989 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Every three-sphere of positive Ricci curvature contains a minimal embedded torus 1989 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Correction to: "Complete surfaces of finite total curvature" 1988 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Homotopy classes in Sobolev spaces and the existence of energy minimizing maps 1988 Brian White
+ Curvature estimates and compactness theorems in 3-manifolds for surfaces that are stationary for parametric elliptic functionals 1987 Brian White
+ Complete surfaces of finite total curvature 1987 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Infima of energy functionals in homotopy classes of mappings 1986 Brian White
+ Regularity of the singular sets in immiscible fluid interfaces and solutions to other plateau-type problems 1986 Brian White
+ A regularity theorem for minimizing hypersurfaces modulo 𝑝 1986 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Homotopy classes in Sobolev spaces and energy minimizing maps 1985 Brian White
+ Generic Regularity of Unoriented Two-Dimensional Area Minimizing Surfaces 1985 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Mappings that minimize area in their homotopy classes 1984 Brian White
+ PDF Chat The least area bounded by multiples of a curve 1984 Brian White
+ Existence of Least-Area Mappings of N-Dimensional Domains 1983 Brian White
+ Singularity structure and generic regularity of two-dimensional area-minimizing surfaces 1982 Brian White
+ The structure of minimizing hypersurfaces mod 4 1979 Brian White
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Elliptic regularization and partial regularity for motion by mean curvature 1994 Tom Ilmanen
+ Curvature estimates and compactness theorems in 3-manifolds for surfaces that are stationary for parametric elliptic functionals 1987 Brian White
+ PDF Chat A local regularity theorem for mean curvature flow 2005 Brian White
+ The motion of a surface by its mean curvature 1978 Kenneth A. Brakke
+ On the First Variation of a Varifold 1972 William K. Allard
+ Lectures on Geometric Measure Theory 1984 Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat The topology of hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature 1995 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Boundary Regularity and Embedded Solutions for the Oriented Plateau Problem 1979 Robert Hardt
Leon Simon
+ The existence of embedded minimal surfaces and the problem of uniqueness 1982 William H. Meeks
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat New applications of mapping degrees to minimal surface theory 1989 Brian White
+ The classical plateau problem and the topology of three-dimensional manifolds 1982 William H. Meeks
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Motion of level sets by mean curvature. I 1991 L. C. Evans
Joel Spruck
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness, symmetry, and embeddedness of minimal surfaces 1983 Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Stratification of minimal surfaces, mean curvature flows, and harmonic maps. 1997 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions of generalized mean curvature flow equations 1991 Yun Gang Chen
Yoshikazu Giga
Shun’ichi Goto
+ The structure of complete stable minimal surfaces in 3‐manifolds of non‐negative scalar curvature 1980 D. Fischer-Colbrie
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior for singularities of the mean curvature flow 1990 Gerhard Huisken
+ A density function and the structure of singularities of the mean curvature flow 1994 Andrew Stone
+ A survey of minimal surfaces 1969 Robert Osserman
+ The nature of singularities in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2002 Brian White
+ Extreme curves bound embedded minimal surfaces of the type of the disc 1978 Friedrich Tomi
Anthony J. Tromba
+ PDF Chat Graphical translators for mean curvature flow 2019 David Hoffman
Tom Ilmanen
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ Boundary behavior of minimal surfaces 1969 Stefan Hildebrandt
+ The level-set flow on a manifold 1993 Tom Ilmanen
+ PDF Chat Genus-one helicoids from a variational point of view 2008 David Hoffman
Brian White
+ A Proof of the Regularity Everywhere of the Classical Solution to Plateau's Problem 1970 Robert Osserman
+ PDF Chat Fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed: Algorithms based on Hamilton-Jacobi formulations 1988 Stanley Osher
James A. Sethian
+ PDF Chat Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres 1984 Gerhard Huisken
+ The strong halfspace theorem for minimal surfaces 1990 David Hoffman
William H. Meeks
+ Regularity of Minimizing Surfaces of Prescribed Mean Curvature 1973 Robert Gulliver
+ PDF Chat The size of the singular set in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2000 Brian White
+ PDF Chat The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold IV; Locally simply connected 2004 Tobias Colding
William P. Minicozzi
+ The space of minimal embeddings of a surface into a three-dimensional manifold of positive Ricci curvature 1985 Hyeong In Choi
Richard Schoen
+ Regularity of the singular set in the Colding-Minicozzi lamination theorem 2004 William H. Meeks
+ Regularity of stable minimal hypersurfaces 1981 Richard Schoen
Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat Controlling area blow-up in minimal or bounded mean curvature varieties 2016 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Convexity estimates for mean curvature flow and singularities of mean convex surfaces 1999 Gerhard Huisken
Carlo Sinestrari
+ A new proof of the compactness theorem for integral currents 1989 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Notes on Translating Solitons for Mean Curvature Flow 2021 David Hoffman
Tom Ilmanen
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ PDF Chat The heat equation shrinking convex plane curves 1986 Michael E. Gage
Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat The uniqueness of the helicoid 2005 William H. Meeks
Harold Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat Scherk-like translators for mean curvature flow 2022 David Hoffman
Francisco MartĂ­n
Brian White
+ Embeddedness of Minimal Surfaces with Total Boundary Curvature at Most 4p 2002 Tobias Ekholm
Brian White
Daniel Wienholtz
+ On the Problem of Plateau 2014 Tibor RadĂł
+ On the First Variation of a Varifold: Boundary Behavior 1975 William K. Allard
+ Regularity of the singular sets of two-dimensional area-minimizing flat chains modulo 3 inR 3 1973 Jean E. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Stability of translating solutions to mean curvature flow 2007 Julie Clutterbuck
Oliver C. SchnĂŒrer
Felix Schulze
+ PDF Chat Curvature estimates for minimal surfaces in $3$-manifolds 1985 Michael T. Anderson