Christopher Cantwell


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum simulation 2014 Iulia Georgescu
Sahel Ashhab
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Microwave Quantum Illumination 2015 Shabir Barzanjeh
Saikat Guha
Christian Weedbrook
David Vitali
Jeffrey H. Shapiro
Stefano Pirandola
+ PDF Chat Design and validation of the Quantum Mechanics Conceptual Survey 2010 Sarah B. McKagan
Kathy Perkins
Carl Wieman
+ Trapped-ion quantum computing: Progress and challenges 2019 Colin Bruzewicz
John Chiaverini
Robert McConnell
Jeremy Sage
+ PDF Chat Improving students’ understanding of quantum mechanics via the Stern–Gerlach experiment 2011 Guangtian Zhu
Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat Interactive learning tutorial on quantum key distribution 2020 Seth DeVore
Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat A hands-on quantum cryptography workshop for pre-university students 2020 Adrian Nugraha Utama
Jianwei Lee
Mathias A. Seidler
+ PDF Chat Elucidating reaction mechanisms on quantum computers 2017 Markus Reiher
Nathan Wiebe
Krysta M. Svore
Dave Wecker
Matthias Troyer
+ PDF Chat Superconducting Qubits: Current State of Play 2019 Morten KjĂŚrgaard
Mollie E. Schwartz
Jochen BraumĂźller
Philip Krantz
Joel I.-J. Wang
Simon Gustavsson
William D. Oliver
+ PDF Chat An optical lattice clock with accuracy and stability at the 10−18 level 2014 Benjamin Bloom
Travis Nicholson
Jason Williams
Sara L. Campbell
Michael Bishof
X. Zhang
Wei Zhang
Sarah Bromley
Jun Ye
+ PDF Chat Helping Students Learn Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Computing 2007 Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat Semiconductor quantum computation 2018 Xin Zhang
Hai-Ou Li
Gang Cao
Ming Xiao
Guang-Can Guo
Guo‐Ping Guo
+ PDF Chat Quantum machine learning 2017 Jacob Biamonte
PĂŠter Wittek
Nicola Pancotti
Patrick Rebentrost
Nathan Wiebe
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Enhanced sensitivity of the LIGO gravitational wave detector by using squeezed states of light 2013 J. Aasi
J. Abadie
B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Teaching and understanding of quantum interpretations in modern physics courses 2010 Charles Baily
Noah D. Finkelstein
+ PDF Chat Longer-Baseline Telescopes Using Quantum Repeaters 2012 Daniel Gottesman
Thomas Jennewein
Sarah Croke
+ PDF Chat Review of student difficulties in upper-level quantum mechanics 2015 Chandralekha Singh
Emily Marshman
+ Improving student understanding of quantum mechanics underlying the Stern–Gerlach experiment using a research-validated multiple-choice question sequence 2019 Paul Justice
Emily Marshman
Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat Classical Capacity of the Lossy Bosonic Channel: The Exact Solution 2004 Vittorio Giovannetti
Saikat Guha
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
J.H. Shapiro
Horace P. Yuen
+ PDF Chat Power of data in quantum machine learning 2021 Hsin-Yuan Huang
Michael Broughton
Masoud Mohseni
Ryan Babbush
Sergio Boixo
Hartmut Neven
Jarrod R. McClean
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery 2021 Yuri Alexeev
Dave Bacon
Kenneth R. Brown
Robert Calderbank
Lincoln D. Carr
Frederic T. Chong
Brian DeMarco
Dirk Englund
Edward Farhi
Bill Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Quantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imaging 2019 Mankei Tsang
+ Achieving a quantum smart workforce 2021 Clarice D. Aiello
D. D. Awschalom
Hannes Bernien
Tina Brower
Kenneth R. Brown
Todd A. Brun
Justin R. Caram
Eric Chitambar
Rosa Di Felice
Karina Montilla Edmonds
+ PDF Chat Assessing the Needs of the Quantum Industry 2022 Ciaran Hughes
Doug Finke
Dan-Adrian German
Celia I. Merzbacher
Patrick M. Vora
H. J. Lewandowski
+ PDF Chat Evidence for quantum annealing with more than one hundred qubits 2014 Sergio Boixo
Troels F. Rønnow
Sergei V. Isakov
Zhihui Wang
D. Wecker
Daniel A. Lidar
John M. Martinis
Matthias Troyer
+ Quantum Chess: Developing a Mathematical Framework and Design Methodology for Creating Quantum Games. 2019 Christopher Cantwell
+ PDF Chat The quantum internet 2008 H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat The Quantum Illumination Story 2020 Jeffrey H. Shapiro
+ Teaching quantum information science to high-school and early undergraduate students 2020 Sophia E. Economou
Terry Rudolph
Edwin Barnes
+ PDF Chat Exploring the quantum speed limit with computer games 2016 Jens Jakob Sørensen
Mads Kock Pedersen
M. MĂźnch
Pinja Haikka
Jesper HalkjĂŚr Jensen
Tilo Planke
Morten Ginnerup Andreasen
Miroslav Gajdacz
Klaus Mølmer
Andreas Lieberoth
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Tomography via Compressed Sensing 2010 David Groß
Yi-Kai Liu
Steven T. Flammia
Stephen Becker
Jens Eisert
+ Conventions for quantum pseudocode 1996 E. Knill
+ Circuit QED - Lecture Notes 2013 Nathan K. Langford
+ PDF Chat Student understanding of quantum mechanics at the beginning of graduate instruction 2008 Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat Quantum Games and Quantum Strategies 1999 Jens Eisert
Martin Wilkens
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Continuous-variable optical quantum-state tomography 2009 A. I. Lvovsky
Michael G. Raymer
+ PDF Chat The capacity of the quantum channel with general signal states 1998 A. S. Holevo
+ PDF Chat Developing skills versus reinforcing concepts in physics labs: Insight from a survey of students’ beliefs about experimental physics 2017 Bethany R. Wilcox
H. J. Lewandowski
+ Getting the public involved in Quantum Error Correction 2017 James R. Wootton
+ PDF Chat Quantum games: a review of the history, current state, and interpretation 2018 Faisal Shah Khan
Neal Solmeyer
Radhakrishnan Balu
Travis S. Humble
+ PDF Chat Remote optimization of an ultracold atoms experiment by experts and citizen scientists 2018 Robert K. Heck
Oana Vuculescu
Jens Jakob Sørensen
Jonathan K. Zoller
Morten Ginnerup Andreasen
Mark G. Bason
Poul Ejlertsen
OttĂł ElĂ­asson
Pinja Haikka
Jens S. Laustsen
+ PDF Chat Receiver Operating Characteristics for a Prototype Quantum Two-Mode Squeezing Radar 2019 David Luong
C. W. Sandbo Chang
A. M. Vadiraj
Anthony Damini
C. M. Wilson
Bhashyam Balaji
+ PDF Chat Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities 2021 Ehud Altman
Kenneth R. Brown
Giuseppe Carleo
Lincoln D. Carr
Eugene Demler
Cheng Chin
Brian DeMarco
Sophia E. Economou
M. A. Eriksson
Kai‐Mei C. Fu
+ PDF Chat Preparing for the quantum revolution: What is the role of higher education? 2020 Michael F. J. Fox
Benjamin M. Zwickl
H. J. Lewandowski
+ PDF Chat Graduate quantum mechanics reform 2009 Lincoln D. Carr
Sarah B. McKagan
+ PDF Chat Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor 2019 Frank Arute
Kunal Arya
Ryan Babbush
Dave Bacon
Joseph C. Bardin
R. Barends
Rupak Biswas
Sergio Boixo
Fernando G. S. L. BrandĂŁo
David A. Buell
+ PDF Chat Interactive learning tutorials on quantum mechanics 2008 Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat Effectiveness of interactive tutorials in promoting “which-path” information reasoning in advanced quantum mechanics 2017 Alexandru Maries
Ryan Sayer
Chandralekha Singh
+ PDF Chat Microwave quantum illumination using a digital receiver 2020 Shabir Barzanjeh
Stefano Pirandola
David Vitali
J. M. Fink
+ PDF Chat Developing and researching PhET simulations for teaching quantum mechanics 2008 Sarah B. McKagan
Katherine K. Perkins
Michael Dubson
C. Malley
S. Reid
Ron LeMaster
Carl Wieman