Harry Yserentant


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An iterative method for the solution of Laplace-like equations in high and very high space dimensions 2024 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat An iterative method for the solution of Laplace-like equations in high and very high space dimensions 2024 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Numerical homogenization of fractal interface problems 2022 Ralf Kornhuber
Joscha Podlesny
Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat A Measure Concentration Effect for Matrices of High, Higher, and Even Higher Dimension 2022 Harry Yserentant
+ The Laplace operator, measure concentration, Gauss functions, and quantum mechanics 2022 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat On the expansion of solutions of Laplace-like equations into traces of separable higher dimensional functions 2020 Harry Yserentant
+ Numerical Homogenization of Fractal Interface Problems 2020 Ralf Kornhuber
Joscha Podlesny
Harry Yserentant
+ An analysis of a class of variational multiscale methods based on subspace decomposition 2017 Ralf Kornhuber
Daniel Peterseim
Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat On the approximation of electronic wavefunctions by anisotropic Gauss and Gauss–Hermite functions 2017 Stephan Scholz
Harry Yserentant
+ A Note on Approximate Inverse Iteration 2016 Harry Yserentant
+ Schrödinger Equation for Chemistry 2015 Harry Yserentant
+ Exact Wavefunctions Properties 2015 Harry Yserentant
+ A spectral method for Schrödinger equations with smooth confinement potentials 2012 Jerry Gagelman
Harry Yserentant
+ The mixed regularity of electronic wave functions in fractional order and weighted Sobolev spaces 2012 Hans-Christian Kreusler
Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat The mixed regularity of electronic wave functions multiplied by explicit correlation factors 2011 Harry Yserentant
+ Spectrum and Exponential Decay 2010 Harry Yserentant
+ Convergence Rates and Complexity Bounds 2010 Harry Yserentant
+ Regularity and Approximability of Electronic Wave Functions 2010 Harry Yserentant
+ Existence and Decay of Mixed Derivatives 2010 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Sparse approximate solution of partial differential equations 2009 Sadegh Jokar
Volker Mehrmann
Marc E. Pfetsch
Harry Yserentant
+ Sparse Approximate Solution of Partial Differential Equations 2008 Sadegh Jokar
Volker Mehrmann
Marc E. Pfetsch
Harry Yserentant
+ The hyperbolic cross space approximation of electronic wavefunctions 2007 Harry Yserentant
+ Sparse Grids, Adaptivity, and Symmetry 2006 Harry Yserentant
+ Sparse grid spaces for the numerical solution of the electronic Schrödinger equation 2005 Harry Yserentant
+ On the regularity of the electronic Schr�dinger equation in Hilbert spaces of mixed derivatives 2004 Harry Yserentant
+ The Finite Mass Method — A New Approach to the Solution of Flow Problems 2002 Harry Yserentant
+ The Finite Mass Method 2000 Christoph M. Gauger
Peter Leinen
Harry Yserentant
+ Particles of variable size 1999 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Announcement and call for papers 1995 Maya Neytcheva
Tony F. Chan
Los Ángeles
Richard E. Ewing
Panayot S. Vassilevski
Sofia Bulgaria
David James Young
Harry Yserentant
Owe Axelsson
Mariana Nikolova
+ A class of iterative methods for solving saddle point problems 1989 Randolph E. Bank
Bruno D. Welfert
Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Concepts of an adaptive hierarchical finite element code 1989 Peter Deuflhard
Peter Leinen
Harry Yserentant
+ Grundintegrale und spezielle Substitutionen 1987 Klaus Niederdrenk
Harry Yserentant
+ Verallgemeinerte Lösungen und Variationsprobleme 1987 Wolfram Luther
Klaus Niederdrenk
Fritz Reutter
Harry Yserentant
+ Die Laplace-Transformation 1987 Wolfram Luther
Klaus Niederdrenk
Fritz Reutter
Harry Yserentant
+ Hierarchical Bases in the Numerical Solution of Parabolic Problems 1987 Harry Yserentant
+ Explizite numerische Verfahren für Anfangswertprobleme 1987 Wolfram Luther
Klaus Niederdrenk
Fritz Reutter
Harry Yserentant
+ Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen 1987 Wolfram Luther
Klaus Niederdrenk
Fritz Reutter
Harry Yserentant
+ Numerische Integration 1987 Klaus Niederdrenk
Harry Yserentant
+ Spezielle Typen gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung 1987 Wolfram Luther
Klaus Niederdrenk
Fritz Reutter
Harry Yserentant
+ Lösungen in Reihenform 1987 Wolfram Luther
Klaus Niederdrenk
Fritz Reutter
Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat The convergence of multilevel methods for solving finite-element equations in the presence of singularities 1986 Harry Yserentant
+ On the convergence of multi-level methods for strongly nonuniform families of grids and any number of smoothing steps per level 1983 Harry Yserentant
+ A remark on the numerical computation of improper integrals 1983 Harry Yserentant
+ Die gleichm��ige Stabilit�t singul�r gest�rter diskreter und kontinuierlicher Randwertprobleme 1983 Klaus Niederdrenk
Harry Yserentant
+ Die maximale Konsistenzordnung von Differenzenapproximationen nichtnegativer Art 1983 Harry Yserentant
+ Die mehrstellenformeln f�r den Laplaceoperator 1980 Harry Yserentant
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the regularity of the electronic Schr�dinger equation in Hilbert spaces of mixed derivatives 2004 Harry Yserentant
+ Regularity and Approximability of Electronic Wave Functions 2010 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Best<i>N</i>-term approximation in electronic structure calculations. II. Jastrow factors 2007 Heinz‐Jürgen Flad
Wolfgang Hackbusch
Reinhold Schneider
+ The quantum N-body problem 2000 Walter Hunziker
Israel Michael Sigal
+ The hyperbolic cross space approximation of electronic wavefunctions 2007 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Electron Wavefunctions and Densities for Atoms 2001 M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas Østergaard Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Sharp Regularity Results for Coulombic Many-Electron Wave Functions 2005 S�ren Fournais
M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas �stergaard S�rensen
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger operators in the twentieth century 2000 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Exponential decay of bound state wave functions 1973 A. J. O'Connor
+ Approximation of 1/x by exponential sums in [1, ∞) 2005 Dietrich Braess
Wolfgang Hackbusch
+ PDF Chat Analytic Structure of Many-Body Coulombic Wave Functions 2008 Søren Fournais
M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas Østergaard Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Tensor-Sparsity of Solutions to High-Dimensional Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 2015 Wolfgang Dahmen
Ronald DeVore
Lars Grasedyck
Endre Süli
+ PDF Chat The mixed regularity of electronic wave functions multiplied by explicit correlation factors 2011 Harry Yserentant
+ The Efficient Computation of Certain Determinants Arising in the Treatment of Schrödinger's Equations 2001 Wolfgang Hackbusch
+ PDF Chat Sparse grids for the Schrödinger equation 2007 Michael Griebel
Jan Hamaekers
+ PDF Chat Best<i>N</i>-term approximation in electronic structure calculations I. One-electron reduced density matrix 2006 Heinz‐Jürgen Flad
Wolfgang Hackbusch
Reinhold Schneider
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Robust Uncertainty Principles and Optimally Sparse Decompositions 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
+ PDF Chat Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Random Sampling of Sparse Trigonometric Polynomials, II. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit versus Basis Pursuit 2007 Stefan Kunis
Holger Rauhut
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ For most large underdetermined systems of equations, the minimal 𝓁<sub>1</sub>‐norm near‐solution approximates the sparsest near‐solution 2006 David L. Donoho
+ Sparse grid spaces for the numerical solution of the electronic Schrödinger equation 2005 Harry Yserentant
+ PDF Chat Near-Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections: Universal Encoding Strategies? 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases 2005 Eric Weber
Ole Christensen
+ PDF Chat Stable signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Stability Results for Random Sampling of Sparse Trigonometric Polynomials 2008 Holger Rauhut
+ Boundary problems for elliptic equations in domains with conical or angular points 1967 В А Кондратьев
+ Direct and inverse error estimates for finite elements with mesh refinements 1979 Ivo Babuška
R. Bruce Kellogg
Juhani Pitkäranta
+ PDF Chat Variational Multiscale Stabilization and the Exponential Decay of Fine-Scale Correctors 2016 Daniel Peterseim
+ PDF Chat Local properties of Coulombic wave functions 1994 M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof
Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof
H. Stremnitzer
+ Iterative Methods by Space Decomposition and Subspace Correction 1992 Jinchao Xu
+ PDF Chat Uniform Uncertainty Principle and Signal Recovery via Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit 2008 Deanna Needell
Roman Vershynin
+ Approximation by exponential sums revisited 2009 Gregory Beylkin
Lucas Monzón
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Lectures on exponential decay of solutions of second-order elliptic equations: bounds on eigenfunctions of $N$-body Schrödinger operators 1985 Percy Deift
+ Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations: Convergence rates 2000 Albert Cohen
Wolfgang Dahmen
Ronald DeVore
+ Uncertainty principles and ideal atomic decomposition 2001 David L. Donoho
Xiaoming Huo
+ Random sampling of sparse trigonometric polynomials 2006 Holger Rauhut
+ On the essential spectrum of Schrödinger operators 1983 Lars Gårding
+ Asymptotics for the Approximation of Wave Functions by Exponential-Sums 1995 Dietrich Braess
+ PDF Chat Perturbed preconditioned inverse iteration for operator eigenvalue problems with applications to adaptive wavelet discretization 2009 Thorsten Rohwedder
Reinhold Schneider
Andreas Zeiser
+ Theory of the expansion of wave functions in a gaussian basis 1994 Werner Kutzelnigg
+ For most large underdetermined systems of linear equations the minimal 𝓁<sub>1</sub>‐norm solution is also the sparsest solution 2006 David L. Donoho
+ Polynomial algorithms in linear programming 1980 Leonid Khachiyan
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the Discrete Part of the Spectrum of a Semi-Bounded Schrödinger Operator. 1960 Arne Persson
+ PDF Chat From atoms to crystals: a mathematical journey 2005 Claude Le Bris
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Compressed sensing and best 𝑘-term approximation 2008 Albert Cohen
Wolfgang Dahmen
Ronald DeVore
+ Sparse Approximate Solutions to Linear Systems 1995 B. K. Natarajan
+ PDF Chat Tensor Product Multiscale Many-Particle Spaces with Finite-Order Weights for the Electronic Schrödinger Equation 2010 Michael Griebel
Jan Hamaekers
+ Localization of elliptic multiscale problems 2014 Axel Målqvist
Daniel Peterseim
+ PDF Chat Fundamental properties of Hamiltonian operators of Schrödinger type 1951 Tosio Kato