Xiuxiong Chen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The $L^\infty$ estimates for parabolic complex Monge–Ampère and Hessian equations 2023 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ Gradient estimate for complex Monge-Ampere equation with continuous right hand side 2022 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ The $L^{\infty}$ estimates for parabolic complex Monge-Ampere and Hessian equations 2022 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of asymptotically flat manifolds 2021 Xiuxiong Chen
Yu Li
+ PDF Chat Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay. I 2021 Gao Chen
Xiuxiong Chen
+ On the constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics (I)—A priori estimates 2020 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ On the constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics (II)—Existence results 2020 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ Space of Ricci flows (II)—Part B: Weak compactness of the flows 2020 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ PDF Chat Geodesic convexity of small neighborhood in the space of Kähler potentials 2020 Xiuxiong Chen
Mikhail Feldman
Jingchen Hu
+ PDF Chat Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay (III) 2020 Gao Chen
Xiuxiong Chen
+ Some new estimates for the complex Monge-Ampère equation 2019 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ Compactness of Kähler metrics with bounds on Ricci curvature and $${\mathcal {I}}$$ functional 2019 Xiuxiong Chen
Tamás Darvas
Weiyong He
+ Geodesics in the space of singular Kähler potentials 2019 S. Ali Aleyasin
Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat A class of fully nonlinear equations 2019 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat Kähler–Ricci flow, Kähler–Einstein metric, and K–stability 2018 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
Bing Wang
+ Geodesically Convexity of Small Neighborhood in Space of K\"ahler Potentials 2018 Xiuxiong Chen
Mikhail Feldman
Jingchen Hu
+ On the constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics, existence results 2018 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ On the constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics, general automorphism group 2018 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ A class of fully nonlinear equations 2018 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ Geodesic Convexity of Small Neighborhood in the Space of Kähler Potentials 2018 Xiuxiong Chen
Mikhail Feldman
Jingchen Hu
Weiyue Ding
+ PDF Chat On the existence of constant scalar curvature Kähler metric: a new perspective 2017 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay (II) 2017 Gao Chen
Xiuxiong Chen
+ Compactness of Kähler metrics with bounds on Ricci curvature and I functional 2017 Xiuxiong Chen
Tamás Darvas
Weiyong He
Bing Wang
+ On the constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics, apriori estimates 2017 Xiuxiong Chen
Jingrui Cheng
+ PDF Chat On the regularity problem of complex Monge–Ampere equations with conical singularities 2017 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ PDF Chat The interior regularity of the Calabi flow on a toric surface 2016 Xiuxiong Chen
Hongnian Huang
Sheng Li
+ PDF Chat On the long time behaviour of the conical Kähler–Ricci flows 2016 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ Remarks of weak-compactness along Kahler Ricci flow 2016 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ $$C^{2,\alpha }$$ C 2 , α -estimate for Monge-Ampère equations with Hölder-continuous right hand side 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ Bessel functions, heat kernel and the conical Kähler–Ricci flow 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ A note on Ricci flow with Ricci curvature bounded below 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Fang Yuan
+ On the existence of constant scalar curvature Kähler metric: a new perspective 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
+ On deformation of extremal metrics 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Mihai Păun
Yu Zeng
+ $C^{2,\alpha}$-estimate for Monge-Ampere equations with H\"older-continuous right hand side 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Calabi flow, geodesic rays, and uniqueness of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
+ Space of Ricci flows (II) 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Wang Bing
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. II: Limits with cone angle less than \boldmath2𝜋 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. III: Limits as cone angle approaches \boldmath2𝜋 and completion of the main proof 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. I: Approximation of metrics with cone singularities 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ PDF Chat On Four-Dimensional Anti-self-dual Gradient Ricci Solitons 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ On the regularity problem of complex Monge-Ampere equations with conical singularities 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ On the long time behaviour of the Conical Kähler- Ricci flows 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ $C^{2,α}$-estimate for Monge-Ampere equations with Hölder-continuous right hand side 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ Space of Ricci flows (II) 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ PDF Chat Kähler–Einstein Metrics and Stability 2013 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ The interior regularity of the Calabi flow on a toric surface 2013 Xiuxiong Chen
Hongnian Huang
Sheng Li
+ On the Geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics with prescribed singularities 2013 S. Ali Aleyasin
Xiuxiong Chen
+ Bessel Functions, Heat Kernel and the Conical Kähler-Ricci Flow 2013 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, III: limits as cone angle approaches 2π and completion of the main proof 2013 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ PDF Chat The Kähler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds (I) 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ Space of Ricci Flows I 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ Differentialgeometrie im Großen 2012 Olivier Biquard
Xiuxiong Chen
Bernhard Leeb
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat On the Conditions to Extend Ricci Flow(III) 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ PDF Chat The pseudo-Calabi flow 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Kai Zheng
+ The complex Monge–Ampère equation on compact Kähler manifolds 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat Space of Kähler Metrics (V) – Kähler Quantization 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
+ Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, I: approximation of metrics with cone singularities 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ Kahler-Einstein metrics and stability 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, II: limits with cone angle less than 2 π 2012 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ The Calabi flow on Kähler Surfaces with bounded Sobolev constant (I) 2011 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ On four-dimensional anti-self-dual gradient Ricci solitons 2011 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ Integral bounds on curvature and Gromov-Hausdorff limits 2011 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
+ On the conditions to extend Ricci flow(III) 2011 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ PDF Chat The Kähler Ricci flow on Fano surfaces (I) 2010 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ Moduli spaces of critical Riemannian metrics with <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:msup></mml:math> norm curvature bounds 2010 Xiuxiong Chen
Brian Weber
+ Calabi flow, Geodesic rays, and uniqueness of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics 2010 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
+ The complex Monge-Ampere equation on compact Kaehler manifolds 2010 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat The Calabi flow on toric Fano Surfaces 2010 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat Stability of Kähler-Ricci Flow 2009 Xiuxiong Chen
Haozhao Li
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Kähler Ricci Flow 2009 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ K\"ahler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds(I) 2009 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ Space of Kähler metrics (V)-- Kähler quantization 2009 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
+ Kähler Ricci flow on Fano manifolds(I) 2009 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ Space of Ricci flows (I) 2009 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ Kähler–Ricci Flow With Small Initial Energy 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Haozhao Li
Bing Wang
+ The space of volume forms 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat Space of Kähler metrics III – On the lower bound of the Calabi energy and geodesic distance 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
+ The Kähler-Ricci flow on Kähler manifolds with 2-non-negative traceless bisectional curvature operator 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Haozhao Li
+ A note on Kähler-Ricci soliton 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
Gang Tian
+ A note on K 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
Gang Tian
+ On conformally Kähler, Einstein manifolds 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Claude LeBrun
Brian Weber
+ Stability of Kahler-Ricci flow 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Haozhao Li
+ Space of Kähler metrics (IV)--On the lower bound of the K-energy 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
+ The Calabi flow on toric Fano surface 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ Stability of Kähler-Ricci flow 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Haozhao Li
+ A note on Kähler-Ricci soliton 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Song Sun
Gang Tian
+ Remarks on Kahler Ricci Flow 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ The space of volume forms 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ The Calabi flow on K 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ The Calabi flow on K\"ahler surface with bounded Sobolev's constant--(I) 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat Singular angles of weak limiting metrics under certain integral curvature bounds 2007 Qing Chen
Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ The Calabi flow on Kähler surface with bounded Sobolev constant 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ Test configurations and Geodesic rays 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Yudong Tang
+ Moduli spaces of critical Riemannian metrics with L^{n/2} norm curvature bounds 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Brian Weber
+ On Conformally Kaehler, Einstein Manifolds 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Claude LeBrun
Brian Weber
+ Kähler Ricci flow on Fano surfaces (I) 2007 Xiuxiong Chen
Bing Wang
+ PDF Chat A note on uniformization of Riemann surfaces by Ricci flow 2006 Xiuxiong Chen
Peng Lü
Gang Tian
+ On the Calabi flow 2006 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ On the lower bound of energy functionalE 1 (I)—A stability theorem on the Kähler Ricci flow 2006 Xiuxiong Chen
+ On the Kahler-Ricci flow with small initial E_1 energy (I) 2006 Xiuxiong Chen
Haozhao Li
Bing Wang
+ On the Calabi flow 2006 Xiuxiong Chen
Weiyong He
+ PDF Chat Partial regularity for homogeneous complex Monge–Ampere equations 2005 Xiuxiong Chen
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of extremal Kähler metrics 2005 Xiuxiong Chen
Gang Tian
+ On the lower bound of energy functional E_1 (I)-- a stability theorem on the Kaehler Ricci flow 2005 Xiuxiong Chen
+ None 2005 Qing Chen
Xiuxiong Chen
Yingyi Wu
+ A note on uniformization of Riemann surfaces by Ricci flow 2005 Xiuxiong Chen
Peng Lü
Gang Tian
+ The structure of HCMU metric in a K-Surface 2005 Qing Chen
Xiuxiong Chen
Yingyi Wu
+ Geometry of Kaehler metrics and holomorphic foliation by discs 2004 Xiuxiong Chen
Gang Tian
+ Recent progress in K\"ahler geometry 2003 Xiuxiong Chen
+ Recent progress in Kähler geometry 2003 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow on Kähler manifolds 2001 Xiuxiong Chen
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat The Space of Kähler Metrics 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ The Space of Kaehler metrics 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ Ricci flow on Kaehler-Einstein surfaces 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
Gang Tian
+ None 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Existence of extremal metrics on almost homogeneous manifolds of cohomogeneity one 2000 Daniel Guan
Xiuxiong Chen
+ Weak Limits of Riemannian Metrics in Surfaces with integral Curvature Bound 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ Calabi flow in Riemann surfaces revisited: A new point of view 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ A new parabolic flow in Kaehler manifolds 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ The Space of Kaehler metrics 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Obstruction to the existence of metric whose curvature has umbilical Hessian in a $K$-surface 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ Extremal Hermitian metrics on Riemann surfaces 1999 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the existence of branch bubbles on the blowup analysis of equation $- \Delta u = e^{2u}$ in dimension two 1999 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Weak limits of Riemannian metrics in surfaces with integral curvature bound 1998 Xiuxiong Chen
+ Deformation of surfaces preserving principal curvatures 1989 Xiuxiong Chen
Chiakuei Peng
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the ricci curvature of a compact kähler manifold and the complex monge‐ampére equation, I 1978 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics with positive scalar curvature 1997 Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Scalar Curvature and Stability of Toric Varieties 2002 Simon Donaldson
+ On Calabi's conjecture for complex surfaces with positive first Chern class 1990 Gang Tian
+ An obstruction to the existence of Einstein K�hler metrics 1983 Akito Futaki
+ PDF Chat The Space of Kähler Metrics 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ None 2000 Xiuxiong Chen
+ Extremal Kähler Metrics II 1985 Eugenio Calabi
+ PDF Chat Scalar Curvature and Projective Embeddings, I 2001 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat Kähler--Einstein metrics with edge singularities 2015 Thalia Jeffres
Rafe Mazzeo
Yanir A. Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Einstein Kähler Metrics Modulo Connected Group Actions 2018 Shigetoshi Bando
Toshiki Mabuchi
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ On K�hler-Einstein metrics on certain K�hler manifolds withC 1 (M)&gt;0 1987 Gang Tian
+ K�hler-Einstein metrics on complex surfaces withC 1&gt;0 1987 Gang Tian
Shing-Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Kähler metrics and foliations by holomorphic discs 2008 X. X. Chen
Gang Tian
+ Some symplectic geometry on compact Kähler manifolds. I 1987 Toshiki Mabuchi
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds on the Calabi functional 2005 Simon Donaldson
+ On the Calabi flow 2008 X. X. Chen
Wen-Yu He
+ Kähler Metrics with Cone Singularities Along a Divisor 2012 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow on Kähler-Einstein surfaces 2002 X.X. Chen
Gang Tian
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. I: Approximation of metrics with cone singularities 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ Convergence and rigidity of manifolds under Ricci curvature bounds 1990 Michael T. Anderson
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. II: Limits with cone angle less than \boldmath2𝜋 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ PDF Chat Space of Kähler metrics III – On the lower bound of the Calabi energy and geodesic distance 2008 Xiuxiong Chen
+ PDF Chat K-stability of constant scalar curvature Kähler manifolds 2009 Jacopo Stoppa
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature bounds and Einstein metrics on compact manifolds 1989 Michael T. Anderson
+ PDF Chat The greatest Ricci lower bound, conical Einstein metrics and Chern number inequality 2016 Jian Song
Xiaowei Wang
+ Classical solutions of fully nonlinear, convex, second‐order elliptic equations 1982 Lawrence C. Evans
+ PDF Chat Orbifold compactness for spaces of Riemannian metrics and applications 2005 Michael T. Anderson
+ Complex Monge-Ampere and Symplectic Manifolds 1992 Stephen Semmes
+ K�hler-Einstein metrics and the generalized Futaki invariant 1992 WEI-YUE DING
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics 2009 Philippe Eyssidieux
Vincent Guedj
Ahmed Zériahi
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds. III: Limits as cone angle approaches \boldmath2𝜋 and completion of the main proof 2014 Xiuxiong Chen
Simon Donaldson
Song Sun
+ PDF Chat Constant Scalar Curvature Metrics on Toric Surfaces 2009 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat Ricci deformation of the metric on complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds 1989 Wan-Xiong Shi
+ Conical Kahler-Einstein metric revisited 2012 Chi Li
Song Sun
+ PDF Chat The uniformization theorem for compact Kähler manifolds of nonnegative holomorphic bisectional curvature 1988 Ngaiming Mok
+ Lower Bounds on Ricci Curvature and the Almost Rigidity of Warped Products 1996 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of critical Riemannian metrics in dimension four 2004 Gang Tian
Jeff Viaclovsky
+ On deformation of extremal metrics 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Mihai Păun
Yu Zeng
+ A thermodynamical formalism for Monge–Ampère equations, Moser–Trudinger inequalities and Kähler–Einstein metrics 2013 Robert J. Berman
+ PDF Chat Extremal metrics on toric surfaces: a continuity method 2008 Simon Donaldson
+ Interior estimates for solutions of Abreu's equation 2004 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat On the structure of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below. I 1997 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
+ PDF Chat The Existence of Kahler-Einstein Metrics on Manifolds with Positive Anticanonical Line Bundle and a Suitable Finite Symmetry Group 1988 Yum-Tong Siu
+ The Mabuchi geometry of finite energy classes 2015 Tamás Darvas
+ PDF Chat A Torelli-type theorem for gravitational instantons 1989 P. B. Kronheimer
+ PDF Chat Complete Kähler manifolds with zero Ricci curvature. I 1990 Gang Tian
Shing-Tung Yau