Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ | A Parallel Algorithm for Sampling Matchings from an Almost Uniform Distribution | 1998 |
Josep Dı́az Jordi Petit Panagiotis Psycharis Marı́a Serna |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
Jordi Petit | 1 |
María Serna | 1 |
Josep Dı́az | 1 |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |
+ | The Markov chain Monte Carlo method: an approach to approximate counting and integration | 1996 |
Mark Jerrum Alistair Sinclair |
1 |
+ | Independent sets versus perfect matchings | 1995 |
Shang‐Hua Teng |
1 |
+ | Markov chains and polynomial time algorithms | 2002 |
Ravi Kannan |
1 |
+ | Quadratic dynamical systems | 1992 |
Yuri Rabinovich Alistair Sinclair Avi Wigderson |
1 |
+ | Rapidly mixing Markov chains | 1991 |
Umesh Vazirani |
1 |