Tobias Diez


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Reduction in Infinite Dimensions 2024 Tobias Diez
Gerd Rudolph
+ Induced differential characters on nonlinear Graßmannians 2024 Tobias Diez
Bas Janssens
Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Cornelia Vizman
+ PDF Chat Cartan Geometry and Infinite-Dimensional Kempf-Ness Theory 2024 Tobias Diez
Akito Futaki
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Norm-squared of the momentum map in infinite dimensions with applications to K\"ahler geometry and symplectic connections 2024 Tobias Diez
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ Expectation values of polynomials and moments on general compact Lie groups 2022 Tobias Diez
Lukas Miaskiwskyi
+ PDF Chat Normal form of equivariant maps in infinite dimensions 2021 Tobias Diez
Gerd Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Singular symplectic cotangent bundle reduction of gauge field theory 2020 Tobias Diez
Gerd Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Central Extensions of Lie Groups Preserving a Differential Form 2020 Tobias Diez
Bas Janssens
Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Cornelia Vizman
+ Group-valued momentum maps for actions of automorphism groups 2020 Tobias Diez
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ Induced differential characters on nonlinear Graßmannians 2020 Tobias Diez
Bas Janssens
Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Cornelia Vizman
+ Realizing the Teichmüller space as a symplectic quotient (Symmetry and Singularity of Geometric Structures and Differential Equations) 2019 Tobias Diez
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Clebsch-Lagrange variational principle and geometric constraint analysis of relativistic field theories 2019 Tobias Diez
Gerd Rudolph
+ Slice theorem and orbit type stratification in infinite dimensions 2019 Tobias Diez
Gerd Rudolph
+ Normal Form of Equivariant Maps and Singular Symplectic Reduction in Infinite Dimensions with Applications to Gauge Field Theory 2019 Tobias Diez
+ Realizing the Teichmüller space as a symplectic quotient 2019 Tobias Diez
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ PDF Chat Yang–Mills moduli spaces over an orientable closed surface via Fréchet reduction 2018 Tobias Diez
Johannes Huebschmann
+ Slice theorem for Fréchet group actions and covariant symplectic field theory 2014 Tobias Diez
+ Slice theorem for Fréchet group actions and covariant symplectic field theory 2014 Tobias Diez
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Towards a Lie theory of locally convex groups 2006 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
+ The inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ The group of gauge transformations as a Schwartz–Lie group 1985 R. Cirelli
Alessandro Manià
+ Smoothness of the action of the gauge transformation group on connections 1986 Maria Cristina Abbati
R. Cirelli
Alessandro Manià
Peter W. Michor
+ PDF Chat Implicit functions from topological vector spaces to Banach spaces 2006 Helge Glöckner
+ The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis 1997 Andreas Kriegl
Peter W. Michor
+ On the Existence of Slices for Actions of Non-Compact Lie Groups 1961 Richard S. Palais
+ On the stratification of the orbit space for the action of automorphisms on connections 1986 Witold Kondracki
Jan Rogulski
+ Fundamentals of differential geometry 1998 Serge Lang
+ Differential characters and geometric invariants 1985 Jeff Cheeger
James Simons
+ PDF Chat Implicit functions from locally convex spaces to Banach spaces 1999 Seppo I. Hiltunen
+ PDF Chat Lie group valued moment maps 1998 Anton Alekseev
Anton Malkin
Eckhard Meinrenken
+ �ber Topologien im Endomorphismenraum eines topologischen Vektorraumes 1963 Bernhard Maissen
+ Compact Groups of Differentiable Transformation 1945 S. Bochner
+ PDF Chat The action of the diffeomorphism group on the space of immersions 1991 Vicente Cervera
Francisca Mascaró
Peter W. Michor
+ Quantization and unitary representations 1970 Bertram Kostant
+ Induced differential forms on manifolds of functions 2011 Cornelia Vizman
+ PDF Chat On the gauge orbit space stratification: a review 2002 Gerd Rudolph
Matthias Schmidt
И. П. Волобуев
+ Hamiltonian Reduction by Stages 2007 Jerrold E. Marsden
Gerard Misiołek
Juan‐Pablo Ortega
Matthew Perlmutter
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ Normal Form of Equivariant Maps and Singular Symplectic Reduction in Infinite Dimensions with Applications to Gauge Field Theory 2019 Tobias Diez
+ A Frobenius Theorem on Convenient Manifolds 2001 Josef Teichmann
+ PDF Chat Singular symplectic cotangent bundle reduction of gauge field theory 2020 Tobias Diez
Gerd Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Yang–Mills moduli spaces over an orientable closed surface via Fréchet reduction 2018 Tobias Diez
Johannes Huebschmann
+ Slice theorem for Fréchet group actions and covariant symplectic field theory 2014 Tobias Diez
+ Poisson Lie groups, dressing transformations, and Bruhat decompositions 1990 Jiang-Hua Lu
Alan Weinstein
+ On the gauge orbit types for theories with classical compact gauge group 2010 Alexander Hertsch
Gerd Rudolph
Matthias Schmidt
+ The structure of the solution set for the Yang-Mills equations 1981 Judith M. Arms
+ PDF Chat Orbispaces as differentiable stratified spaces 2017 Marius Crainic
João Nuno Mestre
+ Fundamentals of submersions and immersions between infinite-dimensional manifolds 2015 Helge Glöckner
+ PDF Chat Gauge Orbit Types for Theories with Gauge Group O(n), SO(n) or Sp(n) 2011 Alexander Hertsch
Gerd Rudolph
Matthias Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Partial ordering of gauge orbit types for SUn-gauge theories 2002 Gerd Rudolph
Matthias Schmidt
И. П. Волобуев
+ Stratified Symplectic Spaces and Reduction 1991 Reyer Sjamaar
Eugene Lerman
+ The Yang-Mills equations over Riemann surfaces 1983 Michael Atiyah
Raoul Bott
+ None 1994 Johannes Huebschmann
Lisa C. Jeffrey
+ Flux Homomorphisms and Principal Bundles over Infinite Dimensional Manifolds 2003 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Cornelia Vizman
+ PDF Chat On the Fredholm alternative in locally convex linear spaces 1959 Helmut Schaefer
+ New Proof for the Existence of Locally Complete Families of Complex Structures 1965 Masatake Kuranishi
+ Topological Vector Spaces II 1979 h.c. Gottfried Köthe
+ Symplectic Fibrations and Multiplicity Diagrams 1996 Victor Guillemin
Eugene Lerman
Shlomo Sternberg
+ A cotangent bundle slice theorem 2006 Tanya Schmah
+ �ber singul�re Integralgleichungen und eine Klasse von Homomorphismen in lokalkonvexen R�umen 1956 Helmut Schaefer
+ PDF Chat The isotropy lattice of a lifted action 2006 Miguel Rodríguez-Olmos
+ PDF Chat Elementary linear algebra for advanced spectral problems 2007 Johannes Sjöstrand
Maciej Zworski
+ Sur la structure du groupe des difféomorphismes qui préservent une forme symplectique 1978 Augustin Banyaga
+ An Infinite Dimensional Version of Sard's Theorem 1965 Stephen T. Smale
+ Functional Analysis: Theory and Applications 1965 Ralph E. Edwards
+ Symplectic Forms on Moduli Spaces of Flat Connections on 2-manifolds 1994 Lisa C. Jeffrey
+ Groups of Diffeomorphisms and the Motion of an Incompressible Fluid 1970 David G. Ebin
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes and Geometric Quantization 1993 Jean-Luc Brylinski