Hariharan Narayanan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Sampling from convex sets with a cold start using multiscale decompositions 2024 Hariharan Narayanan
Amit Rajaraman
Piyush Srivastava
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for random hives and the spectrum of the sum of two random matrices 2024 Hariharan Narayanan
Scott Sheffield⋆
+ Sums of GUE matrices and concentration of hives from correlation decay of eigengaps 2023 Hariharan Narayanan
Scott Sheffield⋆
Terence Tao
+ Sampling from Convex Sets with a Cold Start using Multiscale Decompositions 2023 Hariharan Narayanan
Amit Rajaraman
Piyush Srivastava
+ PDF Chat Fitting a manifold of large reach to noisy data 2023 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Sums of GUE matrices and concentration of hives from correlation decay of eigengaps 2023 Hariharan Narayanan
Scott Sheffield⋆
Terence Tao
+ Fitting a manifold to data in the presence of large noise 2023 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ John’s walk 2022 Adam Gustafson
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Sampling from convex sets with a cold start using multiscale decompositions 2022 Hariharan Narayanan
Amit Rajaraman
Piyush Srivastava
+ Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds II: Inverse problems for Riemannian manifolds with partial distance data 2021 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Jinpeng Lu
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds II: Inverse problems for Riemannian manifolds with partial distance data 2021 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Jinpeng Lu
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Chat Generating an Equidistributed Net on a Sphere Using Random Rotations 2021 Somnath Chakraborty
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Chat On the mixing time of coordinate Hit-and-Run 2021 Hariharan Narayanan
Piyush Srivastava
+ Implicit Linear Algebra and Basic Circuit Theory II: port behaviour of rigid multiports 2021 Hariharan Narayanan
+ On Thevenin-Norton and Maximum power transfer theorems 2021 Hariharan Narayanan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ On a convexity property of tensor products of irreducible, rational representations of $SL(n)$ 2021 Hariharan Narayanan
C. S. Rajan
+ Large deviations for random hives and the spectrum of the sum of two random matrices 2021 Hariharan Narayanan
Scott Sheffield⋆
+ Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds II: Inverse problems for Riemannian manifolds with partial distance data 2021 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Jinpeng Lu
Hariharan Narayanan
+ On the mixing time of coordinate Hit-and-Run. 2020 Hariharan Narayanan
Piyush Srivastava
+ Random concave functions on an equilateral lattice with periodic Hessians II: reduction to eigenfunctions 2020 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Random discrete concave functions on an equilateral lattice with periodic Hessians 2020 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Learning Mixtures of Spherical Gaussians via Fourier Analysis 2020 Somnath Chakraborty
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Implicit Linear Algebra and Basic Circuit Theory 2020 Hariharan Narayanan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Reconstruction of a Riemannian Manifold from Noisy Intrinsic Distances 2020 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Random discrete concave functions on an equilateral lattice with periodic Hessians 2020 Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Reconstruction and Interpolation of Manifolds. I: The Geometric Whitney Problem 2019 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Yaroslav Kurylev
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Random concave functions on an equilateral lattice with periodic hessians 2019 Hariharan Narayanan
+ On the linear static output feedback problem: The annihilating polynomial approach 2019 Hariharan Narayanan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Reconstruction of a Riemannian manifold from noisy intrinsic distances 2019 Charles Fefferman
Sergei O. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Random concave functions on an equilateral lattice with periodic Hessians I: entropy and Laplacians 2019 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Reconstruction of a Riemannian manifold from noisy intrinsic distances 2019 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Fitting a manifold of large reach to noisy data 2019 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Generating an equidistributed net on a unit n-sphere using random rotations 2018 Somnath Chakraborty
Hariharan Narayanan
+ On the distribution of random words in a compact Lie group 2018 Hariharan Narayanan
+ John's Walk 2018 Adam Gustafson
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Structural Risk Minimization for $C^{1,1}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ Regression 2018 Adam Gustafson
Matthew Hirn
Kitty Mohammed
Hariharan Narayanan
Jason Xu
+ On the linear static output feedback problem: the annihilating polynomial approach 2018 Hariharan Narayanan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ John's Walk 2018 Adam Gustafson
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Manifold Learning Using Kernel Density Estimation and Local Principal Components Analysis 2017 Kitty Mohammed
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Randomized interior point methods for sampling and optimization 2016 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Implicit Linear Algebra and its Applications 2016 Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Testing the manifold hypothesis 2015 Charles Fefferman
Sanjoy K. Mitter
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds I: The geometric Whitney problem 2015 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Yaroslav Kurylev
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ $$\sin (\omega x)$$ sin ( ω x ) Can Approximate Almost Every Finite Set of Samples 2015 Gilbert Harman
Sanjeev R. Kulkarni
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Escaping the Local Minima via Simulated Annealing: Optimization of Approximately Convex Functions 2015 Alexandre Belloni
Tengyuan Liang
Hariharan Narayanan
Alexander Rakhlin
+ Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds I: The geometric Whitney problem 2015 Charles Fefferman
S. V. Ivanov
Yaroslav Kurylev
Matti Lassas
Hariharan Narayanan
+ On Zeroth-Order Stochastic Convex Optimization via Random Walks 2014 Tengyuan Liang
Hariharan Narayanan
Alexander Rakhlin
+ PDF Estimating deep Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients 2014 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Testing the Manifold Hypothesis 2013 Charles Fefferman
Sanjoy K. Mitter
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Efficient Sampling from Time-Varying Log-Concave Distributions 2013 Hariharan Narayanan
Alexander Rakhlin
+ Heat flow and a faster algorithm to compute the surface area of a convex body 2013 Mikhail A. Belkin
Hariharan Narayanan
Partha Niyogi
+ Estimating Certain Non-Zero Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients 2013 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Testing the Manifold Hypothesis 2013 Charles Fefferman
Sanjoy K. Mitter
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Efficient Sampling from Time-Varying Log-Concave Distributions 2013 Hariharan Narayanan
Alexander Rakhlin
+ PDF Random Walks on Polytopes and an Affine Interior Point Method for Linear Programming 2012 Ravindran Kannan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Sample Complexity in Manifold Learning 2011 Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Geometric complexity theory III: on deciding nonvanishing of a Littlewood–Richardson coefficient 2011 Ketan Mulmuley
Hariharan Narayanan
Milind Sohoni
+ Random Walk Approach to Regret Minimization 2010 Hariharan Narayanan
Alexander Rakhlin
+ Sample Complexity of Testing the Manifold Hypothesis 2010 Hariharan Narayanan
Sanjoy K. Mitter
+ Randomized Interior Point methods for Sampling and Optimization 2009 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Random walks on polytopes and an affine interior point method for linear programming 2009 Ravi Kannan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Mixing times and e p bounds for oblivious routing 2009 Gregory F. Lawler
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Mixing times and ℓ<i><sub>p</sub></i> bounds for Oblivious routing 2009 Gregory F. Lawler
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Learning with Spectral Kernels and Heavy-Tailed Data 2009 Michael W. Mahoney
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Geometric Interpretation of Half-Plane Capacity 2009 Steven P. Lalley
Gregory F. Lawler
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Diffusion in computer science and statistics 2009 Partha Niyogi
Hariharan Narayanan
+ A Geometric Interpretation of Half-Plane Capacity 2009 Steven P. Lalley
Gregory F. Lawler
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Randomized Interior Point methods for Sampling and Optimization 2009 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Sampling Hypersurfaces through Diffusion 2008 Hariharan Narayanan
Partha Niyogi
+ Distributed Averaging using non-convex updates 2008 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Distributed Averaging in the presence of a Sparse Cut 2008 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Geographic gossip on geometric random graphs via affine combinations 2007 Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF On the complexity of computing Kostka numbers and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients 2006 Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Heat Flow and a Faster Algorithm to Compute the Surface Area of a Convex Body 2006 Mikhail A. Belkin
Hariharan Narayanan
Partha Niyogi
+ Damped random walks and the characteristic polynomial of the weighted Laplacian on a graph 2006 Madhav P. Desai
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Geographic Gossip on Geometric Random Graphs via Affine Combinations 2006 Hariharan Narayanan
+ The computation of Kostka Numbers and Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients is #P-complete 2005 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Damped random walks and the characteristic polynomial of the weighted Laplacian on a graph 2005 Madhav Desai
Hariharan Narayanan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF A random polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies 1991 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
+ Hit-and-Run from a Corner 2006 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
Santosh Vempala
+ Hit-and-run mixes fast 1999 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
+ Random walks in a convex body and an improved volume algorithm 1993 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
MiklĂłs Simonovits
+ PDF The honeycomb model of $GL_n(\mathbb C)$ tensor products I: Proof of the saturation conjecture 1999 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ A new algorithm for minimizing convex functions over convex sets 1996 Pravin M. Vaidya
+ Simulated annealing in convex bodies and an <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>O</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>*</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> volume algorithm 2005 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
Santosh Vempala
+ PDF A sharp form of Whitney’s extension theorem 2005 Charles Fefferman
+ Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming 1994 Yurii Nesterov
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ PDF Testing the manifold hypothesis 2015 Charles Fefferman
Sanjoy K. Mitter
Hariharan Narayanan
+ PDF Random Walks on Polytopes and an Affine Interior Point Method for Linear Programming 2012 Ravindran Kannan
Hariharan Narayanan
+ Nonparametric ridge estimation 2014 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Universal local parametrizations via heat kernels and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian 2010 Peter W. Jones
Mauro Maggioni
Raanan Schul
+ PDF Chat Strong self-concordance and sampling 2020 Aditi Laddha
Yin Tat Lee
Santosh Vempala
+ Manifold estimation and singular deconvolution under Hausdorff loss 2012 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ PDF Randomized interior point methods for sampling and optimization 2016 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Random walks and anO*(n5) volume algorithm for convex bodies 1997 Ravi Kannan
L�szl� Lov�sz
Mikl�s Simonovits
+ Sampling lattice points 1997 Ravi Kannan
Santosh Vempala
+ None 2007 Remco van der Hofstad
Gerard Hooghiemstra
Piet Van Mieghem
+ Solving convex programs by random walks 2004 Dimitris Bertsimas
Santosh Vempala
+ PDF C<sup>m</sup>extension by linear operators 2007 Charles Fefferman
+ Locally Defined Principal Curves and Surfaces 2011 Umut Özertem
Deniz Erdoğmuş
+ Geometric Random Walks: a Survey 2007 Santosh Vempala
+ A Course in Metric Geometry 2001 Dmitri Burago
Yuri Burago
S. V. Ivanov
+ PDF Two dimensional compact simple Riemannian manifolds are boundary distance rigid 2005 Leonid Pestov
GĂźnther Uhlmann
+ 11. The Imbedding Problem for Riemannian Manifolds 2002 JohnHG Nash
+ PDF Puzzles, tableaux, and mosaics 2007 Kevin Purbhoo
+ Inverse Boundary Spectral Problems 2001 Alexander Kachalov
Yaroslav Kurylev
Matti Lassas
+ PDF Chat Faster Polytope Rounding, Sampling, and Volume Computation via a Sub-Linear Ball Walk 2019 Oren Mangoubi
Nisheeth K. Vishnoi
+ Principal Manifolds and Nonlinear Dimension Reduction via Local Tangent Space Alignment 2002 Zhenyue Zhang
Hongyuan Zha
+ On the largest Kronecker and Littlewood–Richardson coefficients 2019 Igor Pak
Greta Panova
Damir Yeliussizov
+ Minimax manifold estimation 2012 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Geodesic walks in polytopes 2017 Yin Tat Lee
Santosh Vempala
+ Simulated Annealing for Convex Optimization 2006 Adam Tauman Kalai
Santosh Vempala
+ Implicit Linear Algebra and its Applications 2016 Hariharan Narayanan
+ Boundary rigidity with partial data 2015 Plamen Stefanov
GĂźnther Uhlmann
AndrĂĄs Vasy
+ Functions Differentiable on the Boundaries of Regions 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ None 1994 Yuri Brudnyi
Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Efficient Monte Carlo Procedures for Generating Points Uniformly Distributed over Bounded Regions 1984 Robert L. Smith
+ A polynomial-time algorithm, based on Newton's method, for linear programming 1988 James Renegar
+ Honeycombs and sums of Hermitian matrices 2000 Allen Knutson
Terence Tao
+ A polynomiality property for Littlewood–Richardson coefficients 2004 Etienne Rassart
+ Fast Algorithms for Logconcave Functions: Sampling, Rounding, Integration and Optimization 2006 LĂĄszlĂł LovĂĄsz
Santosh Vempala
+ The complexity of partial derivatives 1983 Walter Bäur
Volker Strassen
+ A Global Uniqueness Theorem for an Inverse Boundary Value Problem 1987 John Sylvester
GĂźnther Uhlmann
+ PDF Chat Boundary regularity for the Ricci equation, geometric convergence, and Gel?fand?s inverse boundary problem 2004 Michael T. Anderson
Atsushi Katsuda
Yaroslav Kurylev
Matti Lassas
Michael G. Taylor
+ Determining anisotropic real‐analytic conductivities by boundary measurements 1989 John M. Lee
GĂźnther Uhlmann
+ PDF Self-Scaled Barriers and Interior-Point Methods for Convex Programming 1997 Yu. E. Nesterov
Michael J. Todd
+ PDF Whitney’s extension problem for C<sup>m</sup> 2006 Charles Fefferman
+ Linear and Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Practical Applications 2012 Jennifer L. Mller
Samuli Siltanen