Zalman Rubinstein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On linear recursions with nonnegative coefficients 1992 Moshe Roitman
Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat A variational method for the construction of convergent iterative sequences 1986 Zalman Rubinstein
+ An interpolation problem for real polynomials by their means between consecutive zeros 1986 Zalman Rubinstein
+ On the Number of Real Quadratic Factors of Polynomials 1986 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a Paper by A. Aziz 1985 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Some Properties of Ratios of Polynomial Values with Restricted Zeros 1985 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a paper by A. Aziz 1985 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat On a mixed-type interpolation problem for real polynomials 1984 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous Iteration by Entire or Rational Functions and Their Inverses 1983 I. N. Baker
Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Characteristic functional equations of polynomials and the morera-carleman theorem 1981 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Solution of the middle coefficient problem for certain classes of<i>C</i>-polynomials 1980 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Some properties of two analytic functions associated with complex polynomials 1980 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Norm estimates relating polynomials and their derivatives 1980 Zalman Rubinstein
+ On a problem of J. L. Walsh 1980 Zalman Rubinstein
L. Cesari
+ An extremal problem of the Markov-Bernstein type for lacunary polynomials 1979 Zalman Rubinstein
Yitzhak Weit
+ On the multivalence and order of starlikeness of a class of meromorphic functions 1974 Zalman Rubinstein
Dorothy Browne Shaffer
+ On the real zeros of trigonometrical polynomials 1973 Zalman Rubinstein
+ On a property of the coincidence function associated with the logarithmic derivative of a polynomial 1972 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat On the multivalence of a class of meromorphic functions 1971 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Bounded Approximation by Polynomials whose Zeros Lie on a Circle 1971 Zalman Rubinstein
E. B. Saff
+ PDF Chat Bounded approximation by polynomials whose zeros lie on a circle 1971 Zalman Rubinstein
Edward B. Saff
+ On polynomial ÎŽ-type functions and approximation by monotonic polynomials 1970 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Extension and Some Applications of the Coincidence Theorems 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
J. L. Walsh
+ On Analytic Functions Satisfying the Mean Value Theorem and a Conjecture of W. G. Dotson 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ On Analytic Functions Satisfying the Mean Value Theorem and a Conjecture of W. G. Dotson 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
W. G. Dotson
+ Green's Function 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Extension and some applications of the coincidence theorems 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
J. L. Walsh
+ Second-Order Parabolic Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Asymptotic Expansion of Solutions of Linear Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Solutions of Differential Equations by Definite Integrals 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Nonlinear Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ The Fourier Transform and Its Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Solutions of Linear Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Classification and Solutions of First-Order Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Distributions and Their Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Hilbert Space Approach to Partial Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Elementary Higher-Order Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Singular Solutions 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Existence Theorems 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Elementary Second-Order Partial Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ A Course in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ Second-Order Hyperbolic Differential Equations 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Ilyeff 1968 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat On the approximation by đ¶-polynomials 1968 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Some results in the location of zeros of polynomials 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Some Results in the Location of the Zeros of Linear Combinations of Polynomials 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Some Inequalities for Polynomials and Their Zeros 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Some results in the location of the zeros of linear combinations of polynomials 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Some inequalities for polynomials and their zeros 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ On the location of the zeros of a polynomial whose center of gravity is given 1964 Zalman Rubinstein
J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Analytic methods in the study of zeros of polynomials 1963 Zalman Rubinstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Extension and some applications of the coincidence theorems 1969 Zalman Rubinstein
J. L. Walsh
+ Geometry of Polynomials 1949 Morris Marden
+ Research Problems in Function Theory 1967 W. K. Hayman
+ The location of the zeros of the derivative of a rational function, revisited 2000 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Some results in the location of zeros of polynomials 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Bounded approximation by polynomials with restricted zeros 1967 Charles K. Chui
+ On the location of the zeros of a polynomial whose center of gravity is given 1964 Zalman Rubinstein
J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Geometrische Funktionentheorie 2009 Klaus Fritzsche
+ PDF Chat A theorem of Grace on the zeros of polynomials, revisited 1964 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat On The Location of the Roots of Certain Types of Polynomials 1922 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat A Theorem of Grace on the Zeros of Polynomials, Revisited 1964 J. L. Walsh
+ Polynomials with zeros on a rectifiable Jordan curve 1949 G. R. MacLane
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of composite polynomials 1982 Abdul Aziz
+ Coefficient and Integral Mean Estimates for Algebraic and Trigonometric Polynomials with Restricted Zeros 1974 Edward B. Saff
T. Sheil-Small
+ On the order of convexity and starlikeness of a special class of analytic and meromorphic functions 1978 Dorothy Browne Shaffer
+ PDF Chat On the multivalence of a class of meromorphic functions 1971 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Sur les zéros d'un polynÎme contenant un paramÚtre arbitraire 1957 W. Janowski
+ PDF Chat Continuity and Location of Zeros of Linear Combinations of Polynomials 1965 Mishael Zedek
+ Distortion theorems for lemniscates and level loci of Green's functions 1966 Dorothy Browne Shaffer
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The geometry of the zeros of a polynomial in a complex variable 1950 I. M. Sheffer
+ PDF Chat On the location of the roots of certain types of polynomials 1922 J. L. Walsh
+ On the multivalence and order of starlikeness of a class of meromorphic functions 1974 Zalman Rubinstein
Dorothy Browne Shaffer
+ PDF Chat Some properties of self-inversive polynomials 1974 Patrick J. O’Hara
René Rodríguez
+ PDF Chat On the real parts of zeros of exponential polynomials 1964 Allan M. Krall
+ The Influence of Coefficients on the Zeros of Polynomials 1961 Q. I. Rahman
+ PDF Chat On the Nörlund summability of Fourier series 1963 B. N. Sahney
+ PDF Chat Maximal and minimal coverings of (<i>k</i>− 1)-tuples by<i>k</i>-tuples 1968 J. G. Kalbfleisch
R. G. Stanton
+ PDF Chat Ring-logics and residue class rings 1965 Adil Yaqub
+ PDF Chat Algebraic properties of the composition of solutions of partial differential equations 1963 Robert S. Lehman
+ PDF Chat Singularities of a harmonic function of three variables given by its series development 1963 Alvin White
+ PDF Chat An intrinsic characterization for PI flows 1980 Douglas G. McMahon
Louis J. Nachman
+ PDF Chat Proof of a conjecture of P. Erdös on the derivative of a polynomial 1944 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of convex combinations of polynomials 1980 Harriet Fell
+ On the Number of Solutions to Polynomial Systems of Equations 1980 C. B. Garcia
T. Y. Li
+ PDF Chat The convex hulls of the vertices of a polygon of order<i>n</i> 1971 Douglas Derry
+ PDF Chat Sur les Ă©quations fonctionnelles 1920 P. Fatou
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of S. Bernstei 1955 N. C. Ankeny
T. J. Rivlin
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ PDF Chat Quadratic forms and power series fields 1980 Lawrence Berman
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Non-linear differential equations on cones in Banach spaces 1965 Charles V. Coffman
+ PDF Chat On the univalency and multivalency of a class of meromorphic functions 1936 Unai Minami
+ Fourier Transformation and Linear Differential Equations 1977 Zofia Szmydt
+ PDF Chat A spectral theory for a class of linear operators 1963 G. K. Leaf
+ PDF Chat The convex hull of the finite Blaschke products 1968 Stephen D. Fisher
+ PDF Chat Functions which operate on characteristic functions 1965 Alan G. Konheim
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat The radius of convexity for starlike functions of order 1\over2 1963 Thomas H. MacGregor
+ PDF Chat On inequalities generalizing a Pythagorean functional equation and Jensen’s functional equation 1968 Hiroshi Haruki
+ PDF Chat Moore spaces and<i>w</i>Δ-spaces 1971 R. E. Hodel
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of R. J. Koch 1965 L. E. Ward
+ PDF Chat Some metrics on the subspaces of a Banach space 1963 Earl Berkson