Wansoo T. Rhee


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Disjoint random needles 2002 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Packing rectangles and intervals<sup>∗</sup> 2001 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ PDF Chat Order of decay of the wasted space for a stochastic packing problem 2000 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ The Random Weighted Interval Packing Problem: The Intermediate Density Case 2000 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Some exact rates for the random weighted interval packing problem 1999 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Some exact rates for the random weighted interval packing problem 1999 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ A note on packing random intervals with varying density 1999 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Tight bound of random interval packing 1998 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Tight bound of random interval packing 1998 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ PDF Chat Packing random intervals 1996 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ An algorithm for estimating the parameters in multiple linear regression model with linear constraints 1995 Hong Wang
Wansoo T. Rhee
+ PDF Chat On Rates of Convergence for Common Subsequences and First Passage Time 1995 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ On the fluctuations of simple matching 1994 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Boundary effects in the traveling salesperson problem 1994 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Inequalities for bin packing-III 1994 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ A Matching Problem and Subadditive Euclidean Functionals 1993 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Dual bin packing with items of random sizes 1993 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ On the long edges in the shortest tour throughN random points 1992 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Matching Random Subsets of the Cube with a Tight Control on One Coordinate 1992 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ On the Fluctuations of the Stochastic Traveling Salesperson Problem 1991 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Stochastic Analysis of the Quadratic Assignment Problem 1991 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ A concentration inequality for maximum matching size in random graphs<sup>1</sup> 1990 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ On the k-center problem with many centers 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ The Complete Convergence of First Fit Decreasing 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Optimal Bin Packing with Items of Random Sizes III 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ A Concentration Inequality for the <i>K</i>-Median Problem 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Martingale Inequalities, Interpolation and NP-Complete Problems 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat A Sharp Deviation Inequality for the Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Failure of random networks 1988 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ A note on asymptotic properties of the quadratic assignment problem 1988 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Minimization technique for a convex function with application to multiple regression model 1988 Wansoo T. Rhee
K. Anthony Rhee
+ PDF Chat On asymptotic normality for<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" alttext="$m$"><mml:mi>m</mml:mi></mml:math>-dependent<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" alttext="$U$"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi></mml:math>-statistics 1988 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Central limit theorem and increment conditions 1986 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ PDF Chat Uniform convexity and the distribution of the norm for a Gaussian measure 1986 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat On the characteristic function of a sum of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" alttext="$M$"><mml:mi>M</mml:mi></mml:math>-dependent random variables 1986 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ Martingale inequalities and the Jackknife estimate of variance 1986 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Bad Rates of Convergence for the Central Limit Theorem in Hilbert Space 1984 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ On the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem and the type of the Banach space 1984 Wansoo T. Rhee
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Michel Talagrand 14
Hong Wang 1
K. Anthony Rhee 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Packing random intervals 1995 E. G. Coffman
Bjorn Poonen
Peter Winkler
+ PDF Chat Packing random intervals 1996 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Complete Convergence of Short Paths and Karp's Algorithm for the TSP 1981 John Steele
+ PDF Chat Subadditive Euclidean Functionals and Nonlinear Growth in Geometric Probability 1981 John Steele
+ PDF Chat A Sharp Deviation Inequality for the Stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Berry-Esseen Estimates in Hilbert Space and an Application to the Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1974 J. Kuelbs
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Chebyshev and $l^1 $-Solutions of Linear Equations Using Least Squares Solutions 1968 C. S. Duris
V. P. Sreedharan
+ PDF Chat An Improved Algorithm for Discrete $l_1 $ Linear Approximation 1973 I. Barrodale
F. D. K. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Rates of Convergence of Means for Distance-Minimizing Subadditive Euclidean Functionals 1994 Kenneth S. Alexander
+ Martingale Inequalities, Interpolation and NP-Complete Problems 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic expansions for bivariate von Mises functionals 1979 F. G�tze
+ Optimal Bin Packing with Items of Random Sizes III 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat A Note on Some Rates of Convergence in First-Passage Percolation 1993 Kenneth S. Alexander
+ PDF Chat Packing random rectangles 2001 E. G. Coffman
George S. Lueker
Joel Spencer
Peter Winkler
+ PDF Chat An approximation of partial sums of independent RV'-s, and the sample DF. I 1975 J. Koml�s
Péter Major
G. Tusn�dy
+ PDF Chat An efficient method for the discrete linear 𝐿₁ approximation problem 1975 Nabih N. Abdelmalek
+ On the Rate of Convergence in the Central Limit Theorem in Certain Banach Spaces 1977 Vygantas Paulauskas
+ Tight bound of random interval packing 1998 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ An Efficient Algorithm for Discrete $l_1$ Linear Approximation with Linear Constraints 1978 I. Barrodale
F. D. K. Roberts
+ Packing rectangles and intervals<sup>∗</sup> 2001 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ PDF Chat Bad Rates of Convergence for the Central Limit Theorem in Hilbert Space 1984 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ A note on asymptotic properties of the quadratic assignment problem 1988 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ An Algorithm for a Restricted Discrete Approximation Problem in the $L_1 $ Norm 1977 Ronald D. Armstrong
John Hultz
+ Minimization Techniques for Piecewise Differentiable Functions: The $l_1$ Solution to an Overdetermined Linear System 1978 Richard H. Bartels
Andrew R. Conn
James W. Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Function minimization by conjugate gradients 1964 R. Fletcher
+ On $L_1 $ Approximation II: Computation for Discrete Functions and Discretization Effects 1967 Karl H. Usow
+ Probabilistic Analysis of Geometric Location Problems 1985 Eitan Zemel
+ PDF Chat Cube Versus Torus Models and the Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree Constant 1993 Patrick Jaillet
+ PDF Chat A Rapidly Convergent Descent Method for Minimization 1963 R. Fletcher
M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat Distribution Function Inequalities for Martingales 1973 D. L. Burkholder
+ A Matching Problem and Subadditive Euclidean Functionals 1993 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ PDF Chat Order of decay of the wasted space for a stochastic packing problem 2000 Wansoo T. Rhee
+ On the long edges in the shortest tour throughN random points 1992 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Rates of Convergence for Quasi-Additive Smooth Euclidean Functionals and Application to Combinatorial Optimization Problems 1992 Patrick Jaillet
+ PDF Chat On the Speed of Convergence in First-Passage Percolation 1993 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for empirical processes 1981 David Pollard
+ PDF Chat Some Limit Theorems for Empirical Processes 1984 Evarist Giné
Joel Zinn
+ On the value of a random minimum spanning tree problem 1985 Alan Frieze
+ On the k-center problem with many centers 1989 Wansoo T. Rhee
Michel Talagrand
+ Martingales with values in uniformly convex spaces 1975 Gilles Pisier
+ An Iterative Technique for Absolute Deviations Curve Fitting 1973 E. J. Schlossmacher
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 478: Solution of an Overdetermined System of Equations in the l1 Norm [F4] 1974 I. Barrodale
F. D. K. Roberts
+ PDF Chat The Berry-Esseen Theorem for $U$-Statistics 1978 Herman Callaert
Paul Janssen
+ PDF Chat An approximation of partial sums of independent RV's, and the sample DF. II 1976 J. Koml�s
Péter Major
G. Tusn�dy
+ The Sizes of Compact Subsets of Hilbert Space and Continuity of Gaussian Processes 2010 R. M. Dudley
+ PDF Chat Rate of convergence for the Euclidean minimum spanning tree limit law 1993 Patrick Jaillet
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on set theory. IX. Combinatorial problems in measure theory and set theory. 1964 P. Erdős
A. Hajnal
+ The Number of Circles Covering a Set 1939 Richard Kershner
+ Classical Banach Spaces II 1979 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ Introdction to Measure and Probability 1966 J. F. C. Kingmán
S. J. Taylor