Ivan Lyubimov


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Analytical Soft-Core Potentials for Macromolecular Fluids and Mixtures 2004 Galina Yatsenko
E. J. Sambriski
Maria Nemirovskaya
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Multiscale Modeling of Coarse-Grained Macromolecular Liquids 2009 J. McCarty
Ivan Lyubimov
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Relating monomer to centre-of-mass distribution functions in polymer solutions 2002 V. Krakoviack
J. P. Hansen
Ard A. Louis
+ PDF Chat Cooperative Dynamics in Unentangled Polymer Fluids 2001 Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Perspective: The glass transition 2013 Giulio Biroli
Juan P. Garrahan
+ PDF Chat First-principle approach to rescale the dynamics of simulated coarse-grained macromolecular liquids 2011 Ivan Lyubimov
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Preparation and Relaxation of Very Stable Glassy States of a Simulated Liquid 2011 Robert L. Jack
Lester O. Hedges
Juan P. Garrahan
David Chandler
+ PDF Chat Effective Soft-Core Potentials and Mesoscopic Simulations of Binary Polymer Mixtures 2010 J. McCarty
Ivan Lyubimov
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Systematic time-scale-bridging molecular dynamics applied to flowing polymer melts 2009 Patrick Ilg
Hans Christian Öttinger
Martin Kröger
+ PDF Chat Theoretical coarse-graining approach to bridge length scales in diblock copolymer liquids 2007 E. J. Sambriski
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Enthalpy and high temperature relaxation kinetics of stable vapor-deposited glasses of toluene 2014 Deepanjan Bhattacharya
Vlad Sadtchenko
+ Glass transitions in one-, two-, three-, and four-dimensional binary Lennard-Jones systems 2008 Ralf Brüning
Denis A. St-Onge
Steve Patterson
Walter Kob
+ Theoretical perspective on the glass transition and amorphous materials 2011 Ludovic Berthier
Giulio Biroli
+ PDF Chat Can Polymer Coils Be Modeled as “Soft Colloids”? 2000 Ard A. Louis
Peter G. Bolhuis
J. P. Hansen
Evert Jan Meijer
+ Age and structure of a model vapour-deposited glass 2016 Daniel Reid
Ivan Lyubimov
M. D. Ediger
Juan Pablo
+ PDF Chat Coarse-grained description of polymer blends as interacting soft-colloidal particles 2005 Galina Yatsenko
E. J. Sambriski
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Intermolecular Effects in the Center-of-Mass Dynamics of Unentangled Polymer Fluids 2002 Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Model vapor-deposited glasses: Growth front and composition effects 2013 Ivan Lyubimov
M. D. Ediger
Juan Pablo
+ PDF Chat Accurate effective pair potentials for polymer solutions 2001 Peter G. Bolhuis
Ard A. Louis
J. P. Hansen
Evert Jan Meijer
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic Consistency in Variable-Level Coarse Graining of Polymeric Liquids 2012 Abe Clark
J. McCarty
Ivan Lyubimov
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Why polymer chains in a melt are not random walks 2007 J. P. Wittmer
P. Beckrich
A. Johner
A. N. Semenov
Sergei Obukhov
H. Meyer
J. Baschnagel
+ PDF Chat Analytical rescaling of polymer dynamics from mesoscale simulations 2010 Ivan Lyubimov
J. McCarty
Abram H. Clark
Marina Guenza
+ Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Soft Matter Systems 2009 Burkhard Dünweg
Anthony J. C. Ladd
+ PDF Chat What is the entanglement length in a polymer melt? 2000 M. Pütz
Kurt Kremer
Gary S. Grest
+ PDF Chat Glass Transitions in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Suspensions of Colloidal Ellipsoids 2011 Zhongyu Zheng
Feng Wang
Yilong Han
+ PDF Chat Intramolecular long-range correlations in polymer melts: The segmental size distribution and its moments 2007 Joachim Wittmer
P. Beckrich
H. Meyer
A. Cavallo
A. Johner
J. Baschnagel
+ PDF Chat Testing mode-coupling theory for a supercooled binary Lennard-Jones mixture I: The van Hove correlation function 1995 Walter Kob
Hans Christian Andersen
+ PDF Chat Systematic coarse-graining of the dynamics of entangled polymer melts: the road from chemistry to rheology 2011 Johan T. Padding
W. J. Briels
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic facilitation of glassy relaxation kinetics: Ultrastable glass films with frontlike thermal response 2010 Sébastien Léonard
Peter Harrowell
+ PDF Chat An Integral Equation Approach to Effective Interactions between Polymers in Solution 2004 V. Krakoviack
Benjamin Rotenberg
J. P. Hansen
+ PDF Chat Influence of solvent quality on effective pair potentials between polymers in solution 2003 V. Krakoviack
J. P. Hansen
Ard A. Louis
+ PDF Chat Spatiotemporal structures in aging and rejuvenating glasses 2009 Wolynes Peter G.
+ PDF Chat Scaling Behavior in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>β</mml:mi></mml:math>-Relaxation Regime of a Supercooled Lennard-Jones Mixture 1994 Walter Kob
Hans Christian Andersen
+ PDF Chat Multiscale modeling of binary polymer mixtures: Scale bridging in the athermal and thermal regime 2010 J. McCarty
Marina Guenza
+ PDF Chat Intramolecular Form Factor in Dense Polymer Systems: Systematic Deviations from the Debye Formula 2007 P. Beckrich
A. Johner
A. N. Semenov
Sergei Obukhov
H. Benoît
J. P. Wittmer
+ PDF Chat Fluctuating mobility generation and transport in glasses 2013 Apiwat Wisitsorasak
Peter G. Wolynes
+ PDF Chat Static Rouse modes and related quantities: Corrections to chain ideality in polymer melts 2008 H. Meyer
J. P. Wittmer
T. Kreer
P. Beckrich
A. Johner
Jean Farago
J. Baschnagel
+ PDF Chat Quasiclassical coarse graining and thermodynamic entropy 2007 Murray Gell‐Mann
James B. Hartle
+ PDF Chat Stress Relaxation in Entangled Polymer Melts 2010 Ji-Xuan Hou
Carsten Svaneborg
Ralf Everaers
Gary S. Grest
+ PDF Chat Structural and conformational dynamics of supercooled polymer melts: Insights from first-principles theory and simulations 2007 Song-Ho Chong
Martin Aichele
H. Meyer
Matthias Fuchs
J. Baschnagel
+ Obstructions to Shadowing When a Lyapunov Exponent Fluctuates about Zero 1994 Silvina Ponce Dawson
Celso Grebogi
Timothy Sauer
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium ultrastable glasses produced by random pinning 2014 Glen M. Hocky
Ludovic Berthier
David R. Reichman
+ PDF Chat Stringlike Cooperative Motion in a Supercooled Liquid 1998 Claudio Donati
Jack F. Douglas
Walter Kob
Steven J. Plimpton
Peter H. Poole
Sharon C. Glotzer