A. Megrant


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Measurement of energy decay in superconducting qubits from nonequilibrium quasiparticles 2011 M. Lenander
H. Wang
Radoslaw C. Bialczak
Erik Lucero
M. Mariantoni
M. Neeley
A. D. O’Connell
D. Sank
Martin Weides
J. Wenner
+ PDF Chat Exact Parent Hamiltonian for the Quantum Hall States in a Lattice 2010 Eliot Kapit
Erich J. Mueller
+ PDF Chat Observation of chiral currents with ultracold atoms in bosonic ladders 2014 Marcos Atala
Monika Aidelsburger
Michael Lohse
Julio T. Barreiro
Belén Paredes
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Chiral ladders and the edges of quantum Hall insulators 2014 Dario HĂĽgel
Belén Paredes
+ PDF Chat Chiral quantum walks 2016 Dawei Lu
Jacob Biamonte
Jun Li
Hang Li
T. H. Johnson
Ville Bergholm
Mauro Faccin
Zoltán Zimborás
Raymond Laflamme
Jonathan Baugh
+ PDF Chat Time-reversal-symmetry breaking in circuit-QED-based photon lattices 2010 Jens Koch
Andrew Houck
Karyn Le Hur
S. M. Girvin
+ PDF Chat Thermal and Residual Excited-State Population in a 3D Transmon Qubit 2015 Xueying Jin
Archana Kamal
Adam Sears
Theodore Gudmundsen
David Hover
Jovi Miloshi
R. Slattery
Fei Yan
Jonilyn Yoder
Terry P. Orlando
+ PDF Chat Crossover from bulk to few-electron limit in ultrasmall metallic grains 2000 J. Dukelsky
Germán Sierra
+ PDF Chat Charge-insensitive qubit design derived from the Cooper pair box 2007 Jens Koch
Terri M. Yu
Jay Gambetta
Andrew Houck
David Schuster
Johannes Majer
Alexandre Blais
Michel Devoret
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Hall effects of light and chiral edge modes on the Kagomé lattice 2012 Alexandru Petrescu
Andrew Houck
Karyn Le Hur
+ PDF Chat Signatures of the superfluid-insulator phase transition in laser-driven dissipative nonlinear cavity arrays 2010 Andrea Tomadin
Vittorio Giovannetti
Rosario Fazio
Dario Gerace
Iacopo Carusotto
Hakan E. TĂĽreci
Ataç İmamoğlu
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic Resonant Tunneling in the Presence of Low Frequency Noise 2008 M. H. S. Amin
D. V. Averin
+ PDF Chat Fractional Quantum Hall Physics in Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Lattices 2012 A. L. C. Hayward
A. Martin
Andrew D. Greentree
+ Convergence of the conjugate gradient method with computationally convenient modifications 1967 James W. Daniel
+ PDF Chat Photon Solid Phases in Driven Arrays of Nonlinearly Coupled Cavities 2013 Jiasen Jin
Davide Rossini
Rosario Fazio
Martin Leib
Michael J. Hartmann
+ PDF Chat Photonic Floquet topological insulators 2013 Mikael C. Rechtsman
Julia M. Zeuner
Yonatan Plotnik
Yaakov Lumer
Daniel K. Podolsky
Felix Dreisow
Stefan Nolte
Mordechai Segev
Alexander Szameit
+ PDF Chat Magnetism in SQUIDs at Millikelvin Temperatures 2008 S. Sendelbach
David Hover
A. Kittel
Michael MĂĽck
John M. Martinis
R. McDermott
+ PDF Chat Probing Noise in Flux Qubits via Macroscopic Resonant Tunneling 2008 R. Harris
Mark W. Johnson
Siyuan Han
A. J. Berkley
J. Johansson
P. Bunyk
E. Ladizinsky
S. A. Govorkov
M. C. Thom
S. Uchaikin
+ PDF Chat Noise spectroscopy through dynamical decoupling with a superconducting flux qubit 2011 Jonas Bylander
Simon Gustavsson
Fei Yan
Fumiki Yoshihara
K. Harrabi
George Fitch
David G. Cory
Yasunobu Nakamura
Jaw Shen Tsai
William D. Oliver
+ PDF Chat Relaxation and frequency shifts induced by quasiparticles in superconducting qubits 2011 Gianluigi Catelani
R. J. Schoelkopf
Michel Devoret
L. I. Glazman
+ PDF Chat Coherent Josephson Qubit Suitable for Scalable Quantum Integrated Circuits 2013 R. Barends
J. Kelly
A. Megrant
D. Sank
E. Jeffrey
Y. Chen
Yi Yin
B. Chiaro
J. Mutus
C. Neill
+ PDF Chat Imaging topological edge states in silicon photonics 2013 Mohammad Hafezi
Sunil Mittal
Jingyun Fan
Alan L. Migdall
Jacob M. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Decoherence of Flux Qubits due to<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:math>Flux Noise 2006 Fumiki Yoshihara
K. Harrabi
A. O. Niskanen
Yasunobu Nakamura
Jaw-Shen Tsai
+ PDF Chat Evidence for temperature-dependent spin diffusion as a mechanism of intrinsic flux noise in SQUIDs 2014 T. Lanting
M. H. S. Amin
A. J. Berkley
Chris Rich
Shutao Chen
S. LaForest
Rogério de Sousa
+ PDF Chat Analogs of quantum-Hall-effect edge states in photonic crystals 2008 S. Raghu
F. D. M. Haldane
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian Gauge Fields and Topological Insulators in Shaken Optical Lattices 2012 Philipp Hauke
O. Tieleman
Alessio Celi
C. Ölschläger
Juliette Simonet
Julian Struck
Malte Weinberg
Patrick Windpassinger
K. Sengstock
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Quantum Noise in the Josephson Charge Qubit 2004 O. Astafiev
Yu. A. Pashkin
Yasunobu Nakamura
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
J. S. Tsai
+ PDF Chat Function minimization by conjugate gradients 1964 R. Fletcher
+ PDF Chat Qubit Architecture with High Coherence and Fast Tunable Coupling 2014 Yu Chen
C. Neill
P. Roushan
Nelson L. C. Leung
M.T.C. Fang
R. Barends
J. Kelly
B. Campbell
Z. Chen
B. Chiaro
+ PDF Chat Microscopic Origin of Low-Frequency Flux Noise in Josephson Circuits 2008 Lara Faoro
L. B. Ioffe
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions 2014 Gregor Jotzu
Michael Messer
RĂ©mi Desbuquois
Martin Lebrat
Thomas Uehlinger
Daniel Greif
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Abelian and Non-Abelian Statistics in the Coherent State Representation 2011 John Flavin
Alexander Seidel
+ PDF Chat Engineering three-body interaction and Pfaffian states in circuit QED systems 2014 Mohammad Hafezi
Prabin Adhikari
Jacob M. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Surface codes: Towards practical large-scale quantum computation 2012 Austin G. Fowler
M. Mariantoni
John M. Martinis
A. N. Cleland
+ PDF Chat Measurement-Induced Qubit State Mixing in Circuit QED from Up-Converted Dephasing Noise 2012 D. H. Slichter
R. Vijay
Steven Weber
Samuel Boutin
Maxime Boissonneault
Jay Gambetta
Alexandre Blais
Irfan Siddiqi
+ PDF Chat Parity-Affected Superconductivity in Ultrasmall Metallic Grains 1996 Jan von Delft
Andrei D. Zaikin
Dmitry S. Golubev
Wolfgang Tichy
+ PDF Chat Synthetic magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms 2009 Yu-Ju Lin
R. L. Compton
Karina Jiménez-García
J. V. Porto
I. B. Spielman
+ PDF Chat Single-site-resolved measurement of the current statistics in optical lattices 2014 Stefan KeĂźler
Florian Marquardt
+ PDF Chat Photonic topological insulators 2012 Alexander B. Khanikaev
S. Hossein Mousavi
Wang-Kong Tse
Mehdi Kargarian
A. H. MacDonald
Gennady Shvets
+ PDF Chat Excitation of Superconducting Qubits from Hot Nonequilibrium Quasiparticles 2013 J. Wenner
Yi Yin
Erik Lucero
R. Barends
Yu Chen
B. Chiaro
J. Kelly
M. Lenander
M. Mariantoni
A. Megrant
+ PDF Chat Realization of the Hofstadter Hamiltonian with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices 2013 Monika Aidelsburger
M. Atala
Michael Lohse
Julio T. Barreiro
B. Paredes
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Fractional Quantum Hall State in Coupled Cavities 2008 Jaeyoon Cho
Dimitris G. Angelakis
Sougato Bose
+ PDF Chat Geometrical dependence of the low-frequency noise in superconducting flux qubits 2009 T. Lanting
A. J. Berkley
Bruce Bumble
P. Bunyk
A. Fung
Jonas Johansson
Anupama B. Kaul
A. W. Kleinsasser
E. Ladizinsky
F. Maibaum
+ PDF Chat Measurement and control of quasiparticle dynamics in a superconducting qubit 2014 Chen Wang
Yvonne Y. Gao
Ioan M. Pop
U. Vool
Christopher Axline
T. Brecht
Reinier Heeres
Luigi Frunzio
Michel Devoret
Gianluigi Catelani
+ PDF Chat Rotating-frame relaxation as a noise spectrum analyser of a superconducting qubit undergoing driven evolution 2013 Fei Yan
Simon Gustavsson
Jonas Bylander
Xiaoyue Jin
Fumiki Yoshihara
David G. Cory
Yasunobu Nakamura
Terry P. Orlando
William D. Oliver
+ PDF Chat Probing high-frequency noise with macroscopic resonant tunneling 2011 T. Lanting
M. H. S. Amin
Mark W. Johnson
Fabio Altomare
A. J. Berkley
S. Gildert
R. Harris
Jonas Johansson
P. Bunyk
E. Ladizinsky
+ PDF Chat Detection of Quantum Noise from an Electrically Driven Two-Level System 2003 R. Deblock
E. Onac
Leonid Gurevich
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Non-Poissonian Quantum Jumps of a Fluxonium Qubit due to Quasiparticle Excitations 2014 U. Vool
Ioan M. Pop
Katrina Sliwa
Baleegh Abdo
Chen Wang
T. Brecht
Yvonne Y. Gao
Shyam Shankar
Michael Hatridge
Gianluigi Catelani
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Polynomial-Time Simulation of Pairing Models on a Quantum Computer” 2003 J. Dukelsky
José María Satué San Román
Germán Sierra
+ PDF Chat Universal two-qubit interactions, measurement, and cooling for quantum simulation and computing 2015 Eliot Kapit