Shirali Kadyrov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Modeling tuberculosis transmission dynamics in Kazakhstan using SARIMA and SIR models 2024 Aigerim Kalizhanova
Sauran Yerdessov
Yesbolat Sakko
Aigul Tursynbayeva
Shirali Kadyrov
Abduzhappar Gaipov
Ardak Kashkynbayev
+ PDF Chat Semi-Regular Continued Fractions with Fast-Growing Partial Quotients 2024 Shirali Kadyrov
Aiken Kazin
Farukh Mashurov
+ Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Parameter Estimation and Global Stability in Fuzzy Epidemic Modeling 2024 Shirali Kadyrov
Yerimbet Aitzhanov
Nurdaulet Shynarbek
+ Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and the impact of vaccination strategies 2024 Diana Bolatova
Shirali Kadyrov
Ardak Kashkynbayev
+ PDF Chat Time series analysis on tuberculosis cases in Kazakhstan from 2014 to 2025 2023 Sauran Yerdessov
Iliyar Arupzhanov
Temirgali Aimyshev
Zhalaliddin Makhammajanov
Shirali Kadyrov
Ardak Kashkynbayev
Abduzhappar Gaipov
+ Attitudes Toward Vaccination and Its Impact on Economy 2022 Hayot Berk Saydaliev
Shirali Kadyrov
Lee Chin
+ PDF Chat Purely Data-driven Exploration of COVID-19 Pandemic After Three Months of the Outbreak 2021 Shirali Kadyrov
Alibek Orynbassar
Hayot Berk Saydaliev
+ PDF Chat Periodic solutions and the avoidance of pull‐in instability in nonautonomous microelectromechanical systems 2021 Shirali Kadyrov
Ardak Kashkynbayev
Piotr Skrzypacz
Konstantinos Kaloudis
Anastassios Bountis
+ Generalized continued fraction expansions for <i>π</i> and <i>e</i> 2021 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ PDF Chat Unified computational approach to nilpotent algebra classification problems 2021 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ On the solutions of second order difference equations with variable coefficients 2021 Shirali Kadyrov
Alibek Orynbassar
+ On the solutions of second order difference equations with variable coefficients 2021 Shirali Kadyrov
Alibek Orynbassar
+ Periodic solutions and the avoidance of pull--in instability in non--autonomous micro--electro--mechanical systems 2020 Shirali Kadyrov
Ardak Kashkynbayev
Piotr Skrzypacz
Konstantinos Kaloudis
Anastasios Bountis
+ PDF Chat Factors Affecting Mathematics Achievement In Central Asian Specialized Universities 2020 Yershat Sapazhanov
Alibek Orynbassar
Shirali Kadyrov
Bakhyt Sydykhov
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Modelling the Impact Evaluation of Lockdown on Infection Dynamics of COVID-19 in Italy 2020 Shirali Kadyrov
Alibek Orynbassar
D. Yergesh
+ PDF Chat Purely data-driven exploration of COVID-19 pandemic after three months of the outbreak 2020 Shirali Kadyrov
Hayot Berk Saydaliev
+ Unified computational approach to nilpotent algebra classification problems 2020 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ Unified computational approach to nilpotent algebra classification problems 2020 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ Generalized continued fraction expansions for $\pi$ and $e$ 2019 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ Generalized Continued Fraction 2019 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ Weakly divergent partial quotients 2019 D. Dyussekenov
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Generalized continued fraction expansions for $π$ and $e$ 2019 Shirali Kadyrov
Farukh Mashurov
+ PDF Chat Analysis of dynamic pull-in voltage of a graphene MEMS model 2018 Piotr Skrzypacz
Shirali Kadyrov
Daulet Nurakhmetov
Dongming Wei
+ PDF Chat A simple analysis of flying capacitor converter 2018 Shirali Kadyrov
Piotr Skrzypacz
Yakov L. Familiant
+ Polynomial Estimates over Exponential Curves in $$\mathbb C^2$$C2 2018 Shirali Kadyrov
Yershat Sapazhanov
+ Analysis of Dynamic Pull-in Voltage of a Graphene MEMS Model 2018 Piotr Skrzypacz
Shirali Kadyrov
Daulet Nurakhmetov
Dongming Wei
+ A simple analysis of flying capacitor converter 2018 Shirali Kadyrov
Piotr Skrzypacz
Yakov L. Familiant
+ Polynomial estimates over exponential curves in $\mathbb C^2$ 2018 Shirali Kadyrov
Yershat Sapazhanov
+ PDF Chat Singular systems of linear forms and non-escape of mass in the space of lattices 2017 Shirali Kadyrov
Dmitry Kleinbock
Elon Lindenstrauss
G. A. Margulis
+ PDF Chat Effective equidistribution of periodic orbits for subshifts of finite type 2017 Shirali Kadyrov
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximation with restricted numerators and denominators on semisimple groups 2017 Alexander Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Effective equidistribution of periodic orbits for subshifts of finite type 2016 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Effective equidistribution of periodic orbits for subshifts of finite type 2016 Shirali Kadyrov
+ PDF Chat Bernstein–Walsh Inequalities in Higher Dimensions over Exponential Curves 2015 Shirali Kadyrov
Mark G. Lawrence
+ PDF Chat Amount of failure of upper-semicontinuity of entropy in non-compact rank-one situations, and Hausdorff dimension 2015 Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ PDF Chat Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations 2015 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ PDF Chat Exceptional sets in homogeneous spaces and Hausdorff dimension 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Bernstein-Walsh inequalities in higher dimensions over exponential curves 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
Mark G. Lawrence
+ Exceptional sets in homogeneous spaces and Hausdorff dimension 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ PDF Chat Effective uniqueness of Parry measure and exceptional sets in ergodic theory 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Effective uniqueness of Parry measure and exceptional sets in ergodic theory 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Entropy in the cusp and singular systems of linear forms 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
Dmitry Kleinbock
Elon Lindenstrauss
G. A. Margulis
+ Exceptional sets in homogeneous spaces and Hausdorff dimension 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Bernstein-Walsh inequalities in higher dimensions over exponential curves 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
Mark Lawrence
+ Effective uniqueness of Parry measure and exceptional sets in ergodic theory 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Singular systems of linear forms and non-escape of mass in the space of lattices 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
Dmitry Kleinbock
Elon Lindenstrauss
G. A. Margulis
+ Amount of failure of upper-semicontinuity of entropy in noncompact rank one situations, and Hausdorff dimension 2012 Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ PDF Chat Algebraic numbers, hyperbolicity, and density modulo one 2012 Alex Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Diophantine approximation with restricted numerators and denominators on semisimple groups 2012 Alexander Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Algebraic Numbers, Hyperbolicity, and Density Modulo One 2012 Alexander Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Entropy and Escape of Mass for Hilbert Modular Spaces 2012 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Amount of failure of upper-semicontinuity of entropy in noncompact rank one situations, and Hausdorff dimension 2012 Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ Diophantine approximation with restricted numerators and denominators on semisimple groups 2012 Alexander Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ PDF Chat Entropy and escape of mass for SL3(â„€)\ SL3(ℝ) 2011 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations 2011 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ Algebraic Numbers, Hyperbolicity, and Density Modulo One 2011 Alexander Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ PDF Chat Positive entropy invariant measures on the space of lattices with escape of mass 2011 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Entropy and Escape of Mass for Hilbert Modular Spaces 2011 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Algebraic Numbers, Hyperbolicity, and Density Modulo One 2011 Alexander Gorodnik
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations 2011 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ Positive Entropy Invariant Measures on the Space of Lattices with Escape of Mass 2009 Shirali Kadyrov
+ A Construction of Invariant Measures on the Space of Lattices 2009 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Entropy and escape of mass for $SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)$ 2009 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Entropy and escape of mass for $SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)$ 2009 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
+ Positive Entropy Invariant Measures on the Space of Lattices with Escape of Mass 2009 Shirali Kadyrov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory 2011 Manfred Einsiedler
Thomas Ward
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1981 Peter Walters
+ Entropy and Escape of Mass for Hilbert Modular Spaces 2012 Shirali Kadyrov
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension of the set of singular pairs 2011 Yitwah Cheung
+ Riemannian geometry 1996 Takashi Sakai
+ PDF Chat Entropy and escape of mass for SL3(â„€)\ SL3(ℝ) 2011 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
+ The Hausdorff dimension of the set of points with nondense orbit under a hyperbolic dynamical system 1991 Mariusz UrbaƄski
+ Construction of Markov partitions 1969 Ya. G. SinaÄ­
Pedro J. Torres
+ PDF Chat Bernstein–Walsh inequalities and the exponential curve in $\mathbb {C}^2$ 2002 Dan Coman
Evgeny A. Poletsky
+ PDF Chat Rare Events, Escape Rates and Quasistationarity: Some Exact Formulae 2009 Gerhard Keller
Carlangelo Liverani
+ Zeta functions and the periodic orbit structure of hyperbolic dynamics 1990 William Parry
Mark Pollicott
+ Amount of failure of upper-semicontinuity of entropy in noncompact rank one situations, and Hausdorff dimension 2012 Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ An approach to symmetric spaces of rank one via groups of Heisenberg type 1998 Michael Cowling
A. H. Dooley
Adam KorĂĄnyi
Fulvio Ricci
+ PDF Chat Escape rates for Gibbs measures 2011 Andrew Ferguson
Mark Pollicott
+ H-type groups and Iwasawa decompositions 1991 Michael Cowling
A. H. Dooley
Adam KorĂĄnyi
Fulvio Ricci
+ Entropy and escape of mass for $SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)$ 2009 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
+ On the dynamic pull-in instability in a mass-spring model of electrostatically actuated MEMS devices 2016 Gilberto Flores
+ Fundamental Domains for Lattices in (R-)rank 1 Semisimple Lie Groups 1970 Howard Garland
M. S. Raghunathan
+ PDF Chat Polynomial estimates, exponential curves and diophantine approximation 2010 Dan Coman
Evgeny A. Poletsky
+ PDF Chat Effective uniqueness of Parry measure and exceptional sets in ergodic theory 2014 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Invariant measures for actions of unipotent groups over local fields on homogeneous spaces 1994 G. A. Margulis
Georges Tomanov
+ PDF Chat Ford fundamental domains in symmetric spaces of rank one 2010 Anke Pohl
+ PDF Chat The distribution of closed geodesics on the modular surface, and Duke's theorem 2012 Manfred Einsiedler
Elon Lindenstrauss
Philippe Michel
Akshay Venkatesh
+ PDF Chat Positive entropy invariant measures on the space of lattices with escape of mass 2011 Shirali Kadyrov
+ Continued fraction Cantor sets, Hausdorff dimension, and functional analysis 1992 Doug Hensley
+ PDF Chat Quantitative recurrence and large deviations for TeichmĂŒller geodesic flow 2007 Jayadev S. Athreya
+ An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 1982 Peter Walters
+ Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven analysis in the early phase of the outbreak 2020 Shi Zhao
Qianyin Lin
Jinjun Ran
Salihu S. Musa
Guangpu Yang
Weiming Wang
Yijun Lou
Daozhou Gao
Lin Yang
Daihai He
+ PDF Chat Counting closed geodesics in moduli space 2011 Alex Eskin
Maryam Mirzakhani
+ PDF Chat The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus 2020 Ying Liu
Alberto Alexander Gayle
Annelies Wilder‐Smith
Joacim Rocklöv
+ On local entropy 1983 Michael Brin
A. Katok
+ PDF Chat Amount of failure of upper-semicontinuity of entropy in non-compact rank-one situations, and Hausdorff dimension 2015 Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ Estimation of the time-varying reproduction number of COVID-19 outbreak in China 2020 Chong You
Yuhao Deng
Wenjie Hu
Jiarui Sun
Qiushi Lin
Feng Zhou
Cheng Heng Pang
Yuan Zhang
Zhengchao Chen
Xiao‐Hua Zhou
+ A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics 1927 W. O. Kermack
A. G. McKendrick
+ On Polynomial Inequalities on Exponential Curves in ℂ n 2009 Len Bos
Alexander Brudnyi
N. Levenberg
+ PDF Chat The Ramanujan Machine: Automatically Generated Conjectures on Fundamental Constants 2019 Gal Raayoni
George Pisha
Yahel Manor
Uri Mendlovic
Doron Haviv
Yaron Hadad
Ido Kaminer
+ PDF Chat Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations 2015 Manfred Einsiedler
Shirali Kadyrov
Anke Pohl
+ PDF Chat Flows on Homogeneous Spaces and Diophantine Approximation on Manifolds 1998 Dmitry Kleinbock
G. A. Margulis
+ Upper Bounds and Asymptotics in a Quantitative Version of the Oppenheim Conjecture 1998 Alex Eskin
G. A. Margulis
Shahar Mozes
+ Distribution of closed orbits for linear automorphisms of tori 1995 Mirko Degli Esposti
Stefano Isola
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ Diophantine approximation and a lower bound for Hausdorff dimension 1990 M. M. Dodson
Bryan P. Rynne
James Vickers
+ The ergodic theory of lattice subgroups 2006 Alexander Gorodnik
Amos Nevo
+ Divergent trajectories of flows on homogeneous spaces and Diophantine approximation. 1985 S. G. Dani
+ PDF Chat Bernstein–Walsh Inequalities in Higher Dimensions over Exponential Curves 2015 Shirali Kadyrov
Mark G. Lawrence
+ Algebraic numbers and density modulo 1 2007 Roman Urban
+ PDF Chat Bounded orbits of nonquasiunipotent flows on homogeneous spaces 1995 Dmitry Kleinbock
Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ PDF Chat Prime and almost prime integral points on principal homogeneous spaces 2010 Amos Nevo
Peter Sarnak