Zbigniew Pałka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Similarity of Charts in Graphical Statistics. Cartograms, Choropleth Maps and Radar Charts 2023 Krzysztof Górnisiewicz
Zbigniew Pałka
Waldemar Ratajczak
+ Community Food Webs: Data and Theory 2011 Joel E. Cohen
Frédéric Briand
Charles M. Newman
Zbigniew Pałka
+ PDF Chat In-degree sequence in a general model of a random digraph 2006 Zbigniew Pałka
Monika Sperling
+ Remarks on a general model of a random digraph. 2002 Jerzy Jaworski
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Subgraphs of Random Match-Graphs 2001 Jerzy Jaworski
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Match-Gaphs of Random Digraphs 1999 Jerzy Jaworski
Zbigniew Pałka
+ The strong edge colorings of a sparse random graph 1998 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the clique number of a random overlap graph 1994 Tomasz Łuczak
Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the clique number of a random overlap graph 1994 Tomasz Łuczak
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Orders of Induced Subgraphs in Sparse Random Graphs 1989 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Maximal induced trees in sparse random graphs 1988 Tomasz Łuczak
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Maximal Induced Trees in Sparse Random Graphs 1988 Tomasz Łuczak
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Extreme degrees in random graphs 1987 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Preface 1987 Michał Karoński
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Random graphs '85 : based on lectures presented at the 2nd International Seminar on Random Graphs and Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics, August 5-9, 1985 1987 Michał Karoński
Zbigniew Pałka
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Instytut Matematyczny
+ Rulers and slaves in a random social group 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the order of the largest induced tree in a random graph 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
Andrzej Ruciński
+ On a method for random graphs 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
Andrzej Ruciński
Joel Spencer
+ Some remarks about extreme degrees in a random graph 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Bipartite Complete Induced Subgraphs of a Random Graph 1985 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Extreme degrees in random subgraphs of regular graphs 1985 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the degrees of vertices in A bichromatic random graph 1984 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the number of vertices of given degree in a random graph 1984 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Addendum to “trees in random graphs” 1984 Péter L. Erdős
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Random subgraphs of the n-cycle 1984 Zbigniew Pałka
Louis V. Quintas
+ Trees in random graphs 1983 P. Erdős
Zbigniew Pałka
+ The distribution of degrees in random graphs 1983 Zbigniew Pałka
+ PDF Chat Isolated trees in a random graph 1982 Zbigniew Pałka
+ PDF Chat On pendant vertices in random graphs 1981 Zbigniew Pałka
+ PDF Chat On Marczewski-Steinhaus type distance between hypergraphs 1977 M. Karoński
Zbigniew Pałka
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Vertices of given degree in a random graph 1982 Béla Bollobás
+ On the strength of connectedness of a random graph 1964 P. Erdős
A. Rényi
+ Trees in random graphs 1983 P. Erdős
Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the number of vertices of given degree in a random graph 1984 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the Asymptotic Behavior of Degrees of Vertices in a Random Graph 1973 G. I. Ivchenko
+ Addendum to “trees in random graphs” 1984 Péter L. Erdős
Zbigniew Pałka
+ Degree sequences of random graphs 1981 Béla Bollobás
+ On colouring random graphs 1975 Geoffrey Grimmett
Colin McDiarmid
+ Cliques in random graphs 1976 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
+ Some remarks about extreme degrees in a random graph 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the degrees of vertices in A bichromatic random graph 1984 Zbigniew Pałka
+ A review of random graphs 1982 Michał Karoński
+ Induced trees in sparse random graphs 1986 W. Fernandez de la Véga
+ Extreme degrees in random graphs 1987 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Large holes in sparse random graphs 1987 Alan Frieze
Bill Jackson
+ On the order of the largest induced tree in a random graph 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
Andrzej Ruciński
+ The distribution of the maximum degree of a random graph 1980 Béla Bollobás
+ Induced Subgraphs in a Random Graph 1987 Andrzej Ruciński
+ Large induced trees in sparse random graphs 1987 Alan Frieze
Bill Jackson
+ A Course in Probability Theory 1974 Kai Lai Chung
+ PDF Chat On pendant vertices in random graphs 1981 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Extreme degrees in random subgraphs of regular graphs 1985 Zbigniew Pałka
+ On the evolution of random graphs 2011 Paul Erdős
A. Rényi
+ On the independence number of random graphs 1990 Alan Frieze
+ On a method for random graphs 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
Andrzej Ruciński
Joel Spencer
+ Large cycles in large labelled graphs 1975 E. M. Wright
+ On random graphs. I. 2022 P. Erdős
A. Rényi
+ On a Random Digraph 1987 Jerzy Jaworski
Ipe H. Smit
+ Independent sets in random sparse graphs 1984 Pedro Gazmuri
+ PDF Chat Poisson convergence and random graphs 1982 A. D. Barbour
+ Large cycles in large labelled graphs. II 1977 E. M. Wright
+ Threshold functions for small subgraphs 1981 Béla Bollobás
+ Remarks on a general model of a random digraph. 2002 Jerzy Jaworski
Zbigniew Pałka
+ An Introduction to Probability and its Applications 1958 Newton E. Morton
+ Random Graphs of Small Order 1985 Béla Bollobás
Andrew Thomason
+ Bipartite Complete Induced Subgraphs of a Random Graph 1985 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Unsolved Problems in the Theory of Random Graphs 1987 Edgar M. Palmer
+ Sharp concentration of the chromatic number on random graphsG n, p 1987 Eli Shamir
Joel Spencer
+ Hamiltonian circuits in random graphs 1976 L. Pósa
+ PDF Chat Counting Coloured Graphs of High Connectivity 1981 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat The chromatic number of random graphs 1991 Tomasz Łuczak
+ Statistical Cartography in the United States Prior to 1870 and the Role of Joseph C. G. Kennedy and the U.S. Census Office 1974 Herman R. Friis
+ Limit theorems for complete subgraphs of random graphs 1979 Klaus Schürger
+ Random graphs of binomial type with sparsely-edged initial graphs 1986 Andrzej Ruciński
+ Rulers and slaves in a random social group 1986 Zbigniew Pałka
+ Sequential and distributed graph coloring algorithms with performance analysis in random graph spaces 1984 Eli Shamir
Eli Upfal
+ Topological cliques of random graphs 1981 B Bollobás
Paul A. Catlin
+ PDF Chat On the chromatic number of random graphs 1990 Colin McDiarmid
+ Random Graphs Almost Optimally Colorable in Polynomial Time 1985 W. Fernandez de la Véga
+ Maximal induced trees in sparse random graphs 1988 Tomasz Łuczak
Zbigniew Pałka