S. A. Gurvitz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Many-body tunneling in a double-well potential 2024 M. Zendra
F. Borgonovi
G. L. Celardo
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Many-body tunneling in a double-well potential 2024 M. Zendra
F. Borgonovi
G. L. Celardo
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Nonstandard Hubbard model and electron pairing 2024 M. Zendra
F. Borgonovi
G. L. Celardo
S. A. Gurvitz
+ Non-standard Hubbard model and two-electron pairing 2023 M. Zendra
F. Borgonovi
G. L. Celardo
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Zero-bias current induced by periodic drive of arbitrary shape 2021 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Paths, negative “probabilities”, and the Leggett-Garg inequalities 2019 D. Sokolovski
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Generalized Landauer formula for time-dependent potentials and noise-induced zero-bias dc current 2019 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Multiscale cyclic dynamics in light harvesting complex in presence of vibrations and noise 2019 S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
Richard T. Sayre
+ Paths, negative "probabilities", and the Leggett-Garg inequalities 2019 D. Sokolovski
S. A. Gurvitz
+ Generalized Landauer formula for time-dependent potentials and zero-bias dc current 2018 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Time-dependent treatment of tunneling and Time's Arrow problem 2018 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Multi-scale exciton and electron transfer in multi-level donor–acceptor systems 2017 S. A. Gurvitz
Alexander I. Nesterov
G. P. Berman
+ Multiscale Multiexciton Cyclic Dynamics in Light Harvesting Complex 2017 S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
Richard T. Sayre
+ PDF Chat Wave-function approach to Master equations for quantum transport and measurement 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Wave-function approach to Master equations for quantum transport and measurement 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Does the measurement take place when nobody observes it? 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Temporal evolution of resonant transmission under telegraph noise 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
Amnon Aharony
O. Entin‐Wohlman
+ PDF Chat Possible role of interference, protein noise, and sink effects in nonphotochemical quenching in photosynthetic complexes 2016 G. P. Berman
Alexander I. Nesterov
S. A. Gurvitz
Richard T. Sayre
+ Wave-function approach to Master equations for quantum transport and measurement 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Single-electron approach for time-dependent electron transport 2015 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Quantum transfer through a non-Markovian environment under frequent measurements and Zeno effect 2014 Luting Xu
Yunshan Cao
Xin-Qi Li
YiJing Yan
S. A. Gurvitz
+ Noise-Assisted Quantum Electron Transfer in Multi-Level Donor-Acceptor System 2014 S. A. Gurvitz
Alexander I. Nesterov
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Undetectable quantum transfer through a continuum 2013 Ping Jing
Yin Ye
Luting Xu
Xinqi Li
YiJing Yan
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Partial decoherence in mesoscopic systems 2012 Amnon Aharony
S. A. Gurvitz
Y. Tokura
O. Entin‐Wohlman
Sushanta Dattagupta
+ PDF Chat Decoherence and the retrieval of lost information 2011 Yin Ye
Yunshan Cao
Xinqi Li
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Quantum coherence and entanglement induced by the continuum between distant localized states 2011 Ping Jing
Xinqi Li
S. A. Gurvitz
+ Undetectable quantum transfer through a continuum 2011 Ping Jing
Yin Ye
Xin-Qi Li
Yan Yijing
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Retrieving qubit information despite decoherence 2010 Amnon Aharony
S. A. Gurvitz
O. Entin‐Wohlman
Sushanta Dattagupta
+ PDF Chat Magnetic field switching in parallel quantum dots 2009 Feng Li
Xin-Qi Li
Wei-Min Zhang
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Coulomb blockade double-dot Aharonov–Bohm interferometer: Giant fluctuations 2009 Feng Li
HuJun Jiao
JunYan Luo
Xin-Qi Li
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Unusual decoherence in qubit measurements with a Bose-Einstein condensate 2009 D. Sokolovski
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Lapse of transmission phase and electron molecules in quantum dots 2008 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanical approach to decoherence and relaxation generated by fluctuating environment 2008 S. A. Gurvitz
Dmitry Mozyrsky
+ PDF Chat Steps and dips in the ac conductance and noise of mesoscopic structures 2007 O. Entin‐Wohlman
Y. Imry
S. A. Gurvitz
Amnon Aharony
+ PDF Chat Qubit Measurements with a Double-Dot Detector 2006 T. Gilad
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Coherent effects in magnetotransport through Zeeman-split levels 2005 S. A. Gurvitz
Dmitry Mozyrsky
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Single qubit measurements with an asymmetric single-electron transistor 2005 S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Quantum Interference in Resonant Tunneling and Single Spin Measurements 2005 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems 2004 S. A. Gurvitz
P.B. Semmes
W. Nazarewicz
T. Vertse
+ PDF Chat Relaxation and the Zeno Effect in Qubit Measurements 2003 S. A. Gurvitz
Leonid Fedichkin
Dmitry Mozyrsky
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Negative result measurements in mesoscopic systems 2003 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Application of magnetic resonance force microscopy cyclic adiabatic inversion for a single-spin measurement 2003 G. P. Berman
F. Borgonovi
George Chapline
S. A. Gurvitz
P. C. Hammel
Denis V. Pelekhov
A. Suter
V. I. Tsifrinovich
+ PDF Chat Single-spin measurement and decoherence in magnetic-resonance force microscopy 2003 G. P. Berman
F. Borgonovi
Hsi‐Sheng Goan
S. A. Gurvitz
V. I. Tsifrinovich
+ Relaxation and dephasing in a qubit measurement 2003 S. A. Gurvitz
Leonid Fedichkin
Dmitry Mozyrsky
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Interference effects in resonant magnetotransport 2002 Dmitry Mozyrsky
Leonid Fedichkin
S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
+ On Nuclear Spin Measurement using Coherent Electron Spin Transport 2002 Dmitry Mozyrsky
Leonid Fedichkin
S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Relativistic approaches to structure functions of nuclei 2002 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ Two-electron correlated motion due to Coulomb repulsion 2002 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Quantum description of classical apparatus: Zeno effect and decoherence 2002 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Shot noise in coupled dots and the “fractional charges” 2002 B. Elattari
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Quantum Measurement of a Single Spin using Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy 2001 G. P. Berman
F. Borgonovi
George Chapline
S. A. Gurvitz
P. C. Hammel
Denis V. Pelekhov
A. Suter
V. I. Tsifrinovich
+ Formation and Dynamics of a Schr 2001 G. P. Berman
F. Borgonovi
George Chapline
S. A. Gurvitz
P. C. Hammel
Denis V. Pelekhov
A. Suter
V. I. Tsifrinovich
+ Formation and Dynamics of a Schrödinger-Cat State in Continuous Quantum Measurement 2001 G. P. Berman
F. Borgonovi
George Chapline
S. A. Gurvitz
P. C. Hammel
Denis V. Pelekhov
A. Suter
V. I. Tsifrinovich
+ PDF Chat Influence of measurement on the lifetime and the linewidth of unstable systems 2000 B. Elattari
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Effect of Measurement on the Decay Rate of a Quantum System 2000 B. Elattari
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Rate equations for quantum transport in multidot systems 1998 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Density-matrix approach to coherent transport and the measurement problem 1998 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Dephasing and collapse in continuous measurement of a single system 1998 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Measurements with a noninvasive detector and dephasing mechanism 1997 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Confinement and scaling in deep inelastic processes 1997 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Scaling approach to higher-twist corrections 1996 S. A. Gurvitz
Andreas Mair
M. Traini
+ PDF Chat Microscopic derivation of rate equations for quantum transport 1996 S. A. Gurvitz
Ya. S. Prager
+ Quantum transport in mesoscopic systems and the measurement problem 1996 S. A. Gurvitz
+ Interaction-Free Measurement in mesoscopic systems and the reduction postulate 1996 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Confinement and scaling in deep inelastic scattering 1995 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Resonant scattering on impurities in the quantum Hall effect 1995 S. A. Gurvitz
+ The ratio $F_2^n/F_2^p$ from the analysis of data using a new scaling variable 1995 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat A quark-cluster description of the EMC effect 1995 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ PDF Chat Hard-core final state interaction effects in deep inelastic scattering 1995 J. Besprosvany
S. A. Gurvitz
+ A quark-cluster description of the EMC effect (Seminar given in the 18th Course of the "International School on Nuclear Physics", 16-23/9/'94, Erice, IT. To be published in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 34, Pergamon Press) 1994 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ PDF Chat Response of nonrelativistic confined systems 1993 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ The nuclear component of the EMC effect beyond the Plane Wave Impulse Approximation 1993 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ Resonant Tunneling and the Pauli Principle 1993 S. A. Gurvitz
Harry J. Lipkin
Ya. S. Prager
+ On the final-state interaction in inclusive a (e,â€Č)x reactions 1987 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ <i>y</i>scaling in inclusive scattering 1987 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ $pi$ MESON SCATTERING ON $sup 3$He AND $sup 3$He. 1969 S. A. Gurvitz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Microscopic derivation of rate equations for quantum transport 1996 S. A. Gurvitz
Ya. S. Prager
+ PDF Chat Rate equations for quantum transport in multidot systems 1998 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Measurements with a noninvasive detector and dephasing mechanism 1997 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanical approach to decoherence and relaxation generated by fluctuating environment 2008 S. A. Gurvitz
Dmitry Mozyrsky
+ PDF Chat Influence of measurement on the lifetime and the linewidth of unstable systems 2000 B. Elattari
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent resonant tunneling via two discrete states 1996 T. H. Stoof
Yuli V. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Coherent effects in magnetotransport through Zeeman-split levels 2005 S. A. Gurvitz
Dmitry Mozyrsky
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Retrieving qubit information despite decoherence 2010 Amnon Aharony
S. A. Gurvitz
O. Entin‐Wohlman
Sushanta Dattagupta
+ PDF Chat Temporal evolution of resonant transmission under telegraph noise 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
Amnon Aharony
O. Entin‐Wohlman
+ PDF Chat Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems 2004 S. A. Gurvitz
P.B. Semmes
W. Nazarewicz
T. Vertse
+ PDF Chat Quantum Interference in Resonant Tunneling and Single Spin Measurements 2005 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Interference effects in resonant magnetotransport 2002 Dmitry Mozyrsky
Leonid Fedichkin
S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Output spectrum of a detector measuring quantum oscillations 2001 Alexander N. Korotkov
+ PDF Chat Selective quantum evolution of a qubit state due to continuous measurement 2001 Alexander N. Korotkov
+ PDF Chat Lapse of transmission phase and electron molecules in quantum dots 2008 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Shot noise in mesoscopic conductors 2000 Ya. M. Blanter
Μ. BĂŒttiker
+ PDF Chat Dephasing due to background charge fluctuations 2003 Toshifumi Itakura
Y. Tokura
+ PDF Chat Measurement Quantum Mechanics and Experiments on Quantum Zeno Effect 1996 Carlo Presilla
Roberto Onofrio
Ubaldo Tambini
+ PDF Chat Driven quantum transport on the nanoscale 2005 Sigmund Kohler
J. Lehmann
Peter HĂ€nggi
+ PDF Chat Effect of Measurement on the Decay Rate of a Quantum System 2000 B. Elattari
S. A. Gurvitz
+ Decoherence in qubits due to low-frequency noise 2009 Joakim Bergli
Y. M. Galperin
B. L. Altshuler
+ PDF Chat Quantum measurements performed with a single-electron transistor 1998 Alexander Shnirman
Gerd Schön
+ PDF Chat Unconventional superconductivity in magic-angle graphene superlattices 2018 Yuan Cao
Valla Fatemi
Shiang Fang
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
Efthimios Kaxiras
Pablo Jarillo‐Herrero
+ PDF Chat Wave-function approach to Master equations for quantum transport and measurement 2016 S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Maximally localized Wannier functions: Theory and applications 2012 Nicola Marzari
Arash A. Mostofi
Jonathan R. Yates
Ivo Souza
David Vanderbilt
+ PDF Chat Floquet Engineering of Correlated Tunneling in the Bose-Hubbard Model with Ultracold Atoms 2016 Florian Meinert
Manfred J. Mark
K. Lauber
Andrew J. Daley
Hanns‐Christoph NĂ€gerl
+ PDF Chat Enhancement and sign change of magnetic correlations in a driven quantum many-body system 2018 Frederik Görg
Michael Messer
Kilian Sandholzer
Gregor Jotzu
RĂ©mi Desbuquois
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Scaling limit of a nonrelativistic model of confined "quarks" 1993 O. W. Greenberg
+ PDF Chat Density-induced processes in quantum gas mixtures in optical lattices 2012 Ole JĂŒrgensen
K. Sengstock
Dirk-Sören LĂŒhmann
+ PDF Chat Moiré versus Mott: Incommensuration and Interaction in One-Dimensional Bichromatic Lattices 2021 DinhDuy Vu
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Phase coherent transmission through interacting mesoscopic systems 2001 Gregor Hackenbroich
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent partition-free approach in resonant tunneling systems 2004 Gianluca Stefanucci
Carl-Olof Almbladh
+ PDF Chat Quantum coherence and entanglement induced by the continuum between distant localized states 2011 Ping Jing
Xinqi Li
S. A. Gurvitz
+ PDF Chat Moiré bands in twisted double-layer graphene 2011 Rafi Bistritzer
A. H. MacDonald
+ PDF Chat Quantum computation with quantum dots 1998 Daniel Loss
David P. DiVincenzo
+ PDF Chat Observation of Density-Induced Tunneling 2014 Ole JĂŒrgensen
Florian Meinert
Manfred J. Mark
Hanns‐Christoph NĂ€gerl
Dirk-Sören LĂŒhmann
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>η</mml:mi></mml:math>Pairing as a Mechanism of Superconductivity in Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons 1995 Jan de Boer
V. E. Korepin
Andreas Schadschneider
+ PDF Chat Photon-Assisted Tunneling in a Biased Strongly Correlated Bose Gas 2011 Ruichao Ma
M. Eric Tai
Philipp M. Preiss
Waseem Bakr
Jonathan Simon
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Transfer matrix solution of a model of qubit decoherence due to telegraph noise 2008 Bin Cheng
Qiang-Hua Wang
Robert Joynt
+ PDF Chat Decoherence of charge qubit coupled to interacting background charges 2010 I. V. Yurkevich
James Mark Baldwin
Igor V. Lerner
B. L. Altshuler
+ PDF Chat Weak-coupling phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model with correlated-hopping interaction 1999 G. I. Japaridze
A. P. Kampf
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase diagram of the half filled Hubbard model with bond-charge interaction 2010 A. Dobry
A. A. Aligia
+ PDF Chat Quantum-state engineering with Josephson-junction devices 2001 Yuriy Makhlin
Gerd Schön
Alexander Shnirman
+ PDF Chat Non-standard Hubbard models in optical lattices: a review 2015 Omjyoti Dutta
Mariusz Gajda
Philipp Hauke
Maciej Lewenstein
Dirk-Sören LĂŒhmann
Boris A. Malomed
Tomasz SowiƄski
Jakub Zakrzewski
+ PDF Chat Single qubit measurements with an asymmetric single-electron transistor 2005 S. A. Gurvitz
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Response of nonrelativistic confined systems 1993 S. A. Gurvitz
A. S. Rinat
+ PDF Chat Two-Point Versus Multipartite Entanglement in Quantum Phase Transitions 2005 Alberto Anfossi
Paolo Giorda
Arianna Montorsi
Fabio L. Traversa
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of second-order atom tunnelling 2007 Simon Fölling
Stefan Trotzky
Patrick Cheinet
Michael S. Feld
Robert Saers
Artur Widera
Tobias M. MĂŒller
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Incommmensurability and Unconventional Superconductor to Insulator Transition in the Hubbard Model with Bond-Charge Interaction 2007 A. A. Aligia
Alberto Anfossi
Liliana Arrachea
C. Degli Esposti Boschi
A. Dobry
C. J. Gazza
Arianna Montorsi
F. Ortolani
M. E. Torio
+ PDF Chat Pairing and superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional flat-band systems: Creutz and sawtooth lattices 2022 Si Min Chan
Benoßt Grémaud
G. G. Batrouni