Andrew V. Sills


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the $q$-factorization of power series 2025 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
Hunter Waldron
+ PDF Chat "Overpartitionized" Rogers--Ramanujan type identities 2025 Abdulaziz Analazi
Augustine O. Munagi
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Composition-theoretic series and false theta functions 2024 William Keith
Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A refinement of the multinomial distribution with application 2024 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Analysis and combinatorics of partition zeta functions 2024 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Mathematics of the MML functional quantizer modules for VCV Rack software synthesizer 2024 Michael G. Maxwell
Caroline McCarthy
Joshua Pfeffer
Maxwell Schneider
Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat On integer partitions and the Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic 2024 Andrew V. Sills
+ A Refinement of the Multinomial Distribution with Application 2024 Andrew V. Sills
+ Composition-theoretic series in partition theory 2023 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ The Generalized Law of Total Covariance 2022 Charles W. Champ
Andrew V. Sills
+ Process, Population, and Sample: the Researcher's Interest 2022 Charles W. Champ
Andrew V. Sills
+ Combinatorial formulas for arithmetic density 2022 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ Composition-theoretic series in partition theory 2022 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ Derivation of Identities of the Rogers--Ramanujan Type by the Method of Constant Terms 2022 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A refinement of the binomial distribution using the quantum binomial theorem 2021 Andrew V. Sills
+ A q-analog of the binomial distribution 2020 Andrew V. Sills
+ A refinement of the binomial distribution using the quantum binomial theorem. 2020 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Analysis and combinatorics of partition zeta functions 2020 Robert Schneider
Andrew V. Sills
+ A refinement of the binomial distribution using the quantum binomial theorem 2020 Andrew V. Sills
+ Towards an automation of the circle method 2020 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Integer partitions probability distributions 2019 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat The Combinatorics of MacMahon’s Partial Fractions 2019 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat The Combinatorics of MacMahon’s Partial Fractions 2019 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat The exponential distribution analog of the Grubbs–Weaver method 2019 Andrew V. Sills
Charles W. Champ
+ Finite Rogers--Ramanujan type identities 2019 Andrew V. Sills
+ Polynomial Generalizations of two-variable Ramanujan type identities 2019 James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Hybrid Proofs of the $q$-Binomial Theorem and other identities 2019 Dennis Eichhorn
James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities 2019 James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ The product of parts or "norm" of a partition 2019 Andrew V. Sills
Robert Schneider
+ Finite Rogers--Ramanujan type identities 2019 Andrew V. Sills
+ Hybrid Proofs of the $q$-Binomial Theorem and other identities 2019 Dennis Eichhorn
James Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Polynomial Generalizations of two-variable Ramanujan type identities 2019 James Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities 2019 James Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ Some implications of Chu's $_{10}ψ_{10}$ extension of Bailey's $_{6}ψ_{6}$ summation formula 2019 James Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ Combinatorics of Ramanujan--Slater type identities 2018 James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Partition Recurrences 2018 Yuriy Choliy
Louis W. Kolitsch
Andrew V. Sills
+ On the ordinary and signed GĂśllnitz--Gordon partitions 2018 Andrew V. Sills
+ Combinatorics of Ramanujan--Slater type identities 2018 James Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Disturbing the $q$-Dyson Conjecture 2018 Andrew V. Sills
+ Odd Fibbinary Numbers and the Golden Ratio 2018 Linus Lindroos
Andrew V. Sills
Hua Wang
+ Motivated Proofs Connections to Lie Algebras, and More Identities 2017 Andrew V. Sills
+ Parts and Subword Patterns in Compositions 2017 Brian Hopkins
Mark Shattuck
Andrew V. Sills
Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda
Hua Wang
+ Rogers–Ramanujan Type Partition Identities 2017 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A Classical q-Hypergeometric Approach to the $$A_2^{(2)}$$ Standard Modules 2017 Andrew V. Sills
+ Ghost series and a motivated proof of the Andrews–Bressoud identities 2016 Shashank Kanade
James Lepowsky
Matthew C. Russell
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A Formula for the Partition Function That “Counts” 2016 Yuriy Choliy
Andrew V. Sills
+ Euler-Type Partition Recurrences 2016 Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers–Ramanujan Type Identities 2015 Andrew V. Sills
+ MacMahon’s Partial Fractions 2015 Andrew V. Sills
+ Odd Fibbinary Numbers and the Golden Ratio 2014 Linus Lindroos
Andrew V. Sills
Hua Wang
+ Odd Fibbinary Numbers and the Golden Ratio 2014 Linus Lindroos
Andrew V. Sills
Hua Wang
+ A Rademacher Type Formula For Partitions and Overpartitions 2013 Andrew V. Sills
+ Compositions, Partitions, and Fibonacci Numbers 2013 Andrew V. Sills
+ The Minimal Number of Subtrees of a Tree 2013 Andrew V. Sills
Hua Wang
+ Rademacher-type formulas for restricted partition and overpartition functions 2013 Andrew V. Sills
+ A Rademacher Type Formula For Partitions and Overpartitions 2013 Andrew V. Sills
+ Compositions, Partitions, and Fibonacci Numbers 2013 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat On a Pair of Identities from Ramanujan's Lost Notebook 2012 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Rademacher's infinite partial fraction conjecture is (almost certainly) false 2012 Andrew V. Sills
Doron Zeilberger
+ On the maximal Wiener index and related questions 2012 Andrew V. Sills
Hua Wang
+ PDF Chat FormulĂŚ for the number of partitions of n into at most m parts (using the quasi-polynomial ansatz) 2012 Andrew V. Sills
Doron Zeilberger
+ A Generalization of the Euler-Glaisher Bijection 2012 Andrew V. Sills
+ Rademacher’s Infinite Partial Fractions Conjecture 2012 Andrew V. Sills
+ The Selected Works of George E Andrews 2011 George E. Andrews
Andrew V. Sills
+ Compositions, Partitions, and Fibonacci Numbers 2011 Andrew V. Sills
+ Lecture Hall Sequences, q-Series, and Asymmetric Partition Identities 2011 Sylvie Corteel
Carla D. Savage
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Generalizations of Two-Variable Ramanujan Type Identities 2011 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Proofs of the $q$-Binomial Theorem and Other Identities 2011 Dennis Eichhorn
James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Some implications of Chu's 10 10 extension of Bailey's 6 6 summation formula 2011 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ q-Series: 2011: an International Conference on q - series, Partitions, and Special Functions 2011 Andrew V. Sills
Steven B. Damelin
+ Some implications of Chu’s \( {}_{10}\psi_{10} \) extension of Bailey’s \( {}_6\psi_6 \) summation formula 2010 James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ On an identity of Gessel and Stanton and the new little GĂśllnitz identities 2010 Carla D. Savage
Andrew V. Sills
+ Rademacher-type formulas for restricted partition and overpartition functions 2010 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A Rademacher Type Formula for Partitions and Overpartitions 2010 Andrew V. Sills
+ Instances of Gordon's Partition Theorem Have Been Hiding in Slater's List! 2010 Andrew V. Sills
+ Maximizing the Wiener Index 2010 Andrew V. Sills
Hua Wang
+ Supplemental Funding for q -Series: 2011: An International Conference on q - series, Partitions, and Special Functions 2010 Andrew V. Sills
+ Identities of the Ramanujun-Slater Type 2010 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Towards an automation of the circle method 2010 Andrew V. Sills
+ Some Implications of Chu's 10ψ10 Generalization of Bailey's 6ψ6 Summation Formula 2010 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ Lifting Bailey pairs to WP-Bailey pairs 2009 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ PDF Chat Combinatorics of Ramanujan–Slater Type Identities 2009 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers–Ramanujan computer searches 2009 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ On the Rogers-Selberg Identities and Gordon’s Theorem 2009 Andrew V. Sills
+ Combinatorics of Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities 2009 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Some more identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2008 Douglas Bowman
James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Type Identities 2008 James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
Peter Zimmer
+ PDF Chat Ramanujan–Slater type identities related to the moduli 18 and 24 2008 James McLaughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ A Generalization of the Euler-Glaisher Partition Bijection 2008 Andrew V. Sills
James A. Sellers
Gary L. Mullen
+ A Partition Bijection Relating the Rogers-Selberg Identities to a Special Case of Gordon’s Theorem 2008 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Disturbing the 𝑞-Dyson conjecture 2008 Andrew V. Sills
+ On the Ordinary and Signed GĂśllnitz-Gordon Partitions 2008 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A partition bijection related to the Rogers–Selberg identities and Gordon's theorem 2007 Andrew V. Sills
+ Finding Polynomial Generalizations of q-Series Identities 2007 Andrew V. Sills
+ Polynomial Generalizations of q-Series Identities 2007 Andrew V. Sills
+ On Dyson’s q-Series Identities 2007 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat On simplifications of certain q-multisums 2006 Andrew V. Sills
+ Some more identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2006 Douglas Bowman
James Mc Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat On identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2006 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Disturbing the Dyson conjecture, in a generally GOOD way 2006 Andrew V. Sills
+ Integer Partitions and Identities of Rogers-Ramanujan Type 2006 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Disturbing the Dyson Conjecture (in a GOOD Way) 2006 Andrew V. Sills
Doron Zeilberger
+ Some more identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2006 Douglas Bowman
James Laughlin
Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Identities of the Rogers–Ramanujan–Bailey type 2005 Andrew V. Sills
+ Polynomial Generalizations of Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities 2005 Andrew V. Sills
+ Multiparameter Bailey Pairs and Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater Identities 2005 Andrew V. Sills
+ Partitions of Integers 2005 Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities and Partitions 2005 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat <i>q</i>-Difference Equations and Identities of the Rogers–Ramanujan–Bailey Type 2004 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Bijections and Congruences for Generalizations of Partition Identities of Euler and Guy 2004 James A. Sellers
Andrew V. Sills
Gary L. Mullen
+ On series expansions of Capparelli's infinite product 2004 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial proof of a partition identity of Andrews and Stanley 2004 Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan-Bailey Identities 2004 Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan-Bailey Type Identities 2004 Andrew V. Sills
+ A Rogers-Ramanujan Computer Search 2004 Andrew V. Sills
+ RRtools—a Maple package for aiding the discovery and proof of finite Rogers–Ramanujan type identities 2003 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat Finite Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities 2003 Andrew V. Sills
+ Computer Algebra and Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities 2003 Andrew V. Sills
+ Computer Algebra and Rogers-Ramanujan 2003 Andrew V. Sills
+ q-Pell sequences and two identities of V.A. Lebesgue 2002 JosÊ PlĹ́nio O. Santos
Andrew V. Sills
+ Computer-assisted explorations of rogers-ramanujan type identities 2002 Andrew V. Sills
George E. Andrews
Avinash Sathaye
+ An Algorithmic Approach to Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities 2002 Andrew V. Sills
+ Bijective Proofs for Some Equivalent Partition Ideals 2002 Andrew V. Sills
+ Rogers-Ramanujan Toolkit for Maple 2002 Andrew V. Sills
+ Connecting Collisions to Dynamical Evolution in Clusters 2002 Andrew V. Sills
+ The Colorful Combinatorics of Lebesgue’s Identity 2001 Andrew V. Sills
+ Computer Explorations of Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities, Part 2 2001 Andrew V. Sills
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Further Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type 1952 Louise Slater
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ Basic Hypergeometric Series 2004 George Gasper
Mizan Rahman
+ On Two Theorems of Combinatory Analysis and Some Allied Identities 1917 L. J. Rogers
+ 𝑞-Series: Their Development and Application in Analysis, Number Theory, Combinatorics, Physics and Computer Algebra 1986 George E. Andrews
+ Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type 1948 W. N. Bailey
+ Some Identities in Combinatory Analysis 1946 W. N. Bailey
+ Ramanujan's Lost Notebook 2012 George E. Andrews
Bruce C. Berndt
+ PDF Chat Multiple series Rogers-Ramanujan type identities 1984 George E. Andrews
+ Further Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type 1952 L. J. Slater
+ A New Proof of Rogers's Transformations of Infinite Series 1951 Louise Slater
+ Ramanujan's Lost Notebook: Part II 2009 George E. Andrews
Bruce C. Berndt
+ PDF Chat On the q-analog of Kummer’s theorem and applications 1973 George E. Andrews
+ Some continued fractions of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 1965 Basil Gordon
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Formulaae in Combinatory Analysis 1918 G. H. Hardy
S. Ramanujan
+ The lost notebook and other unpublished papers 1989 Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar
George E. Andrews
+ A Combinatorial Generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities 1961 Basil Gordon
+ Lattice gas generalization of the hard hexagon model. III.q-Trinomial coefficients 1987 George E. Andrews
R. J. Baxter
+ Anti Self-Dual Yang-Mills Connections Over Complex Algebraic Surfaces and Stable Vector Bundles 1985 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat Finite Rogers-Ramanujan Type Identities 2003 Andrew V. Sills
+ RRtools—a Maple package for aiding the discovery and proof of finite Rogers–Ramanujan type identities 2003 Andrew V. Sills
+ PDF Chat On identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2006 Andrew V. Sills
+ An algorithmic proof theory for hypergeometric (ordinary and “q”) multisum/integral identities 1992 Herbert S. Wilf
Doron Zeilberger
+ A New Proof of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities 1929 G. N. Watson
+ Computer algebra and identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 1991 JosÊ PlĹ́nio O. Santos
+ A partition function connected with the modulus five 1941 Joseph Lehner
+ PDF Chat Rational functions certify combinatorial identities 1990 Herbert S. Wilf
Doron Zeilberger
+ Partitions Into Odd Summands 1963 Peter Hagis
+ PDF Chat Applications of 𝑞-Lagrange inversion to basic hypergeometric series 1983 Ira M. Gessel
Dennis Stanton
+ On the Simplification of Some Identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type 1951 W. N. Bailey
+ On the Partition Function <i>p</i> (<i>n</i> ) 1938 Hans Rademacher
+ A generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities for all moduli 1979 David M. Bressoud
+ Topics in Analytic Number Theory 1973 Hans Rademacher
+ Some identities for terminating q-series 1981 David M. Bressoud
+ PDF Chat Polynomial identities, indices, and duality for theN=1 superconformal modelSM(2, 4v) 1996 Alexander BĂŠrkovich
Barry M. McCoy
William P. Orrick
+ Short and Easy Computer Proofs of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and of Identities of Similar Type 1994 Peter Paule
+ An algebraic identity of F.H. Jackson and its implications for partitions 2001 George E. Andrews
Richard P. Lewis
+ Gordon's theorem for overpartitions 2003 Jeremy Lovejoy
+ PDF Chat Rogers-Schur-Ramanujan Type Identities for the M ( p , p ′) Minimal Models of Conformal Field Theory 1998 Alexander Bérkovich
Barry M. McCoy
Anne Schilling
+ qMultiSum—a package for proving q-hypergeometric multiple summation identities 2003 Axel Riese
+ Eight-vertex SOS model and generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities 1984 George E. Andrews
R. J. Baxter
Peter J. Forrester
+ An Analytic Generalization of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities for Odd Moduli 1974 George E. Andrews
+ �ber Partitionen mit Differenzenbedingungen 1954 G�nter Meinardus
+ Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook 2005 George E. Andrews
Bruce C. Berndt
+ On a class of partitions with distinct summands 1964 Peter Hagis
+ Partitions in Certain Arithmetic Progressions 1961 ShĂ´ Iseki
+ Analytic and combinatorial generalizations of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities 1980 David M. Bressoud
+ PDF Chat A Construction of the Level 3 Modules for the Affine Lie Algebra 𝐴₂⁽²⁾ and a New Combinatorial Identity of the Rogers-Ramanujan Type 1996 Stefano Capparelli